• Published 25th Nov 2014
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BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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31. Enchained by Talons - Part 6

The abominable amalgamation set the sights of all three of its heads at Midnight and Iron Fist. They stood together, Fist saying, “Midnight, I hope you know how to use that sword…!”

“It’s just for show, I don’t need it,” Midnight answered, Iron Fist giving him a confused look. “I already told you, I have a few surprises in store, not just for this monster but for these savage spectators!”

“Well, at least let’s come up with a plan while we can,” Iron Fist insisted with a low tone as they watched the chimera as it began to circle them but they always made sure to face it to let it know they were onto it.
“It will encircle us to find a weakness to exploit. If it cannot, it will surely unleash its fiery breath upon us. But please, Midnight, at least draw your sword!”

“No, it’s a hindrance to me! Without my unicorn magic or even manipulation shoes I can’t hold it unless I’m willing to forgo speaking with you to coordinate our strategy!” Midnight whispered harshly.
“Trust me, Iron Fist, I do have magic I can use that isn’t hampered by the inhibitor ring on my horn. Now, what do you know about this beast besides its fire-breathing?”

“Well… The minotaur clans of my homeland have fought various monsters over the generations, including chimeras,” Iron Fist said as he bared his axe, showing the beast they would not be easy prey.
“Monsters such as these with multiple heads have their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Chimeras have three heads and thus three pairs of eyes so trying a sneak attack will be virtually meaningless but those three heads each have a brain of their own and they only work well together if their focused on the same prey…”

“Then I say our strategy must be divide and conquer!” Midnight declared, “I’ll handle the lion head, you focus on the snake and goat heads!”

Then without waiting for Iron Fist’s reply, Midnight charged!

“Midnight, stop! Don’t be a fool!” Iron Fist called out, the crowd roaring for a slaughter!

The chimera’s lion head growled as its blue prey charged like a challenging rival, such impudence!

The beast took a deep breath, its mane and chest swelling like a balloon, Iron Fist clenching fearfully as he thought, Midnight, you idiot!

Midnight concentrated even as he ran, focusing the energies of the moon he’d managed to collect over the course of the month to his throat! He’d used it before, he would use it again!

The lion head opened its maw and released spiraling inferno!

Here goes…! Midnight answered with a scream!!!

The sonic force of Midnight’s scream split the ears of everyone present, the crowd crying out in pain as they clutched their ears, Hresvelgr, his Lieutenant and the Overseer doing the same but the Lieutenant gaped in shock at the blue unicorn!
Even with an inhibitor ring on his horn, somehow he still manages to use magic! I knew I should’ve spent more time breaking him down!

The force of Midnight’s scream also blew apart the chimera’s fireball in a burst of embers, the chimera growling but it had certainly been intimidated.

Midnight panted to still his beating heart but now he was looking bold. He threw a look of contempt towards the royal box, glaring right at Hresvelgr as he screamed, “DO YOU SEE THAT, GRIFFONS?!?! I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO USE MY UNICORN MAGIC BUT AS YOU’VE JUST SEEN THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SKIN A CAT! SPEAKING OF, I PROMISE TO BE VERY CREATIVE WHEN I DO SO TO YOU!!”

The crowd was muttering fretfully as they considered what they’d just seen and heard but Hresvelgr crowed a cawing cackle before saying, “Big words coming from such an insignificant little nothing! I’ll admit there’s more to you than meets the eye, slave! But by the time these events are through, I alone will stand victorious while you will meet your ultimate fate! So on with the match unless that was a scream of desperation we just heard, because if so I doubt you’ll last for much longer against my beast!”

Midnight narrowed his eyes as he whispered, “Watch me…!

He looked to the chimera, its fur bristling as it now saw this creature before it not only as potential prey but a real threat.

In the box, the Lieutenant hissed, “I told you that unicorn was trouble! And obviously his ring isn’t working as it should!”

“I’d mind my tone were I you, Lieutenant...” Hresvelgr growled. “So what if this waste of flesh has a few tricks? It just makes for a more interesting match! Besides, it matters not if he somehow manages to overcome the chimera! My guards are well-prepared for any slave-fighters that by some miracle prove to be an inconvenience, and will strike him down long before he causes any lasting damage. What do you think that crossbow I gave you is for, you ungrateful child?!”

