• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 539 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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The Pony... (Edited)

Author's Note:

This is part 1 of 2 of chapter 1.

(Update: Some new changes have been made, so it's easier too read and make the story more "descriptive".)

Dear Princess Celestia,

Yesterday has been wonderful with you and your sister Luna for visiting the annual comet gazing at Ponyville, even though you can see it from anywhere in Equestria, we’re happy that you could come here to see it happen, but we’re still confused about what had happened that night with the “incident”. If I remember correctly, it all started when we were setting up for the comet gazing…

Ponyville; 10:00pm

“A little bit to the left Spike and there, perfect,” said Twilight.

“Finally, this is like the seventh time you told me to move this telescope,” said Spike.

As me and Spike were moving the stuff up a hill near Ponyville overlooking the night sky, that’s when the others arrived.

“Hey Twilight, so tell me again why we’re here anyway?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow, we are here because of the comet shower tonight,” said Applejack.

“I was having such a wonderful rest, but Sweetie Belle kept on telling me to bring her to see the comet shower,” said Rarity.

“Oh I hope my animals will be okay, I gave them enough food that I could before I left,” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m sure they have enough food to last them the night,” said Twilight.

“Let’s go and party!” shouted Pinkie.

“Pinkie, darling remember last time, we don’t want another accident,” said Rarity, worriedly.

“Now that everypony is here, we should get the comet gazing ready soon, for now Spike brought some snacks and drinks to relax a bit,” said Twilight Sparkle.

Everypony laid down, drinking some juice and cookies before the comets appeared, but that’s when we got a little surprise visit.

“These are some nice cookies Twilight, what ingredients did you use?” asked Pinkie, munching on a cookie.

“Secret recipe Pinkie, but if you want to know ask Spike, he knows,” said Twilight.

“Really Spike you made these, they’re pretty tasty!” said Pinkie.

“Thanks Pinkie, that’s a lot coming from you,” said Spike.

“Hey Twilight, did the princesses say they come to see the comet gazing tonight,” said Rainbow.

“Not sure, they said their busy but they said they try to see if they can come,” said Twilight.

“Oh I’m sure, we came here alright,” said Celestia, quietly.

As I heard your voice behind me, I swear I was about to faint when I saw you and Luna.

“P-Princesses, I thought you weren’t able to come tonight!” shouted Twilight, surprised.

“Twilight, I said that maybe I might not come tonight, so I shortened my list today to see if I could come to the comet gazing at Ponyville,” said Celestia.

“Thank you princesses Celestia and Luna for coming but, who’s doing the work you postponed today?” asked Twilight.

“Well let’s say for today we’re taking a short break, only for today,” said Celestia, smiling mischievously.

“Well I’m happy you could come, Spike could you get another blanket for the princesses to sit on,” said Twilight.

“Sure, I’ll be right back,” said Spike, running off.

As Spike went back to the library, we relaxed at the hill waiting for the comet shower to begin, that night being very beautiful… until we saw it.

“Twilight we thank you for bringing us tonight and seeing the beauty of our night sky,” said Luna, smiling.

“Yeah Twi, this is the best idea you had yet, well other than that one time when you-” said Pinkie.

“Look the comet shower is beginning now!” shouting Applejack, pointing a hoof.

We looked at the sky as a shower of comets fell down across the night sky, but that’s when Pinkie noticed something.

“Huh, what’s that?” asked Pinkie Pie.

As Pinkie pointed with her hoof to the sky, we noticed a bright light in the sky, yet it wasn’t blinding to our eyes so I checked it out with my telescope for a clearer view.

“Let’s see here, what do we have here,” said Twilight Sparkle.

As I looked through my telescope, I saw what looked like a-

“GIANT ASTEROID!” screamed Rainbow!

As everypony began to panic, Celestia and Luna used all their power to try to move the asteroid a few meters away from Ponyville where it crashed near the edge of Everfree Forest just nearly whizzing over us as it crashed down.

“Whoa that was close,” said Applejack, picking up her stetson, falling from the shock-wave.

“Oh my, I hope the nearby animals are okay,” said Fluttershy.

“Come on girls let’s check it out, nothing like this has ever happen in history,” said Twilight, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

As we headed straight to the crash site, everypony from Ponyville headed straight there too curious of what had happen.

