• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,872 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

  • ...

Just A Little Talk

I exited the school building, and waited for Dash in an open area that was a bit out of the way, so I wouldn’t risk being interrupted by any kids that might be rushing to be the first on the bus so they could grab their favorite seats. Not me. I wasn’t gonna take the bus this time, nor would Dash. After all, there was a lot that we needed to talk about...

Time slowly ticked on as I stood there, waiting for Dash to exit the school building. It felt like I was standing there forever, watching for Dash, and taking the occasional glance backwards towards the buses, just in case she ended up forgetting about our talk. It wasn’t until several minutes after the last bus left that I finally saw Dash walking out of the school. She noticed me almost immediately (not surprising, considering everyone else was gone by that point), at which point I signaled her over to me. She walked over to me.

“Hey Blitz! Sorry that I’m a little late. Mr. Bunsen held me after for a little while.” She said.

“It’s cool.” I replied. She nodded her head and started walking away, probably to her house. I picked up my pace, until we were side by side. "So, uh, before we get to this..." I said, scratching the back of my head. "You don't mind me walking you home, right?"

Dash shook her head. "No... it's fine, don’t worry about it."

“Cool. Glad to hear it.” I replied to her. We walked together in silence for a moment, as I tried to think of how I wanted to start this conversation. After a moment, I finally decided to just ask her the question straight up.

"Dash.” I said, getting her attention, “Now, I don't wanna hurt you, and if this brings back bad memories, I’m sorry. However, I really need to know." I took a deep breath. "What is up with you and Rush? I mean, yeah, the others hated him too, but none of them seemed anywhere near as angry at him as you. Clearly something's up, and I want to know what that is. No bullshit." I felt a little horrible for saying that last part.

Dash sighed in defeat. "Well, I guess it was only a matter of time before I had to bring this up again. I really don’t want to talk about this, but… after what I made you tell me this morning, I guess it’s only fair." She closed her eyes, then opened them again.

"It all began around a year ago. Back then, Rush seemed to be a pretty cool guy. I mean, he was big, popular, and just seemed so awesome. He seemed like the picture perfect guy. I might’ve... kinda… fell for him." She admitted.

‘I think I know where this is going…’ I thought to myself.

"You can probably already guess where this is going, but I just wanna get all of this stuff off my chest." She said to me. She then took a deep breath, before continuing.

"Yeah, I’ll admit it: I went for him. I did everything I could to get his attention. I flirted, I pushed myself in my athletic career, and I just tried to seem as awesome as I could. Not that I ever wasn’t awesome, of course.” She quickly stated.

“Of course.” I replied.

“Anyway, after a while of this, it started paying off. He started noticing me, and eventually, I had his hand around my waist. The people at school used to call us 'The Awesome Couple'."

I tried to cover my mouth to keep from laughing at the name, but a bit of laughter ended up getting out anyway. Dash apparently heard this, since she ended up spinning her head towards me with a stern look on her face.

I coughed. "Continue." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow for a moment, and then continued to speak.

"So, we hung out and all of that stuff. We’d go to each other’s games, and I remember really enjoying seeing him play. I was his biggest fan, being his girlfriend and all. But every now and again, we would go to some parties. More often than not, the parties we went to were filled with people I never knew. There were usually some drinks there, but I never took a cup. Screw alcohol."

‘That's my girl. Wait, what did I say?’ I thought to myself.

"But these parties… Usually while he was at them, he'd go off with his friends, more often than not completely forgetting about me until after the party was over. Since I didn’t drink, I usually had little to do there but wait for him to return, and see whether or not he ended up getting drunk. When he did get drunk, he usually ended up tossing an arm around me while clumsily saying whatever came to his mind at the time. It was funny sometimes, but other times it could get… bad. Not ‘I hate your guts’ bad, but just… loud and vulgar. The more times that we went to these parties, the less important I felt. Honestly, after a while, I felt more like a trophy than anything else: just something for him to brag to his friends about, before being forgotten about so he could go get drunk with them."

"I see." I said. "Well, I suppose you started questioning your relationship with him around that point, huh?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I did, but I never talked about it or anything. All I did was think about it.”

“Was there any reason you didn’t talk about it?” I asked her.

“I don’t really know. Maybe it’s because I didn’t want to lose him. I’d worked so hard to get him to notice me, and I still thought that there were things that I really liked about him at the time. Looking back, I’m not sure what I saw in him, but back then… there was something that kept me from wanting to leave him, y’know?” she asked. I nodded, which prompted her to continue.

“Anyway, things kept going like that until one day when we got on top of this hill that younger couples at our school just called 'Makeout Point’. I still remember that day...”

