• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 4,596 Views, 366 Comments

BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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35. Fish Taled Miracles - Part 3

Midnight stayed with Rip in Horseshoe Shores for near three weeks. He helped Rip haul in catches of fish, went swimming, and started a collection of seashells, hung out at the Cruel Mistress, deeply enjoying Mama Tsunama’s smoked salted salmon and her tea (regardless of the gassy consequences). He’d drunk alcohol before but he wasn’t inclined towards getting hungover, and he felt oddly repelled by the mead they had anyway.

During his time in the fishing village, he noticed some colts and fillies with their fathers but never saw them with their mothers. He also noticed these foals had sharp teeth! He thought perhaps they were lunar ponies but they didn’t have the dusky colored coats of lunar ponies, their ears weren't tufted, the pegasus foals had feathery wings, and he didn’t sense lunar magic coming from them.

Deciding it wasn’t his business, he just carried on. The time he spend in Horseshoe Shores had just the effect on Midnight had hoped for. A pleasant good time that helped him find peace from what he had endured.

In the few moments he had allowed himself to remember, he reminded himself that Fusion made his choice out of a sincere desire to ensure slavery came to an end, and he would be proud of what his sacrifice inspired.

All in all, he came to love Horseshoe Village like another home. But it wasn’t his home, he reminded himself as the third week was coming to a close. Midnight couldn’t stay here forever, he knew that. He still had maybe another five hundred years to go, and there was no telling what sort of obstacles he would have yet to face.

So as the second night of the full moon arrived, he went to Rip, who was busy fixing a hole in his best net.

“Hey Rip.”

The pegasus looked up to Midnight and noticed a sad look. He smiled in understanding, “I take it yer settin’ sail?”

“If you mean I’m leaving, yes,” Midnight nodded. He looked sadly at the fisher-pony, “Riptide, thank you… Thanks for sharing your roof, for showing me your home, I’ve learned a lot these past few weeks.”

“Aw, me bucko!” Rip chuckled and stood up, quickly pulling Midnight into a back-breaking hug.
“If I could have meself a brother, I’d want `im t' be just like ya!”

Midnight was touched and returned the hug. As he did however, he felt something from Rip’s belly.
“What the-?!”

He pulled away from Rip, who asked, “What?”

“I- There- I just thought I felt-” Midnight stumbled before deciding, “Y-y’know what, never mind. Anyway Rip, I have to be moving on. I miss my family and the longer I dally only prolongs that ache.”

“Ah, tis true… Well, fair winds to ye, Midnight Blaze,” Rip bade warmly as he spat his hoof and held it out.

Midnight did the same in a spit-hoofshake, saying, “I’ll miss you, my friend.”

“Ah worry not, mate,” Rip waved it off as if he knew something. “I’ve a feeling we’ll be seeing each other again, an’ sooner than ye may think.”

Midnight sighed inward, knowing this would not be true. Once he time-jumped, he would likely arrive at a time where Riptide was long dead. But he said nothing to the contrary and nodded in false agreement.

With their last few words of farewell, Midnight left. He walked along the beach, the moon shining its silvery glow upon the waves, making them look like restless ghosts of those who’d died at sea. In other words, it was pretty creepy.

When he was far enough, he looked one last time to Horseshoe Shores and sighed.
Fair winds, Riptide…

He closed his eyes as he concentrated the power of the moon into his Time Stone. He felt the magic beckon the winds and sea spray around him in silvery blue ribbons of mana that wove together into a veil of magic, enclosing Midnight in a bubble. The bubble rose, lifting Midnight with it and he felt the magic build toward the point of no return...!

Suddenly there was a sharp jolt of pain in his abdomen and his concentration broke!


Midnight had belly-flopped onto the sand and was wondering, What… the buck just happened?

He stood up and looked around. He was still in the same place! He looked back and there was Horseshoe Shores! He looked up and the moon was still the same, in phase and position.

He hadn’t time-jumped!

What’s going on?! A million things ran through his mind in panic as he began to fear something.

Was he trapped in this time? And if so, what if it was forever?

The thought instigated a panic-attack worthy of Twilight when she thought she was going to be tardy in her friendship report (which she had thought were weekly).



Midnight had no idea how, in his panicked state of mind, he was able to seize enough mental clarity to literally snap himself out of it. He paused, took a deep breath, and gathered his thoughts.

