• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 4,596 Views, 366 Comments

BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time - Wolven5

Through happenstance, or perhaps fate, Midnight Blaze's little experiment whirls him into a jounrey through the very history of Equestria!

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22. The Elements in Disharmony - Part 2

Bluebirds sang happily as they bathed in one of the several birdbaths set here and thre in the gardens, and Midnight couldn’t help but smile, thinking, Fluttershy would love this…

Just thinking about the gentle and loving pegasus made Midnight think of Big Macintosh, which made him think of his family, which made him think of Twinken, which made him remember the lessons he gave his little brother, and the concept of lessons made him think of Twilight. He missed them all so much and wished so bad to be with them again.

Celestia regarded the blue unicorn sitting in the shade of a willow tree as he watched the bluebirds, and just seeing him made her wonder. She’d met him as a filly and despite the short time they spent together, she quickly grew to love him as…
Certainly not a father… a big brother, maybe, she pondered.

But his situation was bizarre to the sun princess. This was a pony out of time yet playing key-roles here and there throughout Equestrian history. Except he wasn’t trying to play any roles at all, he was trying to get home to his own time period.

Looking at this Midnight from an adult perspective, Celestia couldn’t really regard him as a big brother-figure like she had when they’d met. She was centuries older than him, had experienced far more, even though Midnight’s own experiences were not at all minuscule in comparison, and at the moment, he was just depressed.

She joined him in the shade, and he looked at her in acknowledgement before returning his attention to the bluebirds, chuckling now and then at the way they ruffled their feathers and made little splashes.

“I envy them.”

Celestia looked curiously at Midnight, as he explained his statement, “They together, with those they care about. I’m not.”

“I wish there was a way to help you, Midnight,” Celestia sighed. “Alas, time-travel is a subject better left alone. Star Swirl did in fact dedicate a small amount of his research into it, but soon stopped. I can only imagine it had something to do with you.”

“I’m sure it was,” Midnight replied in a voice so bitter it disturbed Celestia. “I don’t know what happened to him… but whatever respect I had for him ceased that night when-”

He stopped talking, his eyes getting shifty to Celestia, and she had an idea.
“You don’t have to tell me. I won’t contradict you, Midnight. My mentor… it’s as though he lost his way. But after my sister was imprisoned, I was at a loss… Oh, I put on a facade of strength and conviction for my subjects, but whenever I was alone… I broke down, in shame, in heartache… One day, Star Swirl came and saw me in my sorry state. Somehow, he managed to brighten my spirits and restore my strength of heart. It enabled me to face the grief when he passed away…”

Midnight gaped in shock at the princess as he whispered in a quivering voice, “He’s- …He’s gone?”

“Old age eventually caught up with Star Swirl,” Celestia nodded sadly. “Despite his power and strength as an archmage, he could not hold senescence at bay forever. He had grown tired, Midnight, and he longed for rest after he managed to kick my sunny flanks back into gear.”

Midnight couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at Celestia’s colorful vocabulary.

“But even in his final hours, he expressed his unwavering faith that I would look after everypony well,” Celestia’s composure was even but Midnight would had to have been blind to see the hurt in her eyes.
“So I strive to live up to that faith every day.”

“You should’ve seen him,” Midnight brought up, Celestia looking at him and noticing the look of wonder he had.
“When he first saw that tree sprout, he was filled with… such inspiration, such drive! It made him want nothing more than to bring the tribes together, truly in peace and harmony, and he entrusted that faith to you and Luna… I will never think of him the same way again, but… I think I can still respect him for the road he paved for you. And trust me, Princess, yours is a long one, but I know, in my heart of hearts, you have the strength to see it to the end and fulfill his goal.”

Celestia cleared her tears and whispered, “Thank you, Midnight. Granted, growing up under Star Swirl’s tutelage wasn’t easy, but he looked out for me and my sister, and… to be honest, he was a far better teacher than a father figure. Also, he treated Luna and me as individuals, not as my subjects do, who look at me and see the crown first. Besides him, Sombra, and my sister, the only pony who ever treated me that way was you. Despite the limited time we’ve shared together, you’ve done your best to help me, even when your primary concern has been getting home, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for that.”

Midnight smiled at her and held out his arms, and Celestia was all-too happy to accept the invitation of a hug. But soon Celestia let go and Midnight looked at her curiously as she said, “Midnight… You’ve already done so much but I would appreciate if…”

“I’m happy to help however I can,” Midnight assured her.

“Well, I thought perhaps you could have a word with Catrina,” Celestia proposed.

“A headache, am I? Unsuitable, am I?!” Catrina growled as she threw on her cloak and grabbed her bag. She looked into her mirror, giving herself a once-over and purred, “Lovely, as always…”

Growling, she made for her door, hissing, “I’ll show her… After I’ve conquered the Everfree Forest, I will claim-”

Opening the door, she caterwauled to see Midnight at the door, apparently having been about to knock.
“Oh, excuse me! I hope I didn’t startle you.”

“Oh not at all,” Catrina’s tail tied itself in a knot as she pulled together her composure, thinking, I don’t know who this Midnight is, but he’s obviously on a first-name basis with the princess, which means he has her favor…

“So, Midnight is it? What can I do for you?”

“Well, Catrina, um… your teacher asked me to have a word with you,” Midnight said politely.

“Oh…! As much as I would love to sit here and shoot the breeze,” Catrina’s eyes got shifty as not-so-subtly slipped through the door, squeezing past the blue unicorn.
“I have better things to do.”

As she started walking down the hall, Midnight Flashed in front of her, making her stop, as he furrowed his brows at her.
“Catrina. I might not have an extensive education or the amount of experience as your teacher or Star Swirl, but I have seen much in my life, including what happens to those who seek power with such single-minded drive they lose their way!”

“I don’t have to listen to you!” Catrina hissed as she bared her claws, “You’re a nobody…!”

“And you think just because you’re a good mage you’re entitled to power?” Midnight asked rhetorically.
“Power is not justification for claiming authority, it is proving yourself-”

“I HAVE PROVEN MYSELF!” Catrina screamed as she waved her clawed hands, glowing with green mana, and Midnight felt the air move in concert with Catrina before it whirlwinded him into the wall.

He let out a cry of pain as he slumped to the floor, dazed and groaning as Catrina sneered, “I have become an elementalist of no equal, save for perhaps Celestia! But once I have the Elements of Harmony that will change…!”

Midnight moaned as he looked up and noticed Catrina becoming cloaked in mist before it faded away, taking her with it. Groaning, Midnight struggled to his hooves as he thought, I gotta alert the princess!

Author's Note:

Elementalist - my word for a mage who is an expert in elemental magic, manipulating the natural elements of earth, fire, air, and water

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