• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,726 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

  • ...

The Final Chapter

Chapter 13

The happy moment soon ended when a particular thought entered Princess Twilight’s mind. A thought that made her eyes widen and filled her with dread and worry, she could tell that Sunset Shimmer was thinking the exact same thing as she was and they shared a look of concern.

“There’s still one problem…” Princess Twilight finally said, grimly.

“What now?” Rainbow Dash asked, tiredly. “We got rid of the dark magic inside the other you, defeated the Dazzlings and saved all reality. What’s left?”

“The portal.” Both Twilight and Sunset Shimmer said, solemnly.

“The portal?” They all asked.

“Yes. Are we really gonna leave it open all the time?” Sunset Shimmer asked them.

“Well… no, I would imagine Twilight would close it once she returns to Equestria, correct?” Rarity inquired.

“Yes, but during the time I’m here it’s always open…” Twilight pointed out.

“And because of that, anyone could enter it.” Sunset added

“She’s right, if I could figure out that all the weird stuff happening in the city was because of this portal… who knows who else could discover it.” Twilight’s Human self said, concerned.

“Oh yeah… and anybody could fall into it if they lean against it wrong!” Applejack realized.

“And if the Police find a way through the portal…” Fluttershy began.

“They’ll call the government…” Rainbow began.

“Or the Marines or the navy!” Pinkie cried, dramatically. “Oh… not the navy…”

“Then Equestria is doomed!” Sunset finished.

“Wait, hold on a second, we don’t know exactly what could happen if we leave it open. Maybe it’ll be fine.” Applejack said, hopefully.

“What if it’s not?” The Princess asked, sadly. Applejack sighed.

“It sounds pretty risky of you to leave it open like that…” Human Twilight pointed out.

“It is.” Sunset nodded.

“And we can’t have someone else close it on our side without having some way of contacting them, and the only thing that can is powering the portal on our side.” Equestria Spike added. “Remove it and the portal closes.”

“Then it looks like we only got one choice then.” Princess Twilight stated.

“Yeah, what’s that?” Applejack inquired.

“Destroy it,” she answered. They’re eyes all widen when they hear this being said.

“What!?” They all said, sounding absolutely shocked.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hold on a second, I’m sorry, did you just say ‘destroy the portal’?” Rainbow Dash questioned, incredulously.

“Yes, it’s the only way to keep anyone dangerous from entering it.” Princess Twilight reasoned.

“But… but then we’d never see you again!” Fluttershy cried.

Princess Twilight lowered her head, sadly. “I know… but it’s the only choice we have.”

“It can’t be!” Rarity protested.

“Yeah! I want to see you again! We’re besties!” Pinkie added, tears flowing down her face. “I mean… aren’t we?”

Twilight nodded, beginning to cry also. “We are… and I’ll miss you all so much, but it has to be this way,” she told them.

“Twilight’s right, we have to destroy that portal now!” Sunset Shimmer agreed. “It’s only way to keep our worlds safe!”

“But… but if you stay here and we destroy the portal, you’d be stranded here!” Applejack pointed out.

“I don’t care, it’s better than having everypony in Equestria suffer!” Sunset Shimmer stated, firmly. “Please!”

The five girls all exchanged heartbroken glances, they all hated the idea considerably, but deep down they knew that it was the right thing to do and it tore them up inside. Eventually they came to a decision.

“Ok… fine… we’ll… destroy the portal once you leave…” Rainbow said, trying hard not to cry and failing.

“Thank you.” Princess Twilight expressed.

“So… you’re really leaving again?” Flash asked, hurt as he stepped forward.

Twilight nodded, another tear slowly fell. “Yes… and I fear it may be for good this time…”

“No! You are not leaving me this time.” Flash stated, firmly. “You just got back.”

“I’m sorry… I don’t want to… but it has to be this way, in order to protect my world… and yours also.” Princess Twilight said.

“But Twilight…” Flash began.

“Oh, you really are great guy Flash, I’ll always think of you as… a friend.” Princess Twilight said.