“Applejack, what’s happening?!” asked Applebloom, trotting up to her big sister.

“Applebloom, stay behind me, I don’t want you or your friends go anywhere near that crater you understand!” said Applejack.

“But Applejack, maybe my cutie mark could be in asteroid exploring!” said Applebloom, retorting back.

“That’s a no missy, now stay here for now with Big Mac and Granny Smith until I come back!” said Applejack, leaving with the others.

As we approached the crater, it was the size of the town hall and I was surprised that the size of an asteroid this big existed.

“Whoa, I wonder what the bottom of it is like,” said Rainbow, trying to look further down.

“Echo!” shouted Pinkie, her voice echoing.

“Imagine all the gems that could be down there right now, I could make dozens of dresses to last me for weeks!” said Rarity, inspiration flowing through her mind.

“Twilight, what did I miss!?” shouted Spike, catching up with the group.

“Spike; well as you were busy getting those blankets, a massive asteroid crashed near the Everfree Forest,” said Twilight.

“I can see that, but is anyone hurt?” asked Spike.

“That’s what we’re finding out right now,” said Twilight.

As everypony explored around the crater, elsewhere, Applebloom sneaked near the crash site with her friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to get a better look, ignoring their guardians wishes to stay behind.

“Scootaloo I don’t know about this, we shouldn’t be here,” said Sweetie.

“This is why it makes it more interesting seeing it up close and besides, Applebloom agreed too to come here too,” said Scootaloo.

“Oh I hope Rarity, doesn’t notice we’re here,” said Sweetie.

“Come on girls we’re almost there,” said Applebloom.

As the three fillies arrived near the crater, Sweetie Belle trips on a piece of the asteroid, falling on Applebloom and Scootaloo, causing the three to tumble down the crater’s bottom.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed the three fillies.

As they fell down the crater, they each tried to stand up but were wrapped up in their own hooves.

“I can’t feel my anything anymore,” said Sweetie, groaning from the fall.

“Sweetie Belle, get your flank off my face!” said Scootaloo.

“Come on girls, we need to get on our hooves before anypony sees us down here.”

As the three fillies get up they can hear the Mane 6 coming down the crater, so they scatter and hide.

“Oh oh, maybe there are little tiny green ponies inside the asteroid!” said Pinkie.

“Pinkie come on, we need to remain vigilant, anything can happen down here,” said Twilight.

“I’m always vigilant Twilight, Pinkie Senses activated!” said Pinkie.

“Do you think they’re here looking for us?” asked Sweetie, whispering.

“I don’t think so, they might be here to look around,” said Applebloom.

As the group head through the debris of the asteroid, the CMC sneaked ahead reaching the center of the crater, as the other ponies are slowed down by pieces of the asteroid everywhere.

“Come on Sweetie Belle, suck it in,” said Scootaloo.

“I knew I shouldn’t have eaten that cake this morning,” said Sweetie.

“A little more oomph now girls, on one,” said Applebloom. “One, Two… THREE!”

As the two fillies pulled out their friend stuck between two rocks, they all fall down sending Sweetie Belle rolling into something.

“Ohhh, I don’t feel so good,” said Sweetie, dizzy.

“Well at least you got out that hole,” said Applebloom.

As Applebloom got up to her hooves, Scootaloo gently pokes her with her hoof.

“What is it Scoots?” asked Applebloom.

As Applebloom looks at Scootaloo her expression is of both fear and a bit of shock as she points at Sweetie Belle, as Applebloom looks at what Scootaloo is pointing at she sees she isn’t pointing at Sweetie but what’s behind her.

“Sweetie… B-Belle, be-behind you,” said Applebloom, stuttering.

“Huh, what about what’s behind me,” said Sweetie Belle.

As Sweetie Belle looks behind her, she sees a hoof rising out of the rubble, she’s about to scream but the other two fillies stop her from screaming, hoping their sisters don’t hear them.

“What do you think you’re doing, do you want us to get in trouble or what?!” said Scootaloo, quietly.

“Well it’s not my fault that I see a hoof rising from the rubble of asteroid crash,” said Sweetie.

“Girls… I think it’s still moving,” said Applebloom.

“WHAT!?” shouted Scootaloo & Sweetie.

As the fillies surround the hoof, they can see it’s slightly shifting meaning that whoever is buried is still alive.

