• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,872 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

  • ...

Lookin' Fine

The next few weeks slowly passed me by as I continued to lie there in that hospital. By then, I’d had my leg casted up for so long that I’d almost forgotten what it was like to walk around on two legs. Even though the visits from Dash, Daze, and all of the others didn’t stop, everything was still shady and pretty lonely for me. Trapped in that lonely, quiet room that was often eerily silent, confined to that old bed. It felt like an eternity, before I was finally released.

It all happened during my seventh week in that hospital. It was a bright day, with sunlight peering through the blinds. I’d already finished reading the book Daze gave me, and was busy looking through pictures on Instagram when I heard the sound of a knock on my door. I looked upwards to see the doctor enter my room with a clipboard in hand.

“Hey Doc. What’s up?” I asked him. The doctor chuckled as he looked through some of the papers on the clipboard.

"I think we both know what's up." he replied. I tilted my head a bit.

“…No, we don’t. I have no clue what you’re talking about, Doc.” I said back. The doctor looked up at me for a second, before flipping through a few of the papers on the clipboard.

“Well, Mr. Blitz, as it turns out, your leg has fully healed up!” the doctor exclaimed. My eyes widened as I nearly dropped the phone in surprise.

“Wait, really?” I asked hopefully. The doctor nodded, before walking to the side of my bed. He flipped through a few papers, before stopping on an x-ray image of what I assumed was my leg. Sure enough, I couldn’t see any sort of obvious breaks in the bone in the picture.

“Now, it seems like your leg has healed enough to be stood on and walked with, but just to be on the safe side, try to avoid any sort of strenuous activity with it for the next couple of weeks.”

"Yes, sir!" I responded eagerly. He looked at his papers, then put them aside.

"Alright then. Let me just give you a hand here…” He said, as he slowly unwrapped my foot…

I stood at the front doors, right outside of the building. I took a deep breath, allowing the cool, crisp morning air into my lungs as it blew gently around me. The doctor was correct in his assumptions: my foot felt as good as new! As long as I didn’t place too much weight on it, I was free to walk on it, and I have to say, I had never enjoyed walking as much as I did on that walk out of the hospital room. It felt great to finally be free to move wherever I pleased again, and just in time for the dance to boot! After I’d taken a deep breath of air, I texted my brother to pick me up. About a minute later, I felt my phone vibrating. I picked it up and saw that my brother had sent me a message.

‘That’s great, bro! I’ll be there in about ten minutes!’ he said.

‘Glad to hear it, bro. See ya then.’ I texted back. Once the text was sent, I decided to take a picture of myself for my Instagram profile, so the others would know that I was alright. With a smile and a perfect angle, a clear photo was uploaded to my profile. All that was left to do was wait for the others to see it. Turns out that I didn’t have to wait for very long, as my friends started clogging up the comments section almost immediately, saying that they were happy to hear that I was finally good to go.

A couple minutes later, I felt my phone vibrate again. I took a look at it and saw that it was another text message. This time, however, it wasn't from my brother. Instead, it was a text from Soarin.

'Hey, great to see you back in business, bro! Need a ride?' he texted.

‘No thanks. Daze is already coming to pick me up.’ I texted back. The phone vibrated again within seconds.

'Gotcha. I'll see you at the dance.'

'Thanks. Hope you and Spitfire have fun!'

'Will do. Same for you and Dash. ;)'

I prepared to text him back again, but before I could, I suddenly heard a familiar voice yelling my name out. I looked up from my phone, and on the other side of the parking lot, I could see Dash waving to me, wearing the same blue jacket, white shirt and pink and white stripped skirt that she wore when I’d first met her. I was shocked to see her standing there. I wasn’t expecting her to show up at all, especially not so soon after I’d posted the picture. I quickly put my phone away, and waved back to her. Soon after I waved back, she started running towards me. Within seconds, she had reached me, at which point she started to speak.

"Hey Blitz! Glad to see you're out of the hospital!" she said enthusiastically, before she looked down at my foot for a moment. “No crutches, huh?” she asked. I just shrugged.

“Well, the doctor made me use them a few times while I was staying at the hospital, but he said I should be just fine without them now.” I replied. Dash put a hand on her hip and smiled warmly at me.

“Really? You’re lucky, man. The last time I broke my leg, I had to use those crutches for over a month! I guess your injury wasn’t as severe, huh?”

“I guess so.” I replied. She nodded, and sat down on a nearby bench. I sat down next to her, and reached into my pocket, taking the charger she lent me out. “Anyway, you want your charger back?” I asked.

Dash spun her head towards me, her eyes wide for a second. Once she saw the charger in my right hand, she eyes returned to normal as she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh yeah! Thanks Blitz. Honestly, I kinda forgot that I’d lent it to ya, and just assumed that I’d lost it or something.” She said nervously as she put a hand behind her head.

“Don’t mention it. Catch!” I said, tossing it lightly towards her. She snatched the charger out of midair and placed it in the right pocket of her skirt.

"Thanks again, Blitz. So, ready for the dance?" she asked curiously.

