• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,505 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

  • ...

I don't like parties

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter

Hopefully, because I do this on my phone, that autocorrect didn't fuck it up.
There will be grammar errors here and there.

Hopefully it dosen't mess you up too much.

Update Oct 10, 2019

-Fixed a few spelling errors
-fix some sentences that didn't make any sense
-Changed some dialogue
-added a few more sentences

Well if I'm going to be trapped in this castle, then at least let me be alone.

Here I am stuck in an event that's meant for me. A party. My party. I'm not enjoying this at all.

"Come on, Silent, don't be a downer!" The alicorn appeared next to me. She was trying to get me to interact with the rest of the guests. The music was loud, there were tons of drinks, lots of ponies. However, looking closer to the crowd I started to notice that there were more mares than stallions.

Why are there more females than males?

"Look, just because your name is Silent, doesn't mean you have to be silent," Twilight said with an annoyed tone.

Yeah it does, have you not noticed Fluttershy being all shy all the time? Or that Rainbow Dash, dashing around. Seriously your names fit your description.

However, my outburst was all in my head so I was moving my hooves around pointing at said ponies. To Twilight, I was moving like an idiot.

"Uh, what?" She darted her eyes in confusion.

"Nevermind," I said turning away from her and started heading towards a spot with no ponies until I was stopped by Octavia.

"Why are you going over? There when the party's over here" she asked me.

"Well I...don't like crowds...much," I said at a level that she could hear me, but it still hurt trying to talk.

"Well, you don't have much choice-" she was then cut off by Vinyl turning up the music to a much higher level. "Aw yeah, let's turn this up to the next level"

"Ugh...Vinyl and her loud music" she started "what kind of music is this?" I asked

"Nothing you want to get attached to."

I started to wonder why she and Vinyl were even friends if she seemed bothered by Vinyl's choice in music.

"Hiya Silent!!" a pink pony popped up out of nowhere. Why does twilight have a problem with me and not her?

"Oh...it's you," I said turning to leave but was met with a glare. She's somehow appeared right in front of me the moment I looked away.

"Listen Sighly you need to start making friends or you're not going to survive very long without some"

This made me feel very uneasy. One second she all cheerful and then the next she looks like she could kill me any second now. For a moment I swore her mane lost its poof and her color coat got darker.

As much as I wanted to leave, I couldn't go anywhere but the room because, One: the doors are locked, Well, for me at least because of Twilight who had put some spells on them, Two: Pinkie was watching my every move, and Three: I was the guest of honor.

"Oh and, Silent" Twilight walked up to us "don't think of flying away because the windows are locked and your wings are tied too" She turned around and went to socialize with the other ponies.

Well motherbucker, Well I keep forgetting that I have them, so it doesn't make much a difference.

"Come on Twilight!" Rainbow landed beside her "tieing up a pegasus' wings is straight-up embarrassing"

"No Rainbow"

You know what? Buck this

While Twilight and Rainbow were having their argument I snuck off to another part of the room and hid there, not getting noticed by anypony. Despite all the crazy light show, it was a pretty dark corner.

At the end of the party, everypony left and I came out of my hiding spot and appeared behind Twilight and Octavia. They seemed to be looking for somepony, and I was betting that it was em.

"Hey," I spoke up not knowing what else to say anything else to them.

"Ah!" Twilight jumped in surprise "Oh it's you. Where have you been mister?" she said really pissed off.

"Around...bye" I turn and walk away, but I'm stopped by Twilight having a magical grip on my hind legs and pulling me back.

"Look Silent! Pinkie Pie went through a lot of trouble of setting up this party just for you" she said looking at me dead straight in the eye.













"...ZZZZZ" I fall asleep at the spot

"Guess he was tired?" said the cellist looking at me peacefully asleep

"Augh...fine" Twilight said in defeat

*yawn* that was good...where am!?



I panicked at the 'voice' who answered my question. I looked at every corner of the room until I look up the window to see a black and red bird. We stared at each other for a while until it flew off.

That was strange...

Heading towards the door I found myself unable to open it. Then I remember about Twilight locking them...cures you, you lavender pony.

Looking back at the window where the bird was at, seeing how it was open, I thought of flying to it.

Let's see, wings are free, no bounds. Ok let's fly

I opened my wings, ready to take off. I don't think I've tried to fly yet. So I jumped a few times off the bed. It took a few tries but I started to get the hang of it and started flapping away.

Woah, this is difficult than it looks, okay wings just a bit higher...and, YES

I made it to the window and proudly walked through it. The town was busy as the eye could see, seeing how big they were, everypony was doing something. I glided down towards the ground and landed safely...okay that was a lie, I hit the ground face first. Luckily nopony saw me.

Taking a stroll through the pony town, avoiding eye contact, I took in the scenery. I reached the water fountain and decided to sit on a bench. It took me a while how to properly sit like a pony.

Soon my ear started twitching, hearing something familiar... strings?

I hopped off the bench and started looking for the source of the musical sound. I found myself going through alleyways and over other ponies' houses. Until I finally found the source of the sound.

It was Octavia playing the cello. I stared for a while. Enjoying the music. I don't know how long I listened, but it was then interrupted by a flash of memories.

"And now you hold your first finger on the D string and pull your bow" a man instructed his students

"Every good, now this is we start the D-major scale, now pull out your workout sheet"

"Oh Silent I didn't expect you to be here," Octavia said surprised with her cheeks red. She finally noticed me.

"Um...yeah," I said.

"I thought Twilight locked you up in a room."

"Well...i...escaped through a window" I explained to the confused and yet flustered gray Earth pony.

"Okay Spike we're going to get Silent and send him to the princesses"

"Okay but why?" the young Dragon asked.

"Because he could be dangerous, sure right now he doesn't have any memories but that shouldn't mean we can't take precautions" Twilight explained.

The pair walked towards the room that they locked Silent in.

"Silent!...Silent?" Twilight called out.

"No response?"

They both entered, after Twilight unlocked the door, to discover that he wasn't there.

"OH COME ON!!!!" the alicorn screamed.