• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,737 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

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The Date

Chapter 8

Sometime later, Twilight had followed Flash to what appeared to be the town park and together they began to walk around the grassy and beautiful land whilst holding hands, in Flash’s other hand he carried his guitar case. As they walked Twilight noticed a glimmering lake next to her and a freshly cut hedge right behind the metal railings beside her. She also glanced at the kid’s playground and noticed how freshly cut the grass was and all the lovely flowers close by her.

“This place is beautiful…” Princess Twilight expressed.

“Yeah, my little brother and I hung out here all the time as kids.” Flash admitted.

“Sounds like you had a lot of fun growing up.” Twilight remarked.

“Yeah, I guess so…” Flash shrugged.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight inquired, concerned.

“Nothing it’s just… I’m worried about my Dad…” Flash confessed.

“I know how you feel, I have a big brother whose kind of the Captain of the Royal Guard where I’m from.” Twilight said, sheepishly. “He’s great at it but… I still worry about him.”

“You have a brother too?” Flash asked, surprised.

“Surprise…” Twilight said, grinning and blushing. “Looks like we have something else in common.”

“Guess so.” Flash nodded. He then became very nervous. “Say… do you think your brother would like me?”

“Of course he would like you.” Princess Twilight stated, confidently while putting a hand on his shoulder to assure him. He smiled. “Well… I think…”

Flash looked surprised. “You think?”

“Well… I’ve never exactly had a… boyfriend before… not that I don’t want you to be it’s just… well I’m not saying I want you to but… well whatever you want is fine and… wow your gorgeous… wait, what?” Twilight asked, confused while blushing madly. “Oh… why did I say that?”

“Say what? I didn’t hear anything.” Flash said, smiling. Twilight laughed nervous as she glanced around and twirled her hair.

“So… where we going to have dinner?” Twilight inquired.

“Oh, you’re gonna love it, it’s where my parents first met.” Flash expressed, happily.

“Really?” Princess Twilight asked, interested.

“Yeah, it’s even where my Dad proposed to my Mom.” Flash added.

“Aw, that’s so sweet!” Twilight said, touched.

Flash chuckled. “Yeah, she thought the same thing,” he admitted. “You know you remind me a lot of her.”

“Yeah?” Princess Twilight asked, interested. Flash nodded in glanced away sadly. “What? What’s the matter?”

“Nothing it’s just… I miss my Mom…” Flash sighed, sadly as he reached into his shirt and took out a pendent in the shape of a blue shield with a lightning bolt on the center.

“What’s that?’ Twilight asked, intrigued.

“My Mom gave me this.” Flash explained.

“Your Mom gave it to you? When she… you know…” Twilight asked, before glancing away.

“Yeah… happened two years ago.” Flash sighed, depressed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” Princess Twilight told him, sympathetically.

“It’s ok, it’s not your fault…” Flash assured her. Flash rubbed the pendent in his hand affectionately and just by looking at him Twilight could see a hint of sadness in his eye and looked sympathetic. He quickly changed his tune. “So… eager to see where we’ll be eating?”

“Uh… sure! Lead the way!” Twilight offered, before she heard something. “What was that?”

Flash looked confused. “What? What was what?”

“I think I hear someone coming! I think it’s people who are after the other me!” Twilight expressed, practically freaking out before quickly jumping into a bush to hide. Flash looked and noticed something coming forward, though it turned out to be just a cat that meowed at him.

“Uh… that’s a cat.” Flash pointed out, turning to the bush Twilight was in. She then popped out looking surprised.

“Oh… heh, heh… my bad…” Twilight said, blushing sheepishly and mentally slapping herself for looking like such a crazy fool.

Flash smiled sweetly at her, then offer her his hand. “Here, let me help you.”

Twilight smiled back at him and then, similar to when they first met she put her clenched hand on his then extended all fingers and grab his hand which allowed him to help her up.

Later on that day, both Twilight and Flash arrived at the restaurant they were going to have dinner in. Flash let Twilight step inside first and then held her hand again.

“Ok, here we are.” Flash said, as he gestured to the area of the restaurant in front of them. Twilight’s eyes widen she saw it.

“Wow!” Twilight said, amazed as she gazed upon the sight of the beautiful restaurant they were in.

It was American styled and looked somewhat fancy due to it being a three star restaurant, it had a dark red floor, red satin wallpaper with golden, curly accents and multiple comfortable seats with tall gold colored columns holding it up and several golden chandeliers hanging from above their heads.

“Yeah, pretty sweet, huh?” Flash remarked.

“I’ll say.” Twilight agreed.

“One sec.” Flash told her as he walked up to a man at the counter, talked for a bit then came back to her. “Ok, our seats are ready.”

“Sat… isn’t some of this stuff expensive?” Twilight inquired.

“Yeah, but don’t worry, your worth it.” Flash assured her. That made Twilight giggle and blush even more as she twirled a lock of her hair. “Come on, this way.”

