• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,737 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

  • ...

Round 1

Chapter 9

Before long, the girls, and Spike in tow, arrived in the home of the other Twilight and was exactly as she left it; messy, slightly disorganized and now with broken pieces of machinery all around.

“Well… here we are.” Sunset Shimmer declared.

This is where the Alternate Twilight lives?” Princess Twilight asked Sunset Shimmer, surprised.

“Yep, this is it. She took me here the day after I saved her from getting hit.” Sunset Shimmer confirmed.

Rainbow glanced at all the scientific equipment. “Place sure is fit for an egghead…” she observed.

“I’m right here.” Twilight reminded her, annoyed.

“Yeah, I know.” Rainbow Dash said, nonchalantly.

Rarity whipped her finger on one of the desks and grimaced at the dust. “Ugh, when was the last time she cleaned this place? The state of it is absolutely dreadful!”

“Yeah… why don’t you try saying that in front of her and see what happens?” Rainbow Dash asked, flatly.

“Uh… no thanks…” Rarity whimpered.

“What happened here…?” Fluttershy wondered, gazing at the mess around them.

“Hmm… things weren’t nearly this messy last time I was here…” Sunset observed. “And judging by all these broken machines… something definitely bad happened here.”

They then hear something rolling across the floor and quickly turn toward the sound, spooked.

“Whose there?” Twilight called out.

They all waited anxiously for whoever it was to come out of the shadows and were surprised by the sudden arrival of a familiar purple and green puppy that was barking and wagging his tail at them as he appeared.

“Huh?” They all remarked.

“Is that…” Twilight began.

“Hey! That’s the alternate me!” Spike remarked, as the dog version of Spike approached and sniffed him all around. “Uh… make me stop… getting pretty uncomfortable here…”

The girls giggled in response. Then Puppy Spike suddenly started to sniff Equestria Spike’s behind while his eyes widened in horror before he quickly scurried away.

“Ok… I think I’ve had enough of this place… can we go now?” he asked.

“Not yet, we still don’t have any leads on where the other Twilight could be.” The Princess said before she noticed the other Spike barking happily at her and wagging his tail, believing that his owner had finally returned home.

“Easy Other Spike, that’s not who you think it is.” Spike told his alternate self. Puppy Spike then whined upon hearing this while Princess Twilight picked him up and petted him.

“It’s ok boy, we’ll get your Twilight back, I promise.” Twilight assured Puppy Spike while she petted him gently.

Sunset smiled at this and then noticed the broken piece of the pendant that the Human version of Twilight broke. She walked over to it.

“What’s this?” Sunset wondered as she picked up the red gem. Fluttershy seemed to recognize it.

“Hey… that’s a piece of the Dazzling’s pendant!” she realized.

“So she really did get infected by its dark power!” Twilight deduced.

“Ok, so how do we get it out of her?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know… but don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.” Twilight assured them. “But first we need to find her.”

“It’s gonna be hard.” Applejack said.

“Yeah, she could anywhere.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Then we’ll have to search everywhere!” Rainbow declared.

Sunset thought for a minute. “Maybe we don’t have to…” she said, causing everyone to turn to her, intrigued.

“What do you mean?” Princess Twilight asked, curiously.

“Well… she is you… maybe your connected in some way. All you got to do is concentrate and maybe you could link your mind to hers.” Sunset suggested. “It’s worth a try.”

“Yeah… your right! I am connected to her, I just need to concentrate and I’ll be able to lock on to her with my mind.” Princess Twilight said, inspired.

“Alright!” Rainbow Dash cheered, pleased. “Finally, we got a chance!”

“Hold on, let me concentrate first.” Twilight told her as she pressed her hands together and closed her eyes as she began to concentrate on her other half. The others waited for her to respond, but it took quite a while.

“Is she done yet?” Pinkie Pie asked. Twilight shushed her, but she only stayed quiet for a short time. “How about now?”

“Pinkie!” They all hissed, annoyed.

“Sorry!” The party girl whispered.

Twilight then resumed concentrating and eventually, inside her mind, she found a field of energy similar to her own and quickly traced it back to its source. Her eyes widened.

“Alright, I found her.” Twilight declared.

“Great! Where is she?” Sunset inquired.

“Out causing trouble in the city again, somewhere close to where you encountered her last time we got to stop her before she hurts anyone else.” Twilight said, firmly.

“Then what are we waiting for? Christmas?” Rainbow asked, incredulously. “Let’s go take her down!”

