• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,529 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

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"....what?" I laid there shocked. I could not believe what I just heard. This mare just called me her only love. Guess she hit her head a little too hard when she crashed. Whenever I hit my head I just blackout and lay there until I either wake back up or somepony moves me somewhere else.

Right now, here we are, staring at each other. Both of us, in the dark, locking eyes on another. Her orange eyes staring deep into my soul. As if she's trying to tell me something. I'm there thinking what it is I did that got her like this. All that happened was that we crashed into each other and very little was exchanged between us, and then I left.

All of sudden her breathing got heavier and faster. Her good wing is twitching out of control. Is she going to have a seizure or something? Before I can say anything else she brings her lips right on mine. she forces her tongue into my mouth to meet mine.

This is when my brain decided to shut down again. The room goes darker than it already is.

"Oops, did I go too far?" she whispered seductively into my ear before I blacked out completely.

Owww... Where am I?

I open my eyes and look around to see that I'm alone in my bed. I turn to the side and see Spitfire is on a separate bed on the other side of the room. I looked to see if there was anypony else here. Nope, no doctors or nurses. Then I remember what just happened to cause me to lose consciousness. The show first, then Spitfire, but it looks like she's been out since the crash.

Was it just a dream? I really hope it was... I don't need another horny mare after me. Silver Is enough to deal with.

I try to get off the bed only to feel pain travel in my rear legs as soon as I put my weigh on them. I lay back down on the hospital bed. There is no way I'm going anywhere soon. Even remembering that I can fly, I scratched the idea. Flying indoor is a bad idea.

The room had the curtain windows opened. It revealed that it was still early in the morning. How long were we both out? The encounter showed that it was bright enough to have sunlight leak through closed curtains. Perhaps it was a dream after all.

The next few hours of my life were like hell, first getting a scowling from the nurse when she found out I attempted to get out of bed and then waiting for my legs to heal, which took forever. Shouldn't have my fast healing done its magic by now?

Octavia and Vinyl came by to visit later on. They were worried, I could see it in their eyes, even Lilly, who's eyes showed evidence of tears on them. It made me look at her in a whole different light.

"Are you feeling better? That crash caused the bleacher to break under you two." Octavia asked. She described that the crash landing broke through them and even damaged the foundation underneath.

Besides my legs, I'm feeling fine.

"Besides my legs, I'm feeling fine," Lilly accurately translated for them.

Heck, even Silver and Grey came by, but in secret of course. They teleported in without anypony knowing. I felt like they're not telling me something else. The rest of the Wonderbolts came to visit their captain later, they even check up on me. I didn't want them to. Why? Because it requires me to open my mouth and talk, and I'm not doing that for two reasons.

"So, are you going to be up and ready any time soon?" Soarin, one of Spitfire's friends and teammates, asked me.

"I...don't know," I responded. Sure I can say that I'll be fully healed once my healing factor kicks back in. However, I don't think that's something besides a unicorn would have.

"Not much of a talker?" he said. To which I shook my head in response.

I looked over to Spitfire who was ready to be discharged from the hospital. She glanced at me and gave me a friendly smile. I could not make any evidence that it was anything but that. She made her way towards me.

'"Hey sorry for landing on you like that. I don't know what caused me to do that. But I guess I should be thanking you also since you broke my fall by absorbing most of the impact." She acted as nothing happened between before. As if this was the first time meeting each other.

"I don't think we'll be doing that trick again anytime soon. We paid for your hospital bills and I'll send you some free tickets to our next show as an apology too." She said before leaving in a wheelchair being pushed by Soarin.

Twilight and her friends came too because Rainbow Dash told them what happened. Each one gave me a get well card and small gifts. Applejack gave me some apples, Rarity a new scarf, Rainbow Dash gave me a book called Daring Do, Twilight gave me a lecture, Pinkie Pie gave me a cake, and Fluttershy seemed more nervous to give hers. It was a letter, she told me to read it later.

Twilight said she had arranged a meeting to meet up with the princesses, to which I refused. This decision was put to an end. How? Not even I know. It just did. She stomped off, but something tells me that I was going to have to meet them sooner or later.

