• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,139 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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Wake Up!

The soft sound of water rushing against rocks filled the air. A bush rustled here and there while a bird gave a chirp in the trees. A leaf fell from one of the trees and landed in Fluttershy’s mane. She didn’t move to get rid of it and instead kept her eyes on the small collection of foliage in front of her. “Why don’t they ever come out?”

“They’ve always been a bit skittish.” The voice caused Fluttershy to jump into the air with an “eep!” When she fell back to the ground, she realized that Celestia had appeared behind her without her noticing.

“P-princess Celestia! I-I was j-jus—”

Celestia softly laid a hoof on Fluttershy’s right shoulder. “Don’t concern yourself, you’re always welcome in here Fluttershy.”

“Oh, but it’s...” Fluttershy shifted her view away from Celestia and down to the grass at her hooves. “After last time...”

“Last time, you were here at the largest celebration in Equestria, you were excited, and you only had one night to enjoy the garden. As I’ve said before, the Gala is always awful in some way or another. You can’t be fully blamed for losing control.”

The last word sent a shiver up Fluttershy’s back. “I... I always worry about it. First the Gala and then that time with Iron Will.” She gave a small sniffle and managed to look up at Celestia. “W-what if Discord is sti—”

Celestia silenced Fluttershy by extending a wing of the pegasus’s back. “He’s not corrupting you anymore. The fact that you worry about it is proof of that.” Celestia bent her head down to look straight into Fluttershy’s eyes. “If it still concerns you though, I can help.”

“You... you can?”

“Fluttershy, out of all your friends, if ever there was one I would teach haki to, it would be you.”

Surprise widened Fluttershy’s eyes. “W-what? Why not Twilight?”

Celestia let out a small sigh at the question. “Twilight has a great curiosity to her, she seeks out anything and everything she can learn about, despite the danger it might pose. Haki is just another realm of study for her. It wasn’t my wish to teach her, but after all I have put her, you, and your friends through, it’s the least I can do. As for why I’d choose you specifically? Because you want control and that is the most important part of haki training.”

Fluttershy was silent for some time after that. A few more birds chirped in the garden, but other than that it was silent. Finally, she managed to get two words out of her mouth. “Thank you.”

“Again, it is the least I can do. Now then...” Celestia raised her head up and stared off into the garden. It was a scene of pure green and brown but there was no sign of an animal save for the occasional bush rustling. “Can you tell me how many animals are in this garden?”

“Well, um...” Fluttershy fidgeted her wings around, whipped her eyes through the garden, and took a deep breath. “One hundred and twenty-seven, if we’re not counting the insects. I’m sorry, I can’t count all of them.”

Celestia blinked at Fluttershy’s response. “How is it that your observation haki is so honed without training? I expected a good rough guess, but to be completely correct is quite a surprise.”

“I mean... I’ve always had a good connection with animals.”

“Hmmm.” Celestia rested her chin on the end of her hoof. “Can you tell me how many ponies are in the castle?”

Fluttershy turned beet-red at the request. “N-no,” she stuttered even worse than normal, “I-I couldn’t! What... what if somepony was in the bathroom! Or wanted privacy! Or... mphhh!” Fluttershy’s legs wobbled a bit and Celestia had to shift her wing around to keep Fluttershy from falling to the ground.

Celestia let out a small chuckle. “Forgive me Fluttershy, but out of all the haki users I’ve seen, I’ve never met one who limited their range out of prudency. The fact that you have such high natural control is good though. It makes your starting point much easier and shows where your forte lies. Not that I’d imagine you’d be an strong armament user.”

“Um...” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at Celestia. “Can you possibly start with what haki is? I’m a little confused.”

“Oh.” Celestia lightly thumped herself on the head. “I apologize, I’ve already gotten accustomed to talking with Twilight about haki. Very well, I’ll start from the beginning. Haki...”


“... is gonna be super awe— Ow!” Dash squirmed a little and tenderly pulled her left hoof back to her side. It was still covered in bandages, but other parts of her body were unbandaged, showing the thin layer of blue fur that was slowly growing back.

“Really Rainbow,” Rarity chided, “you get back just a little mobility and you’re already overexerting yourself.”

“Yeah-yeah,” Dash huffed, pawing a hoof in Rarity’s direction. She was still confined to her hospital bed, but she was able to move her legs around at least. “C'mon, don’t tell me you’re not a little excited about it too?”

“I admit, I am excited to expand my own skills so that I may further my career.” Rarity’s eyes glazed over while she spoke. “Oh, just think about all the gems I’ll be able to find! Not to mention avoiding anymore diamond dogs.”

“Heh, and to think Princess Luna is teaching us for free.”

