• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,872 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

  • ...

Ice And Tissues

I stood in the nurse's office for several minutes with that ice pack and tissue box in hand, waiting for my nose to stop bleeding. By the time it had finally stopped, lunch was about over. At that point, I’d decided that I’d had enough of standing there, and prepared to exit the office. The nurse tried to stop me from leaving, but I told her would be fine. That I could still live through the school day even with all of the pain vibrating through my whole face.

"Are you sure?" the nurse kindly asked me.

"Yeah." I said with a nod. "I'll b-be fine. I mean, it’s not like anything can get worse, right?"

The nurse raised an eyebrow, but reluctantly allowed me to exit. I walked out of the nurse's office, and headed for Music Tech class. All along the way, I got a lot of looks from the other students, and even most of the teachers couldn’t help but stare. As if they were looking at the face of a UFC fighter who just lost a fight. I didn't care, and I doubt I ever would. I just kept moving to Music Tech class. Hopefully, seeing Dash again would make me feel at least a little bit better.

I walked through the doorway and quickly saw Dash sitting in a corner, talking with Pinkie. I sighed, then walked over to the duo, sitting down next to them. Pinkie was the first to notice me, and spun her head towards me with a grin on her face.

“Hi Blitzy! I didn’t see you at…” she began, before gasping in shock.

“Oh my God, what happened to you, Blitzy?” she asked in surprise. I just rolled my eyes. I’d already heard this question several times today, and I was really getting sick of hearing it by now. Before I could answer her, however, Dash spoke up.

“Happened during Gym. Rush hit him in the face with a dodgeball. Blitz here took it like a champ!” Rainbow explained.

“Are you okay, Blitzy? I mean, it looks like it hurt.” Pinkie asked.

"I'm fine, Pinkie." I said back to the pink haired girl, annoyed. That was, what, the tenth time today that I got that comment?

"Dang, dude," Rainbow said, examining my face. "Looks like he got you good."

I shook my head. "Nah. I mean, he didn't knock me out." I said with a chuckle. "I feel great."

She smiled a little, then continued. "You know, you're pretty damn strong if you can hold yourself up like that. Although, I have to say, I didn’t expect you to go all nuts like that during the game."

"Well… Rush kinda said a few things that set my trigger off..."

Dash tilted her head. "He did? What did he say? I mean, I didn't hear him say anything. All I remember is you suddenly lashing out."

I shook my head. "He mouthed a few words to me while I was staring at him. They were just a few ordinary insults I’d heard many times before. Kinda made me chuckle, honestly… at least until he got to a certain one..." I closed my eyes, and envisioned the dreadful moment that will scar me for life. Even if I were drunk, I would never forget that scene. It would always be as clear as hell. "He mouthed, 'Dead parents'."

Dash’s mouth dropped open in shock. "What?? H-he really…?"

"Did that? Yeah." I finished, before I walked towards my seat and got started on whatever the hell we were doing. "Yep… he really did..." I said to myself.

We went through class like a soft breeze. My little ringtone ended up tying with some other kid, and class went on with some other project. Honestly, though, I didn’t pay any attention. I didn't feel like talking, thinking, or much of anything else. All I could think about was how much I wanted to knock Rush's candy ass down to the ground... but I couldn’t. It would only get me in trouble. He’d just be a bitch and just make me look like the enemy, even though... Ah, screw it. I just wanted to get home.

Luckily, the rest of the day passed by incredibly quickly. Before I knew it, the final bell was ringing, and I was heading out the front doors. By that point, my ice pack had melted, and I threw it in the trash. Almost immediately after, I saw Dash, who was waving for me in the crowd of students. I walked over to her.

"So… ya wanna walk home again?" she asked me.

"Sure thing." I said.

She giggled softly. "Uh, is he alright with that?" she asked with a finger pointed towards my pocket. It took me a moment to figure out who she was talking about, but I eventually realized that she was talking about my brother.

"Eh, he's out of the house. He won't mind." I answered. "No random calls with shouting today!"

"Sweet!" she said happily. "Let's head on over to my place, then!"

We walked together in absolute silence for the next five or so minutes. I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to say to her, and she didn’t seem to have anything she wanted to say to me. It felt like forever before Rainbow finally broke the silence.

"So... are you a big sports guy?"

I shrugged. I didn't really know what I thought about sports. I really had no idea whether I wanted to actually play them or not. I mean, some of them were fun, like football, but there were quite a number of others that just weren’t fun at all, like badminton. Although, I don't really watch a whole lot like my father and brother. "Not really." I answered.

