• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,529 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

  • ...

The End?

So, why am I here again?!

I was currently being dragged back to the village of the Enders. My wings were tied up to preventing from flying away and they had placed a necklace on that nullified most magic, which included my ability to teleport. The necklace had a single rhombic pyramid-shaped stone that looked like it had liquid on it. The liquid drained as time went on. So, it was only temporary so it wouldn't last forever, but it was enough to keep me in one place.

Where did you get this?

"We developed it as a way to prevent you from using your magic to teleport," Grey said explaining the necklace, "While you were in the hospital we used an early prototype that slowed down your healing."

That explained why it took so long for me to head a few broken bones and why Silver and Grey looked like they were hiding something. With all the head traumas I received a few broken bones would seem like a piece of cake.

"We told you, the elder grows impatient every day that you are not conceiving offsprings. He wants what is best for our kind, and he will not take 'no' for an answer," she said and looked me dead in the eye.

I'm gonna die

"Yes, you will, because he wants every mare in our village fertilized by the end of the season," Gray said.

What, season?

"Mating season" she spoke those two words in my ear. The repeated in my head over and over.

Was there such a thing? I thought that only a few would go into heat at a time. How can all of them go into heat? I stood there thinking about how I was going to make it out alive. I've been avoiding situations like this by running away. I made a few close calls here and there, but now it seemed that my time was up. I looked back up at my captures.

"But don't worry! We'll be gentle" Silver said cheerfully as if trying to make me better.

"After all, there are only about 700 of us" Silver added.

One word rang through my head.

"Where is Silent?" Octavia asked her roommate when she noticed that Silent was nowhere to be seen.

They had been drinking with Silver and Grey the night before. They claimed that it was only a friendly visit and for the most part it was. That is until Silver pulled out a bottle. They began to drink from it. At first, it was a moderate amount but then the alcohol's effects started to kick in and then they began to drink more.

"I don't know, but those Enders know how to party," Vinyl said in a slur.

"Why does my head hurt?" Octavia rubbed her head as it pounded every second.

"Seems like somepony has a case of the hangover" Drunk Vinyl smiled.

"If we were drinking last night, then how are you still drunk?"

"I learned a spell long ago that allowed me to prevent getting hungover. So that means that I can drink even more without the side effects." She said proudly.

Octavia looked at her roommate in envy. While Vinyl was free to continue her day as normal she would have to stay behind and let her hangover run its course.

"I see that Gray and Silver have brought you back," The leader of the Village Spoke up to me.

He sat on his throne. He was giving me a displeased look. I bet that he had expected me to have already been bucking away with he mares. It has been some time since I've last seen him. I've forgotten his name, or maybe I never bothered to learn it.

This time security had been increased drastically. There were more guards around this time. They were stationed at every possible escape route. They had their weapons out in case I tried to escape by force. But given that I had no real fighting experience I was wouldn't get very far at all.

The necklace and the lack of my blades made it impossible to get away. Silver and Gray removed them before they dragged me out of my home. Besides, the blades were too small for me, unless I changed my body back to a child to use them, but that would cause more problems.

"It seems... that you have been avoiding us... for quite a while." He said taking deep breaths with every pause.

"To make things fair. I'm willing to give you the position... of the leader of the Enders," he paused. "Once you have an heir."

His proposal confused me. Why would he be willing to make me leader of the Enders? I had been avoiding them and even attacked them during my escape last time. I was an outsider that just happened to be the same as them. I had no real connections besides that.

You're not taking 'no' for an answer are you?

"You said it yourself Silent"


"What do you mean by see ya?"

The magic that was restricting me from teleporting had finally run out. The liquid was finally gone and I teleported away, but I only ended up 5 feet away. It seemed like my magic was barely returning, so I couldn't make long-distance travel.

"Get him!" Silver cried out.

I stood there surrounded by a bunch of guards, all pointing their weapons at me. Until my magic recovered I needed to survive for as long as possible.

"Are you sure you haven't seen him?" Octavia asked Rainbow Dash on the whereabouts of Silent.

"No, and he's late for work," She said trying to push some clouds." it's weird he had aways arrived early." she huffed as she pushed a few rainclouds.

Silent always arrived between 10 to 30 minutes early. Not because he was trying to stand out from the rest, but because he learned that he didn't need to come into contact with anyone if he came in early. While everypony else was reading what weather they had to put up he would already be out in the sky preparing the clouds

"Wait... no offense or anything, but how are you talking to me?" Rainbow asked. She was pushing clouds that are in the SKY.

"You're only 6 feet off the ground." Octavia pointed out.

"BUCK!" she facehoofed herself.


It was a lot harder to avoid arrows when you were a fully grown pony. A few of them grazed me a bit but those quickly healed. I escape the throne room by ramming into the guards that were blocking the exit to the hallway. Archers were easy to avoid, all I had to do was to get in between two of them and they would get hit in their own crossfire. The ones that were a problem were the ones who had close combat weapons.

These ponies get as close as possible to me and swung their weapons. Strange as it was, I was glad that they were bladed weapons like swords and knives and not blunt weapons like clubs. The cuts I could recover from quickly but hits from blunts would easily knock me out.

"You won't get away so easily!" one of the pegasi archers yelled.

What can't you find some other pony to do this?!?!?!?

"Because ordinary stallions can't give us foals!!!!!" Silver yelled

"And they don't last long!!!" another one yelled, causing an awkward pause between all of us.

"I WAS IN HEAT!!!" she defended herself.

"Oh..." everypony muttered.

"Soooo...should we continue the chase?" One of the archers asked.

Um, you know what. I'm out

I felt my magic had finally returned to its max. I teleported away far from here. I couldn't go back home, because that would be the first place they would check.

Finally, another escape...where am I?