Dusk came again as the sun was setting. I felt better than before, because of me being an Ender after all. Where did their name come from anyway? I should probably leave soon anyway since I healed.

"Ask the author silly!" a pink pony appeared out of nowhere, Pinkie was once again with her weird behavior, but before I could question her. she disappeared.

What is wrong with that mare?

I let sleep took over me before being awakened by something heavy on my chest. It made it difficult breathing.

Oh crap not again, not another nightmare

"Hello, my love, sorry I couldn't snuggle up with you," she said brushing my mane with her hoof and talking in her seductive tone. "I had to act like I didn't know you, or else they would find out about us, I know you've must have felt SO lonely" she whispered into my ear.

It wasn't a dream?!

I was starting to panic. She was snuggling up against me. I couldn't teleport away without taking her with me. I haven't learned to not drag stuff along with me.

"Now tell me," she said in a surprisingly dark tone. "Who... Were...those...Mares?" she said pausing after each word. She was really angry.

"They...were just my roommates and acquaintances," I said. It did not convince her but made her even angrier.

"Tell me the truth," she said forcefully, but also keeping a steady voice.

"Okay, okay. Vinyl: roommate, Octavia: roommate, Twilight: annoying mare, Rainbow Dash: co-worker, Fluttershy: a mare who I met when I first arrived, Rarity: the one who gave me a scarf, Pinkie pie: Crazy party pony, and the Orange one... I don't know, haven't got to properly meet her yet" I said, that must have been the longest sentence I've said so far yet.

"I really hope you're saying the truth... I hate to know what will happen to anypony who messes with you" she said flicking the tip my nose.

Kill me

She slowly got off me and made her way to the window, that was opened. She looked back at me and blew me a kiss. She jumped out of the window and disappeared. The window was shut closed by a gust of wind.

I found myself back home the next day. Lilly was the happiest one to see me, followed by Octavia and Vinyl. We had dinner and ate together. A few flirts made by Vinyl here and there, but besides that, it was the most non-eventfull day that had ever happened.

I went into my room and started playing on the new instrument that I made. Still, have no idea how I made it. Octavia soon joined me with hers. We sounded pretty good. I don't know what we played but it sounded nice. When she made a small mistake it was because she was looking at me and no the music sheet. I couldn't say anything as I was also doing the same thing.

"That was amazing I've never felt anything like that," Octavia said. We were done playing and putting our instruments away.

I nodded in response. Lilly was asleep so moving my body around was my other option to communicate with her. Sure, I could have given her a simple 'me too' but no matter how little I spoke it still strained my throat.

Night came and I was asleep in my room, Lily went to have a sleepover with her friends. So I had the room to myself. A few minutes later after everyone was asleep I heard my door open, it must've been Octavia checking on me. It closed and I resumed my slumber, I felt my bed tilt a bit, Lily must have returned. Probably scared. I ignored it and resumed sleeping.

Do you really expect to make money off playing some orchestral instrument?

I just like playing it, I don't expect anything great out of it.

Whatever, just don't hit your head on your way out of here.

Wow...weird dream

It is still the middle of the night, so I try to turn, only to find it hard to move at all. I felt something heavy pushing me down. I felt a drop of fear go into me. Was Spitfire here? How did she find out where I lived? I look up to see Octavia, I stayed there in shock. I calm down as this felt different.

On second thought...this feels nice.

I looked at her peaceful face. she looks really pretty. I never actually noticed her close up like this. She moves around and slowly wakes up and meets my gaze. We star at each other for a while. she moves closer to my face and then I do the same. I don't know what's happening. my body is moving on its own. Our faces get closer and closer until our lips meet in the middle.

One side of my mind is freaking out and the other is telling it to shut up and enjoy the ride. This kiss feels different compared to Spitfire's. I'm actually enjoying this one.

"Guess it's now official? Right?" she speaks, breaking the kiss.

"...yeah..." I say but get pulled into one again.

I take it back... Don't kill me, I like this

Author's Note:

Updated Nov 2, 2019