• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,873 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

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I took my first steps into the gym. Once I’d entered, I stopped to take a look around the gym. It was quite a bit larger than the one back in Fillywood, as this one was seemingly large enough to seat a couple thousand people in the bleachers. In addition, the myriad of banners across the upper walls showed that Canterlot High apparently had quite an impressive athletic record back in the 80’s and early 90’s, considering how many of the banners mentioned Canterlot High being Regional champions. It certainly was a nice looking gym, I’ll give it that.

Anyway, after I’d finished taking the sights in, I stepped into my locker room…and ended up running head first into someone. I took a step backwards to take a look at the person I’d run into. He was a giant: he was several inches taller than me, and appeared to be buff enough to bench press an entire class full of gym students. He was wearing a grey shirt that said 'Bent On Destruction', black shorts, and a large pair of black Nikes. I was pretty sure this was the gym teacher, Mr. Iron Will. He immediately bent down until we were face to face. It all felt like boot camp from there.

"Watch where you’re walking, Guppy!" he shouted out in a deep booming voice.

Guppy?’ I thought to myself.

"Oh, you’re that new kid I was told was going to be in my gym class this year, aren’t ya?” He asked. I nodded.

“Alright then. Your locker will be number 117!” He then pulled something out of his pocket, and placed it into my hand. I took a look into my hand and saw my lock, along with a small piece of paper next to it saying my combination. "Now, go get dressed right away! You have five minutes!" he shouted.

Right sarge, whatever you say. By the way, we have these things called breath mints. Try using them sometime.’ I thought to myself before entering the locker room.

Once I’d entered the locker room, I immediately started to change into my gym clothes. Before I could finish, however, I felt a finger poke my shoulder. I turned my head to see who wanted my attention. What I saw was a guy who was roughly the same size of me. He had sideburns, a goatee, and a black winter hat on.

"Oi, mate!" he said to me with a British accent. "What's your name? Never seen ya around before."

I cleared my throat. "Rainbow Blitz." I answered.

"Charmed. Name’s Griffon Guitar." he said, reaching his hand out for a handshake. This looked kinda weird, considering it was in a gym locker room and all, but I shook his hand regardless. "Nice meeting ya." He said.

"You, too." I said, as I prepared to head into the gym, now that I was fully dressed. "So, what's up with the gym teach?"

He shrugged. "Just a bit aggressive, I’d reckon. I don’t know. From what I’ve seen, Iron Will takes shit from nobody.” He walked right next to me. "But anywho, what do you do?"

"I just make music on SoundCloud, under the name of Fallout Blitz." I answered. Griffon's eyes widened.

"Fallout Blitz? You mean THE Fallout Blitz?" he asked. I nodded.

"Dude, I love your music! I totally make music on SoundCloud, too! I was inspired by you, dude! It’s so cool that you’re actually going to my school now!" he exclaimed excitedly.

Well, looks like I have a fan. "Well, glad to see I have a fan as a new friend." I said with a chuckle.

We walked around the gym, as we were supposed to, and kept talking. We continued the conversation, which taught me a lot about Griffon. For example, I learned that Griffon's profile was named 'Tenacious G', which was obviously inspired by Tenacious D. He said he just started, and asked for me to check him out later. I told him I would.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a beautiful character enter my field of view. It was Rainbow Dash. She was wearing her gym uniform, and it looked nice and tight. Her hair was all the way down, her legs were (slightly) more exposed with her wearing the blue shorts, and she looked simply amazing. Looks like I was right; she was athletic after all. I kinda daydreamed a little too much, as I quickly got a quick elbow nudge from Griffon. We were supposed to run now, I guess, considering EVERYONE was running.

We ran for a bit until the aggressive gym teacher told us to move to our spots. He called me over and pointed to my spot, placing me in between Dash and... Rush Down. Well, this was certainly a mixed spot. Rush Down, a man who's supposedly a jerk, as said by Dash, was on my left. I don't really know if fear should really grow here or what. He did have that kind of look. Not like a really big menace or anything, he just looked intimidating. I still wanted to know what went on between him and Dash.

After I’d arrived in my spot, we were ordered to do push-ups, jumping jacks, and various other exercises. Once that was finished, he then told us what we were gonna be doing today. Oh joy...

"Alright, class, listen up!" Will shouted. "Today, we're gonna play a good ol' game of basketball! Two teams will be made, and those two teams shall face each other in a game of basketball. Losers will face a suffering 30 push-ups, and I mean REAL ONES!" With that, he set up the teams. Odd rows vs even rows. He went horizontal, which led to me being on Dash's team, as well as Rush. I don't know what, but something seriously bugged me about that guy. Sadly, Griffon was on the other team, but in all honesty, I didn’t mind too much. It's just that he sounded cool, that's all.

I figured this would be fun, even though I wasn't really the best at basketball. Luckily for me, I wasn’t on the starting team, meaning I got to sit on the benches and wait for my turn to play in the game, along with Dash and Rush. Once I’d sat down, Dash nudged my shoulder to get my attention. "So, you any good at basketball?" she asked.

"Not really." I responded. "I'm a sucker at basketball. Miss the hoop every time I shoot."

Rainbow then responded back, "Well, I suppose not everyone is good at basketball. It doesn’t matter, though. You just try your best. I'm sure we'll whoop the other team's butt. It'll be won and done!" I wasn’t exactly sure about that, but Dash’s words managed to give me a bit more confidence.

