• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 539 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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The Moon & the Immortal (Edited)

Author's Note:

This chapter is focusing on the afternoon of the same day of chapter 6 "Chaotic Creativity".

Warning: This chapter has 0,000,000.01% blood in it, there's not a lot though of it in this chapter, use your imagination to guess where it comes from, who it comes from and how it happened (and no there is no sexual intercourse, gore or anything kinky related in this chapter, thank you very much).

P.S: Luna is my favorite princess, ALL HAIL THE MOON!

Ponyville, Town Square; 1:30pm

After the recent events with Discord that morning, Anim decided to see his CMC friends in the afternoon, trying new things in getting their cutie marks.

“Come on Anim hurry up!” shouted Sweetie Belle.

“Slow down, I had to deal with some things this morning and I’m kind of exhausted a little,” said Anim, following shortly behind.

“Then why did you come with us?” asked Scootaloo, slowing down a little.

“I just wanted to see how my friends the CMC are doing, that’s all,” said Anim.

As they continued crusading, Twilight teleports right in front of them, almost scaring the CMC a little.

“Anim, Princess Celestia sent a letter to me for myself and my friends to come to Canterlot, that includes you too,” said Twilight.

“I wonder what she wants me for,” said Anim.

“She didn’t specified what exactly, but she needs all of us at Canterlot, ASAP,” said Twilight.

As Twilight runs ahead to the train station, Anim says goodbye to the CMC as they see their friend Anim head off after Twilight. As Anim arrives at Ponyville’s train station for the first time, he sees the train looks like it’s made of candy when it’s just the decorations that make it look like it’s made of candy. Everypony boards the train as well the Mane 6 and Anim, while Spike stays behind to watch the library.

“Oh Twilight what do you think Celestia wants to tell us?” asked Pinkie.

“Who knows Pinkie, but whatever it is, it sounded important,” said Twilight, boarding the train.

As the train begins to start moving it heads its way to Canterlot, everypony has conversation on the way there but Anim is distracted by the view outside the train, Applejack notices and starts talking to Anim.

“Anim are you okay?” asked Applejack.

“Oh I’m fine, it’s just,” said Anim extending his hoof onto the glass. “This view reminds me of a similar view from my home, I was on the top of a tower and I saw it all, my homeland.”

“It must be hard for being so far from your home, darling,” said Rarity.

“It sure is, but I can have a feeling of relief that there could be chance for me to return home,” said Anim, looking far beyond the distance imagining his home.

As the train arrives near Canterlot, Anim sees the city placed on the side of a mountain and can see a big tall tower guessing that’s Celestia’s castle, everypony steps off the train to Canterlot’s train station they make their way to Celestia’s castle, some ponies gawk at Anim’s not existing cutie mark some even laughing at him or show faces of disgust.

“What’s everypony looking at?” asked Anim.

“Its just you don’t have a cutie mark Anim but don’t worry, just because you don’t have one doesn’t mean that you have no purpose, those ponies don’t understand your… predicament,” said Rarity.

“Yeah and if those ponies keep on laughing I’ll make them say sorry for making fun of my friend,” said Rainbow, putting both her hooves together.

“Come on Rainbow none of that business, we need to head to Celestia’s castle,” said Applejack reminding Rainbow why they came to Canterlot in the first place.

As they approach the gates of Celestia’s castle, they see a mob of ponies at Celestia’s main gates complaining, the guards let Twilight and friends through keeping the other ponies out, when one of the ponies saw Anim and noticing he doesn’t have a cutie mark they became even angrier.

“See everypony, Celestia doesn’t let her own citizens speak to her but let’s some stranger with no cutie mark enter! REBEL WITH ME MY PONIES!”

All the ponies raged and one of them threw something at Anim, a tomato, as Twilight helped Anim get inside the castle courtyard Fluttershy help clean the tomato off.

“Anim are you alright?” asked Applejack, running up to Anim.

“Those ruffians!” said Rarity, stomping a hoof.

“Oh that’s it!” shouted Rainbow, beginning to hover over to the mob of ponies.

“STOP RAINBOW!” shouted Anim, stopping everypony from moving. “I’m fine, it’s just a tomato and besides… I had been through worse.”

Rainbow landed on the ground and tried her best to control her anger, everypony continued their way to the castle doors, as everypony enters Anim stops and speaks to Twilight.

“Twilight, I’m going to wait outside, I need time to think of something,” said Anim.

Twilight tries to tell Anim to come with them, but he leaves before Twilight can respond; as Twilight heads into the castle following her friends Pinkie asks where Anim is.

“Twilight, where’s Anim?” asked Pinkie, looking around for Anim.

“He said he needs time to think of something, let’s go and meet Celestia,” said Twilight.