I found my self somewhere above a giant floating arena in the sky. It looked to be some sort of training ground for a stunt group. There were hoops all around and ponies were flying through them.

"Hey! Look out!" a pegasus yelled as I saw him coming right towards me, and causing the world to go dark.


When I finally woke up I found myself in a small bed. There were curtains that covered me from the rest of the room. I was probably in the nurses' office. I got off the bed and opened the curtain to reveal my suspicions. The rest of the room had about six beds, including mine, and had a desk near the entrance.

Opening the door I was greeted by a blue pegasus pony. He was in a familiar uniform, but couldn't put my hoof on it.

"Oh, you're finally awake," He spoke first which I nodded in response. "Not much of a talker still? Guess Spitfire was right" He mentioned her name. I felt my blood go cold as I heard that name.

"She said she'd come to visit you after practice," he said before flying off. What? you thought I would say something? No, I don't talk to strangers. Wait a minute... I do know him. He's Soarin one of...'her' teammates.

"Hello there handsome," a smooth voice came from my left as I turned to see who it was I was met looking back at a pair of eyes.

Spitfire. She was looking at me with those eyes. Those eyes that would seem friendly at first, but the longer you stared back at them the more you could make out their true sinister nature. She looked like she had spent a while making herself presentable. There didn't seem to be any smell of sweat coming off her.

"I never expected you to visit me on your own," she said cuddling up with me. "I knew you wouldn't resist me."

Of all of the mares I could run into it had to be this one.

She wrapped her wings around me. It actually felt good, even though I was freaking out on the inside. She brought herself closer to me. I was attempted to wrap my wings around her too.

"What brings you here?" she asks. I take a moment to think. If I tell her that I'm being chased down by a group of mares, then she could maybe help me avoid the mares who were after my...genes.

"I'm...being...chased by...mares," I said slowly. And her eyes suddenly went cold as if the file in them disappeared. She slowly grew a smile on her face, but it was no friendly smile.

"C-care to repeat that?" she said trying to keep her voice calm.

"Me," I point to myself. "Getting cased by mares"

She started to giggle a bit and then more and more. She started to laugh uncontrollably. She looked at me as if she was going to end my life.

"You only love me right?" she asked. She was starting to get me nervous. Her slight smile only grew wider.

I tried to back away from her, but she tightened her wings and brought me closer to her. Her eyes lacked any life in them as they stared directly into my soul. I was starting to fear for my life.

"Say you love me" she spoke.

"I...uh...love you?" I didn't know what else to say. She suddenly pinned me to the bed and forced her lips onto mine.

"Don't worry I'll protect you" She whispered.

Her smile returned with no evil intent behind them. Suddenly she was knocked out by something smashing her on the back of the head. It was from Grey. She didn't look too pleased with me. She didn't appear to be alone.

"This IS happening. One way. Or another" she said looking at me dead straight in the eye.

"She's right" an old voice came up from behind. It was the old stallion he was struggling to move.

"You will choose your mates, or they will," he said before teleporting away. Leaving me with an unconscious Spitfire, and Gray Mist looking at me, alone.

"I'll give you a day to prepare." She said turning around. "After all, it's almost mating season"

I was left speechless. I had no idea what I was going to do. There was no running from them now. I either summited to them willingly or be forced to mate with them.

I'm so going to die

"Don't worry silly" a pink pony appeared before me. Pinkie Pie. "it'll in a whole new story!!"

The buck are you talking about?

Author's Note:

This will continue in another one

Because of all the sexual things that will happen
But it's not going to be 100% sex all the time.
So relax.

Updated Nov 4, 2019

Comments ( 18 )

Continue in another what? Story? I hope so.

That's an interesting way to finish a story.

Carl, crap, crap


and fuckin pinkie wit da cliff hanger

I demand a sequel this instant!:flutterrage:

Has the Enders never heard of Zecoras gender bender potion?

This is where I stopped reading and had to downvote.

"OHMYANOTHERNEWPONY!!!" a pink pony appeared out of nowhere as she disappeared only to appear in a completely different angle of me


Had many other problems with your grammar and style getting to that point, but I soldiered on until I got there. Just couldn't read it anymore as that is a terrible thing to do to a reader. Writing Pinkie Pie with all her words together is a terrible thing as it makes the reader stop and decipher what you have written; not to mention the three exclamation points and all caps.

An editor would help greatly, but if you want to soldier alone I'd advise you read some popular stories that do have editors and pay close attention to their grammar. Also, I don't claim to be an expert in proper grammar and I'm sure there are mistakes in my comment. Never stop writing though, you only become a good writer with practice.

PS. Nice looking artwork for your story and avatar.

Dude awesome cover and amazing story!


6605745 thanks, drew it myself


Good job. CARL!

4/10 below average fic. Could really do with a rewrite.

I know this is an old story, but a heavy rewrite is in order. I am not a professional writer, but I can tell that many things are... Well. Sound wrong... I can tell what specifically in PM, if you want.

Not a terrible concept, but it was pretty jumpy in storytelling. That plus no one giving a crap about his being kidnapped and assaulted multiple times, sorry but this gets a thumbs down from me.

Comment posted by rikithemonk deleted Jun 26th, 2021

I know this story is years old but I still feel the need to give my thoughts. This fic has got to be one of the most annoying ones of my life. You have Twilight being too forceful with friendship and that isn't even her at her worst. I know the oc has amenisa but that is no excuse for her to kidnap him and try to control his life. I have seen stories where she's a bitch but in those at least the Oc made the choice to stay with her. Worse of all she isn't called out or made to see the error of her ways. This whole story is completely unpleasant and the only joy was it being so short I could finish and wipe my hands from it sooner. Here's hoping you actually improved over the years.

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