• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,140 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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Set Adrift: Navigator in the Sky

Rainbow Dash turned over in her bed and let out a loud snore. “Muh, team captain… wonderbolt… mmm, Spitefire.” Suddenly, an earsplitting crash jolted the pegasus out of her dreams. “What the hay?”

Dash grumbled at having her ten plus hours of sleep interrupted and shuffled out of her covers. She got up to look out her window to see what had caused the commotion. “I swear, if Derpy is messing around again, I’m gonna… oh my gosh!”

Just a few feet away from her house was a large paw shaped crater. Dash zoomed over with a concerned expression over the pony lying in the middle of the crater. She was a peach colored pegasus with a fiery orange mane and a mixture of a pinwheel and some type of citrus for a cutie mark. A strange watch-like contraption was affixed to her left forehoof and a long blue staff with three spherical joints was next to her.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” Dash flailed her hooves in a panic. She had been in her share of accidents, so Dash knew whatever this mare had done had messed her up badly. Aside from being knocked out, she was also covered in cuts and bruises. “Okay, stay calm Dash, she’s just hurt, and you’ve done way worse to yourself.”

Dash gingerly placed up the mare her back, grabbed her staff with her mouth, and brought her over to her house. She pushed her door open and spat out the stick. “I’ll give her some first aid and then I can get Twilight or Fluttershy… somepony who can get her real help.” For a second, she looked back at the crater, the clouds were already swallowing it up and going back to their original shape. “I’ll have to ask her what kinda stunt she pulled.”

About a half an hour later, Dash had cleaned up the mare, bandaged the worst of her wounds, and had set her down on the bed. Luckily, nothing seemed to be broken. Dash was especially glad at that part, she knew a broken anything, especially a wing, was torture for a pegasus. As she looked over the unconscious pony, her stomach grumbled. “Better fix myself some breakfast before I get somepony else.”

Dash trotted into her kitchen and made a bowl of oats and some wheat toast with strawberry jam. Her thoughts drifted back to the mare as she took a bite out of the strawberry jam encrusted bread. Who is she? I’ve never seen her in Ponyville before and I know all the pegasi in town. Dash shoved a spoonful of oats into her mouth. Maybe she’s from out of town. A traveling performer maybe? That would explain the weird stick thing. Dash thought back to the bear paw crater. “Wouldn’t be the first time a showmare and a bear got into trouble here.”

Dash quickly finished her meal and went back up to her room to check on the mare. A quick look and then she’d rush down to Ponyville to get help. However, Dash saw the mare moving around a little in the bed. “Whoa!” Dash rushed over to the bedside. “Hey! Hey!” Dash prodded the mare a little. “You awake? Can you hear me?”

The mare slowly opened her eyes. “Where… where am…” She then saw Dash looking right above her. “Ahhhh!” She flew out of the bed in hovered in the air. “W-what is…” Then she noticed she was flapping her wings and screamed again. She fell to the bed with a light thud. “W-what’s going on? Why do I have wings?” She screamed for a third time when she saw her hooves. “My hands! What happened to my hands?”

Dash had covered her ears after the second scream. “Guh, it’s like the worst of Pinkie and Fluttershy combined. Could you turn it down a little?”

“You’re talking!” The mare jabbed a hoof at Dash. “How in the world are you talking?”

Dash gave the mare a blank stare for a second. “Um, you hit your head or something?”

“If I’m seeing a talking flying horse and I have wings, then yes, I probably hit my head really hard!”

“Again, yelling. It’s a little too early in the morning to deal with a screaming pony.” Dash honestly expected Pinkie to pop out of nowhere at the precise moment, but the party pony failed to show up. “But aside from acting crazy, are you feeling okay?”

“I… I guess I’m feeling okay.” The mare shifted the blankets around. Then her eyes went wide and she pulled the sheets off to look at her body. Both shock and embarrassment filled her face. She looked up and glared at Dash. “Alright, what’s the idea you perverted horse thing? First you take off my clothes and then you turn me into whatever you are!”

“It’s called being a pegasus, lady!” Dash retorted. “Geez, you really must have messed yourself up to forget that much. Same thing with clothes; nopony usually wears them. Besides, all you had with you was that the weird watch thing and that staff.”

The mare sat down and pulled the covers over her chest, as if she were trying to hide something. Then, she looked at Dash. “10,000 berries.”


“You owe me 10,000 for peaking.”

Dash furrowed her brow. “Okay, now you’re ticking me off. First you scream like a dragon is after you, then you accuse me a being a fillyfooler, and then you say I owe you 10,000 whatever! How about I charge you for dragging your sorry flank in from outside, patching you up, and letting you sleep on my bed?” Dash was yelling loudly by the end of her tangent.

The mare looked down at the bed and was silent for a few seconds. “Sorry.”

Dash sighed. “It’s fine, I just get a little irritated when I get woken up by something.”

“Where am I anyway?”

“My house, it’s a few miles above Ponyville. Shaped it myself.” Dash smirked a little.

“Wait, did you say ‘above’?” The mare pulled off the bed sheets and stumbled out of bed. She braced herself against the wall and made her way over to the window. She looked outside and saw the clouds and the ground far below. “A sky island.”

“Um, I guess you could call it that. I think you should lie back down though, your head seems a little out of whack.”

“Hmm.” The mare brought a hoof to her chin. She took a quick glance at her wings. “Wasn’t Pierre originally a bird? No, maybe he was a pegasus like this. Er, this is confusing.” The mare used her wings to slap her face. “Screw it! What matters is getting back to the ship!” She turned to Dash. “Do you have any maps I could borrow?”