“Sure thing, Twilight.” Flash nodded, his face then lowered sadly. “Course, I always thought that… you know…”

Twilight smiled, understandingly. “I’m looking for someone too, but they say long distance relationships never work out.

“Yeah…” Flash agreed while Rarity and Pinkie cried in the background.

“Besides…” Twilight began as she turned to her counterpart, who was shyly hiding behind the others. “I won’t be totally gone and I trust that you’ll take care of her.”

“For you? Anything.” Flash stated as he smiled at Human Twilight who smiled, blushed and twirled her hair when she noticed him staring at her.

“Then this is how we say goodbye.” Princess Twilight said before she cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss, much to his surprise, but he quickly accepted it.

The others turned away a bit and giggled, while also having sad smiles on their faces. Rainbow on the other hand looked grossed out.

“Ok, it was a nice moment… but why’d they have to do that?” she asked, disgusted.

Twilight ended the kiss and turned to her. “Goodbye kiss,” she explained, simply.
Alternate Twilight lowered her head looking depressed, saw how sweet their moment was and began to think. Then it hit her.

“Maybe there’s another way.” Human Twilight suggested, stepping forward slowly. Everyone turned to her, surprised.

“What do you mean by ‘another way’?” Equestria Twilight questioned, confused.

“I have an idea.” Her human self told her. “And I’ll need your help.”

Princess Twilight raised a brow.

Later on, the others waited outside near the statue while the two Twilight’s worked inside the school. They saw multiple flashes of light and the sound of various power tools coming from inside the building.

“Shouldn’t we… help them?” Fluttershy asked.

“I… think they have it under control…” Sunset said, before a small explosion went off inside, startling them. They all looked at her. “I did say ‘I think’, right?”

“I just hope they find a way to make sure we can still see Twilight again.” Rainbow Dash stated.

“So do I, sugarcube.” Applejack told her as she and Rainbow shared a sad look. Just then they noticed the two Twilight walking out side-by-side together, with one carrying a strange device in her hand.

“Ah, there they are!” Rarity announced as they rushed over to them.

“So, what did ya come up with?” Flash asked them, expectedly.

“Did you find another way?” Fluttershy added.

“Well… it wasn’t easy…” Princess Twilight admitted.

“But when we put our heads together we managed to come up with the solution to our problem!” Human Twilight stated. “Check it out.”

Equestria Twilight held out a rectangular black and gray device with several little buttons and a pad near the top.

“Uh… what’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused.

“It’s special scanner for the portal.” Equestria Twilight said.

“A scanner?” Sunset inquired, surprised.

“Yes, it was built by me and is powered by some of the magic used by my twin here.” Native Twilight said.

“And… it’ll keep anyone else from discovering the portal?” Fluttershy questioned

“That’s correct. We just need a good way to conceal it.” The other Twilight stated.

“Allow me.” Princess Twilight said, stepping forward towards the statue.

She then placed the scanner on the side of where the portal was then blasts a little bit of magic at it and suddenly a section of rock pulled the scanner into the statue before closing up. Her human self then pressed her hand on it and the scanner popped out before sliding back in.

“There, now only the eleven of us know where his hidden panel is.” Human Twilight said, satisfied.

“So… you two came up with that by fusing together Princess Twilight’s magic with the other Twilight’s machine?” Sunset asked.

“Yep! The perfect combination of magic and science.” The Human Twilight declared, pleased. “I call it… technosorcery.”

“Ooh! Nice name!” Pinkie commented.

“Thanks…” Twilight said, blushing embarrassed.

“So… how does it work?” Applejack inquired.

“Simple, it reads the genetic code of the one who touches it and searches for trace amounts of magic in them, if the person has an exact DNA and magical match then the scanner will activate and open the portal for them and close it upon leaving, get it?” Human Twilight asked. But everyone just stared at her confused.

“Uh… come again?” Spike asked.

“She means, with this scanner and by using the magic within us only we can open and close the portal as well as allow others to go through, that way no one else can follow us through it, since it’ll close when we enter.” Princess Twilight explained. “And to go back, you’ll have to ask me.”