“Here I thought I was the generous one,” Rarity said with a small chuckle. “Plus, it really is nice to talk with royalty on such a casual level. It’s so easy to forget the Princesses are ponies just like us.”

“Yeah, aside from the whole ‘raising the sun and moon to make sure Equestria doesn’t fall apart’ thing.”

Rarity tipped up her nose to Dash’s comment. “You know what I meant.”

“Still...” Dash’s eyes shifted away from Rarity and down to her blankets. “Have you noticed she’s been asking a lot about Luffy?”

“Oh Rainbow, she’s probably just curious like we were. Probably more so since she’s actually gone into this ‘Grand Line.’ I really do like that name, it makes adventuring sound so romantic.”

Dash stuck her tongue out in a mock gag. “What’s so lovey-dovey about sailing the seas? That sounds more like something I’d like to do.”

“The quest for new lands, the exploration of the unknown,” Rarity flipped her mane back for dramatic effect, “the world stretched out before you! That’s what I mean by romantic.”

Dash stared at Rarity for a moment and then shrugged. “Whatever.”

“Hmm.” Rarity rubbed her chin with a hoof. “I think you did bring up a good point though. Maybe we should ask Luna about her own trip to sea next time she comes by. I’m sure she’d have some good examples of haki use for us. Oooh, or maybe some story about some daring rogue she picked up while sailing.”

Dash let out a hearty laugh. “Yeah, ‘cause Luffy totally proved your ‘pirate’ books right there.”

“Now see here Dash,” Rarity chided again, “while Mr. Luffy is not everything like the stories, he does have some noble traits to him. If his friends are any indication, he’s made himself quite a good captain. If it wasn’t for his eating habits, I’m sure...”

When Rarity stopped mid sentence, Dash peered over at her friend, whose mouth was now dangling open. “Um, Rarity, you okay?”

“No, that... that’d be silly... then again, the Princess did say...” Rarity muttered to herself.

“What the hay are you talking about?”

Rarity suddenly threw her head up as if she’d gotten cold water poured on her face. “N-nothing! I, uh, just need to check on something!”

Rarity darted out of the room with that last word, leaving a flustered Dash in her wake. She brought up a bandaged hoof and rubbed her eyes to make sure she’d been seeing things right. “What the hay just happened?”


“Hmm, I don’t think I’ve noticed anything odd about Luffy,” said Twilight. She flicked her head to the left and dodged a flying green ball that had been zooming towards her. On the other side of the royal tennis court, the ball launcher picked up another tennis ball and readied itself to throw again.

“He hasn’t been going off by himself?” Rarity asked while observing Twilight dodge another ball.

“Going off alone?” Twilight’s voiced had become more rushed at the question. “Never! He’s worse than Pinkie on a sugar hi— ouch!”

While she’d been talking, Twilight had swayed to her right. Unfortunately, this had been right in the path another tennis ball, which smacked her on her left side. The machine was still on and was preparing to launch another shot when Rarity lit up her horn and shut it off. She then made her way over to Twilight, who was rubbing the spot where she’d been hit. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, just a little tender. The machine has to be going at a high speed for it to work.” Twilight reached up and removed the blindfold she’d been wearing the entire time. She blinked a few times while her eyes adjusted to light again. “Hmm, guess talking makes practice a bit harder.”

“You know Twilight, while I’m not a normal partaker in sports, what with all that sweating, I do find that tennis holds a certain charm to it. Perhaps we could practice sometime? There’s an excellent area in Ponyville just north o—”

Twilight’s giggling interrupted Rarity. “Oh, this isn’t for tennis. I’ve never been a good athlete. This is just an exercise Princess Celestia assigned me.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow at her friend. “Exercise is what?”

It was Twilight’s turn to raise an eyebrow at Rarity. “Um, haki? Didn’t Princess Celestia ask you about it too?”

“Oh!” A look of comprehension flooded Rarity’s face. “Well, Princess Luna has been teaching us a few basics. Did you know the hospital staff actually wear quite a bit of jewelry?”

“How is Dash doing anyway?”

“Wanting to fly as usual.” Rarity pawed her hoof in the air in a “meh” fashion. “Equestria help us when she starts practicing haki. This ‘armament’ thing doesn’t sound appealing at all.”

“You mean this?” With a grin on her face, Twilight raised up her left front hoof to Rarity’s face. It shimmered a little in the sunlight, as if it were made of metal. It also had a much darker color to it than the rest of Twilight’s leg. “I’ve only got this hoof down so far, but it’s progress.”

Rarity tilted her head around Twilight’s hoof, taking it in from all angles. She looked to Twilight after a few moments of observation. “May I?”