“Maps?” This mare just kept getting stranger and stranger. “Why do you need maps?”

“I’m not familiar with wherever we are. If I can get my hands on some maps then I can be on my way. I think I’ve caused you enough confusion already.”

“Oh no, there is no way I’m letting a mare as messed up as you go wandering about. Besides, the only books I keep with me are Daring Do stories.”

The mare raised an eyebrow. “Daring what?” She shrugged. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Can you please just get me a map?” She then turned around and wiggled her flank in Dash’s direction. “Help a girl out.”

“Um, what are you doing?”

The mare stopped displaying herself and sighed. “I guess you really aren’t a perverted horse after all.”

Dash’s face blanched and she scowled at the mare. “Why does everypony think I’m like that? Ugh! It gets tiring! You know what? Go get your own map! You’ve got a pair of wings, use them!” Dash turned around and snorted. Should have just left her outside. Maybe now she’ll g- A small whimper broke Dash’s thoughts.

Dash turned back around t see that the mare was crying now. “I… I didn’t mean it. It’s just that I’m really desperate to get back to my friends and now I don’t have any money and… and…” She fell down and sobbed.

Dash rushed over and patted the mare with a wing. “Hey, hey! I didn’t mean anything hurtful. I’m just sensitive about that stuff. But what’s this about your friends?” Concern laced Dash’s words.

The mare rubbed her eyes with a hoof. “My friends… we were sailing, but then this bear guy showed up and he took them all away!” She cried into Dash’s shoulder.

Where’s Fluttershy when you need her? Dash gave the mare a pat on the back. She’s better at dealing with this sensitive stuff. However, a monster breaking up friends still struck a nerve with Dash though. “So this big jerk just took you away from your friends and sent you here. Tch, I wanna pummel him now too!” Dash backed away and smashed two hooves together.

“You’re… you’re too kind.” The mare brought a hoof to her mouth as more tears fell down her cheeks.

Dash placed a hoof over the mare’s shoulder. “Tell you what. A friend of mine runs the library in town. We’ll go see her. I’m sure she’ll have a few maps lying around.”

“Really?” The mare ran over and gave Dash a hug. “Oh, thank you so much!” The mare backed away and looked at Dash. “Actually, I don’t even know your name.”

“Name’s Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in all Equestria,” Dash boasted. “What about you?”

“Nami, I’m a navigator.”

“Neat.” Dash started to walk to the door. “Well, we should probably get going.” The two pegasi walked outside and over to the edge of the cloud.

Nami looked down to the ground. “So how do we get there?”

“Um.” Dash took to the air. “we fly?”

Nami looked back and flapped her wings. “I don’t think I’m quite ready for that.”

“Shoot, that’s right, injuries. Sorry, I did the best I could, but I’m not a doctor. Don’t worry, my friend probably knows some spells to help you heal.”

“Spells?” Nami held a confused look.

Dash returned the look ten-fold. “Yep, you definitely need proper attention.” She landed and bent down. “C’mon, hop on.”

“You’ll carry me?”

“It’s the least I can do after all you’ve been through this morning.”

Nami climbed onto Dash’s back and held on tightly. “Thank you so much. It means a lot to me.”

Dash took off and started heading to town. “No problem.”

Dash couldn’t see it, but Nami now had a devious grin stretched across her face. Sucker.


“Perfect,” Twilight said with a smile as she levitated a book onto a shelf. “That’s the last of them. I’ve successfully organized and restocked the entire library and it’s not even eleven.”

Spike walked over and tugged at Twilight’s mane. “Speaking of time, could we get started on brunch now?” He rubbed his stomach with a claw. “I’m starving.”

“Sure thing Spike. Does an emerald and jade salad sound good to you?”

“Can’t I get some rubies or something? I don’t like eating the green st-” Before Spike could complain more, there was a knock at the door.

“Hmm, wonder who that could be?” Twilight walked over to the door and opened it with some magic. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, good to see you. What can I do for you to… day?” The last part of Twilight’s sentence trailed when she saw that another pegasus was standing next to Dash.

Before Twilight could ask questions about the new pegasus, Dash walked into the library. “Hey, Twilight. This is gonna sound strange, but I need some maps and Nami needs some medical attention.”

“What?” A hair on Twilight’s mane went crooked.

“See, I found her this morning in a bear paw crater and I tried to help her out, but I think she hit her head real bad. She also needs the maps so she can get back to her fri-” Twilight stuck a hoof in Dash’s mouth.

“Oookaaaay.” Twilight flashed Dash a nervous smile. “I think you’re going to need to take this a little slower.” She looked over at Spike who also had a confused look on his face. “Spike, could you please make us some tea and sandwiches?” She looked back at the two pegasi. “We’ll discuss this over brunch."

“I’m good,” Dash replied. “I just had breakfast.”

“It’s almost eleven,” said Twilight.

“I’m a heavy sleeper. It took a pegasus crashing by my house to wake me up.”

Twilight sighed and walked over to a table.


Nami eyed the sandwich cautiously. “What kind of sandwich is this again?”

“Dandelion,” Twilight replied and then bit into her own sandwich. “Spike makes them quite well.”

“It’s safe to eat though?”

“Of course it is.”

“Sorry, they’re, um, not very common where I’m from,” Nami lied.

“That’s the other thing.” Twilight looked directly at Nami. “Based on what Rainbow Dash told me about you, you seemed to be suffering some form of memory loss. Yet, just from talking with me, it seems like your long term and short term memory are still working. Although, something doesn’t seem to fit.”

“I… I was probably still recovering from getting knocked out.” Nami smiled nervously. I can’t let them find out that I’m not even really a pony like them. Who knows what they’ll do to me!