The Lieutenant shrank back and woefully replied, “My deepest apologies, master …I was out of line.”

“You are forgiven,” Hresvelgr snarled with a sneer, “After all, a good lieutenant must be cautious. Now relax, my dear, and enjoy the show!”

They watched as the chimera growled in vexation and leapt, its claws bared and ready to take Midnight into a lethal embrace.

I don’t think so, you overgrown pussycat! Midnight concentrated the lunar energy upon himself and felt it!

He leapt!

And boy did he soar! Everyone present was amazed as Midnight made a jump to an altitude no pony could make unless they had wings. He reached the peak of his jump and oddly came down floating like a dandelion seed.

“Incredible!” Iron Fist was as astounded as the spectators. I thought perhaps Midnight’s optimism was virtually a fool’s hope, but seeing his powers even with that ring on his horn…!

The chimera roared in irritation as Midnight landed as light as a feather. He looked to Iron Fist and gave a bold smile, “Let’s win this, Iron Fist!”

“Right! Keep its lion head busy!” Iron Fist spun his axe in hand like an expert and charged towards the chimera’s rear.

The chimera noticed its other prey coming but felt something hit its lion head. It growled in vexation to see Midnight had somehow made several rocks in the arena rise and he had just sent a couple more hurtling at the beast with some powerful bucks of his hindlegs!

The first rock got the chimera in the eye, making it roar in pain, which turned out to be a mistake. The second rock literally knocked a few of the chimera’s teeth out! It roared in furious agony, its maw missing a few of its sharp teeth and its eye had been swollen shut! Its goat head and snake head felt the pain as well, distracting them as Iron Fist went in for the kill and swung his mighty axe!

The chimera roared again as it lost its connection to one of its heads and the snake-headed tail writhed in hissing torment! Iron Fist was not cruel and put the pitiful serpent out of its misery by crushing its head under his hoof.

“Iron Fist, look out!”

“Huh?!” Iron Fist felt a terrible blow and was sent hurtling into the arena wall! He slumped to his rump, groaning as he dropped his shield, his arm excruciating as he clenched his eyes shut from the pain!
Curse that beast…!

He managed to edge open one eye and saw the chimera’s rear goat leg had kicked him.
I think- That attack broke my arm!

The spectators cheered while a few groaned, apparently some had bet on the underdogs. The chimera turned its attention to its weakened prey, Midnight gaping in fear.
What do I do?! I’ll never make it in time to stop the chimera from attacking Iron Fist, and it looks like his arm’s broken! Wait… His arm might be disabled, but his legs are still kicking!

“Iron Fist! As soon as the chimera lunges at you, you must jump!”

“What good will that do?!” Iron Fist growled, his eyes drawn to the beast as it hunkered down. “My arm is broken so I can’t use my shield, and I’m nowhere near the jumper you are!”

“Iron Fist, you must jump!” Midnight shouted, “Believe in yourself!”

Iron Fist groaned as he looked the chimera in the eye, I still have doubts but… Midnight has already proven himself with his powers! Besides, I have too much to lose and so much to regain!

Iron Fist slowly got to his feet, gritting his teeth as he held his broken arm to his chest while gripping his axe in his right hand. The chimera growled hungrily, seeing lamed prey, the throbbing pain of its lost tail fueling its rage.

“Iron Fist! Keep your axe ready and when you are, jump!” Midnight shouted, and the chimera roared!

Iron Fist snorted as he closed his eyes… and leapt!

He felt his body rise and heard the chimera’s lunge send it face-first into the arena wall. He gaped down at it and realized what Midnight meant about his axe – He was directly above the chimera!”

“Midnight! Let me at it!”

“Make it count!” Midnight willed Iron Fist’s gravity to increase and he went down like a stone, his axe raised…!


Silence befell the arena as the crowd hushed in suspense! The chimera stood still as did Iron Fist at its side near its shoulder. Midnight smirked as he knew this match was over, as he saw the lion’s head fall from its neck!

The goat head on the back bleated in distress and pain, it could not control the body it had shared with its other heads, which were now gone, and the goat head gurgled on its own blood as the body had a negative reaction and went into shock. Finally, it fell to its side and it was truly over.

