• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 6,737 Views, 273 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 3: Twilight Vs Twilight - Hopeful Soul

A year after the battle of the bands, graduation nears, a familiar face returns, a pure heart is corrupted, enemies become allies and the fate of all reality hangs in the balance.

  • ...

Enemy of my Enemy

Chapter 10

Elsewhere, in a downtrodden part of town and inside a decrepit looking apartment, three girls in hoods were sitting, or laying in the dark of their old apartment home. They were the Dazzlings, and it was safe to see that they had fallen pretty far since their defeat a year ago. Their leader Adagio sat in the corner brooding, Aria sat against the wall and did her nails while the always blissful Sonata laid on her back on an old bed while playing with a toy, which she held in air, chewing gum and humming a cheery tune.

Aria sighed. “Life’s not fair… I didn’t believe then but I do now…”

“Quit your complaining Aria, were all in the same boat here.” Adagio reminded her.

“No thanks to you.” The grumpy girl scowled.

“Here we go.” Adagio said, rolled her eyes tiredly.

You let the Raingoon’s get the best of us and you caused them to get us to lose our voices! Now we can’t even have fast food let alone a meal.” Aria said, exasperated.

“It’s just a minor setback.” Adagio defended.

“Yeah, that’s what you said last week.” Aria pointed out

“And the week before that… and the week before that.” Sonata added.

“Shut up, Sonata!” The others both yelled, causing her to drop her toy.

Adagio groaned. “As bad as things are now with all of us powerless and me stuck with you two… things could not get any worse…”

Suddenly, they heard the door knob moving and turned toward it, surprised. Sonata looked down, or up in her case, and much to their shock they saw the Rainboom’s standing on the other side of it. Sonata yelped, startled and fell right off the bed where she hit the ground and ended up swallowing her wad of gum. She choked a bit and glared at them as they entered the room.

“Hey, don’t ya knock!?” she exclaimed, annoyed before standing up and putting her hands on her hips. Aria and Adagio walk forward as well, with Aria folding her and Adagio glaring at them angrily. Spike hid behind Twilight, fearfully.

The rest of the gang entered the old room as well and glared back at the Dazzlings while Spike growled at them, sensing their negative emotions Adagio managed to compose herself and smile evilly at them.

“Aw, what’s the matter Rainboom’s? Aren’t you even going to say ‘hello’?” Adagio asked, mockingly.
Rarity just huffed. “You wish.”

“Adagio, Aria and Sonata.” Sunset Shimmer said. “AKA The Dazzlings. So this is what happened to you three after you lost the battle of the bands. Never thought I’d see you three again like this.”

“Yeah, whatever…” Aria grumbled.

“You’re not really catching us at our best here.” Adagio said, folding her arms. “Maybe if you called first instead of just dropping by we’d be a little more… presentable. How’d you find us?”

“Well, I knew you weren’t around CHS since you haven’t shown up they’re since the Battle and it took a lot of going through police reports about three teenage girls stealing food from local stores. Plus we had Spike track your scents.” Sunset said. She glanced toward an empty pizza box. “Hard to believe you’ve been reduced to feeding off that instead of negative energy.”

“We all do what we must to survive.” The leader of the Dazzlings stated.

“So… you all live here?” Twilight questioned in disbelief.

“No thanks to you girls.” Adagio scowled.

“Please, you guys did that to yourselves when you tried to brainwash everybody.” Rainbow shot back.

“And you left us powerless and unable to sing anymore, so I hope your all happy.” Adagio said, the distain in her voice was apparent.

“To be honest, I’m not.” Princess Twilight confessed.

“I am!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Me too!” Spike voiced.

“Yeah, you guys were real meanies during the battle of the bands!” Pinkie added, angrily. The three villains just turned away and huffed arrogantly

“I don’t even know why we’re even bothering to ask for your help.” Applejack remarked.

“Look, I don’t like this anymore then you guys but you gotta remember that the Dazzlings aren’t really a threat anymore, they’re a nuisance.” Sunset Shimmer pointed out. The Dazzlings just frowned at them in annoyance.

