• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 4,596 Views, 366 Comments

BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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47. Coming to a Sunset - Part 2

The moment turned uncomfortably awkward as Midnight didn’t answer, his attention divided between the Princess, the captain, the snotty filly, the guards, and the librarian.

Captain Ignitus broke the ice, “Uh, Your Majesty? You… know this pony?”

“Indeed I do, Captain,” Celestia answered warmly as she approached Midnight, “this young stallion is a dear old friend of mine. In fact I would go so far as to consider him family.”

“But Princess Celestia!” Sunset objected, “He still broke into the castle uninvited and he did it in a way that tripped none of the wards or alarms! He’s obviously a-”

“Sunset Shimmer…!” Celestia rising tone was warning enough for Sunset to button her lip. “Midnight is always welcome in the castle and I don’t appreciate your attitude. Now go to your tower and begin studying that next chapter.”

“Wha-?! But- Princess!” Sunset was upset, “You promised me we’d have that lesson on mystical artifacts today!”

“We can have it another time, Sunset,” Celestia’s tone was final. “Right now, I would like to catch up with my old friend here. Also, I think you owe Captain Ignitus an apology for your disrespect. You may be my protégé but you are not entitled any power over the Royal Guard.”

Sunset deflated and looked grumpily at Ignitus, whose raised brow was as infuriating as his tone, “Well?”

“…I apologize, Captain Ignitus,” Sunset pouted before leaving.

Ignitus looked to Princess Celestia and asked, “Anything else, Your Highness?”

“That will be all, Captain, and have somepony be a dear and help your wife with her books,” Celestia said kindly before addressing Midnight, “Come, old friend, it’s been too long.”

Midnight smiled and followed the princess, leaving the captain and his guards to help his wife. Once they were out of earshot, Midnight said, “It’s good to see you again, Princess.”

“And you as well, Midnight, but please,” Celestia replied, “we’ve known each other for over a thousand years. When we are alone, call me Celestia, or even Tia!”

“OK, whatever you like,” Midnight conceded with a shrug. “I see you have a new student.”

“The latest of my several students over the centuries,” Celestia confirmed with a hint of pride in her voice.
“In the years thence I failed Catrina, I did not trust myself in tutoring another personally.”

She led the blue unicorn into her royal chambers, which Midnight found to be a round room with a purple, white, and pale gold décor. Instead of a bed, Celestia slept upon a vast cushion with smaller pillows and a blanket. There was a fireplace, a desk with an inkwell and quill, scrolls, a wall-mounted bookshelf with several books, a small statue, and a framed picture of somepony. Opposite the door were double-doors opening out to a balcony.

Celestia’s horn flared, conjuring a cushion for Midnight to sit on, a coffee table, and upon it was a fresh pot of tea, a pitcher of ice-cold lemonade, little cakes, sugar cubes, a bowl of strawberries and next to it a smaller bowl of dipping cream.

Without a word, both made themselves comfortable, Celestia pouring herself some tea while Midnight opted instead for the lemonade. He helped himself to the strawberries while Celestia immediately claimed the cakes.

“But obviously something changed your mind,” Midnight said after a few moments.

“Well, part of it was wanting that same closeness I once had when Catrina was little,” Celestia admitted.
“Another was the desire to teach again, for once you find a fulfillment in it it’s hard to let it go and stop. So, around ten years after our conflict with Catrina, I founded the School for Gifted Unicorns and would screen the students for one I felt needed my guidance. Before long I found a little colt being bullied by the children of nobility, and took an interest in him. I acted with subtlety and indirectly, not wanting others to immediately know of my interest in this colt.

“I tested his heart by arranging for him to prepare for a test and once the day of it arrived, I appeared before him disguised as an elderly librarian in need of help. To my delight, he chose to help this librarian and risk being late for his supposed test. It was then I revealed myself and told him he had passed his test by being selfless and putting others’ problems before his own. He accepted my offer to apprentice with me and I proudly watched him grow and flourish under my tutelage!”

Midnight smiled proudly at Celestia, who smiled in fond memory.

“After his training was complete, I graduated him and sent him to find his own place in the world, and so moved onto a new student. As the centuries passed, I took on many students. Most were successes and made great achievements. Others, I am sad to say, made the wrong choices and so I was forced to dismiss them. But I loved all my students, regardless of their triumphs and failures, and did my best to guide them towards happiness.”

“And now Sunset is the latest to take on the role of being your personal protégé,” Midnight gathered.

“Indeed, but before we discuss her further, I’d like to discuss with you your journey, Midnight,” Celestia requested. Midnight shrugged, so Celestia went on.
“To start off, how far along do you think you are now?”

“To be honest, Celestia?” Midnight smiled hopefully, “I am very certain my journey is almost over.”

“Really?” Celestia smiled, happy for her old friend.

“Yes, I’ve seen clues in this time, met ponies who I know in my own,” Midnight sighed. “It still blows my mind however… After everything I’ve gone through, I still find it hard to believe I’m reaching the end, and it makes me so excited to see my friends and family again! There’ll be so much to tell, so much to share! I’m just, maybe… about twenty years away!”

“I am happy to hear that Midnight,” Celestia encouraged, “and I’m quite certain I’ll be expecting you at the end of your journey!”

Both laughed a little at the princess’s implication when she said, “In some ways, Midnight, I envy you and the journey you’ve undertaken. I’ve had my share of adventures, overcome various crises, but it was only harder after the loss of my family… Sombra, Luna, Star Swirl… You have your family at the end of your journey waiting for you, giving you drive to keep moving forward, and from that drive you also have done a great many services to not only Equestria but to many creatures other than ponies!”