“Wait, the dance is tonight? I thought it was gonna be reassigned to next week again!” I said with a smile to show that I was joking. She laughed a little bit.

“I know, right? This thing has been reassigned so many times that I was beginning to wonder if it would ever come!” she exclaimed.

"Definitely. Well, regardless of that, I’m ready. I may have cut it a little close, but I’m ready." I said, lightly blushing.

“Same here. Pinkie told me that she and the staff have come up with something that was… how did she put it?” Dash paused for a moment as she thought, before suddenly snapping her fingers.

“Oh yeah, I remember how she put it now!” she said, before continuing in a voice that sounded an awful lot like Pinkie’s voice, “It’s gonna be something super-terrifically-incredibly-funtastically AWESOME!!!” She squealed, waving her arms on her sides rapidly, as if both of her arms were quickly hammering a table that came up to her waist.

“Nice Pinkie voice.” I said to her. She cleared her throat for a moment, then responded in her normal voice.

“Thanks, Blitz. Kinda hurts my throat a bit to do that voice, but I guess I’m glad I can do it well. But yeah, that’s how she put it. Now, I know Pinkie is a little kooky, but when she says it like that, I can guarantee you that she means it. Whatever she’s got planned, I’m sure it’s going to be incredible!”

I chuckled. “I don’t doubt it. I’m just glad I’m gonna get to see it.” I said. Dash nodded silently. We sat there in silence for a little bit, before I decided to continue speaking.

"I’m a little surprised to see you here at all, Dash." I said to her.

"Oh, that?" she said. "Well, I kinda just got lucky, really. I was just going on my afternoon jog, when I got several texts from all of my friends at once telling me that you were okay. I wasn’t far from the hospital at that point, so I decided to see if I could see you in person before you headed out. Looks like I timed it perfectly, huh?” She said with a soft smile, as her rainbow colored hair glimmered in the sunlight.

“Sure did. I’m just glad to see you here, instead of in that stupid room, y’know?” I asked. She nodded.

"I hear you.” she said, before stretching her arms backwards. “Anyway, I think I’m gonna start heading back home soon. You don't need a ride, right?”

"Right." I said with a nod.

“Coolio.” Dash said with a light blush. "Well… I guess I’ll catch ya later?"

"Catch ya later." I said back. Dash rose to her feet. However, instead of running off immediately, she just stood there for a moment, almost as if she were paralyzed or something. “Um… Dash?” I asked after a moment. Before I was able to say anything more, however, I suddenly felt her arms wrap around me quickly, bringing me into a quick hug. The words in my mouth instantly died down. I’m not even sure what I wanted to say to her at that point anymore. I could feel nothing but my heart, which was once steady, but was now rapidly beating as fast quickly as a train. Maybe it was just my imagination, but for a split second, I think I felt her heart beating as well, going just as quickly as my own, if not quicker. I couldn’t speak at all. I felt as if I were frozen in place, completely unsure of what to do.

She soon released me from the hug and ran off. "I-I'll see you at the ball!" she shouted over her shoulder as she sped through the parking lot at a speed that was far faster than any jog I’d ever seen, and within moments, she had vanished from my view. I was taken back by her out-of-nowhere hug. Why then of all times? I didn't need one, I wasn't sad or down or anything like that. So, why did she? It couldn’t have been because of that… could it?
I thought for a moment, before shaking my head. Maybe I was taking it a little too seriously. It was just a hug, not a kiss, so it could’ve just been her being friendly. Still… I couldn’t help but speculate. Did she… did she really feel the same way about me as I felt about her? These thoughts made my cheeks burn brighter and hotter, which must’ve looked rather odd to anyone who was passing by… or to the person who pulled up in front of me.

"Hey, bro!" said my brother after some time had passed. "Uh... You alright?" he questioned.

"Wah?!" I said, snapping out of it. "Oh, y-yeah, I'm good. Just lost for a second." How long was I standing there? I checked the time on my phone, and was shocked to see that I'd been there, taken petrified by a four second hug, for just under five minutes. Damn. Who knows how long I'd have stood there if Daze hadn’t come along.

I got in the front seat and fastened myself in. Once I had, Daze stepped on the gas and drove away. I looked up at him, and saw that he had on a tightly lipped grin, looking like he was trying not to burst out laughing.

"So… you look rosy. Something funky happen while I was driving?" He added a wink just to tease me.

"No." I said as I tried to get my blush under control.

"Well, were you thinking about something funky?" He added another wink. I shook my head. He simply chuckled. "Whatever you say, Blitzy. Whatever you say." We drove together in silence before he picked up the conversation again. "So, you excited for that dance of yours?"

"Sure am." I answered. "You’ve got the clothes ready, right?"

"Hey, I ain't leaving my bro without the fanciest clothes at a school dance." he said, bringing up a cocky smile.

"It’s a ball." I told him. He rolled his eyes.

"Ball, dance, shindig… it’s all the same in my book." he said. "I just hope you have fun. You know, hang with friends, dance like it's 1999, and especially, ESPECIALLY, have fun with your date." He smiled and winked.