Most of the crowd booed and hissed but several cheered, glad they had placed their wagers on the underdogs. Midnight and Iron Fist joined each other in the center of the arena when silence befell it. They looked up to see Hresvelgr had hushed the crowd with a raise of his wings before he began to clap his claws, smirking.

“Well done, well done indeed, contestants…” His voice was oily and almost instantly both Midnight and Iron Fist felt wary.
“Honestly, when you broke your arm, Iron Fist, I thought that you would be cat food. But somehow, your little friend aided you in slaying the ferocious beast!”

Midnight and Iron Fist simply glared back at the griffon lord as he continued.
“However… That was merely the opening act! My guests would hardly be satisfied with just one match, am I right?!

The crowd answered with a definitive roar for more blood. This time, Hresvelgr waited for them to quiet down on their own before he resumed speaking.

“So… how shall we proceed from here? After all, together the both of you managed to slay a most infamous monster! I can hardly imagine any of the other beasts I have left would be a match for your combined might! So if the two of you can overcome any foe I throw at you, what would be the point…?”

Midnight and Iron Fist were starting to get nervous as Hresvelgr went on.

“I mean where would the challenge be in that? …I’ve got it!” Hresvelgr snapped his talons and gave the contestants a wicked smile.
“Your next opponent shall be… each other!!”

Midnight and Iron Fist gasped in shock as the crowd began to get antsy. They nervously regarded the other as they both knew what Hresvelgr demanded – A duel to the death!

“Seems like the crowd is getting impatient, gentlemen, and so am I!” Hresvelgr snarled maliciously.
“So let’s get this duel underway!”


“Take aim,” Hresvelgr snickered and the Lieutenant raised her crossbow, aiming it right at Midnight.
“I will say this only once, slaves… Duel or die!!

“Unlike you, griffon, we have honor!” Iron Fist pointed his axe at Hresvelgr. “We are battle-brothers, and to kill the other for your depraved amusement would be disgraceful!”

“Very well then…” Hresvelgr said calmly before roaring like the tyrannical monster he was, “THEN YOU CAN CURSE YOUR OWN HONOR FOR COSTING YOU YOUR LIVES!!!”

Midnight prepared to release a scream and heard the sound of the arrow firing…!



Midnight and Iron Fist watched in shock and horror as Fusion flew out of nowhere and took the arrow to the chest, saving Midnight’s life and falling at his and Iron Fist’s hooves.

Something dripped and Midnight froze. He was seeing but not acting, seeing Iron Fist hurry to Fusion’s side, holding him, saying something, looking desperately anxious. Iron Fist’s expression turned to woeful as he slowly looked to Midnight with one devastated.

Finally, something got through to Midnight. Hresvelgr.


Anger, Fury, Rage, Hate, Wrath. None of these words could accurately describe the inferno blistering inside him. He began to shake, hyperventilate, his heart pounded so hard he feared it might burst from his chest. But that fear was quickly dashed away as he felt this indescribable ire fuel his power!

It spread like a wildfire, invigorating every fiber of his being! His power blazed for release! So he obliged and screamed!!!

He screamed as he was engulfed in fires of blazing blue! His power burst like an explosion, every creature in the arena felt it and in response to it they felt fear!

He felt his horn burn from that incessant ring as it tried in vain to contain its wearer’s magic only to melt and evaporate!

Hresvelgr, the Lieutenant, and the Overseer all gaped in primordial fear when they heard screams of battle and gawked to see pegasi appear above the arena along with the Dragon from the keep! They heard screams from the crowd and saw earth ponies, unicorns, zebras, minotaurs, dogs all spill out from the vomitorium passages, all armed with weapons, clad in armor!

“Guards!! Seize those slaves and get things back under control!” Hresvelgr roared, only to feel a horrific twinge of fear and he peeped in terror when he saw Midnight!

His eyes blazed the burning white of unforgiving hate as they fixated upon the griffon lord. He stood up from his throne and backed away fearfully.

“HRESVELGRRRRR!!!” Midnight launched himself like a rocket towards the box seat, only for the Lieutenant and Overseer tackle him down to the ground of the arena.

He threw them off with a telekinetic pulse and looked up at the box. Hresvelgr was gone, but the Lieutenant and Overseer had him on two sides.

“It seems I’m gonna have to rethink my breaking technique!” the Overseer snarled as he cracked his whip, only to lose his head to Iron Fist’s axe.

