• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 4,873 Views, 180 Comments

Double Rainbow - MyLittleGeneration

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz enters a new life, then meeting Rainbow Dash, a tomboy. They then hang out. Then creating a relationship between them. The most awesome love story now comes!

  • ...


The next day began, and before I knew it, I was back in school. It started off fine. I did my one reading story, which was going quite well, and time flew by quickly. I was kinda surprised at how quickly the day moved by, but I sure as heck wasn’t about to start complaining about it. Things proceeded much like they had yesterday, until it was time for Gym class. For whatever reason, I wasn’t too worried about Gym this time, probably because I was told by Dash that I would be introduced to her friend that wasn't there yesterday: Fluttershy. She has a nice name, I'll give her that.
I entered the locker room and immediately saw my friend Griffon Guitar, who was already suited up and appeared to be looking at something on his phone. He looked up when I came in, and smiled.

"Ey, look who's here." He said to me. I smiled and gave him a high-five.

"Yo, what's going on?"

"Eh, nothing." he said, scratching his shoulder. "Just talkin’ with my girl. She's finally back from her absence. So, I guess you'll meet her!" I smiled. He had a girlfriend? Lucky…

"What's her name?" I asked.

He cleared his throat before saying, "Gilda. Gilda Grizelda."

'Neat name.' I thought to myself.

"So, I guess she's in our gym class?" I asked, to which he simply nodded.

"Alright," I said, putting on deodorant and then my gym shirt. "I'll meet ya in a snap." He exited, and I put on my shorts and gym shoes, before heading out into the giant gymnasium.

I quickly noticed Dash in her uniform, once again. 'Damn, she looks good...' I then turned my head towards Griffon and saw him wrapping his arm around a girl I had never seen before.

‘Probably Gilda.’ I thought to myself as I looked her over. She was a little buff, with short, spiky white hair with purple on the edge of the hair. Some of the hair covered her forehead, as it lurched forward. She had a pretty large bust, had some punk earrings, and had sharp, yellow eyes. Something about the way she looked made me think that she was a rebel. And I was probably right. After I finished looking the pair over, I headed over towards my spot.

"Hey, Blitz!" Griffon shouted once I’d gotten close. Once he said that, I noticed Dash looking back with a smile, before quickly turning away with an angry look on her face. The hell? Anyways, once I’d gotten close to the duo, Griffon quickly introduced me.

"Gilda, this is Blitz. Blitz, this is Gilda." he said. Before I could say anything, Gilda began smirking.

"Well, well, you a newbie?" she asked with a tough, punkish voice.

"Uh... yes." I replied. She chuckled a bit.

"Well, glad to see some young blood on school territory. Wanna hang with us sometime?" she asked.

"Maybe later." I said. I would like to hang out and play the guitar with Griffon one day, but I wanted to get to know my way around first. I looked over at Rainbow Dash, who was alternating between glaring at Gilda and looking at me with a… weird expression. It’s a little hard to explain, but the way she was looking at me seemed to be saying, ‘What the hell are you doing??’ I glanced back towards Gilda, and saw that she was glaring right back at Dash. ‘Well... seems like we have a bit of a rivalry on our hands...’

"Hey Gilda?" I asked, which got Gilda to stop glaring at Dash for a few seconds.


“Why are you glaring at Rainbow like that? Do you two…”

"Hate each other?" she finished for me. "Oh, not at all. Fact, we love each other. She joins me and Griffon in a threesome every now and again." I raised a brow, and looked at Griffon for a second, who was fiercely blushing.


"HELL NO! We aren't even close to friends anymore!" she loudly shouted, startling me a bit. Griffon looked at Gilda, then I spoke.

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

Griffon answered for her. "See, Gilda and Dash... they got in a big fight one day... with some girl named Dinkie-"

"Pinkie!" Gilda said strictly.

"Pinkie," Griffon continued. "The two shouted about it for a while, and they haven’t talked to each other since."

Gilda had her arms crossed, and huffed. We stood there in silence for a moment, before I began to speak,

"Well..." I said.

"What if you said you were Dash's friend?" she said, saying what I was just gonna say. I nodded. She stared at me for a minute, looking me over as if she was studying me. She then looked over at Griffon, who smiled and nodded. She then looked back at me, and spoke.

"Eh… I guess its fine. Just don't get on my bad side, ‘else I'll be hell on Earth." She replied. I nodded, then moved back towards Dash, reaching my spot right as Iron Will whistled for us to run. Dash quickly sprinted away, as if she wanted to put as much distance between herself and Gilda as possible. I sprinted after her, and eventually managed to catch up to her. "Hey, Dash!" I shouted, catching her attention. She slowed down to around a jogging pace, until we were side-by-side. Once I reached her side, I turned my head towards her to see that she was glaring at me.