“I’m just amazed a monster like that sent you so far,” Dash said with a mouthful of sandwich. “A bear machine, how in Equestria did you run into that?”

“We kind of ticked off the government and it sent him after us.” Nami scratched her face with a hoof. Both Twilight’s and Dash’s jaws dropped. “What?”

“Y-y-you made Princess Celestia angry?” Twilight pressed her hooves against the table, ready to bolt at any excuse. “You know, I think it’s getting a little late, maybe we sho-”

“No.” Dash slammed her hoof to the table. “I don’t care what Nami did. Twilight, you heard what happened. We’ve got to help her get back to her friends.”

“B-but the Princess…” Twilight nervously stuttered.

“Last time I checked, the Princess didn’t have bear machines that sent you flying,” Dash replied. She looked at Nami. “You didn’t make the Princess angry, right?”

“Um, it’s my local government that I ticked off,” Nami half-lied.

“There.” Dash flashed a victorious grin at Twilight. “Nothing to worry about. She just got into a little trouble back home. Hay, I’ve ticked the mayor off a few times too.”

Twilight regained a bit of her scholarly demeanor. “I-I suppose you’re right. Still…” She glanced at Nami. “You must be from pretty far away for your government to not recognize Celestia.”

“Yeah... that’s another reason why I was confused when I woke up.” Nami once more had a nervous smile on her face.

“Anyway...” Twilight’s horn glowed and a large book and a globe flew over to the table. Nami blinked at the display but otherwise kept her face placid. “Let’s start getting you back home, I’m sure your friends are worried about you.”

Nami inspected the globe and frowned. She then opened the book and tore through the pages. The speed at which she analyzed the graphs astounded both Twilight and Dash. After a few minutes of flipping back and forth between pages of the book and spinning the globe around, Nami shut the book and looked down dejectedly at the floor. “That’s impossible.”

“What’s wrong?” Twilight said with a worried voice.

“The maps, none of them go beyond this island. Even the globe is just this land.”

“Well, that’s not entirely true,” Twilight retorted. “Both the book and the atlas contain all the known countries of the world.”

“Then they’re wrong,” Nami replied. “This must be a rather large island, but surely you’ve got to know about the four seas.” Nami was met with blank stares. “The Red Line?” Still more blank staring. “The Grand Line?” Again, no response other than confusion. “Oh come on!” Nami slammed her hooves to the table. “Everyone has heard of the Grand Line. No civilized country could be this ignorant.”

Dash gave Twilight a “told you so” look.

“She really must have hit her head,” said Twilight.”

“Er!” Nami gritted her teeth in frustration. “This doesn’t make sense! I mean, look!” Nami slammed her left leg onto the table and pointed at the strange watch-like contraption on it. “The log pose is still pointing to the Archipelago! That proves there’s more to the world then just this island.”

“Then this ‘log pose’ thing is wrong,” Twilight argued, starting to get annoyed at Nami’s antics. “The world’s borders have been surveyed and mapped by a collaboration of all three pony types. The land survey was commissioned and verified by Princess Celestia herself over 400 years ago. It can’t be wrong.”

“Then I say your princess screwed up somewhere. I’ll bet you one million berries I’m right and she’s wrong!”

“Fine!” Twilight was going to prove this mare wrong and put an end to this silly argument. “Spike! Take a letter!” Spike rushed over with a quill and a pen.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” Twilight began. “Today a strange and boisterous mare came to my library. Despite her honest desire to reunite with her friends, I am unable to help her, as she is adamant in believing her destination is some imaginary island chain that doesn't appear on any maps. I humbly request that you send verification that the maps are indeed correct and that there is no such thing as the ‘Shabondy Archipealgo.’ Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” She looked at Spike. “Send it.” Spike sent out a jet of green flame and the letter disappeared.“Happy?”

“Yes,” Nami replied. “I’m about to be a million berries richer.”

“It’s bits!” Twilight grunted in frustration. “Guh! I can’t wait for the Princess to set you straight!”

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room and a white pony with a long flowing multi-colored mane was standing in the room. “Hello girls,” said Princess Celestia.

“P-p-princess!” Twilight shivered. “I… I didn’t expect you to personally come here! I-I assure you, a simple letter will have worked fine.”

“Don’t worry, my faithful student. This has just been a simple mix-up.” Celestia glanced over at Nami. “Your friend comes from a far-off land that doesn’t use maps like ours.”

“Oh.” Twilight blushed red and quickly bowed her head to Nami. “Sorry, I guess I just get a little caught up in my books.”

“It’s fine,” Nami replied and then brought her attention to Celestia. “It sounds like you have the proper maps I need though. Could I please borrow them?”

“Certainly,” Celestia replied with a faint smile. “I’ll take you to the Royal Canterlot Library right now so you can have a look.”

“Um…” Nami glanced back at her wings. “I’m not really in the best condition for flying right now.”

“Who said we were flying?” Celestia’s horn glowed and, in a flash, she and Nami disappeared.

Twilight sighed. “Is it too much to have a normal day in this town?”

“You need to lighten up Twilight,” Dash replied. “Normal is boring.”


Nami now found herself atop a cloud. She quickly glanced to the side and saw she was quite high up and over unfamiliar geography. She turned back to the other figure on the cloud. “Um, are we near the library?”

“No,” replied Celestia with a cold tone. “I just don’t want anypony to be influenced further by humanity.”

“Humanity? Uh, what’s that?” Nami nervously smiled.

“You can drop the act. Nopony in my lands would know of the Shabondy Archipelago. It's also not that hard to guess what an infamous human would look like here, Cat Burglar Nami.”