“Right… what’s Christmas?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Uh… long story…” Rarity replied.

“Good story.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Focus ya’ll! Let’s go!” Applejack told them all as they began running, Puppy Spike started to follow them but Twilight turned to him.

“Spike… stay,” she ordered. The two Spikes then stopped and sat down. She turned to the Equestria Spike. “No you, Spike. Him!”

“Oh, right!” Equestria Spike said. “Sorry about that. Come on!”

Princess Twilight and her loyal assistant then ran off with the others while the human world’s Spike sat down and whined before watching them leave.

While the girls, and Spike, began to make their way to the other Twilight’s location, the Princess of Friendship’s currently evil twin was out in the city wreaking havoc as she flew over the city below. She continuously fired dark magic bolts and beams from her hands and eyes, which caused explosions and buildings to get blow apart while the citizens below attempted to flee. The other Twilight laughed sadistically as this happened below her.

She also now wear a dark version of the clothes Princess Twilight wears when she visits the other world, which consisted of a black blouse a red ribbon around her neck, a cobalt blue skirt with a black six pointed star surrounded by five purple stars on the side. She also wore purple and cobalt blue legwarmers and black shoes on her feet.

Her dark energy then literally ripped through the streets, knocking down telephone poles and electrical wires. They also caused some gas stations to explode, and as such part of the city was set ablaze.

Several police vehicles drove toward her but the Evil Twilight saw them coming from a mile away and magically manipulated them to drive right into the walls of buildings close by them, thankfully nobody was hurt but she still laughed sadistically at his.

Nearby, after making their way past some burning cars and fleeing passerby’s rushing away from the towers of smoke and explosions behind them, the most of the girls, and Spike, rode in Sunset Shimmer’s car while the rest came on their bikes. When they got close enough, they all got out of the car and off their bikes and looked toward the direction of the explosions that were up ahead.

“Ok, this is it, girls.” Twilight announced. “Just remember, let me try to reason with her. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

“And what exactly do you plan to do once you reach her?” Rainbow questioned.

“Yeah, how are you going to get the dark magic out of her?” Applejack added.

“I’m not quite sure… but I think if I can harness and use the magic of friendship deep within me, I can expel the dark magic in this Twilight,” she explained. “Now where is she anyway?”

They glanced around left and right and eventually, one of them spotted her close by.

“There she is!” Applejack cried, pointing up ahead.

Twilight looked in the direction she was pointing in and much to her shock she saw her other world counterpart causing chaos and destruction all over town. It baffled her that she looked so much like her and yet looked so… mean.

“That’s me…” Princess Twilight gasped.

“Told you she looked freaky…” Rainbow said, leaning toward her closely.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded. “Let’s not go down to the bad Twilight’s level.”

“Hey! Fashioniesta Girl! I can smell that ugly outfit all the way from here!” The bad Twilight called out, mockingly, which enraged Rarity.

“Why you…!” she began as she began to stomp over, only to be stopped by the Good Twilight, who the other Twilight couldn’t see at the time.

“Easy Rarity, don’t let… me get to you,” she told her.

“Great… she’s spotted us…” Applejack said, dismayed. “But lucky for us she doesn’t seem to have that good of an attention span, seeing she’s about to destroy a whole building.”

The others turned and saw that the other Twilight was now holding her hands up toward a building right in front of her, preparing to knock it down just as Applejack said. They all gasped.

“I gotta stop her!” Princess Twilight said, determined.

“What are you gonna do?” Fluttershy asked.

“What I do best; lecture her!” The Equestrian Twilight declared.

“Seriously?” Rainbow questioned, deadpan.

“Nope, she’s not kidding.” Spike confirmed.

“Great… we’re doomed…” she commented.

“Ignoring that.” Twilight said, annoyed. “So… anything else?”

“Just one. Remember Twilight; she may look like you but in a lot of ways… she is not like you.” Sunset Shimmer told her. “She’s not evil she’s just… she’s just lost too much. Ok?”

Princess Twilight nodded, understandingly. “Ok,” she said, before turning towards her other self. “I’m going in!”

Twilight then started to quickly run over to her counterpart while everyone watched her go, worried. As she made her way over, her other self looked up at a tall building towering over and got an awful idea as smiled wickedly at the tower before her.

“Hmm, I wonder how many people will notice me once I knock this building over!? Time to find out!” The Evil Twilight said as she prepared to blast the building. Not noticing her other self running over to her.