“Ok, Midnight Blaze, you can get yourself out of this, and you will…” Midnight said with repose. “Never forget, you are the Element of Faith and leader of the Guardians of Harmony! Options, options…”

Midnight started pacing back and forth, brainstorming options and trying to make sense as to why his Time Stone failed.
It’s never done this before although it was never meant to do this at all… Well, even if that’s the case, I still have the spell Star Swirl left me but… I should probably save that as a last resort. But still, why now?! What’s changed that it doesn’t work to propel me further along the timeline?!

Ridiculous as it seemed, the only change Midnight had done lately was eating fish. He thought that was natural since he was becoming a lunar pony, but did that somehow adversely affect his magic? He knew enough about magic that one’s own magic was fueled by their bodily stamina and energy, the thaumaturgical system within every living creature turning that energy into mana.

For unicorns, their thaumaturgical system spread throughout their body like their nervous system, but all intersected at the focal point of their magical projection. In other words, their horns. Was there something wrong with his horn?

Midnight tried a few easy spells he knew, like illumination, telekinesis, he even teleported. He sensed nothing amiss about his horn and looked in a nearby tide pool. His reflected horn showed no cracks or abrasions or anything that indicated a problem.

So if not his horn, what was the problem?

A splash at his hooves reminded Midnight he was still outside and it was rather chilly. He whipped his hooves dry but his fetlocks were still damp and cold. He looked back to Horseshoe Shores and sighed.


The door opened and Rip had a not-so-surprised look on his face.
“Ahoy, Midnight, back so soon?”

“Hey Rip…”

Midnight felt embarrassed. That whole deep goodbye was for nothing as Rip gestured Midnight to come in. Midnight sat on one of Rip’s chairs and as did Rip who groaned as he got down.

“Blasted back pains…” He then looked to Midnight asking, “So me bucko, what brings ya back so quickly?”

“Uh, Riptide…?” Midnight wasn’t sure what to do. He hadn’t told Rip the entire truth about himself but it seemed like he was gonna have to.
“I have something to tell you…”

“Well whatever it be, it can wait till morning,” Rip decided, Midnight double-taking in protest. “I’m sure ya gotta lot to get off yer chest, mate, but it’s late and I need my beauty sleep.”

Midnight couldn’t resist throwing a barb.
“Trust me, brother, there aren’t enough hours in the day!”

“Belay that kinda talk, me hearty!” Rip snapped with a smirk. ”Or I’ll keelhaul ya!”

They both chuckled but it quickly quieted into awkward silence. Midnight was afraid of telling the truth, to be seen as crazy, but what else could he do? Of all the ponies in Horseshoe Shores, he trusted Rip the most.

“Ya got a lot on yer mind, I can see that.”

He looked to Rip who was headed to his bedroom, but paused and spoke without looking back.

“Just sleep on it,” Rip suggested, “and we’ll talk in th’ mornin’. No matter what it is, I’ll help ya however possible.”

Somehow, Midnight knew Rip was right that they should wait for morning, and followed the fisher-pony through the hall, muttering ‘good night’ before going into the guest room he’d been sleeping in for the past few weeks.

Sleep didn’t come easy that night, but Midnight eventually fell into slumber.

Only to meet a very rude awakening the next morning, courtesy of Rip’s rear end. To his face.

After nearly destroying his vocal chords in response, Midnight settled for a cup of tea to sooth them, Riptide sitting on the other side of the table, waiting for Midnight to engage. Eventually the awkward silence was too much.

“Aw, come on, mate, it was a joke!”

“You held your ass over my face while I was asleep and farted into it,” Midnight answered in a low and irritable tone and narrowed eyes.
“I swear I felt some hairs on my nose burn off.”

“I just thought after the dreary mess ya were when ya came back last night,” Rip suggested, “ya might enjoy wakin’ up to a lil’ humor.”

“Riptide, there’s humor, and then there’s just plain rude and disgusting,” Midnight snorted. Sighing, “But… my problem still remains, and I have quite a story to tell you.”

Midnight spent over an hour giving Rip the gist – He was from an era a thousand years after Princess Celestia imprisoned Nightmare Moon, how he was flung over a thousand years into the past by a magical mishap, how his Time Stone allowed him to jump through time enabling him to leap-frog across the very history of Equestria and endeavoring to get back to his own time.