“No, you are!” Sonata shot back, childishly.

“What do you even want?” Aria asked, bitterly. “It’s not like we have anything left, other than our looks anyway.”

“Yeah…” Sonata nodded with a sad look.

“Listen, we need your help.” Twilight Sparkle told them.

Our help?” Sonata asked, surprised. “Why?”

“Your pendants, the ones you used to absorb the negative energy from people at CHS, could they still have some life in them?” Sunset asked.

“Why do you want to know?” Aria questioned.

“Just tell us already.” Rainbow demanded.

“Why should we?” Adagio inquired, raising a brow.

“What have you got lose?” Applejack pointed out.

“Besides your sense of fashion, which is winning by the way.” Rarity said, gesturing to their hooded attire.

“Not to mention it’s better than staying here with pizza’s so old that there are mushrooms growing out of mushrooms.” Spike added, disgusted

“They’ve got a point you know guys.” Sonata told the others.

“Silence!” Adagio snapped. She then turned to the Rainboom’s. “Now, tell us, why have really you come here?

“Well this world’s Twilight has gotten one of the pieces of your pendants and it’s infected her somehow.” Sunset told them. They seemed very surprised by this.

“What?” Adagio asked, stunned.

“But are pendants were destroyed last year.” Aria pointed out.

“Well apparently they still have some dark magic left inside them.” Sunset Shimmer stated. “We’ve already seen what it’s done to this world’s Twilight.”

“And if we can’t stop her this world and everyone in it will be destroyed!” Twilight Sparkle added.

“So you want us to help you in stopping your alternate self from destroying everything?” Aria questioned, incredulously.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, that is correct.”

“Ha! Like we’d ever help the ones who did this to us.” Aria said turning away

“Yes, now run along, while you still can.” Adagio warned them.

“Is that a threat?” Spike questioned.

“More like a warning, we may not be as powerful as we once were but you don’t want to know what we’re still capable of.” Adagio told him, darkly.

“What if we gave you something in return? Something you’ve always wanted?” Twilight offered. That piqued their interest.

“Go on…” Adagio said.

“Well the portal is still open, if you help us we’ll write you all your ticket out of here and take you back to Equestria.” Sunset stated. This caught the Dazzlings interest.

“I’ll also give you some of your magic back, at least enough to last for about a year.” Princess Twilight Sparkle added.

“Truly?” Adagio asked.

“For realizes?” Sonata inquired.

“No tricks?” Aria added.

Twilight nodded. “We swear,” she said. The others all nodded in confirmation as well.

“Cross our hearts and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eyes!” Pinkie Pie sang.

“Yahtzee!” Sonata cheered.

If ya’ll promise no double cross that is.” Applejack warned.

“Ah, shoot! Take all the fun out of life!” Sonata pouted.

“Sorry, that’s the deal!” Pinkie told them.

“So, what’s it gonna be?” Sunset Shimmer questioned.

The three former Sirens looked at each other for a while as they thought over the offer, it was if they were reading each other’s minds, then soon enough they all nodded together and the Rainboom’s got they’re answer.

“Alright Rainboom’s, you have yourselves a deal.” Adagio nodded. The girls all looked surprised.

“For realizes?” Pinkie Pie inquired.

“Hey, that’s what I said!” Sonata pointed out.

“Don’t remind us…” The pig-tailed girl muttered.

“So why the change of heart? Why are you so interested in helping us save the world anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked, suspiciously.

“Uh… because were some of the suckers who live on it?” Aria pointed out, deadpan. “Unfortunately…”

“That’s right, we want to rule this world, not destroy it… at least not with us on it, anyway.” Adagio stated.

“You sure? It could be dangerous.” Twilight reminded them.

“The entire planet’s at risk, of course it’s ‘dangerous’.” Aria said, making it sound obvious.

“So we’re in!” Sonata smiled. The Rainboom’s exchanged stunned looks.

“Uh… ok.” Sunset said.