Twilight nodded in silent approval.

Rarity raised her own hoof and touched Twilight’s. To her surprise, the hoof felt nothing like she’d expected. It almost felt like a diamond: incredibly smooth and strong. “My word Twilight, that’s incredible! You’d never had to get your hooves done ever again like this!”

“That’s what you think?” Twilight yelled. He hoof lightened in color and became soft once more. “Darn, there goes my concentration again.”

Twilight sighed and put her hoof on the ground. “Anyway, that’s just one way use armament haki. Did you know the Princess’s manes use it too?”

“They do?” Rarity’s eyes lit up with a glimmer of curiosity and delight.

“When you get to a high enough level of control, haki apparently just naturally flows out of you. It just takes training to make sure it flows in a non-harmful direction.”

“Oooh!” Rarity squealed. “Now I see exactly what Rainbow was talking about! Just imagine the new styles I’ll be able to create to go with it!”

“So, was there anything else you needed to ask me?”

Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin. “You’re absolutely sure nothing odd has been going on with Mr. Luffy?”

“Nothing except his narcolepsy has gotten a little worse.” Twilight looked down to the ground and thought for a second. “He might not be used to sleeping like a pony.”

“I see,” Rarity murmured. “Thank you for the help Twilight, I hope your training goes well, maybe I’ll try it sometime too,minus getting smacked. Don’t want to ruin my coat.”

Twilight giggled again at that. “See you Rarity, hope I was helpful.” She then started the throwing machine up again and covered up her eyes.

Rarity trotted away from the tennis courts and towards her next destination. I probably could have asked Twilight... but I don’t want to start any false rumors. I need more information.


“Wooh!” Applejack huffed. She slid down in her seat and wiped the sweat off her brown. A few magenta shards also fell out of her mane. “Pinkie, ah swear if ya ever go into those mines again, Ah’m gonna hogtie you!”

Pinkie leaned forward from her own seat and shoved her face into Applejack’s. “Aw c’mon AJ, it was fun! Don’t tell me you didn’t like the mine carts?”

“Ya mean the rusted things that nearly careened us into pits every time we turned?” Applejack droned. She raised a hoof and pointed a hoof to the left of Pinkie. “Didn’t help that Luffy kept falling asleep!”

Luffy snored in response.

Applejack slammed her hooves on the table. “For Pete’s sake!”

Luffy continued snoring but Pinkie moved in closer to him. She narrowed her eyes and looked him up and down. “Hmm, he has been a bit more sleepy than usual.”

“You can tell?” Fluttershy whispered.

Pinkie twisted her neck at Fluttershy’s question. “Isn’t it obvious?” She got blank stares from her friends in response. “I thought it was plain as day. He hasn’t even been that hungry either.”

“That why he managed to eat all our dinners?” Applejack asked. Everypony save Pinkie looked down at their empty plates and grumbled.

“Well, we did ask for more,” Pinkie replied with an apologetic grin.

Luffy’s eyes suddenly flittered open. “More?”

“Ugh!” came four unified voices. Pinkie just giggled.

“Huh?” Luffy yawned, “What’s going on? Where’s the food? I was just eating a huge leg o—” He then fell back asleep.

Rarity pushed her hooves against the dinner table and got up. “I think I’ll be taking dinner in my room again.”

“Good night Rarity,” said all her friends.

“Muh-muha babati,” Luffy mumbled in his sleep.


Luna squirmed around on her bed, her face scrunched up with concentration. Her legs kicked back and forth like she was walking. “No... need to put this memory there... and the food there... hmm, where do I put myself?”

“Princess Luna!”

The voice caused Luna to shoot up from her bed liked she’d been touched by a flame. Her wild eyes went around her darkened room. “Who? Who goes there?”

“Me.” Rarity emerged from the shadows near the room’s door. Her brow was lowered as she marched over to Luna. “Forgive the intrusion Princess, but we need to talk.”

“Oh...” Luna leaned back in her bed, the anxiety melting from her face. “Forgive me Rarity, but you caught me in the midst of my nightly duties. Perhaps we could talk some other time?”

“No, I’m afraid this matter takes precedence.” Rarity leaned over Luna’s bed to meet the Princess face to face. “I need to talk to you about Mr. Luffy.”

A trickle of sweat ran down the side of Luna’s face. “S-straw Hat? W-whatever could it be?”

Rarity’s horn lit up and a book floated over to her side. It was a simple brown book that was so worn that the title had faded from its cover. All that remained was a rough outline of two ponies. “I did some digging around in the Canterlot Archives and found out some interesting things about your duties.”

“Oh, I’m always pleased when somepony takes interest in my work.”