“STOP!” she yelled, which caught the other Twilight’s attention.

“Who dares…” The Alternate Twilight before she gasped in shock upon seeing Princess Twilight. She ceased her attacks and turned to other self looking stunned. To both of them it felt like they were looking in a mirror and it seemed almost unbelievable. They both then felt a burning sensation in their chests and held their hearts as they winced, it was some kind of resonance. After shaking it off Princess Twilight then spoke.

“Twilight, you’ve got to listen to me!” Princess Twilight told her alternate self.

“Who are you? I mean, you’re me, but I’m me too. How can there be two me’s? It’s not scientifically possible. You are not scientifically possible!” Demon Twilight proclaimed. She then felt a strong pain inside her. “But for some reason… I’m getting a bad vibe from you… I don’t like it.”

“Please! Listen! This is going to sound crazy and not make a lot of sense, but I’m from another world.” Princess Twilight Sparkle told her.

“Another what?” Alternate Twilight said, stunned.

“Another world, it’s called Equestria and their I’m… a pony.” Twilight Sparkle admitted, sheepishly.

“WHAT!?” The other Twilight yelled.

“Yeah, shocking but true.” Rainbow Dad confirmed.

“I… I can’t believe it… that’s not… no… NO! Lies! Lies! Everything you say is a big fat lie!” The other Twilight snapped as she promptly blasted a nearby bus stand into smithereens, stunning them.

“Wow, isn’t she a spazzy one?” Pinkie Pie remarked, wide-eyed.

“Look Twilight, the dark magic you were exposed to didn’t just effect your body, it’s also twisted your mind! You have to let me…” Princess Twilight began.

“Wrong! I don’t have to do anything for anyone anymore!” Her evil self snapped. “That’s the old me. Always trying to please people and get people to acknowledge me for once. Well, they never did! But it doesn’t matter now. I now have the power to make things better. Well… better for me. Not so good for you.”

“No Twilight! You don’t have to do this! There are other ways to get people to notice you! You can make friends! Don’t make the same mistakes I almost made!” Twilight pleaded her alternate self. “If I hadn’t made friends I would have never have gotten to where I am now!”

“And where is that I may ask?” Evil Twilight questioned.

“Uh… becoming a Princess?” Equestria Twilight replied, sheepishly.

“A Princess!?” Demon Twilight exclaimed. “You’re saying I’m a Princess in another world!?”

“Yep! The Princess of Friendship!” Rainbow Dash said, proudly while Spike did some fanfare. Twilight blushed a bit.

“So in one universe… I’m a nobody… but in another… I’m a Princess…” The other Twilight muttered, trying to process the information given to her.

The human version of Twilight lowered and began shaking a bit, to anybody else it seemed that she was crying. Princess Twilight quickly became worried.

“Hey… are you ok?” Listen it’s going to be ok just…” she began before she then heard a chuckling.

The corrupted Twilight then raised her head and let out a deranged laugh that spooked everybody present, especially Fluttershy. She soon stopped.

An evil smile then appeared on the alternate Twilight’s face. “I see… it all makes sense now,” she said.

“Huh?” Princess Twilight asked, confused. “What do you mean exactly?”

“Well… it’s a long story but… did you know that every time somebody makes a choice, the world pretty much copies itself?” The other Twilight asked. “There are probably billions of other worlds too, some so similar to each other you could spend a lifetime looking for any distinction. Others so radically different… they defy comprehension. And this world is the original. Or at least that’s my general theory.”

“Hmm… interesting…” Princess Twilight admitted.

Behind her, the others were trying, and failing, to understand even half of what the alternate Twilight just said.

“Billons of… what?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“Ooh… my brain hurts…” Pinkie groaned.

“Not surprising, if I explain this to you any further it would your tiny brain explode.” The other Twilight stated, before she teleported in front of Pinkie, startling her a bit before saying. “Boo,” she said, smiling.

Pinkie Pie yelped, frightened and hid behind her friends, looking just as scared as Fluttershy was.

“Hey! Leave her alone!” Princess Twilight told her alternate self “This is between you and me! So let’s settle this!”

“Indeed… it is between the two of us, which is why this is so important… why thanks to you… the answer is now clear.” The demonic Twilight mused.

“What answer is clear?” Princess Twilight inquired.

“I’ve always wondered if there were other worlds out there, with an infinite number of me’s, always wondering which was the real one…” Human Twilight began.