“Ooh, this is so exciting! The great Rainboom’s and their greatest archenemies fighting together to save the world!” Sonata said, excitedly.

Sometime later, the Dazzlings were all back in their usual clothes and seated inside Sunset’s car, along with Rainbow Dash and Sunset herself, only unlike them they were all wearing handcuffs that they kept fiddling with and didn’t look amused.

“I kinda sense a lack of trust here…” Sonata said, frowning.

“Gee, whatever gave that away?” Rainbow Dash remarked, sarcastically.

“Well, the handcuffs for starters.” Sonata replied, not understanding her sarcasm. They all groaned at this.

Now do you see why I have such a problem with her?” Aria asked them, bitterly.

“Yeah… starting to…” Sunset Shimmer admitted.

“They’re just a pre-caution, alright, you can’t blame us for being paranoid you know.” Sunset stated.

“Fair enough.” Adagio admitted. “But we expect to be released soon.”

“Are you sure those things will keep the three stooges here under control?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

“For now, yes, right now we need to focus on finding Twilight’s… other.” Sunset said.

“Oh…” Adagio began.

“Joy.” Aria finished, deadpan.

“Whee!” Sonata squealed, happily before they began to hear a voice coming from a radio that Sunset had placed beside her in the cup holder.

“Sunset Shimmer, can you hear us?” Applejack said, through the other end of the radio.

Sunset picked up her radio and spoke through it. “Yeah, I hear you, what’s up?”

“How are things with our… guests?” The farm girl inquired.

“Shaky… but alright.” Sunset replied.

“I can’t believe we had to ask the very people that tried to take over our school for help.” Applejack expressed. Then she remembered who she was taking to. “Uh, no offence.”

“None taken. And besides, it’s only way we stand a chance against the Alternate Twilight.” Sunset stated. “Plus, it’s not just our lives on the line here, it’s there’s as well. They have to help.”

“But are you sure we can trust them?” Applejack question Sunset, quietly.

“Honestly, I don’t, but I know that they know that if this Twilight succeeds, they’ll be destroyed along with us.” Sunset Shimmer stated. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

“Uh… wasn’t that said by some prince who got betrayed and decapitated by his own subjects?” Applejack asked, slowly.

“Yeah… but it’s a good quote.” Sunset Shimmer defended.

“And how do we know that they won’t just go ahead and betray us?” Applejack inquired.

Sunset Shimmer sighed. “We don’t.”

“And if they do?” Applejack questioned.

Sunset paused before answering. “Well cross that bridge if and when we get to it, talk to you soon, Sunset Shimmer out,” she said before she quickly signed off. She then turned to Twilight. “Speaking of which, do you think we can turn them around like you did me?”

“The Dazzlings aren’t like you Sunset Shimmer, they hypnotized Flash and the whole school they can’t be redeemed they’re pure evil.” Twilight expressed.

“So was Discord, but you guys reformed him.” Sunset Shimmer pointed out.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “Adagio is no Discord.”

Sunset could see the anger flowing off Twilight and decided to change the subject and talk to Adagio.

“So… Adagio, if you were the possessed Twilight, what would you do with that kind of destructive dark magic?” Sunset questioned.

Adagio thought for a bit. “Where did you say the other Twilight found that piece of our pendant?” she asked.

“Uh… at the school?” Sunset replied.

“Then she’ll go there.” Adagio concluded. “After all that’s where most of the Equestria magic lies, isn’t that right?”

“Yeah… plus the portal.” Twilight added. “And if the Evil Twilight destroys it… me, you guys and Sunset Shimmer here will all be stuck here forever.”

“That’s not good…” Sonata remarked.

“Ya think?” Aria remarked, deadpan.

“Indeed, it’s bad enough that we’ve been stuck here for a thousand years, but to be stuck here forever?” Adagio said, before shivering. “Total nightmare.”

“Hey, being here isn’t that bad.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Easy for you to say, you actually live here.” Aria stated.