After a couple of minutes past, we were called into the game. We were getting pounded at that point, with the score being 6-12. Still, perhaps we could fight back and get ahead. I positioned myself, ready for the whistle to be blown. Rush was in the center, and once the whistle was blown, Rush went on an absolute rampage. He swiped the ball, bolted to the other team's hoop, and shot the orange ball into the hoop within the course of a couple seconds. I wasn’t quite sure if that was just plain stupid luck or extreme talent, but I was pretty sure that it was the latter; Rush clearly had talent. I didn't know if the other members of my team were good or not, mainly because Rush kept that ball to himself at all times.

Some dude passes to Rush, there's someone right next to hoop in a beautiful, open zone, but Rush shoots and (luckily) makes it in. I'm open with a good shot, but he shoots and misses, costing us two points. RD is open with a perfect opportunity for a hot shot but Rush ignores her and misses his shot by a mile. All of his ball hogging was clearly getting to her, judging by the look of irritation she had on her face. After five minutes had past, she had only made one basket, and I had made none, mainly because I was never passed the ball. Not even once. I mean, sure I’m a scrub at basketball, but come on!

After another eight minutes had passed, we sat down on the benches again. If nothing else, Rush’s shoot first, pass the ball never strategy had payed off, since we were now ahead 24-18. After she took her seat, Rainbow rested her head on her chin.

"Well, seems like we got a shot. Thanks a bunch, Rush." Dash said sarcastically. "Yeah, just because he's the most athletic kid in the school, he thinks he can win the game all by himself. God, what a Jackass." She finished bitterly.

By this point, I was really curious what Dash’s deal with Rush was. I mean, sure, his ball hogging was a little irritating, but I would hardly say that it would be enough to get Rainbow this riled up by itself. Clearly there was something else at work, and I really wanted to dive into it. I had a feeling that I would regret this, but I just had to know.

"Dash?" I said to her. She turned her head and looked at me, still frowing. "Listen, I’ve tried to keep quiet about this for as long as possible, but I just have to know: what the heck happened between you and Rush?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "You really wanna know?" she asked, with a slight raise in her voice. I nodded.

"How 'bout this: Since you really wanna dive into my business this much, I’ll tell ya after school. That okay with you, Mr. Nosy?" she asked me bitterly.

I began to feel anger building up inside me. "Excuse me? Did you just call me nosy??" I asked. I didn't even wait for her to respond before continuing, "Man, you're really funny, because I swear I seem to remember you pressing me to tell the horrible truth of why I came to this place. Remember that?"

Immediately after I said that, Rainbow’s eyes widened a bit, and she immediately turned her head away. I couldn’t tell what her expression looked like, but it was clear I’d struck a chord. She sat there in that position for a couple minutes, refusing to move or say anything, instead holding as still as a statue.

After a few minutes, she finally turned her head towards me, revealing that she looked rather… frazzled, I guess is the best word. "…Sorry, Blitz. I shouldn’t have snapped like that. It’s just… just thinking about Rush just makes me so angry that I feel like I’ll burst. I’m sorry, man." She said remorsefully.

I was a bit surprised to see her that frazzled. The only other time I’d seen her looking like that was when I told her about my parents. Clearly, whatever happened between them must’ve affected her worse than I thought.

"It’s that bad, huh?" I asked. She nodded.

"Okay then, I’ll meet after school and you can tell me about this little war between the two of you then." I gave her a little smile, and she smiled back. I didn't really expect her to smile back so quickly, but I suppose I was lucky she did.

"Alright. Thanks." she said.

"No problem." I said. "I'm just glad we can get along." Conveniently, right after I said that, we were called into the game again.

We were starting off in a nice position, holding a slight lead over the other team at 27-26. Rush was still being as big of a ball hog as ever before, but at least the other players were catching on to that and giving him the ball less. Not that that stopped him. At one point, Rainbow Dash got the ball and passed it to me. I started to dribble it up to the hoop, but before I could get close enough to shoot, someone stole the ball from me. At first, I thought it was the other team, but I quickly learned that was not the case, because when I looked up I saw Rush rushing past me with the ball. He powered his way around the other team’s defenses and dunked the ball, earning us two more points. Most of our team cheered, while myself and Dash just glared at the ball hog. 'Sweet one, hotshot. Glad Dash PASSED it to YOU.' I thought.

We continued the basketball game until Iron Will blew the silver whistle. "Game!" he yelled. He looked at the score. And... we won by one point! The final score was 35-34. I breathed a sigh of relief, happy that I didn’t have to suffer some any push-ups. Thank God!

As we made our way to the locker room, I heard Rush simply saying to two guys (and a girl), "You're lucky that I got those shots. We can simply say I won the game. Since I'm awesome."

'Sure you are' I thought. I took a look to my left and noticed that Dash had on a look of disgust. I guess she heard Rush’s boasting as well. I walked next to her for a second. "Well, he’s certainly humble." I whispered to her.

"Tell me about it." she said. We then split up as I entered the boy's locker room. After I’d gotten my clothes back on, Griffon came in, practically drowning in sweat.

"Ey, good game." he said, taking a breath. "We were so close."

I chuckled. "You sure were, man." I told him. "We just got lucky, I guess."

He nodded. "Yep." he simply said.

"Well, see ya." I said, as I walked out of the locker room, heading for my next class: History. As with Science, this class was decent, albeit a lot more interesting. After all, History has always been one of my favorite subjects. Not much else to say, really, I just enjoyed it more than Science.

Afterwards, it was time for lunch. Apparently, lunches here are split up by grade, given that only juniors were going to lunch. Kinda weird, given how my school had multiple grades in each lunch, but hey, at least this way I’ll have more time with Dash.

Author's Note:
