• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,872 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

  • ...

I Wanna Rock! Plus, Pinkie Advice!

The sound of several girls laughing snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned towards the sound, and saw Dash and her friends making their way up the stage, with Pinkie’s drumset in tow. Once they’d arrived on stage, the group set up the drums, and within a minute, the set was complete. Pinkie breathed a sigh of relief.

“Phew, thanks guys. Those drums really can be a handful sometimes.” Pinkie said.

“Don’t mention it, Pinkie. After all, that’s what friends are for!” AppleJack said, before heading over to her guitar. The others each followed suit, and grabbed their instruments. Once they all had their instruments, Rarity spoke.

"So, I suppose we’re ready to play?" Rarity asked, smiling with her electronic keytar.

"Totally!" Dash said, before turning towards me and saying, "Ya wanna hear us, Blitz?"

I got off the floor and smiled. "Sure. I’m willing to bet that you guys are amazing. Especially if you really beat villains with music!" I sat on a wooden box on the stage.

"Glad to hear it!” Dash exclaimed, before turning towards Fluttershy.

“So, Flutters, got any new songs?" Dash asked Fluttershy. I looked at Fluttershy, and noticed that she was holding a small notebook with the word 'LYRICS' written on the cover in black marker. She flipped through the pages, containing lyrics of songs they have done.

She nodded in happiness. "Oh yeah! I wrote a new song in my notebook earlier today, and I think it might be great!"

"What might it be about, darling?" Rarity asked.

"It's a, uh..." Fluttershy trailed off.

"A what, darling?" Rarity asked, curious why Fluttershy trailed off.

"A romance song."

"Romance?!" Rarity questioned. "Oh, I just love romance!" Her eyes became starry and she squished her cheeks. "Fluttershy, whatever got you into thinking about romance?"

"Yeah," Sunset added in. "I never really thought of you as the romance type, Fluttershy."

"Well..." Fluttershy said with a light, pink blush. She trailed off.

"Come on, Flutters! Spit it out!" Dash said with a grin on her face.

"Well, I... maybe, I... perhaps... I possibly..." Dash raised her eyebrow, and Fluttershy blushed when she finally said it.

"Haveacrushonareallysupercuteguy." She closed her eyes and held her arms close to face, but slowly uncovered them within a couple of seconds.

"A crush?" Rarity questioned. “Who might this lucky guy be?" she asked, eyes full of stars and hearts. Fluttershy grabbed her arm and looked nervously to the side.

"I… I don't know his name...” She admitted sheepishly.

“You don’t know his name??” Rarity exclaimed in shock. Fluttershy looked away and nodded again. “…Well, do you at least know what he looks like?” Rarity asked after a moment of relative silence. Fluttershy turned back towards Rarity, and smiled a bit.

“Yes, I do. He has black hair, white eyes, and he always wears a suit."

"I think I know who you’re talking about. Is he about as tall as Blitz over there?” Sunset asked. Fluttershy turned towards me, and looked me over for a minute, before turning back to Sunset and nodding. This caused Sunset to grin a bit.

"In that case, yeah, I know who you’re talking about. His name is Cool Prez. Sunset explained.

“Cool Prez, huh?” Fluttershy said quietly to herself. Sunset nodded.

“Yep, that’s his name. He's pretty cool. Matter of fact, he’s one of my friends. Maybe I can hook you two-"

"NO! NONONONONO!" Fluttershy screamed, quickly jumping behind some nearby crates.

"I-I can't talk with him! He's way, way, way out of my league! If I talked to him…oh dear god…” She quickly rushed out from her cover, only to trip over a large box, causing her to land face first onto the stage. Dash quickly ran over to her and helped her up.

"Come on, Fluttershy." Dash said to her once she was up. "Nobody's out of anyone's league. How could he be out of your league when there’s no league in the first place?" she asked with a soft smile.

"Still, I-I-I can't. I'd just make a fool out of myself!" Fluttershy covered her face with her hands. "I mean, I'm scared of a light! A LIGHT!"

"Yeah, you are kinda scared of that..." Pinkie admitted, causing the others to shoot a glare at her. "Well, she is!" Dash rolled her eyes, then focused her attention back towards Fluttershy.

"Listen, Flutters," Dash said, resting her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "Whatever happens, it happens. Even if things don’t go your way, at least you gave it a shot. I know he'll like you. Plus, he's a little shy, too."

"R-Really?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Yeah, he is." Dash answered. "Why would I lie to you?" Fluttershy stood there in silence for a moment, thinking everything over, before eventually nodding her head.

"Alright, let's do this."

"So, what are the lyrics?" Rarity questioned.

"Oh, well..."

After Fluttershy finished showing them all the song, and they’d warmed up a bit, they start playing the song, while I listened and watched. For the first thirty seconds or so, everything seemed fine; the song was catchy, everyone seemed to be playing pretty well, and the lyrics were actually kinda clever. And then… things got weird. Really weird.

Around the time they reached the chorus, I noticed something odd happening to Rainbow Dash. It looked like her hair was growing longer at a really fast rate. As if that wasn’t odd enough, within seconds, she had grown ears on the top of her head, like some kind of horse or something!

When I saw that, my mouth dropped open. What in the blue, everlasting Christ was happening to her? I turned my head towards the others, only to find that the other girls were beginning to change right in front of my eyes as well! Each of them started growing long hair and pony ears like Dash had, along with a tail. Fluttershy and Dash both went one step further and ended up growing wings. Wings, for God’s sake!

If my mouth dropped any wider, I swear it would be somewhere on the floor. I could barely even hear their song anymore. All I could think about was why they were all suddenly human pony hybrids all of a sudden! I only snapped out of my stupor when I heard Dash yelling out, "Oh God, we forgot!"

Once I heard her yelling, I snapped out of my trance and turned to look at them. The group quickly stopped playing the song, and the very second they all stopped, the pony ears, the long hair, the wings, and even the tail all just disappeared, as if by magic. All six of them looked at me nervously, unsure of what I was gonna do next. All I could manage to do was stare at them in shock, unable to say anything at all. After a while, Sunset spoke up.

"Uh... have we ever told you about our… um… singing magic?" she asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Uh... not that I remember..." I recalled.

"Well, this is how it works!" Pinkie said as she sprung out of her seat at the drums. "So, we sing or play instruments and for some super-duper crazy, scientific, strange, fun, and wacky reason, we get 'ponied-up'!"

"Ponied-up?" I asked. "Is that the magic with the pony ears, the tail, the long hair, and the wings?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yup! Still dazed and confused?"

"No." I answer. "It's just... weird."

"Well… this doesn't mess up our relationship as friends, does it?” Dash asked, tuning her guitar as she spoke. Even though she tried to hide it, I could hear a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Of course it doesn’t! Honestly, it’s kinda awesome!” I exclaimed. Dash released a sigh of relief and smiled widely, before going back to tuning her guitar. I continued to speak, “But, before we just draft over this, is there ANY other magic or fairy stuff we need to go over?" I asked.

Sunset shook her head. "No... None that I know of."

"Know of?" I asked.

"Well, sometimes some magic spurts out here and there, but it's all good for now. If there is any magic that comes up, we'll notify ya."

Dash giggled a bit. "Blitz, I gotta say, your face back there was priceless!" she said between giggles. I slightly blushed.

"Hey, it's nothing to get worked up about. It was just funny, that's all. Besides, you’re not the only one who reacts like that. Everyone who first sees it reacts like crazy to our magic." Dash explained.

"Well," I said in a normal state. "Let's hear that song, eh?"

The group went back to their instruments, and began playing the song proper, this time all the way through. After I got over the shock of seeing them transform, I had to admit that the song they were playing was a pretty cool song. I was particularly surprised at how amazing Fluttershy was at writing lyrics. While not all of them hit bullseye, a majority of them did, and they were generally fairly clever. Honestly, I’d say that she was at my level, if not better. I noticed that Rainbow Dash was playing her guitar in a Foo Fighters kinda way. Given how the song sounded similar to Everlong, that made a lot of sense. It was a rock-love song, which was totally needed in this era. Overall, they were awesome!

"And I'll never leave you," sung Sunset on the mic. "Again... Never in a million years."

The song ended, and the magical ears, tails, hair and wings vanished once again. "So, what'd you think, guys?" Fluttershy asked nervously, shaking.

"It was awesome!" they all answered at the same time with a smile.

"That's an awesome song you cooked up, Flutters!" Dash commented. "Again, you should totally-"

"Again, Dash," Fluttershy interrupted. "One day, it might happen. We don't know if he likes me back or anything like that. But, I'll promise-"

"Pinkie promise?" Pinkie asked face-to-face to Fluttershy.

"Pinkie promise," Fluttershy continued, doing the pinkie promise. "That I will try to talk to him and not be shy. I'll give it a shot."

Everyone cheered, including me. She seemed like a sweet and nice girl, and I only hoped the best for her. I wondered, though... me and-

"Dash?" a high pitched voice asked from out of nowhere. I jumped up and looked to my side to see Pinkie next to me, smiling. I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and took a look towards the others. They were all standing a little distance away, just talking to each other. They didn't notice us. I breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Pinkie.

"What about Dash?" I asked her. Pinkie rolled her eyes, a playful grin now on her face.

"Well, you had that look.” She said gleefully.

