• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,872 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

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The New Kid In School

Sigh. That's just it. All I could really do was sigh. I had to move recently. It sucks. Sure, nobody ever said that life would always be a ray of sunshine, but… I never thought it would suck this badly. My parents are dead, shot down by some goon, one I'll never forget, especially since I saw the murder with my own eyes... Nowadays, I have to live with my older brother Daze Deposit. He's pretty cool, even though he can be a bit irritating sometimes. But hey, that’s what bros do; antagonize each other.

My name is Rainbow Blitz. I’m a pretty awesome kind of guy: I ride a motorbike, I play guitar, and I write my own music in my spare time. Matter of fact, I'm known as 'Fallout Blitz' on SoundCloud, and I'm pretty popular. I am a big fan of punk/rock style music, and according to my fans on SoundCloud, I’m apparently 'bringing it back', whatever that means.

Appearance-wise, I’m pretty standard: a little under six foot, decently built, but nothing extreme. In fact, I’d probably blend into a crowd if it weren’t for my rainbow-colored hair. Why is my hair rainbow colored? Simple: I think it looks cool, even though people at my old school kinda thought it looked... well, gay. Not that it mattered to me. I liked my hair that way, so I kept it that way. Simple as that.

Despite the occasional ‘queer’ comment I got in passing, I was pretty popular back at my old school, and I hoped that I'd be popular in this new school as well. It certainly looked nice, at least. Who knows, perhaps I could even dig a girl at this one. I took a look at the school site, seeing all the stuff it has, and when looking at the sports and clubs and stuff, I did see some nice-looking girls. Maybe I'd get real lucky and have a girlfriend. I'm not really flattering, so I'll tell ya that. Yeah, not so good for me. Anyway, tomorrow’s my first day, so I might as well get to sleep already so I can enter the next day. I knew that tomorrow could be one of two things: it could either be Heaven or Hell. I was hoping Heaven. Anyways, night-night. I closed my eyes, and went to sleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm clock on my phone going off. I groggily grabbed the black phone from my bedside table and fidgeted with it for a moment until I'd managed to turn off the alarm. After that, I went to the bathroom to take a good look at myself. Messy and spiky hair? Loved it! Shirtless and showing my (slight) abs? Good, but not allowed. Why, dress code? I put on a dull, black shirt, put on a blue hoodie afterwards, then set upstairs to have a nice breakfast. Toast, nice and light.

My brother was there, albeit shirtless. He was getting ready to work at his bank job again, now putting on a grey shirt. "Glad to see you're up." he said. I nodded as I chewed on my toast. He watched me eat for a minute or so, then continued to speak. "Well, today's your big day, and also mine." He said.

I raised an eyebrow, then asked, "Why is it your big day? Is the bank giving you a promotion or something?"

He turned towards me, smiling widely as he did so. "Well, I could have the possible chance of that right here today. As long as I don't screw up, I can bring home a ton of cash!" He said excitedly.

"Hope you blow it." I joked. My joking managed to get a chuckle out of him.

"You wish, Blitzy." he said. I groaned; that little nickname of his really did drive me nuts.

"Blitz." I said seriously, "Just Blitz. I'm not a kid anymore." He rolled his eyes, wrapped my neck with his arm, and gave me a noogie. I pushed him off while he was laughing. "Oh! Dang, dude, quit it!" I said to him.

He laughed. "Just messing with ya, bro." he said while he chuckled, "Anyway, have a good day at your new school." He then left the house, got in his silver car, and drove off. After he left, I took a look at my phone for the time. It was 7:03. I smiled to myself; the bus wouldn’t be arriving for at least fifteen minutes, so I had some time to spare. I finished my toast, and just dilly-dallied on the TV. But those fifteen minutes felt like just five, and I before I knew it, I had to rush out the door with my black backpack.

I arrived at my bus stop, which was right next to a big rock. I sat down on the rock, got out my phone, and checked the school website. According to the site, it was the beginning of the second semester for this school. After I checked that, I listened to my rock playlist. AC/DC, Green Day, Linkin Park, all the good stuff.

It wasn’t long before the bus had arrived. I turned off my phone, took out my ear buds, and got on the bus. Once I was on, I took a look around. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing, which wasn’t a problem. I saw a completely open seat near the back, and quickly made my way to the back and sat there. At first, I was enjoying myself. However, after a few minutes, I heard some crap behind me.

"So," a voice said behind me to someone else. "Did you see Alison yesterday?"

"Yeah, man." said another voice. "She’s ugly, man. Too much tan, like she just came out of a rejected Jersey Shore."

