• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,529 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

  • ...

The Village

Why does this keep happening to me?

I wake up to get greeted with a pain on the back of my head. Whatever it was, it was hard enough to knock me out completely. I observe my surroundings. The entire room looks to be very primitive. The walls look to be made out of hay tied together and even the bed I'm on is made out of hay too.

I try to see if there is a way to sneak out of here, but I don't find any kind of windows or small openings to see out of. I don't want to walk out of the front entrance because who knows what's waiting for me out there.

Oh great I'm probably gonna die here...why am I going straight for that?

A pony wearing a black cloak covering her whole body, except the head, enters through the main entrance. She has a grey colored coat with a darker mane color. Her eyes are yellow, and they stare right at me with an ominous feel.

"You there, get up," she commands me. I think to my self for a while. Do I do as she says, or don't? Coming up with an option I look at her in the eyes.

I fall back to sleep.

"Is this really the one we've been looking for? All he's done is sleep," another cloaked mare spoke to her companion.

She nods In agreement. "Really pathetic."

The two mares wait for hours for Silent to wake up. When he did wake up it was only for a few minutes before going back to sleep. They didn't understand how he was keeping this up. At some point, he would need to eat. So they just had to wait it out longer.

"How are we even allowing this?" the cloaked mare asked.

"Have patience"

One week later

"Okay this has gone far enough"

"You think?"

The mares grab a bucket of cold water and dumped it onto Silent's head.

Cold ice water bucket....classic

I get up and look at the two ponies that woke me up. One was cloaked and was accompanied by another mare. She had a silver mane and tail with a black color coat. Her eyes were red. Not sure which shade of red, but it does seem to be among the darker ones.

"What do you mean, classic?" she asks.

Wait how did you...oh, I see. You must be Enders.

"Yes, we are the Enders. I am Silver Dusk and this here is Grey Mist" she said pointing at the mare beside her. She had a grey coat, with a darker color mane and tail and yellow eyes.

Okay, I'm Silent Night, nice to meet you. Can I leave now?

"No, you cannot leave"

I don't say anything to them out loud but through our mental link. Underneath my static face, I'm smirking.

"What?! How dare you use that foul language against me" No idea what I just said, but it made her a bit ticked off.

"I like it," she said with a seductive tone.

Well sh*t, that did not go as planned.

"Talk dirty to me."

You know what f**k this. I walk past them but I collided with a small filly after leaving the room. I look down to see a familiar white filly.

Oh great, you again

"It's you?" she said surprisingly.

I look around to see that I'm in a village with solid bildings. I look at where I was staying. It looked as if it was quickly built by using whatever was available to use.

Yeah, so do you know the way out of this village and back to Ponyville?

"Yeah, down the path, straight past the archer tower. Then follow the path made of purple flowers. That should lead you to the edge of the forest." she pointed at a tall tower with at least 20 ponies. All of them had black cloaks.

What is with this place and cloaks?

Before I could make my way out, I was stopped by the same two mares. Both were now revealed to be pegasi.

"You're not going anywhere," she said and her eyes started to glow and my vision was blinded by a white flash.

what the!?

I open my eyes to find myself in a weird place with wood carvings of ponies. The entire room looked to be made entirely of stone.

Would you mind getting off me?

Oops, sorry

I looked down to see that I was on top of Silver Dusk. Then realize what position we were in. I was practically mounting her as if I was going to-, I'm not gonna finish that thought.

If we are gonna do that, wait until marriage...or not, we could do-

Stop it

You're no fun Mist

This is getting awkward and I'll be leaving now

But instead I'm brought face to face with an old pony with a scar going down on his right eye.

Scared eye, huh. Let me guess, you're the tough one that has something to prove.

I beg your pardon?

Human stuff


I notice that the room is lit up with candles. There are windows visible. So if this room is solely depended on candles...

I spread my wings, and with a strong push of my wings, the candles go out.

Okay, good news, I was successful at getting out and escaping, bad new was that I had a bunch of archers on my tail.

Trying to dodge them while flying isn't as easy as it looks in the movies. You have to look back and look at where you're going at the same time. Especially when you're going at high speeds.

Why are you chasing me? What did I ever do to you!?!?!?

I never got my answer, but instead collided with a tree.


My vision darkened, only seeing the pegasi archers landing right next to me.

Meanwhile in ponyville

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE?!?!?!?" a very outraged alicorn yelled reacting to the news she received from Vinyl and Octavia.

It was a week since Silent was last seen and just now they had reported it. All this time she thought that Silent finally got the cure to the poison joke and went back to them. Turns out that didn't happen at all.

"Well, he was last seen with a small pegasus filly", explained Octavia.

"Come again?"

I found myself once again waking up. I was in the old room with my wings tied.

Why did you flee?

...because you kidnapped me? Or is it foalnapped?

I remembered that I was still trapped in a foal's body. Which means these mares were flirting with a child.

Do child services exist in this world?

"I should give you an explanation as to why we took you." the old pony explained while I was trying to lean away from Silver Dusk, who was in my personal bubble. She was right next to me useing her wing to push me closer to her.

Seriously where are the child services?

"...and," I said, wanting him to continue, because the sooner the better.

"The Enders are a race slightly different from the rest of equestrian ponies. We have longer stamina, we can heal any injury our body comes across, we retain and store information much more efficiently," he stopped to chuckle for a bit before he continued. "Even the ones who don't study can learn and use every equation possible within 10 minutes, and, unicorn or not, can teleport far distances than the most advanced unicorn."

