• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,736 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

  • ...

Return of the Princess

Chapter 6

Later on, the girls quickly came back to Pinkie’s house. They opened and slammed the door shut as soon as they came in and sure enough, nobody had even noticed that they left and we’re still continuing to party. They each kneeled a bit and panted as they panted to catch their breaths, they were all completely exhausted.

“That… was way to close…” Rainbow said, gasping for air every few seconds.

“You said it…” Applejack agreed.

“Boy… am I tired!” Pinkie Pie expressed as she then slowly fell over, right on her face.

“Oh… me as well… I feel like I just went through a shopping spree and I do not have anything to show for it!” Rarity said, completely breathless.

“Well, at least it’s over…” Fluttershy said, relieved.

While they were talking, Pinkie walked over to the television in the living room and ended up turning it on and the first thing she saw was an image of the now corrupted Twilight Sparkle.

“Hey, look! It’s the other Twilight! She’s on TV!” Pinkie announced. Everyone, including some of the party people, turned to the television and saw images of the demonic looking Twilight causing chaos throughout the entire city. They quickly noticed that no sound was coming from it.

“Why is it muted?” Sunset inquired.

“Oh, loud noises scare Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie said, while the shy girl near her nodded, fearfully. “Plus… the reporter tends to say things I’m really not allowed to say…”

“Oh…” Sunset said, understandingly.

Now what do we do?” Fluttershy wondered, worrying. “Twilight’s destroying the city and… I think I’m too scared to face her again… there’s no guarantee that she won’t try to destroy us again…”

Applejack put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, we’re all a little scared of this other Twilight.”

“Please! I’m not scared of Twilight!” Rainbow Dash boasted, before Pinkie tapped her on the shoulder and silently gestured to the TV with wide eyes. Rainbow then saw images of tombstones carved into several different buildings with their names and years of birth on them, as well as their supposed date of death which was, according the tombstones… ‘soon’. She then turned to the others looking stunned. “Ok… I’m a little scared of her.”

“We all are.” Applejack stated, firmly. “Just like I said.”

“Hard to believe dark magic could have done this to her, and affected her this much!” Rarity remarked.

“This Twilight was mad at the world before she become infected with dark magic, now that she has it’s been… magnified somehow.” Sunset Shimmer said.

“But how did she get infected, anyway?” Fluttershy wondered, confused.

“It was because of the Dazzling’s, or more specifically their pendants.” Sunset said, with narrowed eyes.

“The Dazzling’s pendants? Of course! I can’t believe we didn’t realize it earlier.” Rarity remarked.

“It all makes sense, the unhinged mind, the negative mojo that was affecting everyone with, it was because of those wacky pendants that they used to carry.” Applejack realized.

“But weren’t they destroyed?” Rainbow pointed out.

“And didn’t we throw out all those broken pieces?” Pinkie added.

“Guess we missed a few…” Applejack remarked.

“Uh-oh…” Fluttershy gulped.

“And now some of their dark power has affected this world’s Twilight and driven her…” Rarity began before Pinkie held up a clock that made a cuckoo noise. “Yes, exactly.”

“So it’s our fault?” Rainbow questioned. They nodded, making Rainbow groan “Great… we are so doomed.”

“Well if we don’t stop her this Twilight will destroy the entire town…” Sunset said as they all gazed out the window and saw towers of smoke rising out from various parts of the city.

“So what do we do?” Fluttershy wondered, fearfully.

“It looks like we’re gonna have to call on Princess Twilight for help.” Sunset Shimmer concluded.

“You sure?” Applejack asked.

“If anyone can help us stop this version of Twilight, it’s her.” Sunset stated. “For only she can stop herself.”

“Makes sense to me!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“In that case, we’d better get a message to her ASAP.” Rainbow declared.

“I’ll go get my book.” Sunset Summer said, before quickly leaving.

Sunset walked over to her bag, opened it up and took out her magic book and in just a mere moment Pinkie Pie appeared before her, holding a pink pen.

“Make sure to write something really big like… ‘SOS’ or… ‘HELP US!’, ok?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Ok…” Sunset said, slowly as she took the pen and began to write. “Dear Princess Twilight…”

Meanwhile, back in Equestria, things were still relatively peaceful even after Tirek’s attack and all the other recent events that had occurred there of late. All the ponies living there went about their everyday routine while their beloved Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, happily made her way through town and greeted everypony that saw her

“Morning Princess!” Daisy waved.

“Good Morning!” Princess Twilight waved back.

The Mailpony then walked by. “Hey! Good Morning, Princess!

“Good morning to you, too!” The princess smiled.

Some school fillies, who were all big fans of Twilight, then walked by as well.

“Morning, Princess Twilight!” They said.

“Looking good!” Another one noted.

“Thanks, your all looking great as well.” Princess Twilight beamed.

The Princess then continued walking until she stopped in front of something that made her ears droop and caused her to sit right down on her rump as she lowered her head sadly in front of the ruined remains of her once precious library, which was destroyed during her battle with Tirek. A battle that shook her to the core. She glanced at her former home and all the memories that she had in it flashed in her mind, causing her great sadness as a tear fell down her face.