Nami stopped smiling and glared at Celestia. “Okay, so you’re not like the ponies back in that town. You’ve clearly got access to newspapers if you know who I am. That means you’ve probably also got access to maps. If I could just get them, please?”


“But… but…” Nami started to cry. “I n-need to get back to my friends! T-they’re waiting for me!”

Celestia batted her eyes at the display. “You need to work on your crocodile tears.”

“Crap!” Nami dropped the act immediately. “Okay, fine, I’ll cut you a deal. Give me access to the maps and a boat and I give you half our ship’s spoils.”

Celestia sighed. “Like a human to think material wealth could solve all their problems. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go back and risk summoning more pirates here. Equestria has remained off the map for a reason. I also can’t let you roam free as your human values are a corrupting influence on my little ponies. As much as I hate to say it, you’re going to the dungeon.”

“What?” Nami cried out in genuine shock. “But I haven’t done anything wrong…” She paused for a second. “Here at least. You know what, fine, help me get back to the Archipelgo and I’ll give you all the ship’s treasure!”

Celestia blinked. “If you live up to your title, I assume you’re a very greedy person. Tell me, what drives you to give up your wealth so readily?”

A memory came back to Nami. A bloody knife was raised above her bleeding shoulder; a deep gash was now in place of a horrible tattoo. A hand came out and stopped the knife. Luffy… help. A straw hat was placed on her head. “Friends,” answered Nami.

“I see,” Celestia mused. “Very well, I shall help you get back to the Archipelago, but it will some time.” Celestia pointed a hoof at Nami. “You still need to be punished for trespassing in my lands though. I’m sending you Ponyville to see if you truly do have the magic of friendship in your heart.”

“Fine,” Nami replied with a sigh and flexed a hoof. “If I’m going to be stuck here I might as well get used to this body.”

“Excellent,” said Celestia. “One more thing, no telling anypony you’re a human. My little ponies are innocent and hardly know anything of the outer world and I wish to keep it that way. Please, just stick with the story I tell them.”

“If it means getting back to my crew, fine.” Nami flexed her wings. “It’s not ever day you get a chance to fly though.”

“I’m glad to here that.” Celestia’s horn glowed again. “Now remember our deal.” There was another flash, and then they were back in the library.

“Oh my gosh!” Twilight yelled and then fell off the chair she was sitting on. Unfortunately, her hoof also dragged the book she was reading with her and it hit her on the head. “Ow!” She rubbed her head to clear out the pain.

Dash let out a little chuckle. “Oh wow, I haven’t seen you that spooked since Pinkie and I gave you an exploding book!” Then she saw the Princess. “I, uh, mean, greetings your majesty.”

“It is good to see you too, Rainbow Dash,” said Celestia. She trotted over and helped Twilight up with a hoof. “Are you alright, my faithful student?”

“Just a little bump on the head,” Twilight replied. She blushed a little. “You, um, surprised me just a little.”

Celestia let out a small laugh. “As long as you are okay. Anyway, it was quite easy finding your friend’s destination once everything was sorted out.”

“Geez,” said Dash. “You could probably rival me speed-wise in finding places, Princess!”

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” Celestia then glanced at Twilight. “Regardless, Nami here does come from a very far away land. So far in fact, that Equestria knows very little about it and it will take a bit of time to send her back.”

“I can’t believe such a place exists.” Twilight brought a hoof to her head to steady herself as she took in the information.

“There is more.” Celestia looked at Dash now. “You see, pegasi are very different there. They neither fly nor shape the weather.”

“What?” Dash screamed. “What sort of horrible place would do that? The weather I can understand a little, but flying? That’s a crime against society!”

“Now, now Rainbow Dash,” Celestia chided. “Some ponies just live different lives then others. However, Nami here has become quite interested in your capabilities and would like to learn more about them while she’s waiting for her ride back home. While I’m sure there are many pegasi willing to assist, I’d like to ask you to-”

“I’ll do it!” Dash said with a resolute smile.

“Excellent.” Celestia’s horn began to glow. “Please assist her in anyway possible, Rainbow Dash. Also, keep me informed on your progress and any problems you may have.” She glanced as Nami for a second. “But I’m sure everything will go well.” Then, she was gone.

Damn! She’s almost as manipulative as me! Nami thought. However, her thoughts were broken by Dash zooming in front of her. “Um…”

“This is gonna be awesome!” Dash squealed. “I’ve always wanted try my hoof at teaching a pegasus how to fly!”

“What about Scootaloo?” Twilight asked.

“Ah, she’s a lot like me when I was her age. One day she’s gonna fly on her own and make all the fillies and colt her fans!” Dash giggled and focused back on Nami. “What’s important now is that we get you flying!”

Twilight rubbed her head with a hoof. “Dash, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself.” She turned to Nami. “Sorry, Rainbow Dash can get just a little bit caught up in things.” She broadened her vision to look at both pegasi. “Why don’t you work out living accommodations first?”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.” Nami smiled. How did I get roped into staying with the hyperactive one? For a second, Nami thought she saw something pink in the corner of her eye.

“Well I guess flying can wait until later,” Dash mused. “Besides, since you’ll need your own room, I can show you the basics of cloud shaping. Did you have cloud houses where you lived?” Dash was nearly in Nami’s face with inquisition filling her eyes.

Nami pushed Dash away with a hoof. “No. We, um, just went with whatever worked.” Cloud shaping? Do they have some sort of technique for modeling clouds like they did in Skypeia?

