• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 4,597 Views, 366 Comments

BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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32. Enchained by Talons - Epilogue

In the days that followed, Midnight forced himself to progress. He returned to the castle and levitated Hrevelgr’s talon to the vault door. Within he found a trove of riches, piles of gold and gemstones, breathtaking paintings upon the walls, crates filled with goods, artifacts, magical relics, and to his relief, his Time Stone as well as his bags and cloak.

He used a spell to search the castle and Iron Fist was happily reunited with his wife and daughter. Seeing the family together again helped to lift Midnight’s spirits, a little bit.

The remaining griffon guards were chained and caged, which many of the liberated was more than they deserved although Midnight “encouraged” them to be merciful and allow the proper authority to judge these wastrels, and shared the wealth of the vault with all the liberated to give them something to build upon when they all returned to their homes.

Thankfully, the clientele had quickly vacated the island once they saw the stock had not been… properly conditioned.

Alas, Fusion wasn’t the only casualty they suffered. They lost a few among them and had wrapped the bodies in blankets, wanting for them to be laid to rest in their homelands, not on this terrible place.

Finally, they left. Midnight and the unicorns performed spells on wagons and such that the non-winged among them could ride and be pulled by the pegasi and dragon. Midnight was glad to get his pega-goggles back and led the flight back to Equestria.

They landed upon a seaside cliff, and Midnight arranged a service for their fallen.

The wrapped bodies of their comrades, including Fusion’s, were placed upon funeral pyres. Midnight led the service, stating they owed their freedom to these brave souls who’d made the ultimate sacrifice, and owed it to Fusion to live their lives to the fullest, to see to it the tyranny of the griffons and their clients in the slave-trade were brought to justice, that no more would suffer the injustice of having their freedom taken away.

The liberated thanked Fusion and apologized for having not given him enough credit simply because of his bad blood. They thanked their fallen, and they thanked Midnight for putting an end to among the most notorious villains ever.

But when at last they set the pyres ablaze, Midnight felt it all come crashing down like a waterfall. This entire experience had left its mark on him, having his freedom taken, fighting for his life, losing a friend, and taking a life. He’d told himself over and over, Hresvelgr was a monster undeserving of mercy or compassion, that stopping him had been what Fusion had given his life for.

It had been the crutch holding him up these past few days.

But the crutch had broken as Midnight lowered his head in shame, anguish, and a confusion of emotional turmoil as he sobbed into his hooves. He felt someone give him a hug and looked to see it was Iron Fist’s daughter, looking at him in worry. He whimpered, returning the hug, needing someone to give him comfort when he heard someone approach and looked to see Iron Fist and Zircon.

The zebra carried a corked gourd and said, “What has transpired has left you stressed but with this drink you’ll find some rest. Drink it down and be at ease, and drift away like a gentle breeze.”

“What he means is,” Iron Fist sighed, the zebra way of speaking in couplets never ceasing to aggravate him, “this little potion will allow you to sleep a dreamless sleep. Take it, my brother. You need it.”

Midnight took the gourd in his aura, hesitating for a moment before uncorking it and drinking it down. It tasted like an herbal tea he once sampled from his friend Zecora. Almost immediately, he felt the sluggishness of sleep overwhelm him and vaguely felt Iron Fist picking him up in his arms before the unicorn sank into mind-relieving darkness.

Midnight woke up to find himself in a makeshift tent. He was glad to see his Time Stone still around his neck and his bags and cloak set at his side. Donning them, he crawled out of the tent and found Iron Fist, Zircon, and the earth pony mare around a campfire.

The mare, Flower Note, noticed him and said, “Midnight, you’re awake!”

The others took notice too and Midnight joined them at the fire, asking, “Where is everyone?”

“Some of the ponies have gone home while some pegasi have volunteered to send my family and fellow minotaurs home,” Iron Fist explained.

“The dragon deigned to help us too,” Zircon brought up, “To my country my zebras away he flew.”

“The diamond dogs said they would be alright,” Flower Note added, “they decided to make their way to the southern lands. But all of them expressed their thanks, Midnight.”

“So what are you all still doing here?” Midnight asked, feeling weary.

“Fusion’s final request was to alert Princess Celestia of the griffon kingdom’s slave camps and auctions,” Iron Fist reminded, “so we’ve decided to carry that message to the princess before Zircon and I return to our homelands.”

“…You’ll need proof,” Midnight stated as he willed a parchment, inkwell, and quill out of his bags.

“‘You’ll’- Midnight! Aren’t you coming with us?” Flower Note asked, a little surprised.

“I’m sorry, Flower…” Midnight said sadly and wearily, “I’m just… I can’t keep getting into this, I’ve…!”

He took a deep breath, refusing to shed more tears.
“I will write this letter to Princess Celestia, detailing everything that transpired since I was brought to that island, along with other noteworthy pieces of information. Go to Canterlot and tell them this message is for Princess Celestia, from Midnight Blaze. I guarantee you, she’ll be keen to read it… I’m sorry, but… I just have to find some peace from all this…”

He finished his letter and levitated it to Iron Fist, who took it in understanding.
“I realize your heart is heavy, my brother, so is mine. I distrusted Fusion for all the wrong reasons and he came through, just as you said he would. I only hope I can repay that one day, and delivering this letter will be a good start.”

“I’ll go with them to Canterlot,” Flower Note volunteered. “With my company, the other ponies will be more at ease to see them.”

“You must go and find your way,” Zircon stated, “so that you might find peace one day. To have met you I am most glad. But to leave you, I am sad.”

“You’re all wonderful friends,” Midnight thanked them with a sad smile of farewell, backing up, to their confusion.
“I wish you all the best.”

And before they could stop him, Iron Fist, Zircon, and Flower Note watched in awe as Midnight vanished in a Wink of Light!

Author's Note:

I wanted to wrap this up and answer a few questions.

Midnight is suffering, from his experience as a slave, fighting for his life, from losing a friend, and from unwittingly taking a life. That's serious trauma when you think about it.

However, I'm hoping the next arc will wash some of that turmoil away.

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