• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,529 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

  • ...

What are the Wondebolts?

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE WONDERBOLTS ARE?!?!" Rainbow Dash yelled at me when I asked her who they were. She seemed like a pretty big fan based off her reaction to my question. She looked at me as if I was a mad pony.

During work, I asked her about it and she got really excited, so much that She forgot she was even working. She told me they were a stunt group that, according to her, made unbelievable stunts and tricks in the air. They were also part of the Canterlot military but were almost never used.

She went on about when she tried out for the Wonderbolts. She was currently a reserve but she hoped that would one day change and become one of the main ones.

"So! How did you get tickets? Huh? Huh?" she nagged me about how I acquired the tickets.

"I...uh...got them...from Vinyl," I said. I haven't really listened to my voice much lately that I've forgotten how it sounds like.

"well I have front-row seats," she bragged.

"Hey! Get back to work you two!!!" a pegasus yelled from a distance noticing us lacking off.

"Well, I've got to get moving. Can't stop now, see ya at the show" she said before dashing off and crashing into a mountain.

...how do you crash into a mountain?

My job was to push clouds around to certain spots in the sky. At first, it felt weird pushing clouds around they felt a lot heavier than they seemed. I never realized until now how soft they really were. When my break came around I decided to try taking a nap on them. Half of the time I expected to go right through them. Then I discovered that depending on how much force I pushed against one, it would either rain or shoot lightning. I electrocuted myself a few times because I pushed one the wrong way.

Then before I realized, my shift was over and was free to go home. This job was a lot better than working in construction. Sure I still had my skill in cooking but I don't want to trigger my PTSD due to my time on that hellish contest. Even when I was cooking on my own I always expect to get yelled at any moment.

Wow, what a day. Heavy lifting, pushing, pulling. Can't wait until I get home and take a nice shower and take a nap

I finished work and was heading back until I realized that I didn't know that way back from the sky. Everything seemed so different higher up than in the ground. I looked Down to see where I was. Apparently I was a couple of miles off from Ponyville. Strange. I wasn't going fast, there was no way I passed it and not notice.

I shrugged it off and descended towards the ground to walk back. I needed to stretch my legs every now and then too. It wasn't strange to see a pegasus who preferred to walk instead of flying everywhere. In fact, Fluttershy spent most of her time on the ground and only flew when it was necessary.

Speaking of Fluttershy, I haven't talked to her in a while. I've spent most of my time getting lost, kidnapped, or unconscious. Perhaps I should head towards her house when I reach the ground.

However, I didn't make it to the ground as something crashed right into me, it hit my left side. I don't know what hit me, but it was blue and yellow. The impact caused me to lose control of my decent and began falling uncontrollably. No matter how hard I flapped my wings I couldn't slow down. My vision began to fade, but I held on.

Haha! Not this time brain. You're not failing me this time.

I felt the hard ground when I finally landed. I was now on the ground on my back. I tried to get back up, but I felt some weight on my chest, I looked to see what was holding me down. It was another pegasus, a mare by the shape of her muzzle. She was a light orange and had a fire shaped mane. She was rubbing her hoof against her forehead. It seemed like that was the part of her that made contact with me. She then looked down finally noticing that she was on top of me.

"Would you...mind getting...off me?" I said, still not feeling fine with talking.

"Oh? Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. You came out of nowhere." she said in somewhat flustered time. She got off me, giving me a good look at her, and not in a perverted way like Silver.

What's with the blue jumpsuit?

I notice that she was wearing some blue jumpsuit or spandex. An awkward moment passed before I realized that I haven't even said anything. She couldn't read my mind so there was no way to communicate with her.

"What's...with the...blue spandex?" I asked.

"Wait... You don't know?!?!" she said surprised. She couldn't believe what I just said. She cocked her head to the side.

"OMGOMGOMGOMG...have I really found one?" she whispered the last part, but still loud enough for me to hear. "Um... this is just a plain uniform," She said trying to come up with something else to say.

"Okay... I'm going now..." I said not wanting to be here anymore. Because really, I don't like talking to strangers. It was hell trying to get the job as a weather pony. Luckily Rainbow dash pitched in for me when she found out. I still need to thank her somehow.

"Wait what?! No!... I mean I can accompany you back to where you're going," she said. I just met her and she was trying to get me to stay with her. Luckily she was facing away from me and so I took my chance to hide in a big enough tree nearby.

"So where do you..." she stop to realize that I wasn't there anymore. I don't get to see how she reacted because I teleported away to my bed. I can believe I forgot that I can do that.