“Geez,” Dash snorted and blew a bit of her mane up with a blast of breath. “I really am gonna need to start from the basics.” Dash paused for a second; she could have sworn she saw a pink blur through one of the library’s windows. She ignored it and walked over to the door. “It’s gonna be a long day, so we’d better get started.” She opened the door, but turned to look back at Twilight and Spike. “Thanks again for the help and the food.”

Twilight’s face was a little pale now. “Is something wrong?” Nami asked.

“No,” Twilight nervously replied, her eyes glued on the door. “It’s just… well…”

“Well what?” Nami trotted closer to Twilight.

“Your arrival in town hasn’t gone unnoticed.” Twilight closed her eyes and braced herself.

“What are you…” Before could finish asking her question, a large amount of balloons, streamers and confetti appeared out of nowhere.

“Surprise!” Pinkie Pie popped up along with all her party tools.

“Ahhh!” Nami fell backwards and landed flat on her flank. “What the hell?”

“Ooh! I haven’t pulled off that much of a surprise since Twilight came here.” Pinkie bounced around the room, shedding confetti as she did. “Anyway, welcome to Ponyville. My right leg was shaking, so I knew somepony new was in town, so I looked everywhere for the new pony. Then, I saw the cool lights at the library and decided to check here and here you were!” Pinkie giggled insanely.

Nami stayed where she’d fallen on the floor, unable to fully take in the randomness that was Pinkie.

“Sorry about that,” Twilight helped Nami up with a hoof. “This is my friend Pinkie Pie. I know she’d a bit energetic, but she’s really a nice mare once you get to know her.”

“Duh!” Pinkie got right into Nami’s face. “So what’s your name? Where are ya from? What’s your favorite dessert? I hope it’s cupcakes, ‘cause I made a ton of them!”

“I… how… ugh!” Nami massaged her head with a hoof. “Okay, I got you asking my name out of that. It’s Nami.” For some reason, the headache she was now nursing felt familiar.

“Well hi, Nami! I’m so excited to meet you!” Before Nami knew what was happening, Pinkie was dragging her out the door.

“Wait! Where are we going?” Nami tried to pull her hoof away, but Pinkie’s grasp was quite strong.

“To a party just for you!” Pinkie smiled from ear to ear.

“But I don’t need a party.” Nami desperately looked over at Dash. “I need to learn how to fly. C’mon you sounded excited about helping me fly, get me away from this crazy thing!”

Dash grinned in response. “Flying can wait. Pinkie’s parties are the best!” Dash happily followed after Nami and Pinkie.

“I know!” Pinkie replied. “We’ll have a ton of food and drinks and games! It’ll be super cool!”

A horrific moment of realization clicked in Nami’s mind The hyper-activeness, the desire for food and drinks, the giddy smile… she’s just like Luffy! Nami comically sobbed all the way to the party.


Everything happened in a blur. Nami was dragged into a shop that appeared to be made of confections. From there, Pinkie had shoved her into the face of about two-dozen other ponies. Finally, Pinkie had gone off to enjoy the party and had left Nami on her own. She let out a deep sigh as she navigated her way through the party. At first, she just wanted escape, but an empty feeling hit her stomach.

Nami rubbed her stomach with a hoof. How long was I flying anyway? She dismissed the thoughts and made her way over to where the food was. She reached out a hoof to grab a plate and realized she hadn’t picked anything up since she’d arrived in Equestria. Why even have plates if you don’t have hands to grab it with?

“Ya need some help there?” came a southern drawl. Nami looked to her right and saw an orange pony wearing a stenson hat walking up to her. The pony picked a plate up with her mouth and used her tail to push some food onto the plate, namely dishes that were apple based. She then set the dish down in front of Nami. “Ah don’t mean to boast, but some of Sugarcube Corner’s stuff can be a bit on the sweet side if ya haven’t tried it before. Ah always think it’s best to give new ponies a taste of Sweet Apple Acres when they come to town. It’s pretty tame and ya get a taste of Ponyville’s history.” The pony flashed Nami a smile. “Shucks, where are ma manners.” She held out a hoof. “Name’s Applejack.”

“Nami.” Nami held out her own hoof and was surprised when Applejack managed to grab it wand shake it. I really need to find out how this things work. “So I guess you work at this Acres place?”

“Yep! Ma brother and Ah have been running the farm with Granny Smith’s help since Ah was just a little filly. Guess it’s just part of being in the family, not that Ah’d have it any other way.”

“Is that why you have that tattoo on you thigh?” Nami stared at the three apples on Applejack’s flank.

“Tattoo?” Applejack raised an eyebrow, and then she saw where Nami was looking. “Oh, ya mean ma cutie mark. ‘Tattoo’ what ya call ‘em where ya come from?”

“Um, yeah,” Nami nervously replied. Actually, didn’t all the ponies have a tattoo around the same area?

“Well Ah guess it’s not hard to see what ma cutie mark means. What about yours?”

“What it means?”

“Well, Ah don’t mean to pry, but Ah’ve actually been curious about it since Ah got here and Pinkie dun near slammed ya in ma face.” Applejack glanced back at Nami’s cutie mark. “Almost looks like some weird sort of fruit tree. Ya in the fruit selling business?”

“Well, I mean, my family and I used to grow tangerines.”

A blue blur flew over and landed by the two ponies. “Wait a minute!” Dash looked at Nami. “I thought you said you were a navigator?”

“I… I am.” Oh crap! If they figure out I’m lying, that Princess will kill me! “I, uh, grew up growing tangerines, but I always had a greater calling for, um…” Nami glanced at the windmill on her flank, “predicting the weather and using it to navigate.”