He then brought up his last adventure, how he spent a month as a slave, befriended the hippogriff Fusion, who, in the end, sacrificed himself to save Midnight and inspire revolution against the slave market of the griffon kingdom.

“…and I came here,” Midnight wrapped it up. “I don’t know how long ago that was for the ponies of this time. But for me, it was recent, and I stayed here to… try and find peace from all the horrible things I experienced.”

He regarded Rip who looked to be pondering Midnight’s words, and Midnight knew this probably sounded fishy.

“…That why ya got them scars upon yer back?” Rip asked.

Midnight knew what he meant. Despite the efforts to heal them, Midnight’s back bore three scars, from the whip of the griffon Overseer, who’d taken the most pleasure out of punishing the slaves. Midnight had considered getting rid of them with magic but chose instead to keep them, as a reminder of what he’d experienced and how it had affected him, and what Fusion had died to put an end to.

“Yes…” Midnight sighed, tears welling up in his eyes that he quickly wiped away. “I keep these scars as a reminder of what Fusion was willing to give his life to stop… I only wish he could’ve seen…”

Midnight sniffled, Rip going over and placing a wing on Midnight’s shoulders.
“I believe yer tale, Midnight. Nopony could speak one so fishy as that and with a voice and heart so sincere. All this happened well before I was born, Midnight. Slavery isn’t tolerated in the slightest by the princess and the alliance she founded to stop the griffon kingdom and the other nations that practiced such depravity. But Fusion was the martyr who inspired it all! He shouldn’t had to have been, but he was willing to give it all so that no poor soul be robbed of their own destiny! And were I him, I wouldn’t want ye to feel guilty for what I chose, because that is what a slave is denied! Choice itself, the right to choose one’s own fate! Fusion chose his fate and it was a choice made in selflessness. He put the many before himself, and now, no innocent lad or lass suffers as did you and those you helped Fusion to free. That is something to be proud of, me bucko…”

Midnight managed to keep himself calm as he blew his nose on a old rag Rip was kind enough to provide. Once he regained his composure, Midnight looked to the pegasus who smiled in understanding.

“Thanks, Rip…” Midnight whispered as he wiped his tears.

“Always, mate,” Rip assured with a hearty wing-slap to Midnight’s shoulders. “Now! What be the problem ya had that brought ye back to me port?”

“It’s my Time Stone,” Midnight levitated it for Rip to see, the fisher-pony amazed at how something so small could bestow a power many would give their left rear hoof for.
“Last night, I tried to use it to… well, leave this time period to a future one. But just before the magic could start and send me on my way, I felt this… severe pain in my stomach, it made lose focus, and I belly-flopped onto the beach, and found I hadn’t gone anywhere or any when for that matter!”

“Hmm…” Rip pondered his theory. “Y’know, Midnight, th’ same problem’s plagued a number of stallions here in Horseshoe Shores o'er the years. They find their magical abilities, be they earth pony, unicorn, or even a pegasus such as I, not quite as up to snuff as normal. Earth ponies ain’t as strong as they should be, unicorns find themselves unable to cast their most powerful spells, pegasi, meself being the example here, can’t fly as high, as fast, or even as long as they normally could.”

“Well, perhaps in your case,” Midnight smirked as he gave a teasing poke to Rip’s belly, “the problem could be solved with a little weight-loss.”

“That be one of the symptoms, to be true,” Rip raised his brow in a sneaky way. “They also find themselves rather appealed towards fish, even if they’d ne’er ate a bite in their lives, they find themselves strong swimmers, and… they also had a little experience with… a seapony.”

That one got Midnight’s attention.

“Midnight, when I told ya me tale of how I saved and loved a gorgeous creature as me sweet Kelphine,” Rip explained, “I said, before she left she left me a gift worth more than all the fish in the sea!”

“Well, to say that much, the sex must’ve been incredible,” Midnight remarked with a smirk.

“Oh it were, me bucko, it were,” Rip nodded and proudly patted his belly, “but it were what resulted of it that was Kelphine’s last gift t’ me.”

Midnight looked at the odd smile Rip was giving him and the way he patted his belly. Then a crazy idea formed in his head, and it was! But then the clues started listing themselves off in Midnight’s mind.

The feeling he’d felt from Rip’s belly in the goodbye hug last night.

How Mama Tsunama never let him drink alcohol.