She sighed, depressed, almost not noticing her number one assistant, Spike, approaching her from behind.

“Hey Twilight, you ok?” Spike asked, noticing her sadness.

“Yeah… it’s just… I miss our home…” Twilight sighed, sadly. “Seems like only yesterday that Tirek destroyed it in one blast.”

“But that was so long ago! And things have returned to normal since then.” Spike reminded her.

“I know but…” Twilight Sparkle began.

“Look Twilight, you need to stop trying to change things that can’t be changed, the past is the past and you need to let it go and embrace the future, you know what I mean?” Spike asked.

“Yeah…” Twilight sighed.

“Besides you got own shining castle now, and you have an official title too! Plus you have great friends, a wonderful assistant and well… pretty much everything you’ve ever wanted.” Spike pointed out. “What’s to be depressed about?”

“Well…” Twilight began before her voice trailed off.

“Well what?” Spike inquired.

“Never mind, it’s not important… it’s get back to the castle.” Princess Twilight said. “My caste…”

“Alright!” Spike said, pumped as they both began to walk away from their destroyed library and toward their shiny new castle.

Pretty soon, the two of them arrived back at the castle that represented the new Friendship Rainbow Kingdom and happily walked through the doors together.

“Hey, think we’ll get our own personal guard?” Spike inquired, eagerly.

Twilight chuckled, amused. “Maybe Spike, just maybe,” she said before she noticed the that book, which she got messages from Sunset Shimmer, was glowing and vibrating, she quickly levitated it over.

“What is it?” Spike asked.

“It’s from Sunset Shimmer and our friends from Canterlot High!” Twilight realized as levitated the book over and read the pages closely.

“What’s it say?” Spike inquired.

Twilight read it for a bit and then gasped. “It can’t be…” she breathed.

“What is it?” Spike questioned her, eagerly. “Come on, tell me!”

“It says that… they found another me in their world!” Twilight gasped.

“Huh!?” Spike said, shocked.

Pretty soon after reading Sunset Shimmer’s message about the other Twilight, the Princess and her always loyal assistant found themselves walking back into the room where they kept the portal.

“I can’t believe there’s another you, Twilight.” Spike remarked.

“Neither did I, but it makes sense. If there are other versions of our friends in that world then it’s reasonable to say that there are other versions of us as well, we’ve just never met them.” Princess Twilight said.

“Until now you mean.” Spike pointed out.

“Yeah…” Twilight admitted. “Now… let’s get the portal ready.”

Spike nodded, took the magic book that used to belong to Celestia and placed it on top of the contraption that kept the portal open. The machine then charged up, using the book’s magic ,and the connection between their world and Equestria was finally established.

“All set!” Spike confirmed.

“Excellent!” Twilight nodded, pleased.

“Well, here we go again.” Spike said as he prepared to go through the portal.

“I just hope keeping the portal to their world open was a good idea…” Twilight confessed.

“Why do you think that?” Spike wondered.

“Well… I’m thinking that there’s a reason why the portal’s only supposed to open once every thirty moons… but I’m not sure what it is…” Princes Twilight admitted. “Still I worry…”

“Come on, I’m sure it’s nothing.” Spike assured her.

“Yeah… maybe…” Twilight said, still sounding unsure as she put on her saddle bag as well as a few other items as well.

“Hey, shouldn’t we tell the others that were leaving?” Spike inquired, confused.

“I want to but I’m afraid there’s no time, leave them a note in case they come by, hopefully they’ll understand.” Twilight said.

“Ok… I still feel bad about it though…” Spike confessed.

“You and me both…” The Princess of Friendship sighed, sadly. She then regained her composure Ready?”
Spike then got into a running position. “Ready!” he confirmed with a thumbs up.

“Then let’s go!” Twilight declared before she and her loyal assistant rushed toward the portal and then jumped right through.

The next day, back in the human world, outside the school the girls were all sitting near the statue where the portal was doing their own thing as they waited for Twilight. Fluttershy played with a lady bug, Pinkie blew big balloons, Rarity did her nails, Rainbow threw her ball into the air over and over, Applejack relaxed and Sunset continued to try, and fail, to come with a speech.

“Sure she’ll be here?” Rainbow asked, Sunset.

“She’ll be here.” Sunset Shimmer assured her. She checked her new watch. “In three… two… one…”

Just before she could say zero, Twilight came flying out of the portal beside them and landed nearby, along with Spike.

“I’m back!” The Princess of Friendship announced, smiling.

“Twilight!” They all cheered, happily before running over and hugging her tightly.

“We missed you so much Twilight!” Fluttershy expressed.

“Aw, I’m missed you too, girls.” Twilight expressed.

“Good to have you back, Twilight.” Sunset Shimmer smiled as she approached her. The two of them quickly hugged.

“It’s good to be back.” Princess Twilight said.

“And now that you are… we got a lot to fill you in on.” Sunset told her as Twilight raised a brow.

Sometime later, they were all sitting on the couch, or at a nearby table, inside the local hangout; The Sweet Shoppe, where the Rainboom’s were telling Twilight all about their encounter with the Alternate Twilight.