The Lieutenant’s icy demeanor turned to one nervous and she turned to run away only to come face to face with the Dragon from the keep. She peeped in terror when she noticed the zebra Zircon step out from behind the Dragon.
“Your unjust ways have come to an end, and you to tartarus my friend here shall send!”

The Dragon took a deep breath and unleashed the biggest inferno he’d had in a long while, the Lieutenant screeching as she was engulfed and cooked alive.

“Midnight!” Iron Fist called to the blazing unicorn, “Don’t let Hresvelgr get away!”

…Not a chance!” Midnight answered in a frightening tone as he reached out with his power and sensed for the griffon lord’s whereabouts. The castle.
“There you are…!”

And Midnight vanished in a burst of flames!

Hresvelgr panted frantically as he made for his vault, not about to leave without his riches!

But just before he made it to the door-

A burst of blue flames made him skid to a halt, his talons scraping across the stone floor as the flames died away to reveal Midnight, his turquoise eyes narrowed at the griffon as he whispered in a dark tone, “Murderer…!

“Now, uh- Unicorn! Let’s… not be rash here!” Hresvelgr tweeted nervously as he stepped back. “I-I’m sure we can-”

“You don’t deserve to live…” Midnight stepped forward slowly and threateningly.

“But- But it’s not my fault!” Hresvelgr whined, “It-It was my lieutenant and overseer! Th-they were the ones in charge, I was their puppet!”

“Why should I believe you?” Midnight raised a brow, his eyes burning. “All you’ve ever done is cause pain and misery!”

“What are you going to do?!” Hresvelgr chirped nervously, some of his feathers molting. “You’re not really going to kill me!”

Midnight wanted so much to say yes, to make this heartless wretch before him suffer as he had made so many suffer. But seeing how he shook, how he molted, how utterly pathetic he was.
“No, Hresvelgr… I’m not like you.”

“Oh thank you, thank you!” Hresvelgr bowed shamelessly as he then asked, “And how- How may I make amends to you? Tell me, I mean anything!”

“…You will be escorted to Equestria,” Midnight answered, tempering his fury. “Upon arrival, I will take you to Canterlot to be judged by Princess Celestia herself! You will admit your crimes not only against the ponies of Equestria but against the nations of the minotaurs, the dogs, the zebras, and the dragons! And Faust willing, you will spend the rest of your miserable life in a cell!”

“…Yes,” Hresvelgr answered slowly as he slunked away from Midnight whose gaze seemed to direct the griffon back the way he came.
“Of course!”

Hresvelgr slowed as he passed by a wall-mounted sword display.
“As you… wish… you slave scum!!!”

Hresvelgr pounced the swords on the wall and lunged at Midnight, only to for his blades to clang as they met the same sword Midnight had chosen back in the arena! It was alit with his turquoise aura and Hresvelgr knew he was in trouble as Midnight glared at him and then pushed him off!

Growling, the griffon lunged again and swung his blades with the skill of an expert but Midnight’s telekinetic sword-handling was much quicker and more precise! He easily blocked every attack of Hresvelgr’s assault, and the griffon tried for an overhead slash only for Midnight to ram his sword against the griffon’s blades, knocking one out of his claw but the sword quickly spun `round…!


“AAAAUUUGGGGHHH!!” Hresvelgr dropped his other sword and grasped the bleeding stump where his other claw had been before propelling himself back with a flap of his wings. He groaned in utter agony, before screaming, “YOU DISGUSTING SLAVE!”

“You brought this on yourself!” Midnight growled as he whipped the blood off his sword and pointed it at the griffon.
“Only creatures who are weak and afraid rely on slavery! The very practice shows just how pathetic your need for power and dominance really is!”

“Slavery coincides with nature’s decree – Survival of the fittest!” Hresvelgr snapped. “The strong rule over the weak, and give inferior species purpose instead of waste their meaningless lives striving to find some point to their worthless existences!”

“Your words are as hypocritical as the very concept of slavery,” Midnight remarked with a cold tone. “All it does is make you slaves on the other end of the whip!”

Hresvelgr glared hatefully but groaned as he felt weak.

Sighing, Midnight dropped his sword, “Luckily for you, I’d prefer to take you in alive.”

He stepped past Hresvelgr, hearing him groan as he struggled to stay on his feet, Now, I wonder where this cretin would keep bandages?

