• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,737 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

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Picking up the Pieces

Chapter 9

Elsewhere, in the home of none other than Flash Sentry himself, the blue haired guitar player was currently lost in his thoughts as he sat in the living room on his comfortable looking armchair dangled the pendant given to him by his mother in front of his face while he thought about a certain friend from ‘out of town’. The first time they met, when they danced at the formal and eventually sang together in the restaurant, and on a minor note the fact that they never actually had dinner like they planned. He sighed.

Just then a knock snapped him out of his stupor. He turned to the door which was right near the living room.

“Who is it?” he asked.

The door then opened and much to his surprise, his ex-girlfriend and her friends, the Rainboom’s appeared on the other side, along with a weakened looking Twilight, which made him stand up.

“Sunset Shimmer? …Twilight!?” Flash gasped. “What’s going…”

“Hey Flash, could you help us?” Sunset asked as the others helped the injured Princes Twilight inside.

“So this is Flash’s house…” Twilight mused, still looking completely worn out.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s a dream come true for you and I hope you guys will be really happy together.” Rainbow Dash said, sarcastically.

“We get it Rainbow, you’re not interested in relationships.” Applejack said, annoyed.

“Huh? Really? Well, that explains why she never needed the company of a man!” Pinkie remarked, sounding genuinely surprised while Rainbow glared at her, agitated.

“Twilight! What’s wrong?! What happened?!” Flash asked, worried as he rushed to her.

“I just… dueled… my other self… and lost…” Princess Twilight panted, exhausted.

“The other you?” Flash echoed. “What did she do to you?”

“To be blunt; she beat her up.” Rainbow stated.

“Not now Rainbow…” Applejack told her, annoyed.

“I was trying to…” Rainbow began before Fluttershy put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a sad look, which she seemed to understand.

“What did happen out there, Twilight?” Applejack asked her. “I thought you had the upper hand on her.”

“I don’t know… she was just always one step ahead of me, like she was constantly reading my mind…” Twilight breathed, before groaning.

“Come on, let’s get you onto the couch.” Flash said, quickly as he began to guide her towards his living room where he helped her sit down on his couch. “There you go.”

“Thank you.” Twilight said, gratefully.

“Do you need anything? Some tea? Anything?” Flash asked, worried.

“No… I’m ok…” Twilight sighed.

“You don’t sound ok…” Flash pointed out, as the others all walked in.

“Yeah, you sound like you just failed an exam or something.” Rainbow pointed out before both Rarity and Applejack nudged her hard, looking annoyed.

“I just can’t believe I lost like that… the one thing in this world that I’m good at… I failed miserably…” Princess Twilight said, depressed.

“Hey, you were unprepared, but I’m sure you’ll get her next time, I mean…” Flash began.

“No. No, it won’t do any good… you see… we have the exact same strength. We used the same spells, the same tactics, same tricks, everything is identical about us!” Princess Twilight expressed. “We’d be fighting each other forever!”

“Oh dear…” Fluttershy said, concerned.

“I’d knock her down… and then she’d just get right back up again…! And she kept saying all this nasty stuff to me too…!” Princess Twilight said, stressed with tears threatening to pour.

Flash looked at her understandingly. “So she used psychological attacks, too… huh? That’s a rough opponent. But you need to deal with that dark you, or else…” he began.

“Everyone is doomed…” Twilight finished, grimly. She lowered her head, depressed. “Maybe friendship isn’t all that powerful… it can’t even save this poor version of me…”

“No. You can’t believe that!” Sunset told her, firmly.

“How was she able to know what you were planning to do anyway? And how’d she know all your tricks?” Rainbow questioned.

“She must have… got them from my mind… when I tried to connect to hers, it’s a two way street… I get info from her and she…” Equestria Twilight started to say

“Gets information from you as well…” Sunset Shimmer finished, solemnly. Twilight Sparkle lowered her head shamefully and put a hand on it.

“This is all my fault… if I hadn’t…” Princess Twilight began.

No. It wasn’t your fault, it was my idea, not yours. I should have found a better method…” Sunset sighed.

“Well, nothing’s ever perfect.” Applejack shrugged.

“Hate to remind you, but that plan caused us to run with our tails between our legs… again!” Rainbow proclaimed.

“Only because I wasn’t strong enough.” Twilight said, depressed.

“So what then? We run and hide forever?” Sunset questioned her, incredulously.

“It seems that’s our only option…” The Princess said, glumly.