“Including your ability to manipulate dreams.”

The room became deathly silent as Luna and Rarity stared at each other. Luna raised a trembling hoof. “We— I have a good explanation!”

Rarity clacked her hoof against the ground. “I don’t want to hear it! Princess, dreams are a pony’s most private space in the world. Guidance is one thing, but you’ve clearly been manipulating Mr. Luffy’s dreams and denying him proper sleep.”

“I know,” Luna sighed and hung her head low, trying to shade herself from Rarity’s glare. “I have not been acting as a proper ruler and have abused my power. I’m just not sure how to...”

Rarity saw the blush on Luna’s lips and took a deep breath. “Princess, did you ever consider talking to him?”

Luna backed up against her bed until her head touched the wall. She nervously shifted her legs back and forth against each other. “I... I have not properly talked to a stallion in such a manner for... many years.”

Rarity slid onto the bed and put a comforting hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “Just tell him how you feel. Perhaps talk to him in the morning? That way, you can think about what to say and Mr. Luffy can have some much needed rest.”

“Y-yes,” Luna stuttered in reply.

“Good,” Rarity said with a smile. She moved off the bed and turned to leave. When she was at the door she twisted back and deeply bowed to Luna. “I am terribly sorry for barging in like that.”

“No, you had the right of it.” Luna clutched her blankets closer to her chest. “Thank you Rarity. I’ll be sure to thank you for this in the future.”

Rarity gave Luna another bow. “You are too kind Princess. Perhaps a day at the spa? I always have wondered about you mane.”

“That does sound nice. Let us go in a few days, after I, um, talk with Straw Hat.”

“Certainly.” With that, Rarity shut the door and left the room.

Alone, Luna let go of the covers and brought them to her head. She looked up through the large clear window at her moon and stared at it for a long time.


Luffy opened his eyes when the sun got in them and raised his upper body off of the bed. He extended his hooved up into the air and let out a loud yawn. “Ahhh, I slept well!”

His stomach let out a monstrous rumbled. He jumped off the bed and grabbed his hat from where he’d left it the night before. “Shishi! Time to get some breakfast!”

However, when Luffy opened the door to his room, a pony blocked his path. He didn’t notice the red tinting her face. “Morning moon princess!”

“Oh, um, good morning Straw Hat... was your rest to your liking?”

“Yep!” Luffy exclaimed with a grin. “The past few nights I’ve been having weird dreams, but this time I slept really well! So, why are you here? Do you have more meat?”

Luna shook her head back and forth. “Not today. I actually came by to say... say...” She closed her eyes and winced like she was about to be struck. In one breath she blurted out, “We find you a most worthy and joyous companion!”

Luffy continued smiling at her. “Okay.”

“W-what?” Luna raised her head and looked at Luffy with large eyes. “Do... do you truly mean that?”

“Yeah, you’re a pretty neat pony, especially when you do that cool armor trick! You should totally join my cr—”

Luna raced forward and embraced Luffy in a giant hug. “Oh most glorious of days! We are so immensely pleased!”

“Ack!” Luffy flailed his hooves around, trying to free himself from Luna’s grip. “What are you doing?”

“Oh!” Luna stopped her hug and set Luffy down. “I apologize, I was just overcome with joy on such a momentous event. I am so glad Rarity advised me on what to do. I feel much better now.”

“Sheesh.” Luffy rubbed his sides to get rid of the soreness Luna’s embrace had bestowed upon him. “Warn me next time you do that.”

“Certainly, certainly!” Luna giddily replied. She happily skipped from hoof to hoof like she was doing and odd jig.

Luffy sighed as she watched her. “Ponies are weird. I’m getting breakfast.”

“Yes! Let us go forth and break our fast upon the castle’s delicacies!” Luna exclaimed at a volume that shook the windows a little. She then daintily made her way over to Luffy’s side. As they walked down the hallway she snuggled a little closer to him so that their sides met occasionally.

“Quit it,” Luffy complained a few feet away from the dining hall. “You’re making it hard to walk.”

Luna skittishly moved a few inches away from Luffy. “Apologies, I am... still getting used to this. This book I read last night suggested that is proper to do.”

“Whatever.” Luffy put his hoof on the door and was about to push out when a voice rang throughout the castle.

“Straw Hat!” Celestia galloped down for an adjacent hallway and slid to a halt in front of Luna and Luffy. She lit up her horn and a piece of paper flew between the three of them. “Fire’s Fist’s execution...” she huffed between gasps of air, “it’s been moved up!”

Author's Note:

Poor Luna, the only ship you'll be on with Luffy is the thousand sunny and even that isn't happening in this tale.

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