He also remembered how there were several single dads in town, and these colts and fillies of theirs had fangs yet were not lunar ponies.

Rip chuckled at the look on Midnight’s face and said, “Come o’er here.”

Midnight did and was surprised when Rip took his hoof and held it against his belly. For a moment it was awkward when…

He felt it!

“Yah!” Midnight jerked his hoof back and gaped at Rip’s belly as though it had grown a face. His eyes kept shifting between the pegasus’ belly and his own face as the fisher-pony stifled a chuckle.

“Aye…” Rip nodded before laughing hearty, “As Mama Tsunama would say, I’ve got me a bun in me oven!”

“Wha- but- I- That’s- It-” Midnight spluttered as his brain started to burn as it tried to make sense of what he’d just learned.

“Seaponies reproduce the same way, mate,” Rip shrugged, “but it’s the stallion who gets the baby bump. See, when a stallion, regardless of race, casts his line inta the seapony mare’s abyss, and they reach th’ highpoint, it invokes a magic `tween th’ two. Their own magic energies link an’ through it th’ seed of life is implanted within th’ stallion, the magic creatin’ a place for this lil’ one to grow safely inside, a… brood sac or pouch, I guess ya could call it, located in th' stallion's abdomen. Thar, the pup grows an’ develops, providin’ its pap be they a pony o’ th’ surface world, seapony magic o’ their own in exchange for a few creature comforts.”

“The taste for fish?” Midnight asked.

“Exactly, bucko, it’s a seapony foal, after all, so o’ course it’s gonna want th’ succulent salt o’ the ocean’s bounty! Though it don’ mind some freshwater catch as well!” Rip nodded as he looked down at his belly, rubbing it fondly.
“In me belly, I’m carrying Kelphine’s child, my child… and I intend to raise this foal well.”

Midnight was speechless. He’d never seen Rip this way, looking warm and happy and calm compared to his loud, obnoxious yet fun self he’d seen him as for the past few weeks.

“But what does this have to do with my magic?!” Midnight asked, Rip giving him a knowing look. Midnight felt the blood leave his face.
“Oh no… NO! I am not-”

“Well, bucko, from what ya told me,” Rip said with a shrug, “that stone a’ yers needs quite a hefty amount of magic for ya to hop, skip, n’ jump inta’ th’ future, and seeing as ya can’t-”

“But it doesn’t make any sense!!” Midnight argued.

“Calm down, mate!” Rip chuckled, “It makes perfect sense! See, th’ reason stallions with seapony foal aren’t quite themselves magical-wise is `cuz their magic’s shared with their foal! It helps the pregnancy, see? Tha’ bein’ said, you, being a unicorn, wouldn’t be able t’ cast yer hardest spells if you was expectin’!”

“But I never had sex with a seapon-” Midnight protested only to suddenly realize!
Sea Spray…!

“Remember ya said ya met with a seapony mare cryin’ her eyes out?” Rip brought up. “She wanted to… heh-heh, get intimate?”

“But I said no!” Midnight protested as he ran the memory through his mind. “I kindly refused, explained my reasons, and she asked me to watch the sunset with her and… she sang to me…!”

“Aye, and seapony mares are known t’ have quite th’ captivatin’ voices,” Rip nodded.

Finally, Midnight put two and two together.

Sea Spray’s so-called lullaby was really her dulling Midnight’s cognitive awareness, enthralling him to her temporal bidding, and once he was helpless before her…


Rip covered his belly protectively and gulped at the sight of Midnight’s black and dark blue mane igniting a blue flame as his eyes burned white.

“Now, now, drop yer anchor a moment, me bucko!” Rip said loudly, “Ya might be right an’ perhaps this be just a lil’ hiccup o’ yer magic!”

Midnight took a deep breath and let his fire die down and immediately felt a little bad when he saw the intimidated look on Rip’s face. But he knew the pegasus was afraid for the foal he was carrying, not himself.

“S’alright, mate,” Rip assured. “So… `afore we jump t’ conclusions, let’s go an’ have ya checked out by our local doc.”

About an hour later, Rip saw Midnight leave the doctor’s cottage, his face pale.

“Hoo boy…” Rip guessed he was right, as Midnight fainted.

Author's Note:

Yes, readers - Midnight Blaze is pregnant:pinkiegasp:

I know, right?!:moustache:

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