• Published 25th Nov 2014
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BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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2. The Harmonic Origin - Part 2

The morning sun peered deviously into the window of Star Swirl the Bearded’s sitting room, glaring into the sleeping face of Midnight Blaze. The harsh beams shone through his eyelids, disturbing his eyeballs, and sleepily groan as he turned to try and continue his slumber unmolested.

“Get your rump off my couch! It’s time for breakfast!”

“Eeyaugh!” Midnight found himself tangling up in some kind of blanket and falling onto his stomach on the floor, groaning grumpily as he gathered his dignity. He looked to see, “Star Swirl the Bearded…!”

“Yes, we confirmed that last night with our introductions,” Star Swirl replied with narrowed eyes.
“Now if you want your breakfast while it’s still hot, follow me!”

“Uh- Coming!” Midnight stood up and then took real notice of the blanket covering him. He didn’t recall seeing it last night. He looked towards the stairs and wondered, Did he put this on me so I’d be comfortable…?

Shrugging, Midnight levitated the blanket and folded it up onto the couch before following Star Swirl upstairs although for some reason he felt compelled to bring his saddlebags.

As he came up to the second floor, Midnight saw it doubled as a kitchen and a dining room. One side was the kitchen, with a stone and wood container from which Midnight sensed a cold magic, so he assumed it was an early version of a refrigerator. There was a wall oven that looked to have been recently quenched, some cupboards, and wall-mounted shelves with jars of seasonings, preserves, and a salt and pepper shakers.

The other half of the room had a simple wooden round table about a yard a cross, and similar wooden chairs. They were situated near the stone stairway running along the wall, and there was a wide window, showing a nice view of the forest and the grasslands. Star Swirl levitated out two stone bowls and filled them with oatmeal and poured a couple chalices of milk.

“Oatmeal fine by you?” he asked, and sounded like he didn’t care if Midnight said no, so he simply nodded and joined Star Swirl at the table, muttering his thanks.

For a few minutes they ate in silence but the awkward tension compelled Midnight to make conversation.
“So… you’re really Star Swirl the Bearded?”

“I thought we established that last night,” he answered without looking up from his bowl.

“Well… it’s just your beard isn’t so…” Midnight puzzled for the right word.

“What, you expected me to be some wizened plowhorse with a beard dragging behind him?” Star Swirl gave him the stink eye, Midnight flinching.

“Uh- No, Master Star Swirl! Not… exactly,” Midnight held his hooves up in surrender.

“Bah! None of that ‘master’ stuff,” Star Swirl snapped, “I get enough of that in the political arena, goddess knows I got too much from Clover!”

“Speaking of, where is Clover the Clever?” Midnight asked, sincerely curious.

“Gone his own way after I was done with him,” Star Swirl replied in such a blasé tone, Midnight gave him a shocked look. “Rrgh, not like that, you unmarked little nothing!”

Midnight shrank back, a little hurt by that insult and Star Swirl instantly felt a small twinge of guilt.
“Sorry, that was wrong of me to say.”

“It’s… fine,” Midnight shrugged, looking down at his blank flank. He’d heard all the questions, shrugged them off, but he couldn’t remember the last time somepony insulted him because of his blank flank.

“What I meant was, I have a certain principal in teaching,” Star Swirl explained, “I gave Clover all the lessons and teachings he needed, and then I sent him to find him own way. Good thing I did, because I don’t think he’d have earned his mark of destiny and found a way to serve his tribe by being the personal aide of Princess Platinum if I kept holding his hoof.”

“I… think I understand what you’re saying, sir,” Midnight replied. “But if I can, I’d like to repay you for housing me last night and this breakfast.”

“Hmm, well I suppose I wouldn’t mind a-” Star Swirl contemplated when all of a sudden!

Both unicorns sensed it! Their horns flaring in reaction! They looked out the window and saw what appeared to be a falling star, glimmering with colors, leaving a blazing trail like a rainbow kaleidoscope. They watched as it soared down and disappeared into the nearby forest!