“But?” Princess Twilight asked, expectedly as she narrowed her eyes.

“But the reality is I’m the real you.” Human Twilight declared. “And I am not gonna let you get rid of me you fake!”

“I am not a fake!” Equestria Twilight protested.

“Then prove it! Face me in a magical duel now!” Demon Twilight ordered.

“A magical duel!?” Twilight gasped.

“Yes! Based on my calculations you still have that magic you used to create those events inside you, all you have to do is tap into it and we can begin!” Alternate Twilight stated.

“No! I will not! There’s no point in it!” Princess Twilight denied. “All I’m doing is trying to help you, so please… let me in!”

“Don’t give me that! I won’t allow it… I’ll never allow it!” Demon Twilight growled. “Hatred! That is what the world is full of, not pathetic things like ‘friendship’! Darkness is the truth of the world! It’s my truth! You are me! But I’m the one whose actually lived a life of loneliness and hardship while you’ve lived an easy life of love and happiness, things that are so unreal here it’s sad! My life is real! Your just… a fake!!”

“No! I told you, I’m not a fake!” Princess Twilight Sparkle insisted.

“Deny it all you like, your existence makes me nauseous anyway. It’s like I have goosebumps all over my body! You sicken me!” The corrupted Twilight stated, disgusted. “That is why I cannot allow you exist any longer. Then after I’m finished with you I’m coming for your friends. Won’t be much of a fight if they lose you.”

The Evil Twilight blasted a spot near them, making them all jump. Her words and threat’s made the Princess start to pant and caused her eyes to widen fearfully.

“Your… your mad!” Princess Twilight gasped.

“No… I’m you!” Evil Twilight said, pointing at her, maliciously. “Remember? Or more accurately… I’m the original, you’re the copy!”

“You can’t honestly believe that can you?” The Princess questioned.

“What? Does the truth hurt Princess? Don’t worry, what I have planned… is gonna hurt more.” Demon Twilight laughed.

“Boy, she really is nuttier then a fruit cake!” Pinkie remarked.

“I’ll say!” Applejack agreed.

“That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time!” Rainbow proclaimed.

“So no matter what I say you won’t fight back?” The evil Twilight questioned.

“You know me better than that!” The good Twilight shot back.

Evil Twilight snarled and then spotted a young couple that happened to be watching, she held out her hand toward them and much to their surprise they were surrounded by a dark magical aura and started floating over to her, screaming in fear and terror.

“I know you fake, you see like you I used to care about others. I thought doing nice things for them would get them to notice me…” Evil Twilight admitted as she stroked the male’s face with a nasty but seductive grin. “Obvious how that turned out, huh?”

“Let them go!” Princess Twilight yelled.

“Make me!” Demon Twilight spat.

“Hey… I think I had the same conversation in the second grade!” Pinkie realized. “See, I was…”

“We don’t care!” They all exclaimed, annoyed.

“So ‘Twilight’… what’s it gonna be?” Demon Twilight questioned.

Twilight looked at the scared people levitating in the air and quickly made her decision.

“Alright me… let’s duel!” Twilight Sparkle declared.

“Excellent!” The corrupted Twilight smiled, as she released the hostages. She and the Princess of Friendship readied themselves. “Draw!”

Dark Twilight charged up the dark magic in her fists while Princess Twilight concentrated hard and managed to harness the magic inside of her, which was also generated in her fists, she then gained her pony ears, wings and ponytail extension.

“Ooh, looks like it’s Twilight… against… Twilight…” Pinkie said, starting to sound confused.

“Yeah, we may all need therapy after this.” Applejack remarked.

“At least it isn’t hard to tell those two apart.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Got that right.” Spike agreed.

Both Twilight’s then fired bolts of magical energy from their hands, the blasts quickly canceled each other out when they both collided. This continued for a while, with the other Twilight matching the Princess move for move. It soon turned into a sort of laser tag between the two as they began running and firing at each other until they got close enough to each other. At which point Twilight caught her corrupted half’s fist and then the two slammed their magically charged free fists into each other and knocked each other back a bit.

“Heh, heh, Not half bad, fake!” Demon Twilight remarked.

“Stop calling me that!” Princess Twilight said as she tried another magical trick. Several objects flew toward her evil alternate self but the demon girl just dodged them easily. “I’m sorry this happened to you… but I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone else!”