“Um… what’s with the glare?” I asked her, even though I already knew why.

"Saw you talking to Gilda." she said in a very bitter tone.

"Hey, I didn't know you two had bad blood!" I exclaimed. Rainbow stopped glaring at me, but didn’t say anything. I waited a moment before speaking.

"…We're still friends, right?" I asked her. She sighed.

"Yeah, Blitz, we’re still friends." she said, a hint of anger in her voice. "It's just that I don't ever wanna talk about… no, I don’t even want to think about Gilda ever again!"

"Sheesh… That bad, huh?" I asked.

"Mmhmm." I heard a third voice say. I looked back towards the sound of the voice, and discovered that it came from a girl that was running alongside Dash. A girl with long, pink hair that had a white flower in it. She was yellow, skinny, and really small. I felt like a giant just looking at her. She had to be like 5'2.

"Is that Fluttershy?" I asked Dash. "Or whatever her name was?"

Dash nodded, then Fluttershy spoke. "Yes..." she quietly said in a voice that I could only barely make out over the sound of footsteps echoing throughout the gym, before quickly looking away from me.

"Heh?" I asked. "I can't really hear you well."

"F-F-Fluttershy. My name is Fluttershy." she said in a louder and clearer voice.

"She's kinda shy." Dash said. "Hence the name Fluttershy. But she loves nature, and is very sweet and kind." I quickly took a look at her, causing her to hide her face behind her pink hair. Dash quickly noticed, and spoke up.

"Hey, it's alright, Flutters, he's a friend." She said. Once she heard Rainbow’s words, Fluttershy stopped hiding her face and looked up at me.

"Oh..." she said, "O-okay. As long as he's a friend." I smiled. She looked kinda cute, but I didn’t look for very long, as my eyes quickly focused on Dash. She was athletic and everything. Fit, sexy, and pretty cool. There was still a lot about her that I wanted to know, but I decided that it would probably be better to wait until lunch.

As soon as our running ended, we got introduced to the day's activity. The second I saw Coach Iron Will walk in, I knew what it was gonna be.

He was carrying a large red ball. I groaned. I mean, what other sport could be played with a big red ball? Maybe kickball, but hey, who said the world is a fair and nice place, right?

"Alright Class, listen up! Today we’ll be playing Dodgeball!" Will shouted out loud. Oh goodie…

He went over the rules, although I honestly don’t get why he bothered. I mean, it’s not like Dodgeball is that complicated. After he was done blabbering on about how the game works, Iron Will picked two students to be leaders of the teams. Rainbow Dash was picked as the leader for the first team, while the other team’s leader was that asshole Rush Down. This would be interesting. I just hoped I would get the opportunity to knock that guy and his ego out. Hopefully, he wasn’t very good at Dodgeball.

Dash and Rush chose who was on their team. I was on Dash’s team, along with Fluttershy and a bunch of other kids I didn’t recognize. Rush's team had Gilda and Griffon. I was kinda bummed about that, since I didn't really wanna hit Griffon, but hey, that’s just the way the game works, I guess. Besides, it was awesome I had a chance to (possibly) mess up Rush Down's face. You know, if I stood a chance.

We lined up, and Iron Will blew the whistle. We all rushed towards the balls, which were kept in the middle of the gymnasium. Well, almost all of us did. Fluttershy didn't budge and stayed back, shaking furiously as if she was freezing. She looked as scared as a lost puppy. Kinda sad, really. Regardless, I didn’t let that distract me, as I quickly rushed for a ball, and threw it at a guy who was going for my ball, knocking him out. Soon after, I rapidly backed up, trying to get some space between me and the other throwers.

While we played, I occasionally shot a glance towards Dash, and every time I did, I saw the same thing: she was dominating the game, dodging balls like nobody’s business, and knocking out other players left and right. Unfortunately, the same was true with Rush Down. I swear I tried hitting that guy at least ten times, but every single time I tried, he dodged it effortlessly and usually threw whatever he was holding right back at me so quickly that I barely had enough time to react. I managed to dodge each of his shots, but a lot of my teammates weren’t so lucky, as Rush knocked player after player onto their backs. This went on for what felt like forever, until it was finally down to three players on each team. On our team, we had myself, Dash, and to my surprise, Fluttershy, while the other team was down to just Rush, Gilda, and Griffon. What a coincidence.