For a few moments, silence. The next, they felt a wave of power pulse from the forest, which they could only assume was the fallen star landing. Midnight was intrigued because whatever that star was, it felt familiar.

“Star Swirl! Did you feel that power…?” he asked rhetorically.

“Indeed I did, young colt,” Star Swirl furrowed his brows as his horn lit up, a wizardy hat appearing in a blink of light, matching his robe.
“And I’ve just thought up a way you can repay me – You will accompany me as my assistant while we investigate this phenomena.”

In no time at all, the two unicorns were walking through the forest, Star Swirl leading, and Midnight carrying saddlebags of supplies, including scrolls, parchment, quills and ink, a couple tomes, a spyglass, and other things.

Midnight had been surprised when Star Swirl fit all the stuff into the saddlebags and they contained them without any problem, and even more surprising was the bags were virtually weightless. He voiced his curiosity to the magician who explained he’d ensorcelled the saddlebags with extra-dimensional space, enabling them to contain far more than they normally could. Midnight had been truly impressed that Star Swirl couldn’t help but chuckle, “Now just a minute, boy, how else would get all this stuff into one little pair of saddlebags I’d like to know.”

Midnight certainly wasn’t complaining, and wondered if Star Swirl might do the same for his own saddlebags if he did a good job repaying him.

But as they journeyed through the woods, Midnight wondered his situation. He was over a thousand years in the past, right as Equestria was setting up shop to build its society, Celestia and Luna were not yet in power, and he wondered how much he might have already affected the course of history by his mere presence.
Star Swirl must have investigated this fallen star because whether or not I hadn’t come here the star came! I just hope my accompanying him doesn’t do any harm…

They knew they wouldn’t get lost because they both sensed this mysterious power with such certainty there might as well have been a path paved with gold leading right to it.

Before long, they came to a small canyon and saw it! Whatever this power was, it had impacted into a high cliff wall, and was well beyond their reach.

“Blast it, this won’t be as easy as I thought,” Star Swirl grumbled as they craned their necks looking up at the source of the power. It was a literal hole in the wall but from it they saw a brightness of shifting colors and its power radiated an aura that they started to perceive as they had gotten closer to it.
“Assistant, do you feel that…?”

“I do, Star Swirl…!” Midnight and the older unicorn were in awe!

Whatever this power was, it made them feel content, a growing sense of bliss that washed away anxiety, hesitation, fear, leaving them relaxed and clear-minded.

“I don’t know what this mysterious power is, but I must examine it!” Star Swirl was determined but short of a levitation spell he didn’t seen a way up there. They didn’t have any rock-climbing equipment.

“I can get up there and maybe dislodge the star,” Midnight offered as he held up his goggles.

“And just how do you plan to do that?” Star Swirl asked with a raised brow of skepticism.

“Like this!” Midnight strapped his goggles on, gave them a tap, and Star Swirl gawked as Midnight’s horn vanished and wings appeared by his transformation into a unicorn!

Am I see things?! Did he really just transform into a pegasus?! Star Swirl looked as Midnight flexed his wings before taking flight.
They’re real! Those certainly aren’t wings of gossamer and morning dew!

Midnight flapped higher and higher until he was level with the fallen star in the cliff face. Now that he was closer to the star, he was certain that he’d sensed this power from somewhere but for some reason he just couldn’t put his feather on it. Flapping over for a closer look, he saw the star was well wedged into the cliff, and without his horn there was no way he’d be able to wrest it out.

“What do you see?!” called Star Swirl.

“It’s in too deep, I won’t be able to pull it out!” Midnight shouted in reply when an idea crossed his mind.
“But perhaps…!”

He quickly flew away from the cliff face, much to Star Swirl’s perplexity, What is that boy up to…?

Midnight took a deep breath, pumped his wings…! And zoomed straight for the star face-first but at the last second, he flipped so his rear hooves would be first and…


A pulse of radiance spread from the star, engulfing everything in a blinding light, Midnight and Star Swirl gasping as everything went black.