Suddenly, he felt something grasp him around the throat and he was slammed into the wall, the grip on his throat choking! As he struggled to breathe, Midnight saw Hresvelgr glaring at him, hyperventilating, and the look he had on his face frightened Midnight!

It a look of pure murderous madness!

“Only a fool turns his back on the enemy!” Hresvelgr growled as his eye twitched and his shoulder shuddered.
“Especially when that fool has cost the enemy everything!!!

He’s losing it! Midnight realized he’d pushed Hresvelgr towards the edge and the griffon was struggling to keep his balance lest he go over.

“You presume to understand me?!” Hresvelgr asked in a whiny growl. He hissed, “I was born to griffons of the lowest stature in our caste system! My father was a lowly leather-worker, my mother an assistant to a seamstress! They struggled day in and day out to scrounge a living for us! I strove to be something greater than they’d ever dared, and I built all of this, everything on this island!...But now… Now it’s gone because of you!!!”

The griffon screamed as he opened his beak to kill the wretch who’d taken his tiny kingdom away and Midnight felt his fear engulf his awareness as everything went dark!

When he came to, he was lying on the floor. He got up on his hooves, feeling his coat slickened by something sticky, and he tasted something in his mouth. Coppery, bitter.

Then horror filled his mind as did realization.

He looked around and felt his blood run cold to see Hresvelgr. Except he wasn’t moving, which probably had to do with the gaping tear in his throat, and the pool of blood surrounding his body.

“Wha…?!” Midnight had no idea what had happened, and he felt something in his mouth! He ran his tongue over his teeth and felt his eyeteeth had lengthened into points! Like they were…

Then another realization dawned in his mind as he still tasted the blood in his mouth. Midnight was horrified to realize, he liked the taste!


He whirled around to see an earth pony mare, the same one he’d seen Fusion helping up as she said, “It’s Fusion!”

Reminded, Midnight gasped and Flashed to the arena!

He found himself in the box and saw the liberated slaves had killed almost all of the guards and only a few had had the sense to surrender and were being held in custody of the unicorns. But what drew his attention was the center of the arena, as several of the ex-slaves gathered around Fusion, who was being looked after by Zircon and Iron Fist.

Leaping down and landing lightly via his weakened gravity, Midnight pushed through and saw Iron Fist and Zircon notice his approach. The looks on their faces were grim as Iron Fist shook his head.

He gasped as he came over and saw the wound had pierced Fusion’s lung straight through. A trickle of blood dribbled from Fusion’s beak, and the hippogriff’s flittering eyes brightened a little when they saw Midnight. He held out his talons, uttering in a very weak voice, “M-Midnight…”

He hurried over and allowed Fusion to grasp his hoof.

“Is it… done?”

“Yes!” Midnight whispered as tears began to well up in his eyes. “Fusion, why did you…?!”

“Because it must b-be you!” Fusion answered, panting weakly. “You must- Must alert your princess of the griffons’ crimes against the world! Th-this isn’t- This isn’t the only- Slave market they have, there are others… and more slaves! The moment I saw you… the fire in your eyes, I knew! I knew you would- would be the messenger to the one who can save us all! Tell Princess Celestia, Midnight!”

Fusion was crying now too, as he grasped Midnight desperately, “They need her!”

“I promise!” Midnight whispered, tears running down his face, Fusion calming as his heartbeat began to slowly weaken.

“Then… my part… is over,” Fusion whispered, relief giving him peace, “and… I hope… you find whatever you’re looking for… my friend…”

Midnight gasped as Fusion’s eyes closed forever, and he sensed all the liberated slaves around him lower their heads sadly. Before he could do anything else, Midnight noticed a glow on Fusion’s flank and he gasped to see a cutie-mark!

It depicted a bird flying from a cage, a bird flying free.

Despite his heart heavy, his tears flowing, the sight of it made him smile a little, as he began to sob.

Author's Note:

I tried to make this closing part as sad as I could but feel it to be... inadequate.

The cutie-mark was Pontiac56's idea, and he suggested I make Midnight killing Hresvelgr an act of self-defense rather than deliberate murder but I also depicted it as something happening beyond Midnight's control, an instinctive response to a threat to his life that overrode his sense of awareness and reason.

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