Dash’s eyes narrowed. “Let me get this straight. You don’t fly, but you like the weather? You’ve got to have tried flying at least once. Hay, you even did it a little this morning.”

“Sorry, it’s just that we really don’t use wings where I’m from.” Nami kept her wings at her side, but did move them around in little circles.Try don’t even have wings at all.

“I still say it’s crazy.” Dash eyed Applejack. “Wouldn’t you think it’d be messed up if you couldn’t buck apple trees even if your special talent involves apples?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight trotted over and flashed Dash a disapproving look. “I would have thought our time with Zecora would have taught you to be a little more respectful of other cultures. Besides, Daring Do visits all sorts of exotic locations in her adventures.”


“No buts.” Twilight switched her attention over to Nami. “Sorry. Rainbow Dash just has a thing for flying.”

“I couldn’t tell,” Nami sarcastically replied.

“Still, I’m curious about your home. I couldn’t help but hear you mention growing tangerines, does that mean you’ve got Earth Ponies in your family?”


“Oh sorry.” Twilight walked closer to Applejack. “You probably have different terms in your home. Here we call ponies like me unicorns, ponies like Rainbow Dash pegasi, and ponies like Applejack Earth Ponies. Here, at least, many Earth Ponies have a knack for growing things.”

“I see. Um, yeah, my sister and my mother were like your, uh, Earth Pony friend then.” Wonder how Nojiko and Belle-mére would react to being turned into ponies? A few sweat drops graced Nami’s brow.

Applejack let out a friendly chuckle. “Sounds a lot like ma family. Shame ya don’t have any wares on ya.”

Dash continued hovering above the other ponies. “Actually, that’s something I’ve been thinking about. What’s up with that stick thing?”

“Stick thing?” Nami’s eyes then widened. “My Clima Tact! That’s here too?”

“Clima what?” All three ponies said simultaneously.

“My Clima tact.” Nami looked up at Dash. “Pegasi here have the ability to naturally shape weather, right?”

“Duh! That’s why I still don’t believe a place like your home is real.” Dash snorted in annoyance.

Nami sighed, but was inwardly glad she could now at least get Dash off her back on one issue. “Well we don’t directly control the weather, but my Clima Tact can let me pull of a few tricks.”

“Okay, this I gotta see.” Dash rocketed off out of the part and left a rainbow contrail behind. Before anypony had fully recovered, she burst back in with the Clima Tact clenched in her teeth. She dropped to the ground and put the Tact on the floor. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.”

Nami smiled deviously. “Fine. But you have to pay. I’m in a good mood, so 5,000 berries.” Nami held out a hoof, only to be met by blank stares. “What?”

Suddenly, Pinkie popped out of a nearby cake. “Silly, who would want to pay with fruit? All your investments would go bad.” Pinkie somehow summoned a drum set and played the snare drum and the cymbal.

Twilight shook her head to clear it of Pinkie’s spontaneity. She then brought her focus back to Nami. “Anyway, I’m guessing berries are a unit of currency where you’re from. We use bit here though.” She peeked over at Applejack. “Applejack, you know business more than I do, what do you think is a good way of explaining bits?”

Applejack tapped her chin with a hoof. “Well, right now a bushel of apples costs fifteen bits. That help at all?”

“It’s equal to about three point seven eight berries,” Nami instantly responded. Nami held out her hoof again. “So that’ll be 1,322 bits and seventy five cents please.”

“Are you crazy?!” Dash blurted out. “I’ve seen Wonderbolt tickets go for less!” Okay, they’d be terrible seats, but still…

“Too bad I’m already charging you,” Nami calmly replied.

Dash flew up to Nami’s face. “For what? Some little trick that’s supposed to imitate what a real pegasus do- huh?!” Nami’s body became wavy and translucent before dissipating into the air. Dash’s eyes darted between where Nami had stood and her shocked friends. “I… I didn’t do it! You know I couldn’t have done that!”

“You’re right about that.” Nami reappeared, but now her body looked a lot more like Big Macintosh’s. Large and bulky, it stood in direct contrast to the small mare Nami had been before.

Another Nami appeared. This one was so tall and thin that she gave off a stretched appearance. “But for someone who was boasting so much about the weather, I’d have thought you’d be a bit more perceptive.”

“After all, this is just a natural phenomenon,” a third Nami said. Now she was short and chubby.

A fourth Nami appeared. She was so tiny she appeared to be little more than a filly. “I predict you’re all incredibly confused.” All the ponies’ mouths hung open in awe.

A fifth Nami, this one normal, appeared. “And my predictions are never wrong.” Nami smiled and waved her Tact around with a wing. Suddenly, the other Namis disappeared leaving only the normal one. There was silence and then all the ponies in the room applauded.

“How… How did you do that?!” Twilight stuttered. “I didn’t sense any magic at all!”

“No magic here.” Nami smiled. She gave Dash a “In-your-face” look. “It’s just the weather.”

“That was not the weather!” Dash stomped a hoof in frustration. “If it was weather, I’d be onto your little trick.”

“Actually,” came a small voice. “I think I know what happened.” A small yellow pegasus with a pink mane slowly stepped forward.

“Fluttershy, no offense, but you’re not exactly that big on weather. How could you have noticed something and I didn’t?”

“Because…” Fluttershy’s voice was barely above a whisper. “If you’d been fully feeling air, you’d have felt the air get slightly colder. Combined with how stuffy it’s been in here, that combination of hot and cold makes the perfect condition for a mirage.”

“Well well.” Nami trotted over to Fluttershy. “Seems someone actually does have an eye for weather.” Dash turned slightly red. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Flu…” Fluttershy’s voice devolved into an unintelligible whisper.