Groaning as the glow of consciousness brightened away the haze of unconsciousness Midnight pulled himself up and found himself on the ground. Looking around, he saw Star Swirl was out of it, but then!

He sensed them as he heard them, and looked to see six stones, each sparkling a different color. One a light blue that made him smile, one orange that helped banish away his dizzy spell, one pink that made him feel safe, one purple that made him grateful he was fine, one red that made him think of Star Swirl and be concerned for the wizard, but it was the one magenta that got to him!

It was a little bigger than the others and filled him with a sense of wonder, wonder of the world around him, the ponies in it, the secrets for him to discover!

He shakily stood up and realized his horn was back and his wings were gone although his goggles were still secured to his forehead.
Maybe the magic was undone when I blacked out

He returned his attention to the six stones and wondered what exactly they were. Thinking a closer look was in order he took a step forward but the moment he did, the stones seemed to jerk away from him a bit!
Did they just move?

He took another step, and again the stones moved away from him, and then they rolled away, much to Midnight’s bewilderment. He watched them roll down further into the canyon, making their way towards what looked like a cave.
“Gotta follow!”

But then Midnight felt something against his rear hoof and he looked to see another stone! It was white and the moment his eyes fell upon it, he felt a sensation he remembered feeling on a night that seemed so long ago and it hadn’t even happened yet, considering he was in the past!

Could it be….?! For some reason, Midnight didn’t dare to pick up the stone in his aura. Rather, he gently tapped it in the direction the others went, and watched as it rolled towards the same cave, and this time Midnight followed.

Standing before the mouth of the cave, Midnight concentrated and his horn illuminated to provide a light as he stepped in. The cave wasn’t that deep and soon he saw the stones arranged in hexagon formation with the magenta stone in the center. He watch in awe as they each glowed an intensifying radiance, and despite the brilliance of the light Midnight was able to see! He could see the stones reacting to each other’s energy, those energies weaving together in concert as it brought about a power that was not meant for reasons ill.

This power was not to harm, it was not to conquer, it was not to hurt.

It was to bring, “Harmony!”

Midnight watched as the stones appeared to dissolve into a dust-like substance and sink into the ground, and for a moment Midnight wondered what had happened, only for the answer to sprout!

He gaped at what he was seeing as it grew in front of him! It looked like a tree sapling except it was made of crystal, and embedded along its thin length were seven tiny gems colored the same as the stones! The sapling stood at least two and a half hooves tall with only a couple small branches from which hung small willow-like vines with tiny white spherical crystals instead of leaves.

And the feeling this tree sapling gave him, was calming and enlightening.

“Such splendor!”

Midnight looked to the mouth of the cave and saw, “Star Swirl! You’re awake!”

Star Swirl did not answer Midnight, his aquamarine eyes focused entirely on this mysterious sapling, approaching hesitantly as though he were in the presence of the goddess herself! Seeing the look on Star Swirl’s face, Midnight saw hope, a deep appreciation that he had witnessed the birth of something beautiful and sacred, such were these feelings that Star Swirl shed a tear out of joy for being so blessed as to be in this one place at this most miraculous moment.

“Young colt, thank you for accompanying me,” Star Swirl stood up and wiped the tear away. “This sapling of sorts… I’m not sure what it is, but it has inspired me. I will find a worthy ruler who can unite the tribes, a ruler who will lead us into peace and prosperity!

“A ruler who will bring harmony to Equestria," Midnight couldn’t help adding and Star Swirl smiled in agreement.

Deciding to leave the sapling where it was, the unicorns started back to Star Swirl’s tower but now Midnight was unsure of what to next. He’d promised Star Swirl he only wanted to stay for one night, and he had already overstayed his welcome even if he’d accompanied Star Swirl to investigate this new magic, and Midnight had a very sneaking suspicion as to what it was. But he didn’t dare tell Star Swirl.