“So… you really did find the alternate version of me and she attacked you all?” Equestria Twilight asked, surprised. They all nodded in confirmation.

“Yep!” Pinkie chirped.

“Well… more like she found us… but you get the idea.” Rainbow Dash said, shrugging.

Twilight looked stunned. “That’s incredible… I mean… I heard her mentioned by Pinkie once but… but I never considered that she…”

“It caught us all by surprise.” Sunset Shimmer assured her.

“Yeah, and she wasn’t like you at all!” Pinkie added.

“She’s right, she was very different… and if you could have seen the hate in… in her eyes…” Fluttershy said, shaking fearfully.

“I’m sorry you had to see that…” Princess Twilight said, feeling guilty. “Anything else I should know about her?”

“Well… she’s pretty much what you would have been like if you hadn’t discovered the magic of friendship…” Sunset Shimmer added.

“Oh dear…” Twilight said, stunned.

“Yeah… not a pleasant person… no offence.” Rainbow Dash said.

“None taken.” Twilight sighed. “I should have warned you about her… about the kind of person I was back then. All I cared about was my studies and nothing else. Maybe… maybe if I sent you after me earlier…”

“Twilight, that’s in the past, you can’t change it.” Sunset told her.

“That’s what Spike keeps tell me…” Twilight said, depressed.

“It’s true!” The dog said, proudly. Twilight gave him an annoyed glare and he smiled, sheepishly.

“Well, you should probably listen to him.” Rainbow told her. Spike nodded, still looking proud.

“Ok… well are any ideas where the other… me could be now?” Twilight asked them.

Sunset shook her head. “No… after causing so much damage to the city she disappeared not long before you showed up. We have no idea where she could be.”

“I wanted to go searching for her but… AJ here pointed out that it would take forever.” Rainbow Dash added, dismayed.

“Well, until she shows herself again we’re gonna have to stay on high alert, we can’t let anything…” Twilight began before she sees a familiar blue-haired guitar player entering the Sweet Shoppe and smiled. “Flash?”

Flash’s eyes widen when heard Twilight’s voice. He turned around and smiled when he saw her sitting with her friends. She stood up and waved at him, nervously.

“Twilight!” Flash cried, happily as he ran over to her. Then they both embraced each other, tightly and lovingly. The girls all d’awwed at the sight while Rainbow and Spike both made gagging noises. Rarity glared at them both, annoyed.

“Flash…” Twilight sighed.

“It’s good to see you again.” Flash expressed.

“It’s great to see you too…” Twilight smiled. “I’ve missed you…”

“Aw, I’ve missed you too… oh and… listen, I didn’t get a chance to tell you this before but… sorry about the things I said to you during the battle of the bands… I acted like a jerk.” Flash said, regretfully. “And I’m sorry.”

“Flash, there’s no need to apologize, you weren’t yourself.” Twilight reminded him.

“I still feel crummy about it…” Flash confessed.

Twilight put a hand on his cheek. “Well don’t, the important thing is… you are yourself again,” she said, smiling. Flash smiled at this, touched.

“So… do you think we can start over? Like… that never happened?” Flash asked, hopefully.

Twilight looked at him lovingly. “Of course we can.”

Flash looked very pleased. “Cool…”

The two of them glanced away from each other blushing and smiling like idiots. It took a while before they noticed the others watching and giggling at them and then began to walk away, holding hands. When they were far enough away from everyone Flash spoke .

“So… I hear there’s another you, huh?” Flash remarked.

“Seems that way.” Twilight confirmed.

“I always that… there was only one you. I never imagined that…” The blue haired guitar player began.

“Yeah… never really crossed my mind until today…” Twilight admitted.

“You know… I think my Dad mentioned seeing someone who looked like that earlier, your sayings that’s… Flash began.

“Yeah.” Twilight confirmed, nodding grimly.

“Aw man… and if somebody sees you…” Flash started to say again.

“They’ll think I’m responsible for her terrible acts… I’ll get blamed for all that stuff and I didn’t do of it!” Twilight said, stressed. She sighed. “Can anybody say ironic?”

Twilight buried her face her hands and lowered her head. Flash looked at sympathetically, and then something popped into his head that made his eyes widen.

“Hey how about we… like maybe … go for a walk? You know, to take your mind off things for a bit?” Flash suggested. Twilight glanced up at him. “Maybe even… dinner later tonight?”

“You mean like… a date?” Twilight questioned, raising a brow, surprised.

“If you want to.” Flash said. “If not then…

“No! No! I mean… I want to! I mean I… I…” Twilight began before Sunset appeared near her.

“Go on, we don’t know where the other Twilight is right now, so just hang out and relax for a bit, ok?” Sunset whispered to her. Twilight nodded thankfully.

“I mean… I’d love to, Flash.” Twilight smiled, while blushing like he was.

“Great! I mean… cool. So… shall we?” Flash offered.

“Yes… we shall.” Twilight said as she began to walk forward, Flash did a silent ‘Yes!’ to himself before he began to follow her out. The girls all watched them go and giggled to themselves while Spike rolled his eyes.