“Come on girls, maybe our cutie marks could be buried pony rescuers!” said Scootaloo.


“Okay, sheesh,” said Scootaloo.

As the three fillies dug up the buried pony, the Mane 6, Spike and the princesses arrived at the center of the crater to see the three fillies digging out what looks like a hoof.

“APPLEBLOOM!” shouted Applejack.

“A-APPLEJACK, I-I can explain,” said Applebloom.

“No time for that, we need to dig this pony out, once we’re done we are going have a good long talk little filly!” said Applejack.

“You too Sweetie Belle, I thought I told you to stay in the boutique after that asteroid crashed!” said Rarity.

“Scootaloo, you too,” said Rainbow.

“I’m sorry Rainbow for coming down here,” said Scootaloo, scuffing the ground with her hoof.

“Are you kidding, this was awesome for you to have the guts to be down here!” shouted Rainbow.

Rarity and Applejack started glaring at Rainbow as she shrugged it off.

“Well as long you’re safe, then that’s okay with me then,” said Rainbow.

As Twilight gave a sigh, having already expecting the CMC to do something like this, she notices Pinkie doing some strange movements then she remembers the movements meaning.

“Wait, twitching tail… oh no don’t tell me that it means,” said Twilight, looking up.

“FALLING ROCKS!” shouted Pinkie.

As everypony ran for cover, Celestia and Luna used a spell for a bubble shield to protect them and everypony but as everypony tries to run under the shield, the fillies aren’t quick enough as a bunch of rocks fall right above them.

“APPLEBLOOM LOOK OUT!” screamed Applejack.

“AHHH HELP US!” screamed the three fillies.

Before the rocks could fall on them, something grabs all three of them out of the way into safety.

“Good work Rainbow Dash, you caught them in time,” said Twilight.

“What are you talking about I’m right here,” said Rainbow, standing beside Twilight.

As everypony sees Rainbow hasn’t left the bubble shield at all, they look at who saved the fillies.

“Then if you’re here, then who saved them?” asked Applejack.

As the dust clears away they see a mahogany colored unicorn with the three fillies underneath him, safe and unharmed.

“Are you three okay?” asked the stranger.

The three are speechless, unable to speak the words for their gratitude to this stranger.

“Um, excuse me but what’s your name by the way?” asked Sweetie.

“Oh well the name’s Anim… Animatorsnake,” said Anim.

With the last of his strength, he faints and falls down to be caught by Rainbow Dash before he hit the ground.

“Yo dude, you okay?” asked Rainbow.

“Where did he come from?” said Twilight, asking that question to herself.

“I think he came from the hole we were trying to dig up,” said Scootaloo.

As Twilight looks at the center of the crater, she sees a hole able to hold a pony inside, believing that this is the same pony who was buried a while ago.

“But, how did he get buried all the way down here in this crater?” asked Applejack.

“You don’t think… he got hit by the asteroid do you, Twilight!” said Rarity, shocked.

“That’s impossible, no pony could survive that kind of hit!” shouted Twilight.

“Well let’s get him to a hospital, I recommend we don’t use magic in case his injuries aren’t too major, so we should walk there for now,” said Celestia.

“Yes, you’re right princess let’s do that,” said Twilight.

Before we left the crater, I noticed a book of some kind near the hole, probably that pony’s but anyway after that we brought him to the hospital to rest. It’s been two days princess, are you sure he could possibly survive a hit from a crashing asteroid, and also about that request you told me about you wanting me to be friends with him, but that book of his mentions some strange things with weird drawings of weapons. It also mentions something about realms and a world called “The Living World”, he’s probably the weirdest pony I’ve ever heard of. I don’t know why but for some reason I get a weird vibe from him, like he’s from… another world.

From your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

As Celestia reads the latest report about the strange pony called Anim, she looks through some ancient scrolls mentioning something about a prophecy however, something about this pony tells her this is beyond anything they have ever seen before.

“Sister, may I speak with you,” said Luna.

“You may Luna, what’s the problem?” asked Celestia.

“I tried looking inside this Anim’s dreams to see anything about him, but for some reason it looked like something blocked me from entering, like some kind of wall or… another mind,” said Luna.

“Another mind… this could be trouble, whoever this pony called Anim is he’s not from this world, I hope Twilight can find out the truth when he wakes up,” said Celestia.

For it has only started… everything is going to change.