"Huh…" she said back to me. Another minute of silence passed.

"So... my soccer games are beginning soon. Not that I’m bragging, but we’re pretty good. Matter of fact, we’re so good that we ended up winning the regional championship last year!”

“Really?” I asked.

“Sure did! Matter of fact, it was yours truly who ended up scoring the winning goal in that game!”

“Wow… that’s awesome, Dash! I would’ve loved to see that!” I exclaimed. I knew Dash was a good athlete, but I had no idea she was that good!

“Heh… thanks.” She said, her cheeks turning a bit red while she said so. We walked in silence for another moment, before she finally continued to speak.

“So… I don’t suppose you’d wanna come to the first game, would you? We’ll be playing at home against our rivals, the Detrot Tanks!"
I thought about it. I’d never been to a sports game in real life before... although Daze had told me that they're a lot of fun at high schools, and with Dash playing, I was positive I’d enjoy myself.

"You know what? Yeah, I'm in." I said to Dash. This caused her to grin to spread from ear to ear.

"Sweet! This is gonna be awesome!" she squealed, then blushed in embarrassment. "It's happening this Saturday. It's gonna be a big game, since they’re, y’know, our biggest rivals and all."

"Hey, I'll be in the stands rooting for ya!" I said with a smile.

“Awesome!” she said, before stopping where she stood. I quickly figured out why: we had just arrived at her house.

“So… anything else you wanna tell me?” I asked her. She remained silent for a moment, apparently thinking of anything to say. After about ten seconds or so, she finally spoke,

"Not really. mean, I told you about the game, and you’re coming. The only other thing that’s happening today is… Oh!" she said, snapping her fingers. "I almost forgot! Me and the band are gonna be practicing later. Ya wanna come?" Band? Oh hell yes.

"Yeah!" I screamed. "That's awesome! I’d love to hear how you guys play! Who’s in it?”

“The band consists of myself, Pinkie, AppleJack, Sunset, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Basically, the whole gang from lunch.”

"Sounds awesome! Count me in."

Dash giggled, hiding a smile behind her hand as she covered her mouth. "Sounds great. Just give me a minute to get my guitar, and then we can head there right away."

"Sounds good to me." I smiled wide. She nodded, and then rushed inside her house to get her guitar.

‘Maybe, just maybe... I can impress her with my guitar skills. I am pretty good at guitar, and can play some good metal and rock. Maybe this’ll get her to like me even more!’ I thought to myself. Soon after I thought that, Dash rushed back out of her house, holding a guitar case in her right hand.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!" she exclaimed.

We headed towards a stage near the high school. Once we arrived, we saw a couple of guitars already lying there on the stage.

“Huh. Looks like Sunset and AppleJack already made it. I guess they just had to use the bathroom or something.” Dash said to herself as she removed a blue guitar from her case. Soon after, she pulled out a guitar pick from her pocket, and started to play.

She strummed a few chords quickly and intensely, and within moments she’d started playing 'Ace of Spades'. I sat back and listened. There was no doubt about it; she was much better than I was. MUCH better. I mean, I’m no slouch on the guitar or anything. I can play quite a few difficult songs, but man, I was nowhere near as good as her. It’s hard to explain, but the way she played had a certain energy to it that made every note come to life. This girl really was something special. I mean, she looks awesome, she acts awesome, she’s awesome at sports, and she’s awesome at guitar as well? How much more awesome could this girl get?

As she finished, I clapped. "Great going!" I complimented. "That was simply-"

"Awesome?" she answered for me. "Yeah. Been playing the guitar for the last three years. You play guitar?"

I shrugged again. "Yeah, but you’re a lot better than I am." I said as I rubbed my arm. She remained silent for a moment, then walked up to me.

"Nah, I don't think so. And believe me, I don't say that often." She handed me the blue guitar, and held out her guitar pick in her hand, which I quickly grabbed from her grip. "The others aren’t here yet, so we have some time. Why don’t you show me what you can do?" She said as she took a seat on a nearby metal box.

"O-okay." I said, pressured. I played music on Sound Cloud and played it live at one point at a talent show. I’ve done it for quite a few people, and I loved it every single time. But this time… was different. This was for Rainbow Dash, a girl I really liked, who played that guitar like a badass. Kinda don't want to bore her or fail in front of her…

Eventually, I pushed past my nerves, and decided to just play. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen, right?

So, I played a small rock tune on the guitar, doing the first solo from 'Let There Be Rock' by AC/DC, and ended it there. Once I finished the solo, Dash just raised her eyebrow. "That's it?" She asked. I felt a couple drops of sweat roll down my face. That was definitely not the reaction I was hoping for.

