• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,529 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

  • ...

Running for my life

I don't know how much time has passed but it feels like hours have gone by.

I had been dodging and diving every hyper beam coming from Twilight. I don't know how long she would keep this up, but she hadn't stopped to rest. Until recently I remembered that I had wings. After giving myself a mental slap, I flew away. I decided not to attach the blades because if I did it would worsen the situation.

How long is she going to be hunting me down?!

I was currently hiding under a cardboard box in an alleyway. I came across it while dodging the beams of death. It was a long shot to use it, but it was doing a great job so far.

"SILENT!!! GET YOUR MOON FLANK OUT HERE AND FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!" an enraged Twilight yelled. Waking up anypony who was sleeping at this time.

However, I stayed in my box, and first of all, my cutie mark is- you know what I haven't really thought about it actually.

I stayed put until I could no longer hear the flapping of her wings or the sound of a charged up horn ready to kill. I slowly emerged from my hiding spot. I looked left and right making sure the coast was clear. The streets were completely unrecognizable. Carts had been wrecked, any goods were now on the ground and ruined.

I'm so dead if she finds me.

"Yes, yes you are." a voice came up from behind me.

I slowly looked behind me. It was Silver Dusk and her friend Gray Mist. Well, what a way to make things better. I'll either be vaporized by the enraged princess or get raped by a bunch of mares. Either way, I'll end up six feet under.

F**k this I'm out

I teleported out of there and into my room. My dark sanctuary away from the troubles of the world. This was probably the safest place to be right now. However, this turned out to be a big mistake. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark I made out three figures in my room. Two of them turned out to be my roommates and the other was Twilight. She hadn't noticed me yet, because she was too busy trying to get Octavia and Vinyl to reveal where I was.

Vinyl noticed me and mouthed to me to get the 'hay out'. So I complied with her suggestion.

"Oh I knew you wouldn't leave us waiting," Silver said in a seducing voice.

"I'm pretty sure you rather have your own herd with a bunch of mares than being hunted down by an enraged alicorn" Gray added

I'd rather be traveling with a mad pony in a box.

"...really? Wouldn't you rather get laid?" Silver questioned my priorities.

If I'm going to get laid, I'm going to do it for love. Although I don't have many choices to choose from.

"Oh! Pick me, pick me!" Silver jumped up and down.


"Please?" she said giving me puppy eyes.

I did the only thing that I could think of doing. I turned around and walked away. I went out to the destroyed market and walked around to see other damages. However, I seemed to have forgotten that I'm being hunted down by a current she-devil alicorn.


She was above us with a ready to fire horn. Time seemed to move really slowly. She brought down her head to aim her horn at me. I could see the sparks going crazy as the magic flowed through the horn.

Oh buck me.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Silver appeared next to me.

In an instant, I was blown off my hooves and really high into the air by the hyper beam that came from Twilight's horn.

I'm gonna die if I don't find I soft place to land.

"I don't know about finding a soft landing spot, but what about using these?" she said pointing at my wings.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that I have wings

"How do you keeping forget that you have wings?" Silver asked me. "I have wings, I don't use them as much, but I still remember that I have them."

Before I could even respond to that, another beam came from Twilight. It hit me mid-air and blasted me towards her castle. I teleported past the wall so I wouldn't get any broken bones from colliding against it. I ended up in a room I didn't recognize. There were books all around the place so I imagine it was a room Twilight mostly used.

Ow, I need to get the hell out of here. Nice mirror, but what's with the crazy machinery?

"Well well well, it seems that we're in my domain now." a voice came up from behind me. It was Twilight and she was not in a happy mood.

"As I said before, You're going to regret that you were ever born" she hissed, she was still wet from the bucket. You think after all this time she would be dry.

"But what if I wasn't born!" I said but instantly regretted it as my throat started to sting.

This got her attention off of killing me and into thinking mode.


I waved my hoof in front of her face. Perhaps I was finally free? Okay, this is great. All that is needed is to get her to think.

"Ice bucket?" Lilly said holding a bucket full of ice and water.

What? No! that's what got me in this situation in the first place.

"Suit yourself," she said throwing the bucket away, but it landed on Twilight.

*Rage mode rengaged*

"See ya," Lilly said as she placed the bucket in my hooves and teleported away.

That daughter of a-


I saw my life flash between my own eyes. All 9 days I think, it could have been longer. I later felt my body react to the pain of going through 3 Crystal walls, 7 regular ones from other ponies' houses and a window when I landed. I was surprised to still be in all in one piece.

Wow, I am very durable

"Oh my! Silent are you okay? You should really use the door next time" Octavia said from the kitchen. "you're just in time for dinner"

I surprised to see that I landed at my house. Can I start calling it my house? I looked to see what I broke and it turned out to be that one window, but the good news is that she was planning to replace it anyway.

"Hey Tavi!!! I'm home" Vinyl yelled as she entered the house. It looks like she's back from doing whatever a DJ does.

"By the way Silent, where were you? Your meeting with the princess shouldn't have taken you long." Octavia asked as she finished placing the meals on the plates.

"Yeah..., and what's with the princess's rampage earlier?" Vinyl asked as she sat down to eat.

"You don't...want to know," I said in pain, not only from speaking but from going through solid walls too.

"Any luck with your memories?"

"Yeah...a bit...not much..."


"I seem to know...how to play...a...stringed instrument?"

This got her attention really high as she leaned closer to me.

"And what might that be?"

"Haven't gotten to that part yet"

"Blast" she muttered.

We continued eating until Vinyl spoke up.

"Oh yeah I just remembered, Silent I met some of your 'friends' earlier today," she said catching my complete attention.


"Yeah two pegasi"

Ah crap

*The next day*

For whatever reason, Octavia invited my two 'friends' over for tea. I was forced to be there with them since they were my 'friends'. Even after I told them that they weren't my friends, but my kidnappers. She still insisted on having them over for tea.

"So, let me get this straight, your race is at the edge of extinction and only Silent can prevent that?" Octavia said now understanding their reasoning.

"Yes, that's pretty much it"

While Octavia was chatting away with Gray while I was being pulled by Silver who had me by my hoof and Vinyl by my other. When both Silver and Gray got here I was immediately tackled by Silver. Vinyl jumped in and tried to pry her off of me.

"He's mine, mine I tell you!" Silver yelled at Vinyl while trying her best to pull me to her side.

"No! You don't even know him! He's staying with us!"

Don't I get a say in this?

"Shut it Silent!" Silver hissed at me

"Wha? He didn't say anything" Vinyl said confused

"We can speak telepathically"

"Oh, that makes sense, wait no it doesn't! How?"

Meanwhile, Lilly joined up with the cutie mark crusaders in one of their crusades to get their cutie mark. Most likely it's going to end up getting one of them seriously injured.

Why you may ask? Because they decided to go if their cutie mark is strength by fighting against a bear.

This nonsense went on for hours and hours. It finally stopped once Octavia knocked Silver out with her cello, sure it broke, but she learned to make her own. Something about being unique and one of a kind, or it could be that the regular guy at the shop makes them horrible.

Sooooo, what do we do with the body?

"For goodness sake, Silent! She isn't dead" Gray said.

"Want me to make sure?" Octavia said holding up the now splintered side of her cello.

"Oh no no no no, that won't be necessary"

"So...what now?" Vinyl asked.

"WE END THE CHAPTER!!!" Pinkie said popping out of nowhere



"Oi, no bad language!"

"What did he say?" Octavia asked

"He said-" Lilly spoke


Author's Note:

Updated Oct 26, 2019