“What look?”

“Y’know, that look you get whenever you see Dashie? But you weren’t looking at Dashie when you got that look this time! So, I got a feeling you were thinking about her, about how you two might become the most awesome cou-" I quickly covered her mouth again.

"Pinkie! Don’t say that out loud!" I said through my tightly clenched teeth. Pinkie gasped, and her smile grew even wider.

"So, you DO like her!" she exclaimed. I slapped myself mentally for giving it away.

"N... Yes." I admitted. "I do. So what?" I walked a little farther away from the group, and Pinkie followed.

"So~" she said playfully. "I just wanna know! Why do you love Dashie so much?" I shot a glare at her.

"Why do you care?" I questioned. "Is it you loving Dash or me?" She was about to answer, but I did it myself. "Me. I love Dash, and it's none of your buisness why. Besides, if I did tell you, you'd probably just gossip."

"Gossip?" Pinkie asked in a hurt voice. "What kind of horrible person do you think I am? Only mean girls gossip, and I’m not a mean girl! I’d take it to the grave! I pinkie promise!" She did the 'pinkie promise', then smiled after a cupcake was stuck on her face.

I sighed. "Alright... but I’m warning you. IF you do tell her or anyone else, then you’ll have another thing coming." I warned. She nodded her head. I sighed deeply once more.

"Well… it all started back when I had just entered school here. The first thing that drew me to her were her looks. Her hair, her body, her voice… it just all fit together. I kinda ended up with a quick crush right then and there. It quickly grew as I got to know her. She’s cool, friendly, athletic, and a great musician! She’s like the perfect girl!"

"Aw." Pinkie said with a smile. "That’s so cute!"

"I guess. She’s just a really awesome gal. Honestly though, I don’t know if I’d have a chance with her, y’know?” I asked. She nodded understandingly, but didn’t say anything, prompting me to continue.

“So… do you think I’d have a chance with her?”

"Oh totally, Blitzy! I’ve seen the way she looks at you. It’s easy to see that she likes you. I bet you and her would make an awesome couple!" Pinkie said enthusiastically. I grinned a little.

"BUT…” she said in a loud and sudden voice that made me jump a little, “I’ll warn you now: it won’t be easy. After her little break-up with that big meanie Rush, she’s become a lot more... how should I say it?"

"Careful and precise?" I offered.

"Sure, let’s just go with those." she said. "If you wanna get her, you gotta be a couple of things. One: be tough. Dashie is a really tough girl, and if middle school taught me anything about her, it’s that there is no faster way to make her lose interest than by being a crybaby or a weakling. She really likes it when guys are tough. Probably why she hung out with Rush for so long way back when. Sure, he was a big meanie, but he’s an all-star football player who’s about as tough as they come.”

I scratched my chin. "I'm not really athletic at all, but I am pretty strong."

"Being pretty strong will make you feel strong!" Pinkie said cheerfully. "The other thing is this: be cute. She's a tough girl, no doubt about it, but she has a girly side, too. Everyone does. All you gotta do is make her laugh or blush. A little laughter really goes a long way. Plus she's even cuter when she doesn't admit she isn't girl. You get those two things down, and I’d be willing to bet she’d go for you eventually.”

"I can imagine." I said. "But, you think I have her? Like really?"

"Hey, why would she turn you down?" She put her hand on my shoulder. "Listen, I know we’ve only known each other for a couple days. It’s not like we were seven and were friends ever since like Dashie and I were, but trust me, you’ve got this, Blitzy. I can just feel it. Just like Fluttershy."

I smiled softly. "Hey, thanks, Pinkie."

"No problemo!" she said, giving me a thumbs up.

"Hey, whatcha doing back there, Pinks?" Dash asked, noticing the two of us.

“Just talking with Blitzy!” Pinkie replied.

"You two done yet?” Dash asked.

“Yep!” we both answered.

“Then c'mon over here! We got some more songs to practice!”

"Coming!" Pinkie said, before rushing over to her drumset. Before she got to it though, she turned her head back towards me and mouthed the words ‘you got this’ to me.

I took a deep breath. Pinkie’s advice really helped me calm myself down. I was already pretty strong, and I’d seen her blush around me a few times already. I had a chance! I believe I did, but like Pinkie said, it wasn’t gonna be easy. After what happened between her and Rush, I was positive that Dash would be really cautious about getting another boyfriend. Still, I was in the ball park. Nothing to do but try my hardest to get that home run. I’m up to bat ready to swing. It's only a matter of time until I find out whether I hit or get struck out...

Author's Note:

Pinkie advice! Helms yeah! Plus, Fluttershy has a crush! OH BOY! Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile: And yes, this one's a quickie-publish, laddies!