"Come on, Blitz, I know your SoundCloud, and I heard it. You can play better than that. I know you can." She then grew a wide smirk on her face from ear to ear. "You’re not just holding back because I'm a girl, are you?" She bounced her eyebrows, smirking even wider.

My cheeks grew red, and I was out of it for a good couple of seconds. Once I finally snapped back into it, I immediately turned towards her. “W-what? No! That was just a warm up, Dash.” I said to her.

“Ok then, Blitz. Warm-up’s over. Time to show me what you’re really made of.” She responded, that smirk from earlier still on her face. I nodded, and began playing again. This time, I played the beginning of 'Everlong' by Foo Fighters, and kept playing until the end without noticing it! Four minutes felt like one as I continued to play, getting myself lost in the music. It was only when I finally finished that I heard Dash clapping, and saw her smiling. "That was... AWESOME!" she exclaimed.

I smiled brightly. "Really?!" I questioned. I was beyond shocked: I’d actually managed to impress her! I never thought I'd be that impressive...

"Totally! I mean, I knew you were good, but I didn't know you were that good!"

"Well, I’ve played it a lot. I’ve always loved making music with it." I gave Dash her guitar back, before sitting down on the stage. "It was one of those things that always helped me feel cool and calm. Daze played it back in his years, so I did the same. I guess you could call it a family tradition at this point."

"That's cool." She put her guitar back in its case, and then sat down next to me. After a few seconds passed, she turned her head and looked at me with a worried expression on her face. "Say, you're alright, aren't you?"

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"About... uh... Rush?"

I frowned. "Hate that guy's guts." I said. "Thinking that it’s okay to make fun of someone’s darkest memories. ‘Parents are dead.' Ha..." I clenched my fists. "I swear, he's gonna get what's coming to him-"

"Hey, don't fight him!" Dash yelled. I looked back at her. "Listen, Blitz… I understand how much you wanna kill this kid. Believe me, I want to knock the smug out of him too, but you gotta hold back! Otherwise, you're gonna be the bad guy, not him! All it would do is make things worse for you! As much as it sucks, violence isn't the answer. At least..." she paused, and looked away from me, “…not in this case.” She finished. I took a look at her. She was staring ahead at nothing in particular, with a rather somber look on her face. It was easy to tell that the situation really made her feel down. I couldn't blame her.

"Fine." I said in defeat, "I won't fight him... Not unless he shoots first..."

"Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past him." Dash admitted. “I mean, this is Rush Down we’re talking about here. I know that punk well."

"Well, if he does strike, I'll be more than happy to-"

"Blitz." she said. "Just… don’t try to start a fight. I don't want you getting hurt and-"

"What? You think I'd lose?" I asked her. She didn’t respond, and instead just stared at me for a moment. She didn’t need to say anything though; her silence told me everything I needed to know. We stared at each other for what felt like forever, until the awkward silence was broken by the sound of a guitar solo from out of nowhere, causing both of us to jump a bit in surprise. After a moment, Dash recovered and fished her cell phone out of her pocket.

“Sorry about that, Blitz. Guess I set my ringtone a little too loud.” She said sheepishly, before she answered the phone.

“Hello? …Oh, hey Sunset! I was wondering where you were! …Huh? …No, I’m at the stage. Where are you? …Okay. …With what? …Again? Okay, how many this time? …That’s it? …No problem! I’ll be there before you can say ‘Rainboom’! …Don’t mention it. Bye.” Once she finished her conversation, she turned towards me and spoke.

“Sunset just called. She said that she and the others are helping Pinkie carry her drumset over here. She’s not too far away from here, so I’m gonna go help her get her last drum over here, K?”

“You need my help with anything?” I asked. She shook her head.

“No, I’ll be fine. There’s only one drum that’s giving them trouble. Just stay here and make sure no one does anything to our guitars, will ya Blitz?” she asked.

“Um… okay, Dash.” I replied.

“Thanks, Blitz. I’ll be back soon.” She said, before sprinting off the stage. After she was out of my line of sight, I turned back towards the guitars. As I watched them, I thought about what Rainbow said to me about Rush. Rainbow was right about one thing: it wouldn’t be smart to try starting a fight with him. Although I would’ve loved to give that kid a taste of his own medicine, I knew it wouldn’t do anything but make me look worse. Still, if he did decide to shoot first, I’d be more than happy to shoot back…

Author's Note:

Detrot is supposed to there, so don't say I'm missing an 'I'. But hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the long wait!