“Do you mind?” Sunset asked them, annoyed. “I’m trying to tell Applejack about our lead, but a few certain somebodies keep interrupting me! So please be quiet.”

“What she said.” Twilight added.

They all nodded, slowly, still a bit stunned by Sunset Shimmer’s little outburst.

“Thank you.” Sunset said, before she took the walkie again and spoke through it. “Applejack, we know where the other Twilight will be, follow us there.”

“You got it.” Applejack said, before she signed off.

“Now, what about getting the dark magic out, how do we do that?” Sunset inquired.

“Simple, you just need to counteract it.” Aria stated.

“Counteract it?” Twilight echoed, surprised.

“Yes. You said on the way over here that our pendants amplified the other you’s dark emotions, so all you need to do is make her feel another emotion that’s even stronger.” Adagio explained to her.

“What emotion?” Twilight inquired.

“Any kind will do, sadness, shock, happiness, whatever gets the dice rolling.” Adagio replied, shrugging.

“I see…” Twilight said, understandingly.

“You know, I’m actually surprised it took you losers so long to figure it out, aren’t you supposed to be the ‘smart one’?” Aria asked Princess Twilight, mockingly.

“Would you just button it?” Rainbow Dash told her, annoyed.

“Yeah, button it!” Sonata added.

You stay out of this.” Aria warned her.

“No you!” Sonata said, childishly as she pushed her. Aria pushed back.

“You!” she shot back, annoyed. Rainbow turned to them, angrily.

“Ok, you two argue one more time… and I will Kick. Your. Butts!” Rainbow threatened. “Got it!?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sonata said, fearfully.

“Thank you.” Rainbow Dash said, satisfied as she then glanced away while everyone looked stunned. The silence continued until eventually Sunset stopped her car.

“Ok, we’re close enough.” Sunset said, before stopping. “Everybody out.”

The Rainboom’s then got out of the car first, much to the annoyance of the Dazzlings before one of them opened the door for them and they all stepped out.

“Ok, we’ll start walking from here.” Princess Twilight told them.

“Uh, I have a question; why are we stopping here and walking the rest of the way?” Aria questioned, flatly.

“Because the other me won’t expect it! And it’s quieter.” Princess Twilight reasoned.

“Told ya!” Sonata told Aria, smugly.

“Did not.” Aria stated, annoyed.

“Did too.” Sonata insisted.

“You wish.” Aria scoffed.

“Why would I wish for that?” Sonata questioned, confused.

“What did I tell you guy before?” Rainbow reminded them, harshly.

“Right, sorry…” Sonata squeaked, fearfully.

“Just promise us you’ll behave for now, ok?” Twilight asked.

“Fine…” They all said, resigned. Just then Applejack and the rest of the gang showed up.

“Hey ya’ll, sorry that we’re late.” Applejack said. “The traffic was murder.”

“Don’t worry, you’re just in time.” Twilight assured her, smiling.

“Ahem! Do you mind?” Adagio asked as she the other sirens held out their cuffs.

Applejack sighed. “Fine,” she said as she walked over, took out a key and unlocked their handcuff, which drop to the ground.

“Thanks.” Aria said, half-heartedly while rubbing her wrist.

“Don’t mention it.” Applejack frowned at her.

“Don’t worry, we won’t.” Adagio said as they walked past her while the cowgirl continued to glare at them. She then approached Twilight. “Now… about our magic?”

This time it was Twilight’s turn to sigh and walk over to them, “Ok… just don’t make me regret this.”

“Ok!” Sonata nodded, happily.

“Word of advice; ignore Sonata. Your life will be a whole lot simpler.” Aria told her.

“Alright, that’s enough. Now put your hands on top of in a pile.” Twilight instructed as she held out her hand to them. They all did as she said one by one, and ended with Sonata’s hand on top of Aria’s, much to her displeasure.

“Do I have to touch Sonata’s hand?” she questioned, which made Sonata glare at her.

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Yes. Now clear your minds, this will only take a second,” she said as she closed her eyes and began to concentrate. Magic then began to slow surge through her arm till it reached her hand, at that point the magic flowed through the arms of the former siren’s and into their bodies, making their eyes glow briefly before they smiled.

“Now that’s more like it.” Adagio said, pleased.

“Just remember; if you do think about betraying us or cause harm Equestria once we let you back in…” Twilight began.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Adagio nodded. Satisfied, Twilight walked away while Rainbow approached them looking angry and got enough to look them in the eye, creeping them out.

“I just want you to know… I hate you three very much.” Rainbow Dash told them, sternly before turning and stomping away frustrated. The Dazzling blinked for a bit before Sonata spoke up.

“I like her!” she told the others.

Twilight then noticed that Sunset was standing away from the others and glancing downward sadly with a troubled look on her face. She walked over to Sunset. “You ok?”

“Yeah… you?” she asked. Twilight nodded in response before they both looked forward.

“So, it’s the school huh?” Sunset Shimmer remarked, thoughtfully. “Figures, but hey, it began there…”

“And it’s going to end there.” Princess Twilight declared, determined.

“Oh yeah.” Rainbow said, eagerly.

“Let’s go.” Applejack added.

They all nodded and began walking down the street toward the school together.

“Ooh, this is so exciting!” Spike said, pumped.

“I know, right?” Sonata asked, also excited.

“Totally!” Pinkie added. The three of them then started laughing.

Aria groaned. “Great… now there’s three of them…” she muttered. “I hope you know what you’re doing Princess Wannabe.”

“Ha! ‘Princess Wannabe’! Good one!” Sonata laughed, which aggravated Aria even more.

“Hey! No name calling during the truce, remember?” Twilight reminded her.

“Whatever…” Aria grumbled.

“Ok!” Sonata smiled, brightly.

Sunset leaned towards Adagio. “Where did you get those to?” she whispered.

“You wouldn’t believe what I turned away at the beginning.” Adagio confessed, regretfully.

But before they could get any further, they spotted two men in Police uniforms up ahead of them who both turn around and quickly noticed them all coming.

“Hold it!” One officer said, holding his hand out toward them, making them stop. “Sorry girls, you can’t go that way right now.”

“What? Why?” Rainbow Dash asked, surprised.

“Yeah, that’s our school over there!” Applejack pointed out.

“We’re sorry, but were attempting to seal off this whole area, it’s too dangerous right now, what with all the strange occurrences happening.” The other officer said.

“And that’s why we’re gonna have to take you all home for your own safety.” The lead officer stated.

“Wait, officers! You don’t understand!” Fluttershy protested.

“Yeah, there’s some bad, bad stuff going on over there!” Rainbow said. “You gotta let us….”

“Let you do what?” The officer asked, suspiciously. “Do you girls know about all of this? Huh?”

Twilight then started to get nervous and stammer. “Uh… well… it’s-it’s a funny story… see… we-we don’t really know what’s going on… I-I mean… w-we have a feeling but uh… well it’s-it’s… complicated and uh…”

Adagio and Aria both shared a look that said ‘Oh forget this’ and quickly struck and dispatched the two officers with no problem, with a little help from Sonata. The Rainboom’s stared at them horrified.

“Oh, I’m sorry, were you finished?” Aria asked, deadpan

“Uh… sorry, I’m just… not a big fan of violence…” The Equestrian Twilight admitted. “I mean I will if I have to but…”

“Something tells me you might not have a choice in the matter, none of us will.” Adagio stated, grimly as she walked forward.

“Somehow I get the feeling that she’s right…” Rarity admitted while beginning to move also. Fluttershy nodded fearfully in agreement and followed her.

“Yeah… now let’s get out here before something else happens.” Sunset voiced.

“Agreed.” Twilight nodded as they all began to move out.

“Sure hope nobody saw that…” Applejack said, glancing around.

“The world is ending AJ, I doubt anybody cares if we knock out a couple of cops. With any luck they won’t remember a thing” Rainbow Dash said. “Besides we got bigger problems.”

“Exactly, so we need to stay focused.” Twilight told them.

“So what exactly is the plan here?” Aria questioned, raising a brow.

“Well I’ve learned from my last battle that I can’t beat alone so we’re all gonna have to work together in order to defeat her, once she’s down I’ll try to talk some sense into her again and make her see what’s she’s doing is wrong and how important friendship truly is.” Princess Twilight explained. “Once that’s done, the dark magic should be expelled and she will return to normal.”

“And… then we unalive the other Twilight? Right?” Sonata guessed.

“Works for me.” Aria shrugged. The others turned to her, shocked.

“Wait… ‘unalive’ her?” Rainbow Dash repeated.

“Yeah… see I can’t really say the ‘k-word’ out loud, it’s a weird mental tic…” Sonata admitted, with a giggle.

“But basically we are going to destroy her…” Adagio began.

“Make her disappear…” Aria continued.

“And sleep with the fishes!” Sonata finished. “Yeah, we’ll k-word her.”

“K-Word?” Fluttershy echoed before gasping in horror. “You mean kill her?”

“Ooh! It does sound bad when you say it out loud, I had no idea…” Sonata remarked, genuinely surprised.

No, we’re not doing that her.” Twilight told her, sternly as she and the others glare at them.

“Why not?” Sonata whined.

“Because she’s still Twilight!” Applejack stated.

“And a living person.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Plus under the control of dark magic, not really her fault, more like yours.” Pinkie shrugged.

“Hey!” The Dazzlings all said.

“No ‘k-wording’ her or we won’t bring you back to Equestria, understand?” Princess Twilight told them, sternly.

“Fine. We’ll do things your way Princess, but understand this; there is but one way to deal with a mad dog.” Adagio stated.

“Play with it?” Pinkie suggested, excitedly.

“Give it a belly rub?” Sonata added, eagerly.

No. Put it down.” Adagio stated, firmly and annoyed.

“Oh… right.” Sonata said, smiling cheerfully, which disturbed Pinkie a bit.

“But it won’t come to that.” Sunset Shimmer stated, firmly.

“We’ll see.” Adagio said with a strange tone while Twilight stepped forward and then turned to them all.

“Alright everyone, this is it, now I don’t know how this is going to end or if we’ll come back alive and I know we’ve had our differences in the past but it doesn’t matter now. Whatever we were before… today we’re a team we’re all allies, all friends, we look out for each other, we win or lose… together!” Princess Twilight declared. They all cheered. “Now let’s go get her, right Spike! Spike?”

Twilight and the girls turned and saw standing near a fire hydrant and slowly lifting his leg. They all groaned at this.

“Spike! We don’t have time for that!” The Princess of Friendship told him, disgusted.

“Yeah! Put your leg down!” Pinkie cried.

Spike smiled sheepishly, then scurried away from the ten girls, who then began walking away from him, annoyed.

“Ugh, so unnecessary…” Rainbow groaned.

“You said it.” Applejack agreed.

“I can’t believe my other self likes him…” Rarity muttered, grossed out.

“Girls… Yeesh!” Spike muttered, annoyed before he rejoined them again.

“Remember guys, if we lose this… then it’s the end of everything…” Sunset said, somberly.

“Hey, we’ve been there before you know.” Rainbow reminded her.

“Not like this.” Sunset Shimmer said, lowering her head. “What do you do when the whole world is on your shoulders?”

Twilight then put a hand on her shoulder, surprising. “You plant your feet… and stand by your friends,” she told her, seriously which made her smile.

“Ugh, enough with the sappy friendship talk already.” Aria groaned.

“Yes, let’s just end this.” Adagio stated.

This battle…” Sunset began.

“And all the battles we’ve had until now!” Twilight declared. “Let’s go!”

And so, now that they were all assembled and ready to fight, Twilight began to lead the others towards the place where it all began, with Sunset and Spike flanking her. They were quickly joined by Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack, then Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Then finally the Dazzlings joined them as well as they made their way to the school for the final battle. As they did so Twilight closed her eyes for a moment then opened them to show them glowing brightly.