• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,529 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

  • ...

Why do you look... taller?

"Okay, Silent this is how you hold a snake without making it nervous". Fluttershy quietly whispered to me. The yellow pegasus was showing me how to take care of animals.

First off, this was not my idea of spending my morning here. I was peacefully sleeping in my bed until Twilight woke me up by dumping a cold ice bucket of water. What happened next, I can not really say for sure. One moment she was towering above me and then the next she was across the room inside of a wall.

So, she then told me if I can't be social with ponies then I should hang out with animals, and that is why I'm with Fluttershy.

"Very good Silent, you should hang out more with the little critters I have" She sounded very impressed. I wondered if not all ponies were good at caring for other animals.

"...yeah I might" I muttered out.

This went on for hours and hours. She then showed how to pet a porcupine, how to feed the bear, and so on. I couldn't leave, because if I did, Twilight threatened that she would send me to the moon. Whether or not that was true I decided not to risk it. if magic was real in this world then that idea wouldn't be too far fetched.

"SILENT!" Fluttershy yelled, which is rare for her, even when scowling at her bunny, Angel. When she does, it means trouble

Oh great, what now?

"One of the bunnies went into the Everfree Forest and I'm afraid that he may get lost," she started to tear up "All alone in a dark spooky forest with scary monsters".

Oh great, I guess this means that I'm going in there

I go into the forest to look for that bunny of hers. The forest doesn't seem that scary. It was just very dense with bushes, trees, and blackthorn vines. It doesn't seem like a bad place to live. In fact, I think I saw a house back there.

This is turning into a bullcrap day, I'm forced out of a perfectly warm bed and now I'm stuck looking for a bunny.

After hours of searching, I take a break and sit under a tree. I look up to see the treetops blocking out most of the sunlight. I keep wondering to myself why ponies tend to stay away from here.

There's got to be an easier way to find this bunny.

But before I do anything else, something grabs me by the leg. I look down to see that It's the bunny im looking for. I think. I could be Angel coming to mock me.

Well, that was easier than I thought

We turn back but then get lost, because it seems I have a terrible sense of direction. We past trees, bushes, logs, a pond, and even more trees.

"Oh...I hope they're alright" the yellow pegasi said standing at the edge of the forest.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" the yellow mare was startled by the unexpected visit. She turned her head to see Twilight walking up to her.

"Oh, Twilight! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back at the castle reading or reorganizing?" she asked her friend.

"Oh yes, but I'm here to check up on Silent...where is he?" she said looking around, moving her head left and right. She looked back to her friend with a stern face.

"Oh, he went into the forest to find one of Angle's brothers that went running off"

Twilight's left eye started to twitch.

"You-you sent him into the Everfree forest?" she said with a bit of panic in her voice.

"Yes I...Oh no," she said realizing what she had done.

Ohbuckohbuckohbuck I'm gonna die

I was being chased by some weird wolfs, I was running around, dashing left and right hoping to shake them off my tail.

Left, right, left righleftrightleft

After a few more minutes of running, I was starting to get tired. Turning my head back, with the wolfs still after me. The bunny holding onto my scarf for dear life.

"You got any ideas?" I asking it. It looks at me and points at my sides, it's pointing at my wings.

Wow, I feel stupid somehow I keep forgetting that I have wings.

Spreading them out insanity, I use one final thrust in my legs to jump off the ground, out to the treetops and into the sky. I feel the wind blowing against the wind, it feels nice. I glide around looking at which way to go.

I'm getting tired... but that was...so...much...running...

My vision gets blurry and without realizing it, I'm falling towards the ground.

Twilight was trying to calm Fluttershy down. After having a breakdown and blaming herself that if Silent got hurt it she'd be banished to Tartarus.

"Calm down, it's not your fault...ok maybe a bit," she hesitated "I'll get the rest of the girls to join us and search for Silent". She got up from her seat and prepared a spell for teleportation.

She was stopped by the sound of somepony knocking on the door. The sound brought hope for both of the mares. They both ran to the door. She quickly opened it but saw nopony there.

"Hello!-...hello?" Twilight said poking her head out the doorway but nopony was there. She didn't understand why somepony would play a prank all the way out here.