As they made their way down the long row of tables Twilight saw an image of the evil Twilight on the screen and panicked a bit. She looked around and quickly did her hair in a different and messy style, slipped on a pair of sunglasses and put on a scarf that she found lying around and wrapped it around her face. When they reached their table and sat down, Flash was a bit surprised by how Twilight now looked.

“You know, you don’t have to wear a disguise.” Flash told her.

“But what if someone recognizes me and thinks I’m the Evil Twilight? Ooh… I could put you in danger too! I should probably go…” Princess Twilight began as she started to leave before being stopped by Flash.

“No, please, you’re my friend Twilight… a really good friend, I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Flash stated.

Twilight seemed to be comforted by this and sat back down.

“Thank you,” he said. They then began to hear a certain beat coming from various sounds around them that slowly started to become catchy. “Hey… that’s a good rhythm!”

Flash then took his guitar out of his guitar case, and began strumming to the beat.

“Come on, join in.” Flash encouraged her.

“Join in?” Twilight echoed, surprised.

“Yeah, I know you can sing.” Flash reminded her.

“Oh, I don’t know…” Twilight said, glancing away, embarrassed.

“Come on, what’s the harm?” Flash inquired, friendly while raising a brow. “It could be fun.”

“Well… ok.” Twilight relented as she allowed herself to feel the beat Flash was currently strumming to.

Twilight then began to sing a song with Flash playing guitar near her.

When they finally finished they both stared at each other lovingly. They then soon snap out of it and glance away from each other, chuckling and blushing.

“Uh… nice one, you sing really great by the way.” Flash complimented her.

“Thanks… and you’re a great guitar player… as always…” Princess Twilight gushed

“Coming from a Princess… that means a lot.” Flash smiled. This remarked surprised Twilight greatly.

“So… you don’t mind that I’m a Pony Princess from another world?” Twilight asked, hesitantly and nervously.

“Not really.” Flash with a smile and a shrug. “That just makes you more interesting than you already are.”

“Oh…” Twilight said, touched as she twirled her hair again.

“Sorry I wasn’t able to say goodbye to you the first two times you left… I just didn’t know what to say…” Flash shrugged, sadly.

Twilight glanced away. “Yeah, me neither…” she admitted, she then saw Flash’s guilty face and held his hand. “But we’re together now, that’s all that matters, ok?”

This seemed to comfort Flash as he smiled at her. “Ok,” he said.

The two of them stared at each other lovingly before Sunset Shimmer suddenly showed up and ran over to them.

“Twilight! I think I know where we might be able to find clues on where your other self might be.” Sunset Shimmer told her, quickly before she realized that she had just interrupted their date. “Oh… sorry I didn’t…”

“Aw, it’s ok, right Flash?’ Twilight asked him.

“Uh yeah, wouldn’t want to keep you from, you know… saving the world.” Flash said, rubbing the back of his head.

“Yeah… relaxing was nice while it lasted.” Twilight sighed, as she stood up. “Thanks for the dinner.”

“Not a problem.” Flash shrugged.

“We’d better get going.” Sunset told her.

“Right.” Twilight nodded as she and Sunset Shimmer began to leave.

“Twilight!” Flash called out. Twilight stopped and turned to him. “Be careful, ok?”

Twilight gave him a nod and an assuring smile before leaving with Sunset Shimmer.

Elsewhere, the alternate Twilight was currently flying over the city, smiling at all the destruction she was causing, as well all the people currently running in fear.

“Ah, yes. I have nothing to fear. The world is mine! Let the oceans rise and sky rain fire!” Evil Twilight said, sinisterly.

She began to laugh, then suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her soul that caused her to gasp before she began to move down toward the ground. She quickly landed in the middle of a dark alley and dropped to her knees as she held her side. The human Twilight then began to sound like her old self again.

“No! This isn’t right! This has to stop!” The other Twilight said as she struggled to keep the darkness back. Then her eyes glowed again. “No. They must all pay. Pay for ignoring me. For making fun me! For lying to me, attacking me, hating me. They all just used me and now they’re afraid of me! Well, now they’re all dead to me! And I shall destroy them!”

The evil Twilight began rise up but the small amount of goodness inside of her continued to fight back and she clutched her chest, dropped to her knees, then gazed at a mirror nearby her, horrified by her demonic looking appearance.

“Oh no… what have I become…? What have I done…? I have to… get… rid… of this… power… that’s… controlling me!” she panted as she struggled to fight the darkness. “Yes… I must… fight…”

The alternate Twilight continued to try and fight the darkness inside her, causing her body to shake violently and made her lower her forehead to the ground as she groaned in pain. Eventually she suddenly punched the mirror, making it crack up before her eyes glowed a sinister glow.

No… you can’t…” she suddenly hissed with a voice that didn’t sound human. She then zipped back up toward the sky like a rocket and then quickly vanished.