• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,737 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

  • ...

Twilight's Rage

Chapter 5

Elsewhere, back at the party everyone was still having a good time and some folks had even begun hand holding and cuddling after just talking for a while. Sunset was also in the middle of the conversation with her friends as they made their way through the crowd before them.

“Say… if there’s another Twilight… what happened to the other Sunset Shimmer?” Pinkie Pie asked, curiously.

“Oh yeah, whatever happened to her?” Applejack added.

“Uh…” The fiery haired girl from Equestria began before something caught her eye from a far. She then walked away from her.

“Darling? What’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

“I’m not sure…” Sunset said as she walked closer to it, her friends began to follow her out of curiosity.

They got closer to the window and looked out it, in the distance they saw fluctuations of some kind of energy emanating from the center of what appeared to be a busy part of town. And the strange thing was; it was energy only they noticed and nobody else. Sunset Shimmer looked especially concerned by this.

“What is that?” Sunset Shimmer asked. The others turn and also notice the flickering lights in the distance.

“I don’t know… but it doesn’t look good…” Applejack observed.

“Yeah, and no one else is even acknowledging this!” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “What are they blind or something?”

“Maybe we’re the only ones who can see it…” Fluttershy guessed.

“It would make sense… considering that we have magic in us.” Rarity said.

“Well, we’d better go check it out… I have a bad feeling about this.” Sunset Shimmer said.

“We can’t just leave the party!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Plus it might be dangerous.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Look, we can come back later. They’ll never even notice we left.” Sunset Shimmer assured her. The others glanced towards the party people and saw that they were indeed so into the party that they were completely oblivious to everything else around them.

“She has a point.” Rarity told them.

“Alright, let’s get going!” Applejack declared.

“Yeah! Let’s do it!” Pinkie cheered.

“Um… let’s not?” Fluttershy asked, quietly.

Sunset put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll be just fine, I promise,” she assured her.

“Pinkie Promise?” Pinkie inquired, leaning in.

Sunset smiled. “Pinkie Promise.”

“Hooray!” Pinkie Pie cheered, joyfully.

“Come on then gals, let’s rock!” Applejack said, as they all turned and walked towards the open door nearby.

“Let’s roll!” Rainbow added.

“Let’s leave exuberantly!” Pinkie finished, cheery as they all walked out the door. Then Pinkie came right back in. “Right after some punch.”

“Pinkie!” They all screamed, annoyed before pulling her away.

“But the punch…” Pinkie Pie whined as she was dragged away. The door closed behind her.

While the girls began to make their way to the crowded area from where they saw the dark magic emanate, the source of the dark magic, i.e. the human version of Twilight continued to wander around completely dazed and confused.

The other Twilight then tried to move through the crowd, but like before she kept getting bumped into over and over again, like if she really was invisible. The only difference was this time every time it happened the person would get a little static shock which seemed to increase with each hit and once they were shocked they began to become angry and hostile to whoever was around them at the time, as if they were getting infected with negative energy, but she didn’t notice. All Human Twilight wanted was to get herself some help.

“H-Hello? Can anyone help me? Hello?” she called out, desperately. She quickly saw a kid with a Mohawk walking by and touched him, causing him a bit of pain as some dark purple energy went into him. “Excuse me, mister can you help? I don’t feel so good and I…”

The Mohawk kid then shoved her and knocked her down. “Get away from me ya weirdo!” he snapped.

“I’m sorry I…” Twilight whimpered. The punk kid huffed and walked away, the negative energy on him seemed to be getting stronger, just like the rest of the people near the other Twilight, which seemed to affect all nearby electronics.

The human version of Twilight slowly raised her head and showed just how drastically changed her appearance was. She now had black sclera, long black hair with an dark pink streak and a long pony tail like extension that she revealed as she took off her hood.. She also had dark purple skin with four fingered and clawed hands and pointy ears. She groaned in pain as suddenly two the things grew out of her back and tore through her hoodie which were revealed to be black bat-like wings that were the same length as a Pegasus’s wings. Everyone gasped, horrified by her appearance. She then stood up looking worried.

The other Twilight then she noticed an angry bystander charging towards her and yelped as she held her hands up toward him and suddenly she stopped him and then began to levitate him, as if she had a unicorn’s horn. Everyone gasped when they saw this happen, including Human Twilight herself who slowly lifted her attacker right over herself and then abruptly dropped him like a sack of potatoes. People then began to scream and flee from her as fast as they could.