“Her name’s Fluttershy,” Twilight explained. “She’s a bit on the quiet side, but she’s also a great friend.”

Fluttershy blushed a little. “Oh Twilight, you’re too kind.” She looked back at Nami. “But I haven’t seen anypony do a mirage since flight school. Even the instructors never did something like that.”

“It was quite impressive.” A white unicorn with silky purple hair trotted over. “My dear, that display was magnificent.”

“Um…” Once more Nami couldn’t recall the unicorn’s name. All she’d really gotten was that the unicorn worked at a carrousel.

“Oh, yes. We haven’t really properly met. Pinkie means well, but she lacks elegance.” The unicorn held out a hoof. “Rarity, the pleasure is all mine.”

Nami held out her hoof as well. “Nami. Nice to meet you.” Nami then saw the three diamonds on Rarity’s flank. “What exactly do you do again?”

“Well, I run my humble boutique here in Ponyville. Though, to be honest, may I ask you something?”


“Well, that show of yours really did dazzle me. It’d be great if I could learn how to incorporate some of those tricks into my fashion shows. You simply must tell me how you crafted such a device.”

Nami looked at the Tact in her wing. Ussop’s face flashed in her head. “Sorry, I didn’t make it, a friend of mine did. I just know how to use it.”

“Oh, I see. My next show isn’t for months and you’ll probably be gone by then. Since that’s the case, I can at least give you some clothes to take back with you. I’d give anything to see my designs mixed with such a dazzling show.”

Free clothes! Jackpot! Money symbols danced in Nami’s eyes. “You’re too kind. But now I’m more curious. If you make clothes why is your mark thing three diamonds?”

“Oh.” Rarity looked back at her cutie mark. “Well, most of my clothes contain jewels and I’ve always had a knack for incorporating them into my designs.”

The money symbols grew bigger in Nami’s eyes. “What kind of jewels?”

“Well depends what’s in stock, but generally rubies, sapphires, emeralds, a few diamonds here and th- are you alright?”

Nami was practically salivating. So many jewels and she uses them for clothing! Clothing she’s giving me! Crap! I died! This is too good! Nami’s eyes were completely taken over by money symbols now.

“Miss Nami,” Rarity said with concern. Nami snapped out of her revelry. “Are you alright? No offense, but you looked like Spike when he was…” Rarity shuddered a moment. “Unruly.”

“Huh?” What does the dragon have to do with this? Something rested on Nami’s leg.

Spike tried to strike a cool pose while leaning on Nami. “You got that right Rarity. I mean don’t get me wrong, Rarity always has the best gems.” Spike gave Rarity a lovey-dovey look then he glanced up at Nami. “But you looked like you were about ready to pounce on them… you’re not half dragon are you?”

“I don’t think so.” I’m not even full pony. “I just have a taste for sophistication.”

“Right,” Spike jokingly replied. “I’m sure that’s all you want a taste of.” He then wandered off to get more punch. “Hybrids totally exist,” he mumbled before disappearing to the crowd.

“Isn’t he cute,” Rarity cooed. “Although he’s too young to understand sophistication like us. He’d rather just eat the jewels rather than wear them.”

“He what?!” Nami blurted out. “Why would he eat jewels?!”

“Well he’s a dragon, dear. It’s what dragons do,” Rarity explained. “Although that’s neither here nor there.” Rarity glanced over at a clock. “Oh, Sweetie’s going to be out of school soon. I’m terribly sorry Nami. I’ll have to cut this short. Please stop by the boutique any time you want and please bring your Tact.” Rarity trotted into the crowd and disappeared.

Nami turned around and used her wing to grasp an apple tart from her plate and popped it in her mouth. “Yum, this is really good.”

“Well thank ya kindly.” Applejack did a little curtsey. “Well, it is your party feel free to have anything ya want. Watch it on the cupcakes though. Ah think Pinkie laced them with hot sauce.”

“But it’s good!” Pinkie yelled. She’d somehow popped out of the display of sweets, yet none of them had been disturbed or fallen to the ground. Rather, they were perfectly balanced on her head. Pinkie’s eyes then widened. “Girls, get Nami out of here! We’ve got a berry in the punchbowl!”

Applejack scratched her head. “What in tarnation are ya talking about?”

“I don’t quite get it either Pinkie,” said Twilight.

“Is she just playing another joke on me?” Nami asked.

“No!” Pinkie exclaimed. “It’s just that when I throw parties for a new pony, I always have to look out for…”

“Me!” Came a tipsy voice. A magenta pony with a dark pink mane tripped over. “Oi Pinks! Wherz dis new pony! Ima challenge her ta a contest!”

“Berry, I don't think that’s a good idea. You’ve already had a lot of cider.” Pinkie got out of the confections and trotted over to the mare.

“Ha! Tis is nuthin.” Berry lazily looked over at Nami. “There ya are! C’mon! We’re gonna havz a drinkin contest.”

“Trust me you don’t wanna do that,” Nami cautioned.

“Betcha two-fisty you can’t beats me.” Berry gave Nami a drunken smile.

“You’re on!” Nami stomped a hoof down.

Pinkie launched herself between the two mares. “Nooooo!” She cried out in slow motion as she fell to the ground. “You can’t challenge Berry! Nopony can beat her! I tried forty-two times and she still beat me!”

“I think I can handle a few drinks,” Nami replied.

“But… you haven’t got any bits,” Fluttershy stammered.

“You mean these?” Nami pulled up a coin bag filled to the brim with coins. “You didn’t notice I had this?” She turned back to Berry. “So shall we drink?”

Dash facehoofed. “Great, I’ll need a stretcher to carry you home.”

