• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 9,529 Views, 157 Comments

Fell from the sky - End

A human wakes up falling from the sky as a pony. He is now forced into various situations that he wants no part of.

  • ...

New problems

Wow...that was...interesting

I'm currently in bed awake, but I haven't moved at all. Octavia is still on top of me, peacefully asleep. I don't want to wake her up for any reason. I want, for whatever reason, to stay like this forever. I move my face closer to hers. I hear her breathing softly.

"Silent!" Vinyl yelled from the living room.

Her scream is loud enough to wake Octavia up. She jolts her head up and hits me on my lower jaw. She rubs her head in pain and I the same with my lower jaw. We both glance at each other in embarrassment, before softly laughing it off. Both of us get out of bed. I leave first and Octavia a few minutes later to make it look as if we slept in our own rooms.

"Yo, ya got mail, two, to be exact" she said.

"...really? That's weird" I say to her collecting the letters.

"Well? What does it say?" she asks.

I skim through them a couple of times. One had fancy hoofwriting on it and the other was less but still impressive writing on it. I kept looking at them before I realized something important.

Haha... I can't read.

Embarrassing as it was, I was saved by Octavia, who snatched one of them out of my hooves and read it out loud. She cleared her throat.

"Dear Mr. Night," she started out saying, "We are pleased to announce that we have accepted you into the..." she stopped for a moment to read ahead before continuing. "...Wonderbolts academy" she finished.

"Silent," she changed her tone, I did not like the sound of that. "When did you decide to go join the Wonderbolts?"

"I...never...did" I said, I really didn't until it hit me.

"Who is it signed by?" I asked, really concerned.

She skimmed threw it to find what I asked for.

"Wonderbolts leader, Spitfire."

Hearing that name caused me to have horrible flashbacks of our time at the hospital. It was her eyes that haunted me the most.

Son of a bit-

I fainted.

Where am I?

I opened my eyes and found myself strapped to a bed. I'm surrounded in darkness. There doesn't look to be any end to where ever I'm at. I then spot Octavia and Vinyl on the floor, but they're not moving at all. Then a giggle echos across the dark space surrounding me.

"Hello, there hot stuff. Time for a little bit of sexy time" I hear on top of me.

A fire maned mare stands right before me. she looks at me seductively. She licks her lips and begins to draw her face closer to mine.

My eyes shot right open. I look to see that I'm still in the living room. both Octavia and Vinyl look at me with confused faces. They look at each other and then back to me.

"How long...have I been out?" I ask.

"2 hours" Vinyl responds.

"...I don't ever remember...sending out a form to join the academy."

"I know, you know why? Because I know you don't even know how to read" Octavia said, surprising me and making Vinyl burst out laughing and rolling on the floor.

"You, can't *snort* re-read?" Vinyl said in between laughs.

"How did...you know?" I said embarrassingly.

"Silent, you were holding a book upside down when I told you to read a good book." this caught me red hoofed. I never guessed that I was holding it upside down. This would explain why every once in a while I would get strange looks from other ponies.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you to read," She said.

"What about the other letter?" Vinyl said holding it up with her magic.

Octavia snatched it from her and started reading.

"Dear Silent Night, I hereby summon you to come to the castle as soon as possible. Sign, Twilight Princess Of Friendship." She said finishing it. She didn't question this one.

"Well then, I guess you better get going"

I walked back into my room and got out the new scarf that rarity give to me as a gift back at the hospital. It wasn't much different from my old one at all. The only difference was that I was made out of different materials. I look at my mane and wondered if I should change it to a different style. Then I look at the bottom of my bed. There I see two blades that I stole from the village.

I pick them up and wonder I I should get rid of them. I then remember that Sliver and Gray were a thing. I attach them to my wings, but I find them too small. When I first got them they fit me perfectly because I was tuned in to a small colt. They still attach, but its better than nothing.

I walk out the front door and only take a few steps before I realize the new weight of my wings. this attention to them reminded me about something I could do.

Walking, boring

I stretched out my wings and started taking off into the air and head towards the castle. Hopefully, I could find my way without getting lost this time.

"Hey Tavi, what are those things on Silent's wings?" Vinyl asked after noticing the strange object on his wings.

"I don't know."

I stood in front of the purple crystal castle. I knocked and waited for the door to open. I was greeted by Spike. He led me into a room where Twilight was reading. She was really into the book because I walked up beside her and tapped her on the shoulder. Let's just say that even without her wings, she could leap really high.

"Silent! Not even a minute here and you already are sneaking up on me!" she says in a somewhat paranoid voice.

Well, excuse me princess.