"Down here," said a small child voice. Twighlit's eyes widened.

Opening my eyes to see what happened, and also hoping that I wasn't lunch.

Ow, what happened?

Getting up and seeing that I landed on a bed of blue flowers...didn't seem so bad.

Then realizing that the bunny wasn't anywhere near me I jumped up and looked left and right. I panicked, what would Fluttershy do if she saw that I came back empty-handed, or hooved. He was next to a tree in the middle of the flower field. Walking up closer I saw that it got bigger.

"Did you get taller?...wait...my-my voice!" I sounded like a small child. Looking down I see that my legs were shorter and my scarf was now dangling and on the dirt.

Great I'm gonna have to wash this later...when was the last time I washed it?

I couldn't deepen my thoughts because they were interrupted by the same wolfs from earlier, and to be honest, I was getting tired of the bullcrap

"Let's go!" I command the bunny, funny that I'm saving it and yet don't know his name, at least it's not Angel.

One of the wolves lunged straight at me, but having wings it was easily avoided. A few hours moments later I was tiring the wolves out...guess being a small child means you have a lot of energy to burn. When I saw that they couldn't keep up with me I used all the energy I had in them to make a break for it.

While the bunny was still on my back, my scarf was still dangling and often got stuck in bushes or trees.

This is really getting annoying, trying to pull my scarf, and I still don't know where I am

The bunny started to tug on my ear and pointed to the left of me.

...I hope you're right about this

"A foal wandering the forest alone?" said a voice watching Silent from the shadows, It was hidden underneath a dark cloak with a few streak lines of a single color.

"Yes it seems so, so young, but yet... its mind is so mature" another voice whispered to the other.

The two cloaked figures kept a close watch on Silent as he progressed through the forest.

"Can he be the 'one' we've been looking for?" the second one asked, "all alone but not frightened, tired out a pack of timberwolves."

"One born from the sky, dark as the night sky, silent as the night," the other replied to the other "he might be...but so young, I am confused"

"Let us report back," it said looking back at a lost Silent "The Enders will want to hear of this"

And in a flash of purple light, they were gone only leaving a small light that died out as quickly as it sprung to life

Almost there, I can see the end of the forest, how can Rainbow keep this up?

After wandering the forest, I finally found myself, and the bunny, safely outside the cottage.

Okay I tell...or give the bunny back to Fluttershy and then I head home...wait I'm still a foal...WHY AM I SO CALMED?!!??!!?

Walking up to the door I knocked, it seems so much larger now. I wait for a while. The door suddenly swings open. Good thing that they open inward because if they opened outward I would have been sent flying back to the forest.

The door opened revealing Twilight she had a no-so-friendly face, but that quickly disappeared as she looked around.

"Hello!-...hello?" she said looking anywhere but down.

Of course, l'm shorter

Taking a deep breath, I brought out two words

"Down here," I said in my new voice

(Twilight's POV)

I looked down in front of me to see a small colt. I wonder why he was here all alone. Ponyville was too far for any small child to travel alone. Where his parents around?

"Oh? Hello little colt, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be with your mother?" I asked.

He just looked at me and rolled his eyes, how rude, and then pointed at his scarf. The scarf its self was black with a purple line running on its edges, but it was a complete mess. It was covered in twigs, dirt and had a few rips here and there. It was too long for somepony his age and stature.

Suddenly a small white bunny hopped out. It wiped dirt from its rud and hopped towards Fluttershy. Strange the only reason why that bunny would be with him is if he...

"Silent?!" I yelled in surprise. Turning my attention back to him.

(Silent's POV)

She lifted me off the ground and into the air. Fluttershy just looked at me with a face of guilt. Something tells me that she's blaming herself for this.

"Fluttershy, don't be sad...you weren't thinking," I said...that must've been my longest sentence since coming into Equestria. Wait. My throat doesn't hurt anymore.

Then she started squeezing me. I think she was trying to apologize for sending me to a dangerous mission, but I think she forgot that I was fully grown pony and now thinks she let a child go into the forest.

Ghaaaa!!!! Abort, abort!

"Fluttershy!!!" Twilight yelled snapping her friend out of her trance.