Now... Time for that nap I ordered.

"You can order naps?" a small filly spoke up next to me. It was Lilly, and she was covered in stains.

I put a pillow over my head in an attempt to block any sound out. Even though I knew that she could talk to me telepathically. That didn't stop me from trying though.

...just let me sleep

"But the Wonderbolts show is in 2 hours." She said reminding me that it was today.

Then let me rest for one hour...

"Fine..." she said before teleporting off to another part of Ponyville.

Spitfire was pacing in her room wait also getting ready for the show she and the rest of the team were performing.

"How am I going to perform like this? I meet a nice looking stallion and he gives me the slip!" she was surprised that this particular stallion wasn't into her, heck, he didn't even know who she was! And she wearing her Wonderbolt uniform.

"Miss. Spitfire, you're on in 30 minutes!" a pony said from the other side of her door.

"Okay, I'll be there, just get the other ready" she called out

"Will do" the pony responded.

"Great, look how much time has passed" she said disappointed at herself. "I find one pony who doesn't know who I am, why are the nice ones always-" she was then cut off by Soarin banging on her door.

"We gotta go now!" he yelled.

"What?! I thought we had 30 minutes!" she yelled back.

She got her goggles that were hanging by her stand and placed them on her head. She exited the room to be greeted by her fellow teammates. She were all in a straight line giving a salute.

"Alright, let's give the audience another great show of their lives" Her voice turned authoritative.

"Come on Silent! We're going to be late" Lilly yelled. Vinyl and I were trying to catch up with her. Octavia couldn't come because she had rehearsal.

"This *huff* little kid *huff* has some energy" Vinyl said in between breaths.

Well, she IS a pegasus

We made it to the stadium where they were performing. Apparently they usually set the stage in the clouds, but unfortunately, not everypony is a pegasus. So they set the stage/stadium on the ground. They could always get a bunch unicorns to perform a cloud walking spell, but it only lasts for a short limit of time.

"You got to admit that I got us some pretty sick seats" Vinyl said feeling proud of herself for getting good tickets.

We were in the front row where the Wonderbolts pass by closets to the crowd. So I guess it's pretty cool.

...how much longer?

"It shouldn't be too long" Lilly answered

And how do you know?

I have this little booklet that has all the schedule for the performances.

How long does this last?

"Three hours"

Kill me

"Then how would the Enders repopul- " I cut her off before she could finish her sentence because I don't want to be reminded that she's part of the cult that is trying to rape me.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, it's time to begin. Please welcome, THE WONDERBOLTS!!!!!"

Suddenly three object zoomed pass the air followed by 6 others. The whole crowd cheered.

"Wow!!! So these are the Wonderbolts? Cool!" cried the little filly.

All they did was just a bunch of stunts, like dive-bombing. I saw Rainbow Dash a few seats to my left, but I didn't want to draw any attention from her.

They were 2 hours into their performance and I was already starting to get bored out of my mind, and I couldn't teleport, I would probably get noticed. So I had to stay put.

The team was doing another dive into the crowd. The group got into a v formation. The one leading it looked familiar. After a few more seconds I finally remember where I saw her.

Oh? It's the same mare from before.

The group dived down towards the audience. They looked like they were going to crash right into us. But then at the last minute, they would pull up. As they got closer and closer I looked directly at the yellow-orange mare, she was directly above me. Time slowed down for both of us as she looked back at me. Her eyes gave the impression that she recognized me too. We locked eyes for what seemed forever.

I had no idea what was happening, but the trance ended as the screams of the other ponies around me finally brought me back to reality. The next thing I know I hear a loud crash and sounds of ponies screaming in horror. I looked up to see Vinyl and Lilly looking back at me, and my vision became blurry.

...ouch...not again...

The whole world blacked out on me once more.

I felt myself coming back to my senses as the faint sound of medical equipment got louder and louder. I opened my eyes but could not see anything. Had I finally got hit hard enough to lose my sight? But my question was put to ease as I saw sunlight entering the room through closed curtains.

"I see you're awake," a voice speaks up from on top of me.

I look up and made out a pair of eyes staring right at me. It took me I while to realize who it was.

"Wait...you're...," I speak up

She's a bit bruised up, there's cast on her right-wing, on her left front leg, and on her head.

"Yes it me, Spitfire, your one and only love," she said in a seductive tone.

Lover?...aw buck... Not another one...

Author's Note:

Yeah...I decided to add another one...

Guess how she acts towards Silent.

Updated Nov 1, 2019