"Anyway, you're probably wondering why I summoned you here," she said calming back down.

"You see, the princesses want to meet you"

Great, more royalty. Just my luck. More problems. Is this my life?

Twilight kept talking and I was starting to fall asleep. She really knew how to make somepony go to deep slumber.

"...so? What do you think?" this brings me out of my trance.

"...uh," crap, I wasn't listening to her.

I stood there thinking what I was going to say, but something came and interrupted, by crashing into the library. Books flew everywhere in there, some even made it into the kitchen. One glimpse at Twilight was enough to tell me that this was a regular thing.

"Rainbow Dash has arrived" she muttered.

"Aw yeah! New record!" Rainbow cheered out to herself. Like this wasn't the first time crashing according to Twilight's face. She then focused her attention on me.

"Hey Silent!" she walked or flew, over to me, "When did you start dating Spitfire!?" this caught me off guard. I sure wasn't dating her. Even if I was, how did I find out?!

"I'm not...dating her," I said wondering why she thought I was dating that pegasus.

"Wait, you're not? Then it must be some other Silent then," she put her hoof under her chin, " Cuz there's a rumor that Spitfire said she was in a relationship with somepony named, Silent."

"Really Rainbow Dash?" Twilight spoke up. She was distracted by Rainbow dash by this new piece of information.

"Yeah, what do you think Sile-," but I was gone.

I landed on a cloud not too far from Twilight's castle. I sat there wondering how this was going to affect my life even more. I was already dealing with Silver and Gray's abduction schemes for the Enders.

Oh crap, oh crap, how am I going to explain this to Octavia?

"Hello, there my black little colt" a familiar seductive voice came from behind me. Spitfire. How the hay did she find me?

"Hey..." I said awkwardly. I'm gonna die

She stepped closer to me. She batted her eyes at me. She was so close to me that I could smell some sort of perfume on her.

"I've been looking all over town for you." She said in a smooth tone.

"You have?" I said nervously

"I hope you got the letter," she said before wrapping me in her hooves around me. "So we can be closer, and I can keep an eye on you"

I was starting to sweat. So she was the one who sent the letter. How was she able to fake a signup form for me. Wait there was no real reason that I had to go.

"Oh? You're starting to sweat. Let me clean you" she moved her head closer to my head and I soon felt her tongue moving across my head and then neck.

Part of me felt disgusted, but the other half felt good.

"There, all clean," she said before getting up and spreading out her wings. "sorry our meeting was short, but I have to get back to practice, see you later," she said and blowing me a kiss.

I saw her fly off to wherever she was going. I Sat on my cloud for a good half hour going over what happened.

I entered the house with my head down. I closed the door and made my way towards the couch. Octavia was sitting on her chair stirring her tea.

"So...Silent, what did the princess want?" Octavia said brewing her tea.

"She...wanted me meet the other princesses," I said still thinking about what just happened between me and Spitfire.

"So when is it?" She asked

"I, uh... Don't know" I didn't pay attention to Twilight during my visit.

"Well, you need to go and check before-" she was cut off by a pony falling on top of me.

"Hiya Silent," Silver teleported in, but above me. Causing her to fall on me.

"Hello," Gray said coming through the door like a civilized pony. Even though she didn't knock, at least she used it.

"This is unexpected," she said not too thrilled to see them.

Great, just what I need. More mares that I don't want.

"Wow, don't be so mean," Silver remarked.

What are you two mares doing here?

"Well, as you know our leader still wants you to repopulate our race. He grows impatient." Gray explained.

"He really wants new members, and I yours" Silver added.


"Yeah," Silver said

This makes me want to do this less.

"It gonna happen one way or another" Gray Commented

So, you're going to rape me?

"Only if you don't cooperate"

Great, this is just fantastic. I now have marefriend, a stalker, a whole race that wants to rape me to keep their race alive, and then there's Vinyl. My life is getting out of my hooves at this point. There is no way that I would get myself into this mess on my own.

"You know, you don't have to mate with us, but its preferable," Silver for closer to me. "If you mate with any female pony, the offspring will be 100 percent Ender."

"Whaaaaaaaa?" exclaimed Octavia.

Meanwhile in the roof

"This is interesting," said a female voice listening to the conversation going on below.

"A whole race wants MY Silent?" she said venomously through her teeth.

"Nopony is taking my stallion away from me," she said growing violently. "I'll kill them all. I'll kill them. I'll kill them."

The mare flew off at the night and disappeared. Thinking of a plan to keep him all to herself and getting rid of the rest of the competition.

Author's Note:

Wow, 1000 views
Never expected that

Just in case someone out there needs a visual.

Updated Nov 3,2019