The two mares sat down at a table. Pinkie nervously brought over a ton of mugs filled with apple cider. She gave Nami a puppy dog look. “It’s not too late. The super awful headaches suck.”

Nami looked at her opponent and smirked. “I can handle this.” She grabbed a mug of cider and downed it in an instant.


Rarity walked back to the Carousal Boutique with Sweetie Belle at her side. The sun was getting low now. Rarity flashed her a disapproving look. “Really Sweetie, how in Equestria do you manage to get covered in tree sap so often?”

Sweetie looked at the ground. “I get it! I’m sorry, we thought for sure we’d get our cutie marks this time.” A large drop of tree sap dripped from her mane.

Rarity huffed in annoyance. “As if that wasn’t bad enough, I lost my coin bag. Ugh, I’ll have to go back and ask Pinkie about it. But first we’re giving you a ba-” Rarity stopped when she noticed the large crowd gathered outside Sugarcube Corner.


“One moment Sweetie.” Rarity trotted up and tapped a stallion near the back of the crowd on the shoulder. “I beg your pardon, but what is going on? Nopony is hurt?”

“Not yet. Wish I had a better view, but…” The stallion stared wide-eyed at her. “This might be the day Tartarus freezes over.”

Rarity looked back at Sweetie. “Sweetie, go back to the store and get cleaned up. I just need to check on my friends. This won’t take long… I hope.” Rarity watched her sister dash back to the store and then made her way through the crowd. When she made it to the front her mouth dropped.

There were two mares sitting in front of her. Both of them had massive piles of empty mugs at there sides. Pinkie nervously trotted forward with mugs, which both mares quickly snatched up. Applejack stood on the sidelines rubbing her eyes to make sure she was still awake.

Rarity trotted over. “Applejack. What in Equestria is going on? Why are Nami and Berry Punch engaging in this frivolous contest.

“All the cider,” Applejack murmured. Her eye remained locked on the two mares. She looked like she was about to pass out.

“I can’t look!” Fluttershy was huddled on the ground and shaking like a leaf.

Dash just hung in the air with her mouth agape in amazement and slight revulsion.

Pinkie trotted by them with even more mugs. “Help,” she whispered.

Rarity slowly backed away. “I’m… I’m going to go check on the shop.” Rarity quickly dashed away. Leaving the mares and the poor ponies that had to serve them.

“Ya had enough?” Nami asked. Her muzzle was now tinted red.

“Is show jbsfl begamf!” Berry slurred and took another drink.

“Fine!” Nami knocked back another mug.


Twilight’s hair was a complete mess. She ran her hooves through it trying to comprehend what she was looking at. The night didn’t help much either. But the mountains of empty drinks were still visible. “This… this shouldn’t be scientifically possible.”

“All our reserves,” Applejack stammered.

Pinkie nervously stepped forward. Two mugs were balanced on her head.

“Oi warsh marsl dramph?” Berry asked as she looked at the two mugs.

“T-these are the last two mugs. I-if you finish these it’ll be a draw.” Pinkie nervously set the two glasses down.

Berry looked at Pinkie, then at the glasses, then at Nami. “Buahs A doaph wapa blaw! A wapa w-” Berry crashed on the table. Everypony gasped.

Nami simply knocked back her drink and then drank Berry’s as well. She grinned at the audience. “Ding ding!”

“What?!” Everypony yelled.


“You’re insane!” Dash said. She and Nami were currently en route to Dash’s house. “You’re also not a pony! Nopony could drink Berry under the table.”

“I did, so I guess I’m not a pony.” Nami laughed and then hiccupped. “I still won though.” Nami happily looked down at the moneybag around her neck. “I really like this bag.”

“Ugh!” Dash facehoofed. It’s Las Pegasus all over again. “Let’s just get you home.”

“Ya can’t! Ya don’t have a ship!”

“My home!”

“That works too!”

They quickly made it back to Dash’s home. From there, Dash led Nami to the couch. I’ll make the guestroom in the morning. Dash sighed and began to walk away.


“What?” Dash asked. “There’s water right next to you and the bathroom is right at that door.” Dash pointed a hoof at the restroom.

“It’s not that. I just wanted to say thanks.” Nami smiled. “It’s kinda funny, some of your friends remind me of my crew.”

Dash’s interest piqued a little. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say if my captain and your pink friend met, it’d be the end of the world.”

“You’re not making any sense.” I’m amazed she can form words after that much cider. “What about the rest of your crew? What about th-” Nami was already asleep. “Eh whatever, I’ll ask you in the morning.” Dash trotted upstairs. “Night Nami.” Dash headed off to bed.


Pinkie glared at her pet alligator. “Was it you Gummy?” Gummy responded by repeatedly biting Pinkie with his toothless mouth. “No, you’d be so good at stealing stuff I wouldn’t even suspect you.” Pinkie pulled out a bubble pipe and produced a large amount of soapy spheres. “This will be the greatest mystery detective Pinkie has ever faced.” Pinkie threw open the windows to her room and screamed, “I’ll find you moneybag thief! Mark my words!”

“Go to sleep Pinkie!” Rarity yelled. She then closed the window to her boutique and fell back on her bed. Ugh! That mare’s shenanigans can go too far sometimes!” Rarity pulled the covers up over herself and drifted off to sleep. A few minutes later, one of her eyes opened in shock. She lost her moneybag too?! Unbeknownst to either Rarity or Pinkie Pie, everypony that had gone to the party had lost their moneybags.

Nami curled up on the couch and smiled while she dreamed. Her hooves were wrapped around a moneybag with three diamonds on it.

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