Finally letting me go, I was free to breathe again. As she put me done I was immediately lifted into the air by a magical aura surrounding me. Twilight brought me up to eye level. She studied me trying to figure out what was wrong.

The door flew open with a familiar blue mane unicorn appearing from it. The door was left with a hoof-shaped dent on it.

"Yo wazzup! I'm here to check up on- Woah...did you do something to Silent?" she asked. I surprised she recognized me.

Oh Great, please tell me you're here to save me from all this torture

I eyed to her hopping the message got to her. She looked confused, so I pointed at Twilight.

"Oh! Twilight can you put him Down, cuz it doesn't seem he likes to be carried" Twilight looked at me and I gave her an annoyed look.

"Oh, sorry Silent it's just...YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!" she levitated me closer to her and rubbed her cheek against mine.

Nononono I don't want this!!!! Too much affection!!!!...kill me...

Why was she suddenly being all cutesy with me? Wasn't she annoyed with me? Searulsy I still a grown pony only stuck in a child's body.

Then an idea popped into my head. While she was rubbing my cheek with hers, I looked at Vinyl mouthing out the words "distract her".

She caught it and levitated a vase and slightly tilt it to where it was guaranteed to fall, but it didn't. So she moved it closer to the edge. Still nothing. She gave an annoyed look and kicked the stand it was on. The vase finally fell and broke. She looked away and whistled innocently.

"Oh no! On second Silently!" she said putting me down as she and Fluttershy cleaned up the broken vase.

Vinyl took this opportunity and quickly grabbed me with her own magic and made a run for it. She put me on her back. I looked back a noticed that they hadn't noticed that I had left.

After Twighlit and Fluttershy finished cleaning up the mess. They turned their attention towards the small colt.

"Silently? Pfft, ha! Can't wait till Tavi gets a load of this" Vinyl said laughing. She could see it but I was annoyed at her.

"...no...as long she's easy with the affection," I said speaking up.

"Aw, look at you and your cute voice!" she squealed.

You have no idea what I'm going through, are you?

"Come on don't give me that face"

After finally arriving, as expected, Octavia was spreading her joy and love pestering me. She started to lift me everywhere around the house. She even tried to feel like a child. However, I was a bit grateful because I still don't know how to eat with these hooves. After a while, the two roommates started arguing about whether I should sleep with one of them. They would not share.

"Come on Tavi you don't even know how to take care of him. You'll just treat him like your cello" Vinyl levitating me to her side

"Oh really? I suspect you have experience with goals? As I remember your last foal sitting job ended up in disaster" she said pulling me back to her side.

This continued, with me being pulled to one side and back, for a few more hours till I collapsed of exhaustion. A day of running away from wolves, being turned into a small foal and getting fought for can be tiring work.

I woke up to see where I was. I was in a dark room, probably in the middle of the night. I was next to Octavia and she had me next to her like a mother would cuddle up with her offspring. I guess she won.

...just enjoy the ride I guess...

"Are you sure he is the one?" a dark cold voice spoke out of the dark shadows.

"Yes...this young colt cannot be mistaken, although he did have some poison joke on him, so this cannot be his true form" the cloaked figure replied.

"Then it is settled...a new Ender will join us, Silver Dusk you will retrieve this colt," the Cold voice commanded Silver Dusk

"Yes commander"

"Oh, and by the way...your little sister Lily Shine...is missing" The figure's voice turned soft.



"Little brat," she said under her breath.

Why do I feel like I'm going to get in more trouble?

I shook that thought from my head and tried to go to sleep. I then heard the door slowly opening. I slighly opened one eye to see that it was Vinyl. She made her way towards me. She surrounded me in her blue aura and lifted me away from Octavia. She then quickly placed a pillow where I was.

"Come with me instead" she smiled sweetly.

Oh well, can't do much

Author's Note:

Felt like I was a bit rushed
If there are any errors then I apologize

The drawing was made by me of anyone is wondering


Update Oct 20,2019

I've fixed mistakes that past me made. I originally wrote this on my phone and then copied and pasted everything. So not everything went smoothly. but now I have a computer.

I've corrected some spelling, replaced or tweaked a few sentences so that they make sense.