“Ha! You say that like you have a choice!” The Evil Twilight remarked as she fired a bolt of dark magical lightning, which Twilight barely managed to dodge. “Everyone I have ever known as either ignored me, turned their backs on me or failed me. My parents, my brother, Sunset Shimmer… you! So all you losers can just shut up! Now hold still so can vaporize you!”

She then brought more dark magical bolts down on Princess Twilight as she ran for her life. Then then stopped, kneeled down, then held up her hands and created a magical barrier around herself as one bolt nearly hit her.

Twilight then stood up and began making multiple movement with her hands as she levitated several objects right at her other self, but the Evil Twilight mimicked her every move and the objects collided into each other one after the other. It was like Princess Twilight was fighting a mirror.

“This Twilight’s talented…” Sunset Shimmer observed.

“They’re equal!” Fluttershy realized.

“But that’s impossible!” Rarity remarked.

“Yeah, Twilight’s supposed to be the best there is when it comes to magic!” Applejack pointed out. “So how come this Twilight is so good at it? Why she didn’t even believe in magic until just a few days ago.”

The other Twilight backed up and laughed a bit, hearing their conversation. “I guess I’m a natural,” she smirked before casually dodging some more objects being hurled at her. “Ha, ha, too slow Princess.”

“Argh…! How can she be so relaxed…?!” Rainbow questioned, frustrated. “She’s dueling Twilight, a master of magic and she’s perfectly calm!”

Demon Twilight overhead her again and smirked. “Because it doesn’t matter how hard she tries, she’ll never stop me! Never! But I’ll stop her. Stop from existing that is.”

The Evil Twilight the created a ball of dark magic and then waved her hand creating a dark energy wave that knocked Princess Twilight right off her feet and sent her rolling across the ground.

“Twilight! Are you ok?” Applejack called out. Twilight then slowly got up.

“I am… but she’s more powerful than I thought!” Princess Twilight remarked.

Demon Twilight laughed. “You still don’t get it, do you? It’s pointless. Give up now!”

Princess Twilight stood back up and stood her ground. “I never give up!” she proclaimed, before running toward her

“Good! Neither do I!” Demon Twilight declared, as she ran toward her other self as well. When they both neared each other, they drew back their fists and punched each other right in the cheek at the exact same time but only the Evil Twilight’s attack managed to knock the good Twilight away.

“Twilight, no!” Rainbow cried out, as she rolled across the ground again.

“Oh no…” Fluttershy whimpered before turning to Rarity, who held her close and comforted her.

“It’s alright, darling…” she said.

“Yeah, don’t count Twilight out just yet!” Spike added, confidently. “She’s got this!”

Princess Twilight’s eyes then glowed. “Ok me… I didn’t want it to come to this but it looks like I’ll have to knock some sense into you in order to save you!””

The Princess then raised her arms and caused all the broken toys, rocks and other pieces of the area around them to levitate upward and quickly swirl around and around until they created a whirlwind of junk.

“Take this!” The Friendship Princess declared as she launched the whirlwind of items at her corrupted counterpart who merely raised a hand and stopped it, mid-swirl right before it hit her.

“Nice try, but not good enough to defeat me,” she smirked, evilly as the objects all dropped at her feet. Everyone gasped in shock.

“Impossible!” Princess Twilight remarked as her evil half laughed at her.

“Come at me however you want. Nothing’s gonna work against me anyway.” Demon Twilight told Princess Twilight, smugly “You can’t get rid of me. I know you better than you know yourself. I see that now… and now I do… I can eliminate you!”

The Evil Twilight then did a finger gun sign with both hands and began firing little bolts of concentrated dark magic at her other self. Princess Twilight then held up a hand and created a shield to block them, then used both hands but eventually the shield shattered and she rolled across the ground again before standing up on her knees.

“This is crazy! All this destruction… it’s not helping anyone!” Princess Twilight told her evil self, as she levitated a manhole and threw it at her. But Evil Twilight easily caught it.

“Wasn’t really trying to!” she said as she threw it back. Twilight ducked while it struck the ground near some people, frightening them into leaving.

“See what you’re doing!? You don’t care who gets caught in the middle of your grudge match!” Princess Twilight stated. “These are people, Twilight! People with lives, with families, with friends that love them! Your gonna really hurt them!”

“I’m sick of friends!” Demon Twilight roared. “I never had any or needed any to begin with!”

The evil Twilight sees a bunch of fleeing people and magical hurls parts of the ground at them, which the Princess of Friendship managed to stop and divert away from them in time.