“Monster! She’s a monster!” One of the people screamed. Twilight finally began to speak, only her new voice was a bit more distorted.

“Wait! Stop! I need help! Please !” Human Twilight called out the fleeing people. She then noticed her reflection in the mirror and gasped. She felt her face and saw her wings. "What... what's happened to me?"

She mumbled this over and over in an awestruck way. She’s not even shocked by how different she looks when she sees her reflection in a reflective surface close by - she’s mainly just shocked that people actually see her as a person rather than a bump on the street. And then a hotdog hit her in the side of the head.

“Ow!” she cried. She turned and saw that some of the fearful people surrounding her had started to become hostile and repulsed by her new and demonic appearance.

“Hey! It’s another one of those freaks that attacked Canterlot High during the Fall Formal! Let’s get her!” One of them cried. The others created and began yelling and throwing food at the helpless Twilight.

“No! Stop! Don’t do that!” Twilight cried as food continued to get thrown at her, until finally she had enough. “STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!"

She then released a dark magical pulse from her body as she screamed which blew everyone around her away and knocked them all down. This caused the rest to all to scream and run away from her in fear. The other Twilight realized her mistake and frowned.

“Wait! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean… don’t run! Please! Help me!” The other Twilight begged.

Just then, the girls from Canterlot High arrived on the scene and saw all the people quickly fleeing past them.

“This the place?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, this is it alright.” Rainbow Dash confirmed. “So where’s the danger anyways?”

They all looked around and then Sunset Shimmer quickly spotted a frightened young girl in a hood trying to calm everyone down. She quickly figured out that she was the thing they were running from and the sparks coming from her hands were dark magic. Sunset then saw her face underneath her hood and gasped when she saw her appearance.

“Oh my gosh… Twilight?” Sunset Shimmer gasped.

“TWILIGHT!?” Everyone else exclaimed as they looked again and saw that it was indeed the alternate version of Twilight that they had met earlier that day.

“My goodness… it is Twilight!” Rarity gasped.

“Whoa…” Rainbow Dash said, stunned.

“What’s happened to her?” Fluttershy asked, shocked.

“It looks like it might be dark magic… it’s infected her somehow.” Sunset Shimmer deduced. “Oh… I should have stopped her from poking around sooner…”

“Yeah… now she kinda looks like that she-demon form you took on…” Rainbow pointed out.

Sunset looked closely and saw the similarities. “Yeah… she does…”

Someone then touched her arm but that seemed to freak her out more.

“Get away!” The other Twilight yelled as she indivertibly fired a dark magical blast into a nearby dress store.The girls were amazed.

“Holy Moly! If she keep this up their won’t be a city left to save!” Applejack remarked.

“So what do we do? If she sees us she’ll fry us!” Rainbow said.

“I’ll try and talk her down, she knows me, the rest of you spread out and surround her but don’t do anything unless something bad happens.” Sunset Shimmer instructed.

“Something bad?” Fluttershy asked, worried.

“If her new form is anything like mine, then her mind may been corrupted as well and that is very bad.” Sunset said. “Only one way to find out.”

Sunset then began to slowly make her way towards the scared and now somewhat dangerous alternate Twilight. Not wanting to spook her or cause her to attack anyone, she took extreme caution as she made her way over to her.

Well she made her way towards Twilight, the others all walked off in a different direction, whilst looking at their friend worriedly, who in turn was looking at the other Twilight just as worried.

“Please! Don’t run away! I’m sorry! I didn’t…” Twilight tried to tell the now frightened people.

“Twilight!” Sunset Shimmer called out. Alternate Twilight turned around and looked surprised and somewhat happy to see Sunset once again.

“You…” she said, stunned.

“Yes, it’s me Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, remember?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Sunset Shimmer… ” Native Twilight said, slowly sounding a bit excited to see her savior again.

Sunset nodded. “Now, Twilight, tell me… how did this happen to you?”

“I-I don’t know… I-I think it was… that rock… I found earlier… the-the pendent…” Human Twilight stuttered.

“Pendant…” Sunset echoed, before she remembered the pendants used by the Dazzlings before they were destroyed. “Oh no…”
“I don’t know what’s happening to me.” Twilight whimpered, stressed. “I don’t understand…! I can’t control all this power I swear!”

