• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,872 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

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Lunch. Sure, it was a good time to relax, considering you had some free time to eat, drink, talk with friends, or whatever else, but still, I kinda had a bad feeling about it, probably because at my old school, lunch time was pretty annoying. Most of the lunch kids were usually rude, never listening to anyone with any sort of authority. More often than not, they were sent to the table I ate at, which I suppose was a sort of detention table for those misbehaving morons. Not like I was one, though; I just liked my seat there, even though it meant I was usually sitting next to idiots who felt about as mature as an average first grader.

But hey, that was all in the past. This was a different school, so maybe things would be different this time. At least, that’s what I was hoping…

I walked into the cafeteria and quickly got my lunch. I got a sloppy joe and applesauce, along with a refreshing Gatorade. (Who doesn't love Gatorade?) After that was done, I scanned the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit. Within a couple of seconds, I found one. I quickly jumped onto the seat that caught my eye, and began eating. Before I could begin to chow down, however, I heard Rainbow’s voice coming from a few tables away.

"Hey, Blitz!" she said in a fairly loud voice. I turned my head towards her. "Come on over here! Don't be shy!" she exclaimed. It didn’t take a genius to see that she was offering me a seat at a table with her. I looked over to see who she was with. Aside from her, there were Rarity and AppleJack from English, and a couple of other girls I didn’t recognize. I’d completely forgotten about Dash once I had gotten my food, mainly because I was really hungry. Once I had been reminded of her, however, I jumped to her table with my food.

"What's up?" I asked.

Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders. “Eh, nothing really. Geometry was just as boring as ever, y’know?” she asked. I nodded.

“I hear ya. I was never really into math courses either.” I answered. That made her grin a little. After that was done, I turned towards the two girls that I didn’t recognize.

"Who are you two?" I asked the duo. The first one to answer was a poofy, pink-haired girl wearing a t-shirt with a heart on it, along with a long skirt with three balloons on it.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" she said happily. She immediately grabbed my hand and shook it really quickly. "Glad to meet ya! I may be a bit random, but trust me, I'm fun! Nice to meet you, mister..." she said quickly, before stopping. I quickly realized she was waiting for my name.

"Rainbow Blitz." I said.

Pinkie nodded. "Well, nice to meet you, Blitzy." she said with a giggle. She seemed pretty cool. I mean, she did seem kinda hyper, but it was fun type of hyper, the type that really made you excited whenever she opened her mouth. Anyways, after Pinkie had finished speaking, I turned towards the other girl I didn't know. She was a tan girl with crimson hair with golden highlights, which made her hair look like an inferno. She wore a leather jacket over a purple shirt with a sun on it, and a long, orange skirt covering her legs.

“What about you? What’s your name?" I asked her. The girl rubbed her arm and looked down and to the side, as if she was trying to avoid eye contact. After a couple of seconds of silence, I spoke again. "It's alright, I don't bite."

"My name's... Sunset Shimmer." she said quickly, before turning her head away just as quickly.

"Nice name." I said, trying to make her speak up and feel a little better. She just seemed pretty shy, that's all.

"Thanks." she said, growing a half-smile.

“You seem kinda shy.” I said after another moment of relative silence.

"Well... kinda. It's just that... wait a minute, haven’t you ever heard of me?" she then asked.

"Umm… no, I haven’t. Why would I have heard about you?" I asked. I was kinda confused on this part. Was I supposed to know her? Was she the principal's daughter or something? I mean, I was almost positive that she wasn't an athlete, considering I’d never seen her on the page. Wait, was she… Oh dear god, don't let this person be a popular freak...

"Oh, u-uh, ok." she said, stuttering a bit with a little blush of red. "I-I just thought you'd know."

I decided to give it a shot. After all, even if she didn’t talk, I could just ask Dash about it. "Why?" I asked her.

"I just thought you might've, uh, heard of me, that's all. But anyways, welcome to the school!" she proudly said. Guess that’s one more thing I’ll have to ask Dash about later.

"Thanks." I responded. "Gotta say, this place looks pretty sweet."

"I know, right?" Pinkie said with a smile. Quite a cheery person, I have to say.

"Yup." I stretched my back a bit, then continued. "Classes seem fine, the people, well, most of the people anyway, are pretty cool, and… yeah, neato." I took a bite of my sloppy joe.

"Trust me, it only gets better! When the events come, it'll be the best of the best!" Pinkie exclaimed with a wide grin, "I mean, yeah, the last two were pretty hectic, but my senses are telling me that this time, it's gonna be AWESOME!" She took a bite of her sloppy joe.

I raised an eyebrow at her choice of words. What did she mean by ‘the last two were pretty hectic’? What was so hectic about them? Did something bad happen in them? Well, only one way to find out. "What do you mean by 'hectic'?" I asked her.

Pinkie looked up at me and swallowed her bite of sloppy joe. "Well, our last event, the 'Battle of the Bands', was pretty fun, at least until these three girls showed up and tried to take over the school with their singing." My eyes widened.

“Wait, WHAT?!” I exclaimed.

Pinkie nodded, “Yeah, that’s how most new kids react to that. Still, if you don’t believe me, just ask anyone who goes here. Any of them will tell you that it’s the truth!” I looked around the table, and saw that the others at the table were all nodding, confirming Pinkie’s tale. Well, most of them were, anyway. Sunset looked a little bit nervous, and seemed like she was trying to hide herself. Kinda weird. Unless…

‘Wait, don't tell me that she’s…’ I began to think to myself, before Pinkie interrupted my train of thought.

"But we all defeated them, and saved the school from another takeover!" she finished excitedly.

‘Huh.’ I thought to myself, ‘Well, I guess Sunset couldn’t have been a part of those girls. After all, Pinkie did say that all of them defeated them. That would mean that Sunset couldn’t have been part of… wait a minute, ANOTHER TAKEOVER?!’

"Wait, did you say another takeover?? As in, more than one takeover?!" I asked in panic. Suddenly, this school wasn’t sounding too sweet anymore. Girls taking over the school with singing?! That sounds like some kind of witchcraft! Or magic, I guess. Call it what you will.

“Yeparooni, Blitzy! That singing girls incident wasn’t the first time somebody tried to take over the school with weird magic. You won’t believe this, but actually…”

“Pinkie!” I heard Sunset yell out. I turned towards Sunset, and noticed how scared Sunset looked. She was fiercely blushing and looking at Pinkie with a panicky expression on her face, as if something about all of this was really freaking her out.

Pinkie looked over at Sunset for a second, then back to me. Then Sunset, then me. Rinse and repeat. Afterwards, she turned back to me, and finished talking.

"Oh, it was nothing big. Just someone else trying to take over the school with, uh, magic. Don't worry, there’s no need to be scared of dark magic or anything else like that anymore! Or witchcraft as you call it." How did she know I- nevermind.

But, who was the one taking over? Wait, was it... Sunset? Wait, so if she was a villain- nevermind, screw it. I'll just ask Dash later. No sense risking losing friends this quickly. I had a certain feeling that, somehow, this involved Sunset. Either assisting, or being THE one taking over. Unless she was just really scared by the first takeover, which seemed unlikely.

"Anyways…" Pinkie said, completely getting off the following topic. "We have one more friend who’s usually supposed to be here named Fluttershy. And yes, before you ask, she's very shy, but she’s still nice. You'll like her." She gave another heartwarming smile once again.

"Where is she?" I stupidly asked. 'Dummy, she's probably absent.' I thought to myself. I gave myself a mental facepalm.

"Absent. She's got a cold." Pinkie simply answered. "But I'm sure she'll be just fine by tomorrow!"

"She's in our gym class." Dash said. "So, maybe tomorrow we can have a little introduction."

"Speaking of introduction," said Sunset, still a little rosy. "Where did you come from?"

"Fillywood." I answered. "It was a pretty nice place to live." I sat back as I ate the rest of my sloppy joe.

"Ah. Moved?" she asked. I nodded. I was seriously in no mood to go over it all again...

"That's cool." she then said. After that, I noticed the despicable prick of the day. Rush Down. I glared at him, as he was having a fun conversation with the gang from the back of the bus and some girls, who were probably popular.

My new friends quickly noticed this, and turned to stare at me. It took me a while to notice, but I eventually noticed the look on Pinkie's face, then noticed everyone else’s faces as well, before quickly snapping out of it. "Oh, uh, hey, what's going on?" I asked, with a nervous chuckle. I’m pretty sure the girls knew what was up.

"Rush Down giving ya troubles too, huh?" AJ asked. I sighed and nodded. "Well, can’t say I blame ya." she continued. "He's nothin' but a selfish jerk. Yea, I’ll bet he feels like he's adored by everyone, and matter of fact feared by everyone, but he ain't. We're not afraid of him." I gave a slight smile, happy that Dash and I weren’t the only people who hated this guy.

"Totally! He's absolutely no fun at all." Pinkie added in. "He takes things way too seriously and says that my parties... blow." Once she said the word ‘blow’ something weird happened to her hair: it actually looked like it was deflating like a balloon. "It hurts when people say that, you know?" she asked me. I nodded.

"No, Pinkie, your parties are amazing, darling!" Rarity said. "Rush Down just has no taste of real fun. Or class, for that matter." She rolled her eyes and took a look at her nails, which were painted blue. Kinda weird, considering that they weren’t that color in English class, but hey, maybe she just painted them after English. Either way, her expression quickly turned angry as she continued. "Matter of fact, last week both he and his fat bastard of a brother called me a no-good, make-up wearing, ugly slut! I swear, he wouldn’t know what manners were if they walked up, slapped him across the face, and stole his wallet!” she said angrily.

AJ put her hand on Rarity's back and patted it, which seemed to calm Rarity down.

"Basically, he's the total bad guy of the school." Sunset said. "So, I guess that's one thing we have in common." I nodded, and continued to eat. While I ate, I thought about everything I’d heard. However, there was one thing that I wasn’t sure about. Why did Dash hate Rush with such a burning passion. I mean, sure, these girls hated him for stuff he said and done and whatever, but Dash sounded more hateful, more aggressive, more angry at Rush than any of them. In addition, it was also kind of weird how she was the only one at the table who didn’t say anything about him. I took a look up at her, and saw that she was clutching her right hand around a Gatorade bottle so hard that her knuckles were turning white. She was trying to keep a calm expression up, but she wasn’t doing a very good job at it. It was clear that just hearing the guy’s name made her far angrier than I had ever seen her get.

But hey, that was later when I could ask her after school, along with the question about the one 'takeover' and Sunset.

After a while, lunch ended, and we headed out of the cafeteria, moving to our next classes. With school moving swiftly, I entered my last class with Dash, music tech. This is gonna rock!