Midnight felt a little shy and humbled by Celestia’s praise as she went on.

“Star Swirl told me he did not befriend Scorpan, encouraging the gargoyle to do the right thing in alerting my sister and I of Tirek, and Star Swirl mentioned his and your falling-out, so I deduced it was you who had really befriended Scorpan.”

“I used Star Swirl’s name and image because history remembers it that way,” Midnight explained.

“I see, and I understand,” Celestia assured. “Just as I understand you have faced many difficult challenges and obstacles, and have made hard choices. The message you sent me about the griffon empire’s slave marketing and how you wished only for Fusion to be remembered as the hero who inspired the abolishment of the brutal practice. Even today, Fusion’s cutie-mark symbolizes freedom and how it is always worth fighting for.

“Your part in stopping the sirens from disharmonizing Equestria, how it was you who ensured I would find the lunar ponies living on the Shetland Isles, how you saved Autumn Wind so she could alert us of Sombra’s tyranny, how you helped me stop Catrina…”

Midnight was surprised by her knowledge of his many involvements and influences, and Celestia noticed his bewilderment.
“Do not be surprised, Midnight. I’ve had all the time in the world to track your accomplishments and roles throughout Equestrian history, and of the many wonderful individuals you have met and helped. From pony to minotaur, to diamond dog, to dragon, to zebra, to hippogriff! Even the mysterious seaponies have some knowledge of you…”

Midnight was especially stunned to hear that last bit.

“All an’ all, Midnight, I want to thank you for everything you have done,” Celestia said warmly. “Even more, I commend your selflessness and dedication to seeing this journey through. I still recall how you declined Star Swirl’s spell to short-cut back to your own time. I shudder to think what might have transpired had you chosen the easy way out.”

“Better not to think about it, Celestia,” Midnight said in a low tone. “This journey is not quite yet over, but still it has taught me much and transformed me into a pony I barely recognize… and if there’s anything I’ve learned it is this – There is no chance, there is fate, there is no coincidence, there is inevitabilities. I have no doubts I was always meant to undertake this journey and secure the future of this great nation, and look forward to seeing my own!”

Celestia smiled at Midnight, her eyes fileld with fondness and admiration, the two of them gently crossing horns and feeling their auras mingle. Midnight felt Celestia’s love for him. It was not definitive, it was love that felt like it could be from a sister or a mother or even a teacher. It was warm, it was encouraging, it was inspiring.

They then regarded each other, and Midnight saw practically the same Princess Celestia he first met in Ponyville Hospital (an event that had yet to happen) and yet he knew this was not her. Not yet.

This was a Princess Celestia he met as a filly, a bright and hopeful child who aspired to be a leader, shining, benevolent, guiding, and protective over her subjects with the same ferocity a mother would be for her foals. He’d seen her in ways nopony in even this time ever seen her. He’d seen her at a loss, when her heart was aching, when even she did not know what to do when everypony expected her to.

She was still that pony but she had grown, matured, learned, and emboldened into a shining example that still allowed to be just a pony every now and then.

Looking at her looking at him, made Midnight wonder, What does she see…?

The moment passed and Celestia asked, “Now, what is it you wanted to say about my current student?”

“Well… Could you just tell me about her?” Midnight asked, he and Celestia unaware that they were being watched.

Celestia smiled as she nibbled a cake before saying, “Sunset Shimmer, truly an exemplary student! Studious, dedicated, and at such a young age she has master magicks and skills unicorns far ahead of her in experience had troubled in mastering! I’ve had plenty of successful students, Midnight, but… I think Sunset may very well be…”

She stopped talking when she noticed Midnight looking at her in a scrutinizing way.

“What is it?”

“Why did you scold her in the hallway?” Midnight asked, Celestia remembering that moment.

She hesitated before answering, “…She was… about to cast a dangerous spell.”

“What kind of dangerous spell?” Midnight pressed, his eyes narrowed.

“…Potentially lethal,” Celestia admitted.

“Princes… I think you should be more careful with her. I’d hate to think you were training another Catrina.” Midnight said in a low tone, the unseen eavesdropper leaving at that moment, both the princess and her visitor having never been aware there had been a third set of ears in on their conversation.

“Sunset is headstrong and perhaps a little rash,” Celestia conceded but felt the instinct to defend her student’s honor.
“I am not blind to the flaws in her character, Midnight. I would be a fool to not notice them, considering what I have planned for her.”

“What plans?” He didn’t know why but at that moment, Midnight felt apprehensive.

“Sunset is not Catrina,” Celestia affirmed. “She is dedicated and desires to serve her nation with her gifts fully in bloom. I have sensed her potential, Midnight. Sunset could very well be the greatest unicorn magician in centuries! I would even go as far as to believe she could one day outshine Star Swirl.”

“Well, forgive me, Your Highness, if I am not assured by those words,” Midnight debated.

“Midnight Blaze, Sunset is destined for great things,” Celestia said in a tone unflinching, “and I believe that greatness will begin by her becoming the next to wield the Element of Magic.”

Midnight felt as though a cold vice had clamped onto his heart but just barely managed to keep his cool.
“If you are so confident of her worthiness…”

Celestia regarded Midnight and his tone which was almost challenging.

“Then you won’t mind if I test her myself.”

Author's Note:

Ooh! Getting intense...!

I will say this much, my dear readers - This is going to end in a way you won't expect.

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