“Don't worry, I believe you…” Sunset Shimmer assured her.

“Y-You do?” The human version of Twilight stuttered.

Sunset inched her way closer to Human Twilight. “Listen Twilight, I know you’re a good person so I know you don’t really want to hurt anyone. Trust me Twilight, I know what it’s like to be misunderstood and treated so badly. Now why don’t you come with me, and let’s get out of here? Away from all these people, ok? You can tell me everything then, ok?”

Human Twilight remained glued to her spot. Sparks of dark magic jumped from her hands as she held herself closely and darted her eyes back and forth.

“I just… all I’ve ever wanted was for people to notice me…” she said, looking at her new body.

“They do, Twilight. They do.” Sunset Shimmer said, seriously.

“Do they? Do they really?” Human Twilight asked, surprised as she looked up at Sunset, needing to her it.

Sunset nodded. “They do.”

As they continued talking, Applejack and the others all continued to watch anxiously hoping Sunset Shimmer could talk her down.

“That’s it sugarcube, just keep her talking… and calm her down.” Applejack said, quietly.

“Oh… I hope this works…” Fluttershy muttered, fearfully.

“It will work, don’t worry.” Rainbow Dash assured her.

“We just need to be patient.” Rarity stated.

“Then afterwards we can have a party to celebrate!” Pinkie added while eating a box of popcorn. The others groaned.

“You have to listen to me Twilight… you may not believe it but… I’m your friend.” Sunset told her.

“I’ve… ever had a friend before…” Human Twilight admitted.

“You do now.” Sunset promised.

A blinding light suddenly interrupted the scene. A kid from Canterlot High had snapped a photo with his phone, causing Twilight to jump and shoot bolts of dark energy out of her fingertips. To the others, it looked like she was going to attack Sunset.

“Oh no, she’s going to really attack her!” Fluttershy realized.

“Let’s move!” Rainbow Dash yelled as they all ran out.

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight then noticed them all yelling and charging towards them. Sunset’s eyes widened when she realized what they were planning on doing.

“No! Wait! Stop!” Sunset Shimmer called out to her friends as they continued to rush toward the demonic looking Twilight, who was startled by their sudden appearance.

“GO AWAY!” she screamed, fearfully as she turned around and released a dark energy beam from her chest that hit and knocked them all down.

Sunset looked up just in time to see Twilight’s dark magical waves hit a towering building nearby, creating a sea of debris that plummeted towards the screaming civilians below.


The fiery haired girl focused on a slim kid who’d been knocked down by those feeling around him. A falling piece of metal sped toward him. Before the kid could be crushed, Sunset Shimmer raced over and yanked him out of the way before it hit.

“You ok?” she asked him. The scrawny kid nodded, shaken.

Sunset then smiled thankfully, then glanced over to see her friends, along with several of the teens watching, cheering her on after seeing her heroic act. Sunset Shimmer smiled, touched.

Human Twilight, too, glanced at the former bad girl that was currently being cheered on by the very people she harassed a few years ago. She’d been… replaced. Betrayed. By the one who was supposed to be on her side. The other Twilight’s face darkened with fury.

“You’re a liar!” she screamed at Sunset Shimmer. “You told me just what I wanted to hear! And you knew about those events too! I can feel it!”

“No, Twilight. Stay with me.” Sunset said. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

“No you were, and you know something? I think you’re scared of me. I think I’m more powerful and more important than all of you and you want to take that away from me! Well it’s not happening!” Demon Twilight yelled, as she began to fly up with her bat wings.

“Oh, come on! She can fly?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in dismay.

“And that’s not all!” Twilight said, evilly as she created a little ball of dark energy and fired it at them.

“Look out!” Applejack yelled.

They quickly jump out of the way as it the ground, creating a small explosion while the demonic Twilight laughed evilly.

The six girls groaned as they began to stand back up, some of them even helped each other up as well.

“Oh, now she has control?” Rainbow complained.

“Oh… is… everyone alright?” Rarity asked. They all nodded weakly.

“Yeah, we’re good…” Applejack confirmed before the other Twilight suddenly teleported away and appeared right above them, cackling. “But… not for much longer I’m afraid…”

Demon Twilight yelled as her eyes glowed brightly while she spread her arms, the energy then went from her eyes to her hand which she brought together and prepared to fire.

