• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,736 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

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Human Twilight

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight

Chapter 1

Recap: Over a year ago, after noticing the presence of Equestrian Magic in the human world a group of Sirens called the Dazzling’ used their power to spread hate and distrust all over Canterlot High School. Everyone was under their spell, except six girls named Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy, called upon the Princess of Friendship AKA Twilight Sparkle to help them perform a musical counters spell to defeat them. They faced many obstacles but eventually, by working together they shattered the source of the Dazzling’s power and forced them into exile. With that done, Twilight Sparkle returned to her world but left the portal open so she could come any time she wanted. However, unknown to them, their magical battles have begun to attract some … unwanted attention outside the school, attention like… Twilight Sparkle herself.

As a single bulb from old light hanging from above continued to flicker and dim on and off again, a single girl, who had just graduated from her own high school not to long ago, kept walking back and forth between one point and other. First she goes over with something in her hand like a picture or a piece of red string or a long piece of black tope then after a while she walks back to get something else.

While this happened, a little puppy purple and green puppy dog with a spiked collar continued to eat from his blue doggy bowl, occasionally glancing up at his very busy owner with a curious look in his eye as she continued to work on her little project.

The project in question was a large board with dozens and dozens of pictures, calculations, samples, statistics and other science and math related items each pinned and connected to a red string in a giant web and they all connected to one thing in particular; a picture of Canterlot High. Many of the pictures include a shining rainbow, a ray of light and a sky alicorn shining above the school.

The girl stepped back, adjusted her glasses and stared at the board thoughtfully. She had purple skin, indigo hair with a pink streak in the form of a bun and a pencil sticking out of it. She wore large black glasses, a white lab coat and a light blue shirt with gray pants and black and white shoes.

“Hmm… a whole year and I still can’t figure out what’s going on over at that school…” The human version of Princess Twilight Sparkle muttered. She then called on her dog, Spike. “Spike, fetch me the latest seismograph sheet, now!”

Spike the dog barked and somehow knew just what to pull out of a machine nearby. He ran back over to and she took the piece of paper out of his mouth and smiled.

“Good boy!” she said as she petted him and he wagged his tail happily. She then gazed at the seismograph sheet. “Hmm, same as yesterday… but still can’t shake this weird feeling I’ve had ever since the first time this happened.”

She then glanced at the board and the web of red strings connected to the picture of the school and began to ponder and ponder.

“The way I see it, there’s a less than twelve percent chance that another strange event like the one that happened over a year ago and the one that happened during the fall six months before that will happen again.” Human Twilight deduced. “Not to mention the fact that twice is usually just a coincidence…”

Her dog Spike barked at her. She knew he couldn’t really talk but acting like he did made her feel less alone then she already did at the moment.

“Yes Spike, I know it’s better than eleven percent but that really doesn’t have anything to do with anything.” Human Twilight reasoned. Spike’s ears drooped and he whined sadly. “I need to find out just what kind of strange events are going on over there… but how? Think… Twilight think…”

She then heard a beeping noise and turned to her technological components and computers which were currently beeping and flashing a bit. She walked over and sat down in front of the main computer.

“Hmm, maybe the computer has some answers.” Twilight muttered as she typed something up on it. It beeped. “Ah, finally! Hopefully now I can get some results.”

Human Twilight continued to rapidly type a number of sequences into the computer and looked at the screen eagerly until she was surprised once something odd popped up on it. She was baffled, nothing like this had ever happened to her before.

“Hmm, this doesn’t make any sense… I can’t seem to lock onto the vibrational frequency of this particular energy signature…” The Human Twilight mused, completely dumbfounded. “This doesn’t make any sense…”

Spike walked over and barked at her, trying to communicate and she seemed to understand him somehow.

“Yeah, I know these are strange events for a reason and they seem unexplainable but everything can be explained.” Human Twilight reasoned. “Don’t think I won’t find the reason, because I will…”

Twilight walked back to her desk where a ton of papers and books were stacked together on top of it. She sighed, feeling exhausted. She looked at one of the papers then read through a certain book. Native Twilight flipped through all the pages, before growled in agitation before knocking away all papers and books angrily

“Ugh! This doesn’t make sense!” Native Twilight exclaimed, frustrated as all the papers and books rained down around and fell on the ground. Spike looked at her worried while she puts her hands on her head. “Events like this don’t just happen for no reason, and they’re has to be one! I know it!”

Twilight then turned her attention to pictures of five certain girls named Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. She walked over to the pictures, placed a hand near them and looked at them all closely, with narrowed eyes.

“And these girls… these girls are special for some reason.” Twilight’s Human Self stated, gazing at the pictures of the six of them. “But why are they special?”

The alternate Twilight began to think for a while, she gazed at the pictures on her wall of stings connected to Canterlot High, the five girls and all the data she had collected so far. She knew she could only learn so much cooped up in her home with just Spike and in order to learn more about the strange occurrences, she had to go to the source.

“Looks like the only way I’m gonna find some answers is if I go there myself!” Human Twilight declared while her dog Spike barked. “Just need to gather a few things…”

Twilight quickly gathered some equipment, such as a scanner, a calculator, some papers, rulers pencils and other complicated looking items. She stood proudly with all her tools which seemed almost too much for her to carry on her own.

“Ok! I’m all set! So look out world because Twilight Sparkle is coming at ya!” she declared as she started to run off out of the house only to trip and crash loudly, dropping all her stuff. “I’m ok!”

Spike groaned, dismayed.