Sunset sighed, pressed her back against the wall and slid down. “Great… when I woke up a few days ago, all I worried about was graduation and that stupid speech… now there’s an evil Twilight on the loose that we can’t stop…” she said, sulking.

“Well, it sounds bad when you say it like that.” Pinkie pointed out.

“It is that bad, Pinkie!” Rainbow stated. “The other Twilight’s gone crazy and we’re hiding in this dump! Uh… no offence, Flash.”

“None taken…” Flash said, slowly.

“Sunset Shimmer’s right, we have to run. We have to hide. We can’t beat her.” Twilight said, depressed.

“Twilight, you can’t one little failure ruin your whole perspective.” Rarity stated.

“She’s right, I’m sure you’ll be able to get her next time.” Fluttershy added, hopefully.

“Next time? Yeah… if I can actually figure out a way to beat her, but what are the chances of that happening?” Twilight asked, glumly.

“Well, we’ll never beat her if you keep sulking like this!” Rainbow expressed.

“She’s right, you’re still the most powerful magical gal we know and we just know come out on top next time!” Applejack agreed. The others nodded and voiced their agreement as well.

“Look, thanks for trying to help but… I need to be alone…” Twilight said, sadly as she left the room. The others all watched her go, sympathetically.

Sometime later, Twilight was outside on the back porch of the house and leaning slightly over the wooden railing while looking out toward the starry sky with a depressed and emotionless look on her face. It seemed Twilight was truly hurt not just physically but also spiritually and mentally. From behind her, Spike walked over and stood in front of the door frame, looking very worried.

“Uh… Twilight?”

Twilight knew he was there and approaching her but didn’t turn around. “Oh, hi Spike.”

“Are you ok?” he inquired.

“I’m fine.” The Princess said, though she clearly didn’t sound fine at all, just like Flash said.

“Twilight…” Spike began. Twilight sighed, deeply.

“How could I have let this happen, Spike?” Princess Twilight asked, depressed. “I’m supposed to be the Princess of Friendship and yet… the magic of Friendship wasn’t enough to stop the other Twilight… maybe it can’t solve everything after all…”

“Twilight, you can’t think like that, you know that’s not true.” Spike told her, firmly.

“Oh really? The magic of friendship couldn’t save our home from being destroyed, or stop Discord from betraying us at all and now it couldn’t even stop myself!” Twilight said, before she pounded the railing in frustration. She sighed. “Face it Spike… I’m in over my head here…”

Twilight closed her eyes and lowered her head over the railing sadly, while Spike looked at her with pity and his ears drooped. He then noticed two certain somebodies approaching.


The Princess turned a bit and noticed Sunset and Flash standing at the doorway, she then turned around fully, looking surprised.

“Flash… Sunset Shimmer… what are you doing here?” Princess Twilight asked.

“We came to talk to you.” Sunset Shimmer told her.

“About what?” Princess Twilight inquired.

“Same reason as Spike.” Sunset stated.

“We know your depressed and all but… we need you Twilight.” Flash said, firmly.

No. You don’t.” Twilight stated.

“We do, if it weren’t for you I’d still be a witch with zero friends, I may only still have a few now… but it’s a big accomplishment for me, and it’s all thanks to you.” Sunset Shimmer told her.

“It’s just like Rarity said, you can’t let this get you down.” Flash told her.

“I know… but I just don’t think I can beat her… she’s too strong… too crazy.” Twilight expressed.

“Ok, so where so you think you went wrong last time?” Sunset asked, folding her arms.

“I guess… I couldn’t handle the possibility that I might have a darkness inside of me…” Twilight admitted, shamefully.

“Twilight, there’s a darkness inside of all of us… trust me… I speak from personal experience.” Sunset said, solemnly. “When I put on your crown it showed everyone what I really was inside… a monster… and right now I would do anything to take back all the horrible things I did. But unfortunately that’s the past. You defeated me and everyone who’s ever threatened Equestria and you made it safe again. It’s time to start letting go.”

Twilight look her words to heart and sighed. “I know…”

“Look Twilight, I know how you feel… I felt the same way when my mother passed away…” Flash expressed. “But you know how I got through it?”

“How?” Twilight questioned, interested.

“Simple; I remembered that I still had my friends.” Flash replied. Twilight looked at him shocked and with wide eyes as memories of her friends flashed in her mind. She remembered Applejack keeping her from falling and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy catching her during their trip to find the Elements. She also remembered Rarity making her dress and Fluttershy talking down the cockatrice that had turned her to stone plus Spike helping her get the Crystal Heart to Cadance. Her whole face brightened up.