“Well just because you never had them doesn’t give you the right to take them from anyone else!” Princess Twilight stated to Demon Twilight, firmly. “Friendship is much more powerful than you think!”

“Hey, nobody ever cared about me so why should I care about them?” Demon Twilight pointed out. “We may look and act the same… but the truth is… you don’t know anything about me!”

She then furiously fires another ball of dark magic at Princess Twilight who then jumped and rolled right out of the way before it hit.

“That’s it! I know hard things have been for you but it’s time for me to end this duel!” Princess Twilight declared, determined.

“I couldn’t agree more!” Her corrupted self stated, grinning wickedly. “But you better make darn sure that you destroy me, because if you don’t… I’m going to destroy you… and then… everyone else.”

“You’ll try! Because Friendship is Magic!” The good Twilight stated loudly as she raised her hands and created a large ball of light purple magical energy. The evil Twilight copied her and smiled wickedly before throwing it right at her, Princess Twilight did the same and their two attacks quickly clashed, resulting in an explosion. Everyone shielded themselves from the blast wave as it created a bright flash of light and then a huge cloud of smoke. They all coughed on the smoke and blew it out of their faces.

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash called out.

The girls waited until the smoke finally cleared up, allowing them to see the two Twilight’s, but much to their horror they saw their friend Twilight with a spear of dark energy impaled through her chest, courtesy of her dark human half. Fluttershy gasped sharply quickly turned away and covered her eyes from the sight, whimpering in fear

“Twilight!” The others all yelled.

“Game… over.” Demon Twilight sang, with a wicked smile. The others then began to rush over to the Princess while the Demon Twilight removed the energy spear, causing the other Twilight to hold her chest and dropped to her knees, looking very weakened while her ears, tail and wings all vanished. “So magic for your precious ‘magic of friendship.”

While was no visible injury or blood on her, but by the wide-eyed look on Princess Twilight’s face and her constant shaking, to her it sure felt like she had just been skewered. The girls quickly gathered around looking worried.

“Oh no, Twilight!” Spike cried.

“Are you ok?” Fluttershy asked, concerned.

“Speak to us, Twilight!” Rainbow pleaded

“Yeah… I’m fine… but… my body… I can’t felt anything anymore…” Princess Twilight said, holding her left arm. “And it’s… hard to… breath…”

“Hang in there, Twi.” Applejack told her, comfortingly.

“I don’t it. She was impaled… why isn’t she bleeding?” Pinkie questioned.

“It must have been a spiritual stab instead of a physical one.” Sunset Shimmer deduced.

“A spiritual stab?” Fluttershy echoed.

“It’s basically attacks the person’s very spirit, they don’t get injured at all… but their spirit’s still feel the pain, anymore so… and the person could expire.” Sunset said, grimly.

“Oh dear…” Rarity expressed, concerned.

Demon Twilight then dropped to her knees, exhausted also. “Huff… huff… Not bad. I’m just about exhausted. Heh. Just what I’d expect from me.”

“I’m not you…” Twilight breathed.

“You are me. I am you. The true Twilight Sparkle! A God of Destruction!” The evil human Twilight proclaimed.

“No… it’s not… IT’S NOT!” Twilight said, her other self’s words were obviously getting to her. “It’s not… it’s not…”

“Yeah, yeah, keep on denying it. Now hold still…” Dark Twilight said as she created another sphere of dark magic only to stop when suddenly Pinkie throws a fist full of sparkly dust into her eyes, blinding her. “Can’t see!”

“What was…” Rainbow began.

“Pixie Dust! Never know when you’ll need it, except if you know your gonna throw a party that is!” Pinkie beamed.

“Good work Pinkie, now let’s move it, Twilight’s hurt pretty bad.” Applejack told them.

“Running away again, aw man this is just embarrassing!” Rainbow complained.

“Well it allows us to keep on breathing then I say… head for the hills!” Rarity yelled, as she ran.

“You heard her, move!” Sunset said to them as they began to leave.

“Alright, come on Twi.” Applejack said as she and Rainbow put her arms over their shoulders and began to carry her away as they all ran off.

“That’s right! Go ahead and run! Cling to your wretched lives you cowards! Not that’ll do you any good! I’ll find you!” she said.

“Stop… stop it…” Twilight whimpered.

“Just admit it… you are me. But you’re just… a fake.”

That was the last thing Princess Twilight heard before her evil human self vanished from sight as the girls continued to drag her away from the scene of the battle.