Anyways, it was a six-man showdown. Three vs three. And only one side could win. I just hoped it would be us, so I wouldn't have to taste what they had in store. We all had balls in hands, and shot eyes at each other, daring the other team to make a move. We all knew that if we took one step, a war on two fronts would break out. After we’d stared each other down for what felt like an eternity, I decided to take that first step. I stepped forward, and faked a throw. Griffon fell for my fake out, and hurled his ball at me. I quickly blocked the shot with my ball, which sent his ball hurtling into the air. I caught it with my other hand, eliminating him.

Gilda, however, didn't like this. Catching a ball from him was like I broke his nose to her. She threw her ball at blazing speed straight at me, and like last time, I blocked her shot with my ball. This time, however, the ball ended up bouncing right back at her. It landed next to her, and she grabbed it with her hands. Instead of going for me, she looked towards Fluttershy. Oh no...

She launched the ball at Fluttershy with breakneck speed, causing Fluttershy to drop her ball in panic. Something that she could've used to defend herself. Within a second, she was hit. I imagined that it would knock her onto her back, but to my surprise, it didn’t. She was hit in the stomach, but managed to remain standing. She walked towards the other guys who were eliminated, making it a two-on-two fight.

Dash became furious and launched the ball straight at Gilda, who didn't notice Dash’s shot until it had smacked her in the face, knocking her out. Gilda glared at Dash as she moved towards Griffon. Now all that was left against us was-

"You got them, Rush!"


"Two birds, one stone, Rush!" some girl shouted.

"Yeah, make them suffer!" came a boy’s voice.

"For the team!!!" Shouted a couple of other people.

"YEAH!!!" came the shouts from their entire team.

“Geez, how many fans does this guy have?” I said out loud. Dash heard my statement and quickly answered.

“A lot.” She replied.

We stood there, facing Rush Down, who was holding a ball in each hand. I held my ball, and Dash quickly grabbed another one. We were all armed to the core. I threw my ball from my sweaty hand, and was afraid I made a dumb move. He looked at me with a cocky smirk, quickly threw one of his balls straight down, wrapped his hands around the other ball, and slammed my ball back at me with his ball, sending it speeding right back at me. I jumped to the side, managing to avoid the ball I’d just thrown. I looked back towards him, and saw him grab his other ball out of midair. I quickly glanced back to get the ball, but felt like that made me vulnerable cause I wasn't facing him, so I stepped back until the ball was in front of me.

Once I’d gotten my ball, I saw Rush mouthing at me. 'Gay.' I rolled my eyes. I had heard that line enough times at my old school, and it really didn’t bother me anymore. He noticed that his line didn’t bother me, so he tried again.

'Little guy like you wants to beat me with his child-play hair? Idiot.' He mouthed to me. That one began to annoy me a bit. This guy was really beginning to get on my nerve-

'Mr. No Parents.'


‘That's it... THAT'S BLOODY IT!!!’

I threw my ball as hard as I could, sending it flying at Rush like a jet. If I threw that ball any harder, I swear it would've broken the sound barrier and created a sonic boom. I’d had enough of this guy, and I wanted him done, NOW! However, after I threw that ball, I began thinking about what he’d said.

‘Wait a second… how did he know that I have no parents? Did he…’

“BLITZ! LOOK OUT!!” Dash yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up just in time to see a ball coming towards my face at full speed. The ball slammed me right in the center of my face. Hard. It felt like I’d just gotten my nose shattered by a bone-shattering soccer ball.

But you know what? I didn't care about my nose, which had just started to bleed, or the pain going through my entire body. The tears were held back like a great wall, I still had the strength to stand. I didn't fall down. I no-sold that bullet.

I walked back to the gang, who were shocked in surprise. Especially Fluttershy. I guess I must've looked like some sort of immortal out there, even though I really ain't. I'm athletic, sure, but I don't take fists to the face like a boxer. Honestly, I couldn't believe I was still standing myself. Iron Will called me over, before sending me to the nurse's office to get myself checked up really quick. Before I could leave the gym, though, I heard the bell ring, ending the period, and ending the dodgeball match in a tie. Not that I really cared about that at that point.

I rushed to the nurse's office, got checked, and soon found myself holding an ice pack and tissue box to stop my bloody nose. My face stung and hurt from that dodgeball, but hey who cares, right? I'm sure this will keep happening to me for a while...

Author's Note:

Love it? Hope you did! Don't forget to follow, like, favorite, and most importantly, comment! But, the choice is yours, my friend. :twilightsmile: