• Published 25th Nov 2014
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BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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19. Escape from the Facet Rule - Part 5

The guards watched as the golem stood like a statue at the foot of the ridge. Just being near this monstrosity gave them the willies as one moment it seemed alive and the next inanimate. Then it moved, sounding like splintering glass as it spoke in its harsh voice, “Remnants of dark magic that did not come from our master… this is where the intruder destroyed the Tundra Wolves.

“The direction they went lies through that blizzard ahead,” one guard pointed it out. “Given the look of these hoof-prints in the snow, they can’t be that far ahead of us.”

Onward…” the golem ordered as it started forward, the guards in reluctant tow.

Getting through the blizzard really wasn’t as hard as they thought it would be. All Midnight had to do was project a barrier opposite the direction the blizzard was blowing as he and Autumn made their way through the squall. The magic involved didn’t use up much mana, it being a basic shield spell. Even so, they stuck close together but kept a slow and steady pace. They hadn’t had as much time as they would have liked to rest in their shelter before the Tundra Wolves showed up and gave them away.

To pass the time, Autumn turned the tables and asked Midnight, “So what about you? You said you’d been observing the king’s fall to tyranny, but who exactly are you, Midnight Blaze?”

“Uh, is this really the time to tell you my life’s story?” Midnight responded hesitantly.

“I told you about myself, it’s only fair you do the same,” Autumn quipped, Midnight sighing.

“I’m… a traveler, looking to find my way home.”

“Where is your home?”

“That’s… a difficult question. Let’s just say it’s gonna take me quite a while to get there. But I’m gonna get there. I’m gonna get back to my friends, my family… to her.”

“Ah, there’s a special somepony waiting for you.”

“Yes… and there is nothing I won’t do for her.”

“You really are like how he was…”

Midnight looked to Autumn and saw her starting to shed tears.
“In fact, I might even think the two of you are related.”

“I kinda doubt that,” Midnight shook his head no. “But let’s keep moving, it looks like the blizzard’s starting to let up.”

Midnight was right. Before long, the winds died down, the gray started to clear, and to Midnight’s relief, the moon peered out as he basked in its glorious glow! He inhaled, letting the energies soak in, Autumn asking, “What’re you doing?”

“Heh, nifty little ability of mine,” Midnight explained, “I can absorb energy from the moonlight, restoring my strength, my stamina, even my magic. And look!”

Ahead they saw the tundra start to brighten and come to life into lush grasslands, with mountains and forests peering over the horizon.
“We’re getting closer! Once we reach the outskirts of Everfree Village, I can teleport us to the Castle of the Two Sisters!”

Autumn began to smile in rejoice when she felt a shiver, Midnight felt it too! They looked in the direction they came. They didn’t see anything, but they knew.
“Whatever the king has sent after us, it’s gaining,” Autumn whispered fearfully.

“Now’s the time to gallop, come on!” Midnight yelled as he broke into a gallop, Autumn following.

They ran for a while but they could both sense it. Whatever was coming was gaining. Midnight thought as hard as he could, trying cook up a plan literally on the run.
At this rate, who or whatever the king sent after us will get us before we make it to Everfree! No matter what, Autumn Wheat has to get there to warn the Sisters…

Then Midnight skidded to a halt, Autumn following as she panted, “Why are we stopping?! We must hurry!”

“Autumn, I’m going to give you a spell that will allow you to run faster without tiring out,” Midnight spoke.

“And why do I hear an edge in your voice?” Autumn’s brow raised.

“I will stay… and hold them off,” Midnight turned in opposite direction, peering into the distance.

“No! Whoever the king has sent, they’ll be too powerful!” Autumn insisted in worry.

“Autumn Wheat!” Midnight snapped, Autumn shying a bit. “The crystal ponies need you to warn the Sisters of Sombra’s tyranny! Every day another crystal pony suffers, maybe even dies! You must get to the princesses and convince them to help! And the only way you’re gonna do that, is if you actually get there while I keep Sombra’s goon-squad occupied! Don’t worry about me, worry about doing what you have to do.”

Autumn felt the tears come back and sighed submissively.
“Just don’t throw your life away…”

“Wasn’t planning on it,” Midnight smirked as his horn glowed.

The golem and the guards soon crossed into Equestrian territory and sensed their target just ahead. They saw him, a blue unicorn and standing next to him was their prize! Once they were within shouting distance, the golem demanded, “Give up the mare, unicorn!

Midnight threw his cloak and bags aside, his horn flaring as he challenged, “If you want her, come and claim her!”

The golem raised its splintery claws and waved the guards forward. The guards all yelled as they raised their spears for the blue unicorn. Midnight responded by taking a deep breath, his horn giving a rather odd glow, as he then exhaled and released a plume of shadowy smoke from his mouth!

The haze engulfed all five guards, making them stop in their tracks and shiver in their hoof-boots. They felt their lungs ache and tighten as they found it hard to breathe, a fear overcoming them as they began to panic.

Hmm, using fear and paranoia to vanquish your enemies, an admirable quality,” the golem noted.
You remind me of my master…

“I’m not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment,” Midnight concentrated another spell and willed the haze to condense, the moisture to freeze, the magic to crystalize!

In no time at all, the guards were trapped inside a large hunk of obscure crystal.

“Now for you…” Midnight glared at the golem, who stamped its foot, and at once giant spikes of black crystal erupted from the ground trailing towards Midnight. He gasped as he Flashed away but the moment he reappeared, the golem fired an energy blast that Midnight barely managed to dodge but he’d sensed it!

That energy blast was lethal.

He threw a contemptuous look at the golem, and gasped as it seemed to split apart into floating fragments of broken glass, before they bunched together and charged at Midnight!

Mana Guardiana!

At his spell, Midnight was surrounded by a bubble of turquoise mana and right in the nick of time, as the assault rammed against him with such force he almost lost concentration in maintaining the energy shield! Had he allowed it to drop for even a second, he would’ve been eviscerated!

The assault still pushed Midnight back, as he attempted to hold his ground but his hooves couldn’t find purchase as he was pushed back in a roar of breaking and splintering glass until it flowed over his shield. He turned to see it all reform into the golem as it spoke, “I suppose this is the part where I would offer to let you live if you give me what I want. Except my master made it clear… he wants you dead.

“Neither scenario suits me, so how’s this for a twist?” Midnight closed his eyes and chanted.

Hurricane winds and tempest condition,
Blow away now the dark opposition!

At Midnight’s words, a storm cloud appeared overhead as the winds picked up into a gale, crackling with electricity, and Midnight directed them with his horn at the golem. The monstrosity dug its splintery claws into the ground and shook off the electric energy, the wind doing nothing so Midnight released the spell.

You are an impressive wizard indeed,” the golem complimented in condescending tone. “It is no wonder you bypassed my master’s security wards.

“Then you won’t be surprised when I destroy you!” Midnight tried a different spell.

Forces of Thunder, know my plight!
Upon my foe unleash your might!


Midnight felt a searing pain in his horn as he combined two opposing magicks, harmonic and dark, into this attack! Alas, his idea of using opposite forces literally blew up in his face as a crack of thunder and burst of energy sent him sprawling back.

The golem chuckled darkly as it muttered, “The one thing more appealing than defeating my enemies is when they defeat themselves! Now, for my prize…

It approached Autumn, hearing Midnight groan, “No…”

Yes, and now, fugitive,” the golem sneered as it raised its splintery claws to grab Autumn by the throat.
I do believe you and our master have an appointment… in the dungeons!

The golem reached out and grasped with enough force to pinch Autumn’s windpipe… except there was no windpipe, as its claws went right through Autumn Wheat.

What?!” the golem tried again and its claws continued to go straight through Autumn. “What trickery is this?!


The golem threw a hateful glare at Midnight as he managed to get to his wobbling hooves.
“Can’t grab what isn’t there, stupid! That Autumn Wheat you see?”

Midnight tapped his hoof and the golem gaped at Autumn as she faded away like a wisp of smoke.

“Just an illusion.”

RRGH!” the golem glared murderously at Midnight, demanding, “Where is she?! Where is the fugitive?!

Midnight had a pretty good idea.

Autumn had just run through town, her heart pounding, her lungs burning, but she didn’t stop until she made it to the doors of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

She ran up the steps, panting heavily, but made it to the door, gasping desperately as she pounded it as loudly as she could, begging, “Sanctuary! Please grant us sanctuary!!”

“You failed!” Midnight smirked, “By now, Autumn Wheat is safely in the Castle of the Two Sisters, explaining to the princesses about your master and his tyranny over the Crystal Empire!”

I will make you suffer!” the golem hissed as it split apart into splintery broken glass and zoomed straight at Midnight!

Elemana Guardiana!

This time, Midnight’s shield spell was composed of blue fiery mana, that held up better against the golem’s assault. The golem might have been in pieces but it still felt pain, given the ear-splitting shriek it made when it came in touch with Midnight’s fire shield. It put distance between itself and midnight as it recomposed itself.

Clever… But it won’t save you!” the golem charged Midnight in full body-form this time.

“Let’s see how bad you are after this!” Midnight forced the darkness out, as he chanted.

Perdans Lenoir!

A shimmering smoky vapor plumed from the bubbling dark magic on Midnight’s horn as it engulfed the golem. Midnight took a step back, feeling pretty cocky. Unfortunate, as the golem came straight out and tackled Midnight down, making him yelp in pain from all the sharp parts of the monster. He was knocked down and cried out in pain as the golem pinned him. He gaped up at the monster in shocking confusion.

The Curse of Helplessness, you would’ve made an excellent ally to my master,” the golem noted.
However, for that curse to take effect, the target must be alive! Which I… am not.

“Because you’re a product of dark magic…!” Midnight kicked himself in the plot for his mistake because it was probably gonna be his last!

I may have failed my mission to recapture the fugitive mare…” the golem raised its claws that grew longer and sharper, serrated and deadly, “but perhaps my master will be more forgiving when I present him with your head!

Midnight felt a fear unnatural and horrible, coupled with the primordial fear of his life being threatened!
He’s gonna kill me! No, I can’t die… I swore, I swore to return to my own time, to my family! …to Twilight… I refuse to die!!

The golem swung down, and the moment its claws were an inch from Midnight’s throat, he opened his mouth and screamed!!!

He screamed so loud and powerful, such forceful vibration coursing through the golem’s constructed body!

Splintering cracks webbed across the golem’s body as it let out its own unearthly shriek before its body could no longer contain the dark power inside…!


A shockwave of energy spread out as the golem was blown to smithereens! The guards who Midnight had captured in crystal earlier were freed in body as well as mind as the energies of the explosion broke their mind-control and knocked them unconscious.

Groaning and woozy, Midnight sat up, unable to figure out what hat just happened as he felt his mind sink into oblivion. The last thing he saw was a white winged form glowing.

Author's Note:

If you're wondering what happened, Midnight screamed a sonic-scream, think echolocation blown to destructive proportions! (More proof of how he's changing into a lunar pony)


Mana Guardiana (simply a shield of mana shaped like a bubble around the user)

Elemana Guardiana (same thing but with elemental power thrown in)

Elexcrucify (Dark Spell, Portmanteau of Electrify + Excruciating - Think Sith Lightning from Star Wars)

Perdans Lenoir (Dark Spell, From a French sentence that means 'lost in the dark', it negates whoever is engulfed in it of their five senses, making them blind, deaf, unable to touch, smell, or even taste)

The spell midnight used earlier, breathing a shadowy smoke? Not the same, it makes whoever gets caught in it feel cold, afraid, and find it hard to breathe, I call it the 'Breath of Fear'. Scary but NOT dark magic, more like a scary bewitchment that behaves as smoke

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