“Run! Run!” Sunset yelled as they all quickly started dashing away while the evil Twilight continuously fired bolts of dark magic down upon them like a raging thunderstorm that had been let loose upon the world.

“Well, at least she doesn’t have good aim!” Pinkie commented while running before dodging another blast. “Whoa!”

Then by raising her palm she quickly began to levitate Sunset’s surprised friends.

“No!” Sunset Shimmer cried out.

“What!" Twilight snapped.

“Listen, Twilight! You need help, you don’t have to fight me. Please! I’ll do whatever I can to cure you!” Sunset Shimmer called out. “Just please! Don’t hurt my friends!”

“Ha! Help me? And then what? Turn me back into that geeky little nobody? I don’t think so, and the same goes for not hurting your ‘friends’.” The evil Twilight stated, scathingly. “Now stay still so I can destroy you!”

Demon Twilight prepared to blast her as well. Then Sunset spotted a broken piece of glass near her, and a shiny light from a bulb that wasn’t broken and thought fast. She quickly grabbed the glass, ran over to the light and used the broken glass to reflect the light off of it and shine it in Evil Twilight’s eyes.

“Gah!” Twilight exclaimed as she tried to shield her eyes from the light, this distraction caused her to drop the girls, who all landed on their rears. Sunset rushed over to them.

“You girls ok?” Sunset asked them.

The girls all nodded and confirmed they that were one by one. They turned when they noticed the Evil Twilight floating down towards them.

“Say… you wanna have more fun?” Demon Twilight smirked, evilly.

“Uh… no…” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Well I do!” The corrupted Twilight snapped as she blasted the ground near Fluttershy, making her squeal while Rainbow pulled her close and out of the way. “Hmm. I wonder how much damage I can do? Let’s find out!”

The demonic Twilight charged up a dark magical ball in-between her hands, which seemed to remind them of the time Sunset nearly finished them at the Fall Formal with a similar blast. She then threw it right at them.

“Incoming!” Pinkie Pie screamed as a blast hit the ground near them which knocked them off their feet and sent them rolling across the ground. Rainbow Dash struggled to get up.

“Rrgh… what is… WITH this girl?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, groaning.

“I don’t know… but she’s loco.” Pinkie Pie remarked. “Hey, rhyme!”

“But why is she acting this way?” Fluttershy wondered, concerned and confused.

“Yeah, it doesn’t sound like Twilight at all.” Applejack agreed.

“This version was mad at the world before she got infected with dark magic, now that she is infected, all those bad feeling have been magnified exponentially.” Sunset Shimmer said. “I should know… I’ve been there…”

“Yeah, and it’s also made her lose her mind!” Rainbow Dash added.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded.

“What!? You gotta admit that she’s just a little bit crazy!” Rainbow proclaimed.

Twilight turned to them and raised a brow. “Crazy?” she inquired before attempting to blast Rainbow. But Sunset quickly tackled her out of the way, saving her life. “I’m not the crazy one here! You are!”

Rainbow and Sunset then stood up, groaning. “No, that’s still you.” The rainbow haired girl told her. She turned to Sunset, smiling. “Thanks for the save by the way.”

Sunset Shimmer smiled, happy about successfully saving her friend even though she had pointed out that she may have to leave.

Human Twilight on the other hand, had lost her first true friend and she was not happy. She started throwing bolts of dark magic at Sunset Shimmer. The fiery haired girl quickly started to run around the area, doing her best to dodge the blasts being thrown.

“Guess what, Sunset Shimmer?” Demon Twilight said, shooting a stream of energy bolts. “I thought you were my friend, but the truth is you’re just like the rest of them! Impetuous… and selfish!”

“Twilight, stop! Your gonna seriously hurt someone!” Sunset Shimmer told her, trying to appeal to the last bit of humanity in the other Twilight.

“Maybe they deserve to be hurt!” The now corrupted Twilight screamed as she flew up higher into the air, and gazed at all the frightened people still remaining below. “You all didn’t think I could be one of you! You all didn’t think I was good enough! Let’s see how you like joining my club!?”

She then began to try and attack the crowd below with bolts of dark magic that rained down upon them and sent some of them flying. It eventually became too much for the gang to take.

“Let’s get out of here!” Applejack cried. The girls all nod and began to quickly run off before the Evil Twilight could get back up. Once she did, she saw that they had all left and she was alone once again. She let out a frustrated scream and then zoomed high into the air before disappearing.