I shook my head in disgust. What was with these guys? They were making dick jokes, doing rude gossips about certain people, like this Alison person who was apparently too tan or something, and were just generally being asses. ‘Guess this is the 'cool club' of the bus.’ I thought to myself. I ignored them for a while, until a paper flew and hit me in the back of my head. I picked the paper up.

"Dammit, dude." said a new voice from the back. "Ya missed Rush!"

"Sorry, man." said another voice, the first one I heard from earlier. Oh, and he said it to his friend, not me, the guy who got hit by his rubbish.
I looked back to see who these people were. They all looked like jocks, I'll tell you that.

"Hey, give it back, new kid." said the kid who said that the one guy missed Rush. He had a little messy mohawk, a pretty fat face, and he was big. Really big.

Some other guy was shaking his head. "No, don't give it to him." he said. "He's gonna throw it to me, but he failed to."

'Perhaps this guy is a poor victim bullied.' I thought to myself. When I took a look at him, however, that didn't quite seem to be the case. He seemed to be very athletic, and I saw him hold a trophy at the sports page on the school site. He was a football player now, but back then, where he held a trophy, he was a soccer player. He did seem to have that stupid jock look on his face, but maybe he's not bad. I handed the paper wad to him.

"Fuck you!" he yelled out, throwing it really fast at the one guy, then just laughing stupidly. "Got ya, bitch!"

Guess he really was that bad after all. I turned back to wait for our arrival, but he called me back. "Hey!" Rush yelled out to me. At least, I think he’s Rush; he was the guy who was supposed to get hit with the pathetic piece of paper. "What's your name?" I took off my hood, then answered.

"Rainbow Blitz." I replied. Almost immediately after I said that, I heard one guy snort, as if he was trying to hold back his laughter. "What’s so funny?" I asked, even though I already knew what he was laughing at: my name. Rush continued to speak.

"Where are ya from?" he asked. Before I could answer, he cut me off, "Coltville? 'Cause you sure look like it."

Well, that’s insulting. I came from Fillywood, a nice place, and not from Coltville, a place full of, believe it or not, ugly teens. Yeah, that seemed like an insult, considering him and the gang were laughing.

"Fillywood." I quickly answer. "Now, leave me alone." I turn back, and look out the window, until another stupid piece of paper hit me. I ignored it. Then another one hit me, this one being followed by laughter, as if they couldn't believe that I was just sitting there, letting them throw paper at me. Once again, I ignored it... Then another one hit me. Screw it.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. That only made them all laugh.

"Calm your tits, dude." Rush said. "We're just messing with ya." Annoyed, I threw one of the pieces of paper back at them. Unfortunately, the bus driver noticed and began to yell.

"Hey!" he shouted. "Stop throwing paper at them, kid!" I felt my anger building as I slouched down into my seat. The group laughed again. What a great start, huh? After what felt like an eternity, however, we finally made it. Thank God.

We get off, with one of the guys from the back shoving me to go forward, like I was too slow for them. Funny, because there were people in front of me going as fast as they can to get out of this bus. Properly and nicely. Me? Roughly. After I got away from the jerks, I took a look at the crowd of kids moving towards the school, and in the mess of students, I saw a rainbow.

Wait, what? I looked again, just to make sure it was what I thought it was. No, it isn't a legit rainbow on the ground... but it's like all the colors of the rainbow, and it’s someone's hair color! I thought I was the only one... Huh. I moved over to this rainbow-haired guy/girl. Maybe he/she could be my friend? I hated the guys in the back, so they definitely aren't friends... maybe this person would be friendlier? Only one way to find out.

I made my way through the bustling movement, towards this new person, who seemed to be a girl now, considering I got a closer look. And no, I didn't get it by THAT, but by her face. It was a girl's face when she turned it a little and her voice was definitely a girl's voice. But anyways, when we slowed down a bit, I was next to her.

I took a look at her clothing. She was wearing a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath with a rainbow bolt on it, a pink skirt with white stripes going vertically, and a pair of red, yellow and blue striped sweatbands on her wrists. Her outfit was certainly colorful. I felt the urge to try and talk to this girl. However, at the same time, just the thought of talking to her made me feel weird. I began to feel slightly warm, and probably blushed. Nothing new; I always felt like that whenever I tried to talk to a girl. Even though I'm cool and awesome, I just get this feeling, and it makes me look more like a freak than anything.

'Should I? Eh, screw it.' I thought to myself.

"Hi?" I asked nervously.

Author's Note:

Enjoyed? #StayAwesome