“Your right… of course! I may have lost a lot during my time as a Princess… but I still have my friends! They haven’t given up on me! And I can’t give up on them either!” Twilight stated. “For if you only fight for yourself… you’ll never be strong!”

“That’s right.” Sunset nodded.

"I can't give up now! Not when there's so much at stake! My friends need me, you guys need me and I won't let any of you down!" Twilight declared. Spike, Flash and Sunset smiled, pleased that the old Twilight was back.

“Glad to have you back, Twilight. So what’s the plan?” Sunset Shimmer asked, interested.

“We fight back against the alternate Twilight one more time, but this time… we do it together!” Princess Twilight declared, determinedly.

“Now that’s a plan I can get behind.” Sunset declared.

“Alright, let’s do it!” Flash said, pumped.

Twilight turned to Flash, looking serious. “Flash, I need you to stay here.”

“No, I’m coming with you.” Flash insisted. “I can help!”

No Flash, you’re staying here. Unlike me and the Rainboom’s you don’t have magic, and I couldn’t forgive myself if I got you hurt.” Princess Twilight told Flash.

Flash sighed. “Ok…” he said, he turned to Sunset Shimmer. “You’ll look after her?”

Sunset Shimmer nodded. “Always.”

“Thanks… I owe ya.” Flash told his ex-girlfriend, gratefully.

“Don’t mention it.” Sunset said. “Now come on, let’s go rejoin the others. They’re waiting.”

The four of them then began to walk back into the house, and the three teenagers each shared a smile with each other, showing that there was no awkwardness between the three of them, anymore.

Elsewhere, while the Good Twilight was currently picking up the pieces and healing her own spirit, the now Evil Human version of her flew over the dark city while the moon shined over her, making her look like a menacing bird of prey. She seemed to be looking for something and she appeared to be growing more and more frustrated.

“Ugh! Darn that prissy little Princess who calls herself me. How was she able to sever the link we have after establishing it so easy? Now I can’t find her and teach her a lesson!” The Alternate Twilight grumbled. “No matter, I can still find what I’m really looking for.”

The corrupted Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated hard as she pressed both her hands together. She flew with her eyes closed for some time until she finally opened them and began to see thin lines of magic moving in one direction, like wires connected to a big piece of electrical equipment.

“Yes… I can feel the magic flowing towards it… in fact I can see it!” Dark Twilight declared, before flying downward to what appeared to be Canterlot High School
She soon landed right in front of what appeared to be the horse statue out in the front of the school, AKA the portal to Equestria, and the Dark Twilight seemed to know that it was.

There you are…” she hissed as she eyed the portal while licking her lips with a hungry and evil grin.

While the other Twilight was messing with the portal, the rest of the Rainboom’s were all waiting for Twilight and the others to get back and Rainbow was beginning to become impatient.

“Ugh! What’s taking them? How long can it take to give someone a pep talk?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“In this case… a while.” Applejack stated.

“Indeed, I am still shaken by what happened during our last battle. One can only imagine how Twilight must be faring.” Rarity expressed.

“Yeah, she must be really scared.” Fluttershy said, sympathetically.

“No kidding! That alternate version of her was scary!” Pinkie cried.

“Still… I thought she would have put herself back together by now.” Rainbow pointed out.

“Trauma tends to linger, Rainbow. Not that you would know, Sally.” Applejack told her, sternly, which made Rainbow Dash lower her head looking somewhat guilty. Just then they noticed Twilight walking forward with Flash, Sunset and Spike and smiled brightly.

“Twilight! Your back!” Rainbow cried.

“Are you ok?” Fluttershy asked.

“Not quite but… I’m getting better. Don’t worry.” Princess Twilight assured them, gently. “Right now, we need to figure out our next move against the Evil Twilight.”

“Sounds good.” Rarity nodded, pleased.

“Well, we know she’s gonna make a move and we gotta stop her once she does.” Applejack stated.

“Ok, so how do we find her?” Rainbow Dash inquired. “We can’t have Twilight link up with her again.”

“She’s right, she’ll know we’re coming.” Princess Twilight agreed.

“We need someone who can understand this new and evil Twilight, or rather… certain people who think like her…” Sunset Shimmer said, thoughtfully.

“Yeah… but where are we gonna find people like that?” Pinkie Pie asked, stumped.

Sunset thought for a bit, and then an idea popped into her head. “I think I have an idea…” she said, with a serious face.