• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 4,593 Views, 366 Comments

BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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48. Coming to a Sunset - Part 3

“Wha- Test her yourself?” Celestia was flabbergasted by Midnight’s proposal. “Midnight, I don’t understand!”

“I don’t think Sunset possesses the necessary qualities to wield the Element of Magic,” Midnight wanted to say more but was hesitant to risk polluting the timeline.
“Celestia, in case you forget, the Element of Magic is connected to the rest of the Elements of Harmony, and simply being a magical prodigy doesn’t make one the right candidate to wield it. To truly wield any of the elements is to understand what they represent. I’ve known her for only a few short minutes and I truly believe she is not the right pony to be entrusted with something so powerful, something that represents what makes the elements so special.”

Celestia gave him a shrewd look, “You know something.”

Midnight returned the look but said nothing. Eventually, Celestia sighed, “Very well. But I will appreciate it, that you are polite and civil with her. She is quite ambitious and dedicated to her studies… Part of it came from an accident when she was younger.”

Midnight was all ears, figuring it was important enough that she would bring it up.

“Sunset was born either a high-functioning beta, terms of magical power,” Celestia explained, “or a low-functioning alpha. At least, what’s what my staff in the school originally figured. But then… things happened. Sunset comes from a house of nobility and her parents were quite strict and expressed high expectations from her… expectations rather demanding from a nine year-old filly. She studied hard in the school, using any free-time she had for her studies that her social life suffered for it. It made her an easy target for bullies.

“One day it went too far…They hurt her, terrified her, and unleashed a literal wildfire of raw, untamed power. They were seriously hurt and Sunset was horrified at what she’d done, even though it had been an accident. She shut herself off. Even her parents couldn’t get through to her.”

Midnight felt bad for his earlier behavior towards Celestia, especially when he saw her shed a tear.

“I soon stepped in and properly classified Sunset as an alpha-level unicorn,” Celestia went on. “I stopped the papers from demonizing her, spoke with the parents of the bullies, made them see how the tragedy could have been avoided but still I assured them their children would be well cared for and healed in no time. Then I went to Sunset… She was like a statue, sitting in her room, the look on her face… It broke my heart!”

Midnight felt his ears droop, and felt a little guilty for questioning Celestia’s choice. But regardless, he knew he had to change her mind about Sunset.

“I cannot tell you the effort it took for me to get through to her,” Celestia sighed as she wiped her tears with a handkerchief.
“But I helped sunset realize she had great power and such power, as she had already seen, could be dangerous if it was not focused, directed, controlled. I offered her to be my personal student and she accepted, wanting to be a mage that helps others instead of hurt them. Without the stigma of her social-nightmare, and with my guidance, Sunset quickly bloomed into a prodigy! However I can’t deny I didn’t notice things about her. Her fragile self-esteem, her ambitiousness, her fear of failure…”

She looked at Midnight and asked, “Please be kind to her, Midnight.”

Midnight nodded, “I’ll be fair.”

But as he left Celestia’s chambers, Midnight felt guilty, knowing he wouldn’t.

Midnight wished he’d asked Celestia where Sunset’s room was, as he wandered aimlessly. He’d been in the castle a few times before but never enough to really know the place by heart.

Now that he was alone, however, he sighed, as he was at a loss. He knew what he had to do, but this was different. Midnight never had any idea that Celestia had originally chosen somepony else as the one to wield the Element of Magic, which obviously didn’t work out since that role was assumed by Twilight.

But Twilight didn’t exist yet in this time, though he felt safe to assume she would. Night Light and Twilight Velvet would soon have their son, and as long as nothing rocked the boat then Twilight Sparkle would eventually come alone.

Right now however, he had to discredit a young and ambitious unicorn mage in front of her teacher, a young unicorn with a troubled past and tough upbringing.

He sighed again, Fate can be a really cruel bitch…


Midnight yelped as he heard something whoosh past his head, and strike the wall. Recomposing himself, he gaped at the burn mark marring the pristine wall and shuddered what that might have done had it hit him.


He whirled around to see Sunset, giving him a look that read ‘really?’

“What the buck is wrong with you?!” Midnight snapped as he pointed out the blast-mark. “Are you actually trying to kill me?!”

“Please, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t have deliberately missed,” Sunset huffed.

“Really? Just like I suppose you were gonna “deliberately miss” before Celestia intervened and sent you to your room?” Midnight said accusingly.

“How dare you speak her name without proper respect,” Sunset narrowed her eyes, “For that matter, just who the hay are you to her? What’s so special about you that she blows me off, her student?”

“Like she said, I’m an old friend of hers,” Midnight glared.

Centuries old, from how it sounded,” Sunset brought up, Midnight gaping at her as she scrutinized him.
“You’ve aged pretty well, I would say…”

“I wonder what she’d say if she knew you eavesdropped on us? “Midnight said warningly. “How much did you hear?”

“I left after I heard you compare me to Catrina,” Sunset admitted. “But let me tell you something, Midnight Blaze… Catrina was a witch! A self-serving, power-hungry, and attention-seeking whorse! Unlike her, I want to serve and protect this nation, and I will do that by becoming the most powerful mage of all! I think I’ll start doing that by defeating you in a magic duel!”

Author's Note:

I apologize for this short chapter but I aim to make this story end with an even 50 chapters

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