“Oh!” Everyone said, understandingly.

“Now, no unsuspecting somebody will fall through it if they lean against it, because they’ll be blocked thanks to the magical scanner thing.” Applejack said, pleased.

“That’s correct!” Human Twilight confirmed.

“Not bad Twilight, thanks.” Sunset expressed. Both Twilight’s looked at each other confused. “Uh… both of you. But… this might get a little bit old… How about we just call the Twilight from Equestria ‘Princess Twilight’ when your both together?”

“Sounds good.” Princess Twilight nodded.

“Yes. Way less confusing.” The other Twilight agreed.

“By the way… thank you for doing this.” Princess Twilight expressed, happily. “It means so much.”

“Well it’s the least I can do after all the trouble I caused…” Alternate Twilight admitted.

“You weren’t yourself.” Her Equestrian counterpart reminded her.

“Sunset Shimmer said the dark magic that infected me magnified all my deepest and darkest feelings… and drove me insane…” Human Twilight muttered.

“And you drove it out of you, your all better now.” Princess Twilight reminded her.

“Yeah, but still… no one was controlling me… I was acting all on my own, I let the darkness take over… and it’s still there. I can feel it.” The human Twilight said, depressed.

“There is a darkness inside of all of us, but thankfully you and I both have good friends to help us keep the darkness back.” Twilight Sparkle smiled.

Native Twilight looked back and saw the smiling faces of the other Rainboom’s. “Yeah… your right… we do,” she said. “But I still don’t know much about friendship… at all.”

Sunset put her arm around her and gestured to the others. “I’ll bet we could teach you.”

“Really?” she asked, surprised.

“Yeah, and you know something… you actually look kinda prettier without your glasses.” Sunset Shimmer admitted to Alternate Twilight.

She twirled her hair a bit, blushing embarrassed. “You really think so?”

“I know so.” Flash agreed, smiling at her fondly, which made her blush even more.

“Hey! Now that we’ve saved the world again… you want this calls for?” Pinkie asked, excited.

“Oh boy…” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wait for it…” Applejack began.

“A PARTY!” Pinkie cheered.

“There it is.” Applejack nodded, smiling.

“Yeah, party time!” Pinkie said, excitedly.

“A party to celebrate this would be nice.” Rarity admitted.

“And of course you’re invited too Flash, and you as well other Twilight.” Fluttershy added.

“Hey, thanks!” Flash said, gratefully.

“Wow I’ve… never been to a party before…” Human Twilight admitted.

Pinkie put her arm around her. “Then today’s your lucky day! Ooh! We’re gonna have so much fun! We’ll have music… do some dancing…”

“We’ll need some snacks too!” Rarity added.

“Ooh! This party is going to be wild!” Pinkie Pie squealed. Equestria Twilight smiled at the scene, then remembered something, her eyes widen.

“Oh! I almost forgot! Be right back!” Princess Twilight said before she went through the portal.

As they began to wait for Twilight return’s most of the Rainboom’s began planning their celebratory party, the two Spikes played and chased each other while the Human Version of Twilight watched the girls in the background. Sunset Shimmer then appeared right next to her.

“Twilight… this is what you really wanted, isn’t it?” Sunset guessed.

Twilight gazed at the five, happy girls ahead smiled a sad smile. “Yes… your right… this is what I wanted… I wanted the chance to have friends like these,” she admitted.

“And now you can… if you’re interested.” Sunset Shimmer smiled.

Human Twilight paused for a moment and then smiled, brightly. “Yes… I think I am.”

“Glad to hear it.” Sunset Shimmer said as she put an arm around her. “Because now you do.”

Human Twilight smiled at this before she and the others noticed her Equestria counterpart coming back out of the portal.

“I’m back! Now there’s one thing I’d like to show you all before I go.” Equestria Twilight told them as she slowly walked backwards towards the portal. “Since I’ve met my own alternate self… it’s only fair that all of you do as well.”

Twilight stepped away from the portal while the others gazed at it expectedly before suddenly five more girls stepped through it, they were surprised to see that they looked just like them, aside from the pony ears, tails and wings that they get thanks to their magical powers.

“Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash meet… Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash” Princess Twilight Sparkle said.

Both groups smiled as they walked forward and began to laugh and greet each other while also shaking hands with their respective counterparts, and spent the rest of the night quickly forming bonds that would last till the end of time itself.

Following the battle between the two Twilight\s and the eventual arrest of the Dazzlings for assaulting two police officers, Princess Twilight, their pony counterparts and Spike went home and the girls continued to prepare for their graduation. Time passed and soon enough the big day arrived. Outside, everyone was seated in front of a large stage, each wearing their cap and gown and eagerly waiting to throw it into the air and celebrate their newfound freedom, course some were also very nervous and scared for what might come for them. Near the front were the Rainboom’s themselves, all on the edge of their seats, while Flash sat behind them.

“Well, gals… this is it… graduation.” Applejack declared.

“Ooh! I’m so excited! I’m so excited!” Rarity exclaimed, happily.

“I’m so scared…” Fluttershy whimpered. “So, very, very, very scared.”

“Your nervicited!” Pinkie Pie sang.

“You do realize that’s not a real word right?” Applejack inquired.

“Who cares? It’s our big day! Let’s enjoy it and listen to Sunset’s big speech ok?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You sure are eager to hear it.” Flash remarked.

“Yeah, the sooner we hear it… the sooner we can leave.” Rainbow said. The others shook their heads and rolled their eyes, amused.

“Ooh! Here comes Principal Celestia!” Rarity whispered, gesturing to the stage where they saw their very own Principal walk onto the stage, flanked by her sister Luna, she then stood before the crowd and then spoke.

“Hello everyone and welcome to this year’s Graduation Ceremony!” Principal Celestia said. The crowd cheered loudly. “I can honestly say that I am very proud of each and every one of you for making it to this point. You have each proven that you are ready for the next stage of your lives and ready to fulfill your individual destinies. And now for our Valedictorian, who will give this year’s graduation speech… Sunset Shimmer!”

The crowd cheered as Sunset Shimmer appeared, wearing her own cap and gown and walked onto the stage, looking very nervous and frankly scared out of her mind. Her friends smiled when they saw her coming.

“Come on Sunset Shimmer, you can do this… you can do this…” Sunset muttered to herself, trying to shake off her nerves.

“Knock ‘em dead, Sunset Shimmer!” She heard Rainbow Dash call out.

“We believe in you!” Applejack added.

“Go, Sunset, go!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Go for it!” Flash yelled.

Comforted by their support and cheering, Sunset smiled, stepped in front of podium after Celestia stepped away from it and cleared her throat before speaking.

“Uh… hello everyone, it’s been a long while since I came to this school. I know I wasn’t exactly the nicest person in the world… in fact I was the biggest bully ever. ‘A raging she-demon’ as I like to call it. I wanted to control everything and everyone, believing that I was the greatest and that I deserved it… but I couldn’t possibly have been more wrong… that was just me being full of myself. For a long while it seemed that there was no hope for redemption for me…” Sunset Shimmer said, before closing her eyes and pausing. Everyone looked at her attentively and sympathetically, waiting for her next words. Then she opened her eyes and spoke. “But then… a special girl from… ‘out of town’ stood up to me, and eventually she saved me. She helped me see that there was a better way, that friendship… is the most important thing in the world. Thanks to her I managed to make some great friends…”

Sunset Shimmer glanced at her five friends in the crowd, as well as her ex-boyfriend and smiled at them, and they smiled right back.

“I kept at it and didn’t give up, and good things happened. Of course, there are still going to be hard times ahead, for me and every one of us. So I urge you to believe in the magic of friendship, hold onto the hope that it gives you, because if you try to do everything by yourself or quit because things don’t go your way… then hope will truly be lost,” she continued. “Believe me, if a person like me can overcome all these hardships and survive the dark times… then I believe that all of you can do the same! Believe in yourself, believe in your friends! If you can do that, you can survive anything. And even if your separated from your friends… as long as you keep our bonds alive, your friendship will endure and in time… you’ll see them again.”

Tears started to flow down each of the Rainboom’s faces, touched by Sunset’s words, even Rainbow Dash was beginning to cry, though she did her best to hide it.

“The Athletes, The Dramas, The Eco-kids, The Fashioniesta’s, The Techies, the Rockers and the Comedians are finished, from now there is only… Wondercolts! And remember everyone, once a Wondercolt… always a Wondercolt, for this place is not just a school… it’s also our home. We may all be leaving today… but someday, just maybe, we’ll return once again.” Sunset Shimmer expressed. “I had a great four years with you all… and I’ll miss you very much. Until we meet again… thank you.”

The crowd then began to stand up, clap and cheer as loud as they can. Some even chanted Sunset Shimmer’s name and cried tears of joy, surprising Sunset. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna also clapped and smiled.

The Rainboom’s gazed around them and saw how much the looks on the faces of their fellow graduates had changed and began to smile as well.

“Would you look at that, everyone looks so inspired.” Applejack remarked, amazed.

“Yeah… how about that?” Rainbow added.

“Seems that after recent events everyone is starting appreciate the bonds that they have with each other a little more now.” Rarity observed, smiling.

“They sure are!” Pinkie agreed. “And it’s all thanks to Sunset!”

“Darn right.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Way to go Sunset Shimmer.” Fluttershy voiced, proudly.

“Yeah, knew you had it in you.” Flash whispered, just as proud..

Principal Celestia then walked forward. “Well done Sunset Shimmer, that was a very moving speech.”

“Thank you, Principal Celestia.” Sunset Shimmer said, gratefully. “That means a lot to me.”

Principal Celestia and Sunset Shimmer shook hands with friendly smiles on their faces before the former school bully walked off the stage and sat down next to her friends and the Principal stood before the crowd.

“Everyone, please rise,” she said as they all stood up. “Please move your tassels from right to left.”

They all did so, the excitement and suspense in the air was almost overwhelming for all of them as they waited for Principal Celestia to say the magic words.

“Congratulations Canterlot High School Graduates!” she declared.

They all cheered loudly and promptly threw their caps into the air. The Rainboom’s all gathered together for a group hug as they yelled and laughed, they even allowed Flash to join in while everyone danced and cheered around them.

After the ceremony the girls, and Flash walked back towards the entrance of the school with their arms around each other’s shoulders and eventually stopped in front of the statue.

“Ooh! I can’t believe we’re now finally high school graduates!” Pinkie Pie squealed.

“I don’t think any of us can.” Applejack admitted.

“And now… we finally get to pursue our own dreams…” Fluttershy said, smiling.

“Yeah… and you know I’m really gonna miss you guys.” Sunset Shimmer told them.

“Aw, we’ll miss you too!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Exactly and if you need anything darling, we’ll be there.” Rarity promised her.

“I know. But after this whole thing I know now that true friendship isn’t about being inseparable, it’s being separated, and nothing changes.” Sunset said.

“See? You are learning a thing or two about friendship.” Applejack smiled.

The six girls then came together for a group hug, which Flash smiled at before he remembered something.

“Hey, where’s Twilight?” Flash wondered. They then noticed the alternate version of the Princess wasn’t there.

“Hmm, she said she was going to be here after the ceremony was over.” Sunset noted.

“So where could she be?” Rainbow wondered. They all shrugged and looked confused as well as unsure. Then Pinkie spotted something up ahead of them; it was the Human Version of Twilight wandering around looking lost.

“Applejack! I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her!” Pinkie Pie sang. They all turned and see her.

“There she is!” Applejack said, pleased. “Right on time.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Call her over!” Rainbow said. “We need everyone here, after all… she’s our friend. Now and forever.”

“On it! Twilight Sparkle! Over here!” Pinkie waved, happily as everyone smiled at their lost looking friend.

The Human Version of Twilight smiled thankfully at her new group of friends, and then began to giggle and laugh as she raced over to join them. Having now finally gotten what she’s always wanted, this Twilight was as happy as the rest of them.

And so it seemed that everything worked out for the best. The city was being rebuilt, the Dazzlings were imprisoned… again, Princess Twilight learned how to let certain things go and to accept her dark half, Sunset Shimmer learned that even though they are separating as long as they keep their bonds with each other strong they’ll always be together and Human Twilight learned the true meaning of friendship and so… she was never alone.


Comments ( 31 )

*Sniff* I love happy endings. Excellent story going straight to my favourites.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

A beautiful ending to a beautiful story. You did a fine job here.

The end?? :fluttercry: :fluttercry:
Nice story :twilightsmile:
Will sequel?

*claps* beautifull absolutly beautifull ^^

hey i wondering what happen to other sunset? i mean human sunset?

ohh something tells me we havent seen human sunset yet

5368197 They mentioned her but it was never revealed what happened to her

Nice ending. Oh yeah! And I had posted my latest story already a few weeks ago. You know... that whole Religion War thing.

Read it already? Most people hate it because I put the behaviors of Ben Yusuf of El Cid: The Legend in them.

I just wanted to created the characters that are from other culture in the world and have xenophobia about other culture.

They look at this story of mine like it is a gross stinky meat.

5368381 Ouch... I'll take a look at it

Hmm I wonder what happened to human sunset?

Great story I absolutely loved it. A few mistakes in the last two chapters but nothing major. I do really like the speech Sunset Shimmer gave, it made me remember my highschool graduation. I also like the fact that Twi let everyone see their counter parts, although I would have liked to see more interaction between them that is just a thought, amazing ending to a great fic.

Now thats a great way to end a story:twilightsmile:


OKay, reaction time:


“Destroy it,” she answered. They’re eyes all widen when they hear this being said.



“Then this is how we say goodbye.” Princess Twilight said before she cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss, much to his surprise, but he quickly accepted it.



The others turned away a bit and giggled, while also having sad smiles on their faces. Rainbow on the other hand looked grossed out.
“Ok, it was a nice moment… but why’d they have to do that?” she asked, disgusted.

LOL!!! That's the Rainbow we all know and love.


“Hey! Now that we’ve saved the world again… you want this calls for?” Pinkie asked, excited.
“Oh boy…” Rainbow Dash said.
“Wait for it…” Applejack began.
“A PARTY!” Pinkie cheered.

YES!!! This does call for a party!

AWESOME STORY!!! It touched me, and I think this would an AWESOME third movie. I however love the IDEA of a dramatic ending where the portal somehow has to be destroyed, or hits a limitation point and destroys itself. I would HATE for it to happen in the third movie though.(But it would bring the concept of: YOU JUST CAN'T HAVE NICE STUFF!!!) I love the FlashLight point in this story! I'M GONNA DIE! And I know that something similar will happen in number three, you know how...?


Reason 2: MLP Season Five Spoiler: Pinkie Pie gets to get and KEEP a Coltfriend!...well DUH?!

Over all: I enjoyed it immensely! Keep up the good work! :raritywink:

5368708 That's what they asked


i hope human sunset is okay because some fan speculated that
human sunset already dead when equestrian sunset first arrive

You have earned my respect and a follow. And left hook brass knuckles. Keep em. I got a dozen more just like it. By the way will sunset go back to Equestria?

5382995 Well, I think I have a sequel story in mind where she does, do you think I should make it?

5383024 h-e double hockey sticks yes

Comment posted by The Narwhal Assassin deleted Dec 23rd, 2014

My friend this was an amazing story it had it all our main cast amazing action segments, and a heart felt ending to it, and it made my day very well thought stories is what I love, and your's is exactly that. I love this story thank you for this. Bravo my friend bravo. :pinkiesad2:

:twilightsheepish: A little late now anyway, the trailer just came out for the third one.

I just realized something. Some of the events that happened in this story are kind of similar to what happened in the movie!

6470153 So I've been told. Plus I published before the movie ever came out, seems I wasn't off the mark

6629884 She's also said it in the TV series too

This story is awesome!
I love it.

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