He stops to catch his breath, by all the deep breaths he takes I can tell he's really old. He then starts talking more about the Enders, but I zone out after a few minutes.

"Where do you come into place, you might ask?" he smiles. "The Ender race is made up of mostly mares." That explains a lot, seeing all the ponies I passed, they're all mares. Wait a minute.

"The ratio for giving a colt is less than the regular pony ratio and far more than you think, a million to one to be exact"

I don't like where this is going.

He gives out a small chuckle

"I want you to be the stud."

No No No. Nope! Not happening. I mean I'm currently a child right now.

While he was rambling on, I was also loosening the ropes. I swiftly kick Silver in the face. She falls to the ground but quickly recovers. However, I've already gotten far enough away. I'm flying through the same halls hoping for a different way out. Quickly, the sunlight catches my eye.

A window. Thank Celestia for windows, my best friends in this world.

I fly out, but I'm quickly ambushed by the guards. Luckily I'm small and have experience escaping from others. Each one has a spear, but they're not thrusting them. They're swinging them, which means that they plan on taking me alive.

I quickly learn that it's easier for me to make sharper turns. So I use this to my advantage. Using the trees I turn and quickly change direction. This causes some of them to fly into each other. Soon there is only a handful of them left. But I don't want to risk any luck, so I keep going at it.

A mare suddenly appears in front of me. It seems that they've caught onto my plan. She takes a swing, it grazes me on my left side. It's not much an injury but it doesn't hurt any less. Probably because of my current body.

I realize that I'm really high up. I spot a small building structure, probably for storage, with a window. I quickly look at my comprehender and give this a smile, before diving nose down. I make s few sharp turns through the tree to lose them. I quickly go through the window.

I take a moment to catch my breath. That chase to a lot out of me. Not sure if I'd rather have this than the timberwolves.

I take a look around. I notice that I'm in a weapons storage.

Maybe there's something in-

No! No thinking out loud. If I do what I've been doing they might be able to track me down.

I see a bunch of bows and arrows. Some swords, Nope, some clubs, don't think so, pretty much everything in here is either too heavy or have to carry on my hooves. Curse this small body.

Nothing looks like it going to help me get out of here. Until I see some strange blades connected to two metal rods, not too long, the rods are hollowed. looking like something is supposed to go in there. There are what I think are blueprints of hat they're supposed to be for. The object seems to be just a prototype. It is also just small enough for me. Probably just a test model to see it will work.


"Where is he?" Silver asked Gray.

"He's somehow been able to lose us, but he couldn't have gone too far."

"...really?" Silver said sarcastically at her partner

"You! There!" Gray ordered one of the archers.

She teleported down in front of her, "Yes?"

"Seek him out with-" but she never finished because of somepony colliding with her. She's knocked to the ground. She opens her eyes to see a large gash on her back. The gash is big enough to keep her out of commission for a while.

Ouch, that must have hurt

The blades on the weapon I found came in handy...or is it hoofy? Well, whatever the case, I found my new weapon. I basically swing my wings one at a time, while on the ground, but in the air I dive down and pull up and collide against one of the archers. Wounding them a bit.

"Stop right there!" another archer came out of nowhere, teleported in fact, and shot one of her arrows.

I was no trouble, just jump to the left to avoid it. All it did was piss her off more. She stood still for a minute and a split second later 4 more archers came out.

I really need to learn how to teleport, yeah that'll be useful

"Why won't you stay still!?" one of them screamed, they are really hard to tell apart. Maybe because of the cloaks that they wear.

When something is trying to kill you, would you stay still, run or defend yourself?

I lock them up or kill them


I fly out of their range and as high as I can go. This would have been an easy escape, but then I remember that they can teleport.

One of them had a weird-looking sword and the other had a club.

Oh crap...I really need to teleport

"teleportation takes years of concentration and practice," the mare holding the sword answered, and with her mouth.

Screw this

I flew up higher, only to dive down and plow my way through her and past others. Their hospital is going to be busy for a few weeks.

As I made my way to the edge of the village, without trying to be seen, I dashed from one house's shadow to the next. I was almost there until a familiar small white filly appeared next to me


Shush, I'm trying to escape

"Oh, can I come?"

...what? Are you crazy? I can't bring you back with me!

"No! Take me!" she yelled.

This filly was going to get me caught again. Then an idea popped into my head. The old stallion said that they can retain information better than the average pony. So she may be able to help me out.

One condition, teach me everything you know. Starting with teleportation.

She looks at me with hope in her eyes and smiles.


After that we fly tree branch to tree branch, only to stop for passing by patrols. We had a few close calls, but we managed to get past them.

A few hours later, after close capture and me probably almost getting raped just to bring their population going. I'm sure that's not the last time I'm going to see them. We arrive at the edge of Ponyville. To my surprise, there were posters of me with large bold letters saying 'Missing'.

This is going to be a long explanation.

The filly, Lilly Shine, looks at me with a questionable face.

"Why?" she asks

I just roll my eyes as we walk into the crowd of ponies.

"You don't like to talk much, do you?" she speaks up. I reply by shaking my head.

"Oh, I know! When somepony wants to ask you something, I'll translate your thoughts to them. " the filly suggests.


"What doing mean 'I regret' ?" She asks.

Author's Note:

Update Oct 23, 2019