"Dammit man, I told you, we're just friends!" I exclaimed. He chuckled to himself.

"So, asking her out as a date for a dance isn't anything above the level of 'friend'?" he questioned. I felt my face heat up again. I couldn’t argue with him on that one, so I just shrugged. It wasn’t a great response, but it was the only thing I had. His smirk grew even wider. "Gotcha. You two are a little couple.” he said. I braced myself, ready for the inevitable teasing that I was sure was going to come. However, to my surprise, it never came. Instead, he said, “You know what? That was a good move, Blitz."

"Heh, thanks Daze." I said, placing my back on the rear of my seat, watching the cars pass on by. It was weird, though; part of me felt like I should've been terrified of being in a car on the road, due to the accident that left me in a hospital, but honestly, I didn't feel anything like that. Maybe it was because of my conversation. Maybe it was because I was excited. Or maybe it was because of... her…

Once we got back home, I plopped down on the couch. Man alive, did I miss how soft that thing felt. Daze told me he’d get the outfit ready for me, and that I should just relax in the meantime. I agreed, and sat back for a bit, watching either television, my newest post get likes and comments, or just the window behind me as some people walk on the side of the road, either by themselves or with their dogs. I kept finding myself looking over at the clock, waiting for the time to hit where I wanted it to. Luckily, it wasn't anywhere near as dreadfully long as the hospital was. If it were, I’m pretty sure I’d have gone insane.

Soon enough, I heard Daze call for me, saying that my outfit was ready whenever I was. I headed over to my room, and almost immediately, I noticed the outfit, lying on my bed. It was very neatly folded and still appeared to be in great condition, despite the fact that I’m pretty sure it was a couple years old. I quickly fetched the outfit and locked the doors to my room. Once the door was shut and locked, I went to business, getting out of my old clothes and into the new ones.

Within ten minutes, I was fully suited up. I took a look in my mirror which showed that I looked even better than I thought I would. I was wearing a buttoned-down white shirt with a classic black bow-tie that used to be my brother's, neat, ironed black dress pants with a black, leather belt thrown around the waist, and another shirt, black and un-buttoned, to wear over my white shirt. It looked classy, but not so classy that it would look out of place. Good. I just hoped that Dash would like my outfit.

Soon after I was dressed, I wondered to myself how Dash would look. I wasn’t too worried about it, since I was sure that she would look great in just about anything, but I couldn’t help but wonder how she would dress for this thing regardless. Would it be stylish, or maybe something else? Sure, it was a ball, but I've heard that you can go in casual clothing, which I thought would be a bit disappointing. I began to wonder if Dash would end up going casual. In the few months I’d known her, she had made it clear that she preferred clothing that was really mobile, and easy to move around in, and if she were given the choice, she struck me as the kind of girl who would probably wear casual. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl who would wear a dress or anything like that… it just didn’t seem like her. Then again, maybe she was like that secretly, and I just didn’t know.

Well, whatever she came out in, I was down with it. Dress, casual, she'll still look nice. I walked on over to the bathroom and grabbed some gel. "Guess I can... style it up a little." I said, looking at the mess in the mirror that was my hair, which was strewn all over the place. I guess that's just what happens when you just lay in the hospital bed for a damn long time. Carefully, I styled my hair with a dab of the hair gel. I was aiming for looking nice, but not too nice. A little spike here and there, but not too many. It took a while, but in the end, I finished up.

"Good." I quickly pulled out my phone, and decided to take a mirror selfie. Standing straight with the phone below me, right up to my chest, I took a snapshot and uploaded it. "Stay classy." I said to myself as I typed it in the description.

Checking the time, I noticed I still had a couple of minutes to kill, so I just looked at everyone else's photos. Many of the photos there were of the various dresses and outfits for the school ball. Among them, however, I noticed a photo from Spitfire, which had both Soarin and her together, which stuck out to me. She’d planted her lips on his cheek while he smiled as she took the selfie. They both had very nice looking outfits. Soarin had on a dark-blue vest with a lighter-blue shirt underneath, and Spitfire was wearing a long yellow dress with a sharp orange flame like pattern near the bottom of the photo, as if the lower part of the dress was a raging inferno. Very nice. However, I didn’t see anything from Dash. I was still rather curious to see what she would wear to the ball… but before I could find anything, I heard Daze’s voice from the opposite end of the door.

"Ready?" my brother asked.

"Yeah, just give me a minute!" I replied. After I looked through a few more photos to find one from Dash, I suddenly received a new comment appeared on my photo. I checked my photo, and saw that the comment was from Dash.

'Nice. I like it!' her comment read. I felt a little red, but I was fine aside from that. At the very least, I felt a bit more confident now that she had confirmed she liked it.

I opened my bedroom door, and looked up at my brother, who was swinging a set of car keys around his finger. "Let's go." I said. He nodded, before heading off to the car. I hopped in with him, and with that, we were off to Dash's place...

Author's Note:

Super sorry for the late chapter! I know I annoy people with that, but honestly, I am. My fault that I'm lazy. :P So, hopefully you like this!