She coughed a little bit, before continuing, “I remember how he called me up one Saturday afternoon, and asked me if I was busy. I told him I wasn’t, to which he quickly responded by asking me if I wanted to go on a drive with him. He promised me that he wouldn’t go to any parties or anything, and wanted me to see something with him. I agreed, he picked me up, and we drove up to Makeout Point. Before long, we were kissing. Then we were making out. Then we... uh..."

"Banged?" I finished for her.

She raised an eyebrow, and turned her head towards me with a disgusted look on her face.

"What?! No! We didn't do- Oh god, no! That’s… Euggh…” I noticed her shudder slightly before continuing, “Well great, there’s an image I’m never going to get out of my head..." she finished. I blushed deep red when she started talking, as I pretty much sounded like a dirty-minded freak.

"M-my bad." I said. "It just seemed that you were leading up to it, that's all." I raised my hands innocently. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow for another moment, as if she wasn’t sure whether I was being straight with her or not, before finally continuing on with her story.

"We just... began arguing then." she said. "I think he said something about me being terrible at kissing or something, I responded by saying that maybe he wasn’t as good as he thought he was, and things just escalated from there. I brought up how he treated me at parties, he brought up something about me only thinking about myself, and we both called each other attention whores. Quite a few times, actually. I don’t really remember everything we argued about, I just remember it lasting for a while, and it getting loud. Like, crowded auditorium on game day loud. Thankfully, there were no couples next to us, because if there were, I’m pretty sure their special moment would’ve been ruined because of us!” she exclaimed.

“So… you guys broke up after that?” I asked.

Dash shrugged her shoulders, “Well, not exactly. After that argument though, things weren’t the same. Every time we saw one another, we both expected the other to apologize. However, neither of us did. As the days passed by, we got increasingly negative. After a while, though, I really began seeing Rush as nothing more than an egotistical jerk. Not only did he not apologize, but he didn’t even seem to consider that he had ever done anything wrong, and acted like he was the greatest thing since sliced bread! It honestly pissed me off to no end!" She crossed her arms. "After a while, I’d just had enough of him, so I did it. I broke up with him. He… didn’t take it well, and ended up doing… stuff.”

"Oh..." I said, before turning to take a look at her. Rainbow was looking down at the ground, as if something about what he did genuinely affected her. I decided that I may as well get the rest of the info from her.

"So... mind if I ask what he did?"

She sighed. "Well, when I first told him that I was breaking up with him, he reacted pretty calmly toward it, almost as if he thought I was bluffing. He just told me that I’d be sorry if I did so. I didn’t really care what he would do at that point though, and did so anyway. For the next couple of weeks, things seemed about normal. And then… people at school started acting weird around me. The guys were staring at me even more than normal, and most of the girls looked at me like I was absolutely disgusting, and some of them refused to talk to me. It took a couple days, but I eventually learned that a rumor was going around the school saying that I was ‘easy’. I had no idea where the rumor came from… until next day’s gym class. Instead of entering the gym after suiting up, I took a glance inside the boy’s locker room after everyone else was gone… and immediately saw a couple sheets of paper with a bad photo of me on them taped to the opposite wall. I wasn't nude in the photo or anything like that; it was just a sexy photo of me in tight clothing that I ended up giving to Rush Down early in our relationship. As if that wasn’t enough, below the picture was some text that read ‘Rainbow’s fine, so get in line!’ When I saw those words, it took everything within me to avoid throwing up right there! It was just disgusting!”

I shuddered a little bit. Suddenly, her hatred of Rush Down was making a lot more sense. Regardless, she continued on.

"The second I saw that, I knew it was Rush’s doing. I shouted at him, told him to stop, and said that I’d be telling the school about his actions if he didn’t stop. Luckily for me, he did stop…" She smiled for a sec, then frowned.

"…With the photos. That didn’t stop him from spreading that rumor about how we supposedly ended up banging before I broke up with him. It took months before people at school finally stopped treating me like I was the school slut! Even after the rumor eventually died down, he still took every available opportunity to insult me, like how he called me 'Rainbow Crash' when I fell during running practice at gym. He and his friends just never let up!”

"Assholes." I said out loud, before noticing that I’d interrupted Dash again. "Sorry, continue."

"No, you’re right. They were. They ALL were. Treating me like trash and all sorts of crap. I hated him so much because of that. He's an asshole, and I never should’ve went for him!" She crossed her arms, and looked straight down. I looked at the side of her face, and saw a lone tear streaking down her cheek.

Damn... I should never have asked her that question... I didn't think it would get her like that... "Hey, Dash?" I said, and she turned her head a little towards me. "I'm sorry for asking that question."

She shook her head. "No, you deserved to ask it. After all, I did want you to tell me about how you got here. After what I made you go through, it was only fair." I nodded.

"Still, I never thought it would hurt you like this."

"Well, it's not that bad, it's just--- I dunno. It hurts. Never really cried over it, though since I don't really cry at all, being the tough girl I am, but still, it hurts me.” She said. I considered pointing out that tear I saw on her face just a moment ago, but I decided against it, instead letting her continue.

“So… yeah, I hate him. He was a bad person, and I should’ve seen it sooner." She folded her arms, and looked down, once again. "But hey, thanks for letting me get it off my mind. That's also the big reason why the girls don't like him. Yeah, Rush told them things that hurt them later, but the major reason is because of our little rivalry, especially after what he did to me after the break-up."

"Sorry." I said to her. We walked together in silence for another minute or so, before I remembered my next question.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot: I have another question I wanted to ask you. I swear, this one’s not about you."
She looked up. "Yeah, what?"

"What happened at this 'first takeover' thing? I remember Pinkie saying that there was another one before the whole 'Battle of the Bands' thing. Was Sunset a part of that?" Rainbow scratched the back of her head.

"Eh, I wouldn’t really say she was ‘part of it’. More like she was directly responsible for it.” Rainbow admitted with surprising ease. “She tried to take over, but she ended up losing. Now, she's not bad anymore, and she's been trying to get better so she can be forgiven for what she did back then." I opened my mouth to ask her what had happened, but she stopped me and answered, "She turned into a raging she-demon, made two guys her minions, and tried to control the entire school’s minds like zombies. And that’s not even mentioning some of the weirder stuff."

"Well then," I said. "You read my mind. And she's trying to be good now?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah she is, and she's doing a really good job at it. After she ended up stopping the Dazzlings…”

“Who?” I asked her.

“You know, those evil, singing girls back at the Battle of the Bands?” I nodded in response, allowing her to continue.

“Anyway, ever since then, she’s gotten quite a lot of respect from everyone. She deserves it." She then looked around her, as if she was hoping that nobody was watching or hearing her. "Just don't tell her I told you this, alright?" she whispered to me.

I saluted. "Secret's safe with me." I answered, before I did a motion like I zipped my lips. "She might know sooner or later, though, but hopefully she won't know it was you."

Dash smiled. "Yeah." Another moment of silence passed.

“So…” I began, which got her attention, “You said earlier that Sunset being a she-demon, and trying to enslave the school with mind control wasn’t as weird as it got, right?” I asked.

"Yeah, it wasn’t. I mean, that’s not even mentioning the pony princess!" she exclaimed. I raised a brow at that, and immediately began wondering if everything she’d told me today was nothing more than lies. Dirty, dirty little lies. She quickly noticed my look of disbelief, and explained.

"Long story short, she came from a dimension of ponies, was a human here, helped take down the villains from both takeovers, and she was awesome. Twilight Sparkle is her name." I shrugged. The whole idea kinda seemed a bit farfetched. Then again, it really wasn’t that much stranger than Sunset becoming a she-demon, or girls trying to take over the school with singing. I just shrugged. Maybe this was just a weird school.

After another minute or so of silence and walking, we finally made it to Dash's house. Dash spoke. "Well, we’re here. Wanna take a look around before you leave?" Now, as much as I wanted to hang out with her, I couldn’t at that point.
“Sorry, Dash, but I can’t today. My brother wants me to be home by... oh shit.”

“Huh? Did you forget about something?” she asked me. However, I barely heard her, as I was too busy reaching into my backpack for my cell phone. I couldn’t believe I forgot to tell him that I would be late! I quickly grabbed my cell phone, but before I could call him, my phone began ringing. Looks like he was calling me first. Oh boy…

"Hellooooo?" I asked, worried he was going to-

"Where the hell are you?!" he shouted so loudly that even Dash could hear.


"I'm sorry, bro. I-I was-"

"No buts, bro. You get your dashing ass home right now!" He ended the call, and I got scared. That cold, fearful feeling trickling down my very spine.

"Uh..." I said, trailing off and feeling embarrassed, since Dash heard it.

Dash smirked at me and chuckled, “So, forgot about your brother, huh?”

"Well… yup. Uh, see you tomorrow!" I quickly said as I made a mad sprint towards home. Oh, my brother's going to kick my ass...

Author's Note:

Enjoyed, peeps? :rainbowkiss: Shoutout to my friend, Emily Kalmanek! WOO! Cause I feel like it!