But then he began to wonder as they got closer to the tower, Midnight started to wonder, Do I dare tell Star Swirl the truth? That I’m from the future? I can’t think of anypony else who could help me get back! But… what if I change history for the worse?

“Something is troubling you, young colt.”

“Huh?” Midnight startled and realized they’d just left the forest and the tower was just ahead of them, Star Swirl giving him a querying look.

“Come inside, you can tell me about it over a cup,” Star Swirl invited, “and maybe this time you’ll stay awake to partake instead of letting the cup I pour to go to waste!”

In the sitting room, Midnight was still hesitant as he sat on the couch, Star Swirl in his armchair, his hat hanging on a perch standing by the door. Star Swirl sipped his cocoa, patiently awaiting Midnight to explain himself.

When the blue unicorn continued to hold his silence, Star Swirl broke the ice.
“If you will not explain your plight, at the very least show me how you transformed from a unicorn to a pegasus.”

Seeing now harm in that, Midnight levitated up his goggles and explained.
“It’s these goggles. I imbued the lens with a transformation spell while adding the gemstones on the lens’ frame, and infusing the gems with pure pegasus magic. Whenever I wear them, by tapping on the goggles, I can change from a unicorn to a pegasus and back at will.”

“Intriguing, may I?” Star Swirl held up a curious hoof, and midnight levitated the goggles up and dropped them into Star Swirl’s hoof.

He watched as the wizard examined them, his own horn glowing as though he were probing the spells woven into this simple object, his eyes furrowing in query. Finally, he spoke.
“This is an interesting creation of yours, young mage. You seem to have a knack as an Enchanter. A transformation spell in conjunction with pegasus magic, so simple! And yet, there appears to be something missing.”

“There is,” Midnight admitted. “These goggles only work for me, probably because my own inner magic was imprinted onto it, so the magic inside only recognizes me.”

“Even so, this is an astounding work of art, Midnight Blaze,” Star Swirl returned them to Midnight and looked at the blue unicorn as though he were waiting.

Sighing, Midnight decided the time had come to come clean.
“Star Swirl, I… I’m not quite sure how to say this without sounding crazy…”

“Try me, young mage,” Star Swirl invited, “after all, when you’re an archmage like myself, you come to be reasonably open-minded on the subject of ‘crazy’.”

“Ok...” Midnight took a deep breath and brought out his Time Stone.
“It all begins with this, my latest creation. I was in my workshop and mixed together three different spells and gave this amalgamation material form as this tiny crystal. I created it with the purpose of making a form of a spell that anypony can use, not just unicorns.”

“And what was this stone supposed to do?” Star Swirl gestured him to carry on.

“The first of these three spells was a Spell of impact, meant to activate a magical effect by an impact. The second spell was the Sphere of Influence so that the magical effect would only affect whatever was caught in the set radius, and finally the spell Temporal Delay, which was meant to be the magical effect Spell of Impact would activate! Mixing all these spells together, this stone was meant to be thrown and the moment it impacted against something, it would release a sphere of slow-moving time, catching anything caught inside it to move at that same slow-pace.”

“And I take it something went wrong,” Star Swirl presumed.

“No! As a matter of fact, this… Time Stone actually succeeded! But while I was taking in my sense of accomplishment, the Time Stone’s magic was active as I felt another magic! I don’t know what happened, my mind went blank, everything was so bright, blood pounded in my ears, and the next thing I knew I woke up in a field of grass with just a few of my belongings with me!”

“So then, you were teleported to a place you’re not familiar with?” Star Swirl surmised.

“It’s more than that, Star Swirl,” Midnight looked down. “Because I believe that somehow, my Time Stone and the odd magic I sensed had some kind of reaction, and I was sent not only to another place… but another time!”

Star Swirl’s brow raised as Midnight declared, “I’m from over a thousand years into the future of Equestria!”

Author's Note:

Do you see what I did here?:raritywink:

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