As everypony head to where Celestia is, they go through corridors and hallways entering a room with seats and a big table in the center with Celestia at the far end of this table. She moves her hoof signaling for the guards and staff to leave, with only Celestia, Twilight and her friends inside.

“Twilight, where is your friend Anim?” asked Celestia.

“He’s waiting outside, but I have a question, why is there a mob of ponies outside your castle?” asked Twilight.

“Well, when I came to Ponyville for the comet shower and when those meteors crashed at Ponyville, it also happened at Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, Dodge Junction, Canterlot and more places,” said Celestia listing the number of locations. “And since I was at Ponyville with my sister, neither of us could keep control at Canterlot, those ponies outside are those ponies who are mad of how this could happen to Canterlot and their homes from all over Equestria.”

“Wait you mean, it wasn’t just Ponyville but everywhere that’s impossible, if something like that happened we would of noticed, it’s not like they appeared out of thin air!” said Twilight.

“Unless they’re involved with Anim’s strange appearance,” said Celestia.

Twilight’s face lost its color from hearing Celestia’s theory, all her friends argued and objected in thinking that Anim had something to do with those mass amounts of meteors falling into Equestria.

“Are you saying that Anim was the one sending those meteors down to Equestria!” said Rainbow, almost yelling at Celestia.

“Rainbow, don’t shout at princess Celestia,” said Twilight.

“No, she has the right to be mad, I should have noticed these stones appearing with my magic,” said Celestia.

“Hey I had a thought, what if these stones came with Anim from his home,” said Pinkie, raising a hoof.

Everypony looked at Pinkie either thinking she’s crazy or… she had a good theory.

“That could explain the mass amounts of meteors, they could be different from the ones in our world and that’s why I didn’t sense them with my magic,” said Celestia.

“Still though, is this why you called us princess, to talk about falling rocks from the sky,” said Applejack, “or is there more?”

Celestia kept quiet to think carefully; suddenly from out of nowhere Discord appears beside Celestia, holding what looks like a book.

“This is one interesting book, you had the right idea telling me to get this for you Celestia,” said Discord closing the book with a loud slam.

“DISCORD!” shouted everypony in sync.

“Oh, hello girls,” said Discord, giving a wave of his claw.

“Discord, I thought you were taking care of my animals,” said Fluttershy.

“Oh don’t worry Fluttershy, I had some… baby sitters take care of them,” said Discord giving off a malicious smile.

Meanwhile elsewhere, the CMC take care of Fluttershy’s animals with the help of Spike being persuaded with a chest full of gems.

“I had Discord get me this book, if you look carefully,” said Celestia, passing it to Twilight, “it may look familiar to you all.”

Twilight looks at the book’s cover realizing whose book this is, its Anim’s tome, the same book Twilight read when she first met Anim.

“This is Anim’s tome, I… I can’t read this, he’s… my friend,” said Twilight.

“But you read it before Twilight, remember,” said Discord circling around Twilight like a snake.

“Yes but… that was before we became friends,” said Twilight, feeling a wave of guilt.

“Twilight, if what Celestia says is true, maybe Anim might be hiding something from us that we don’t know,” said Applejack, curious of what’s inside the book.

Twilight stares at the book as her mind clicks whether to open or leave the book close, elsewhere in the castle courtyard, Anim explores the grounds when he hears something from above.

“How come I have to calm the citizens down, while Tia talks to Twilight and her friends alone, I was there when those meteors appeared too!”

Anim listened and recognized the voice, it was the other voice he heard before he fell unconscious when he first came to Ponyville, curiosity took over Anim as he uses the teleportation spell that Twilight taught him teleporting onto the tower’s balcony. As he stealthily sneaks to the glass door looking through he sees an alicorn with a dark blue coat, a moon as a cutie mark and the same flowing mane like Celestia except it looks more like the night sky. As he listens carefully trying not to open the door, he hears the mare’s voice again.

“It’s almost dark, well I must raise the moon now,” said the mare approaching the glass door to the balcony.

Anim panicked, she was heading his way, with no way of escape he has only one option left… or two, as the mare opens the door Anim hangs on the edge of the balcony using his hooves to hang on without falling off. As the alicorn raises her head, her horn gives off a dark blue glow as the sun is lowered with the moon appearing, showing off a bright blue light across Canterlot as lamps flicker on; Anim sees the moon’s beautiful color as it reflects its light everywhere, the mare heads back inside as Anim climbs back up he sneaks inside the room without being noticed hiding behind some cushions.

“Well I guess that’s one job done, well Luna you deserved your rest,” said the mare, revealing her name.


Anim thinks back where he heard that name and remembers, it’s the name of Celestia’s sister Princess Luna and the same alicorn who turned to Nightmare Moon eras ago until Twilight and her friends turned her back to normal. Luna moves to her bed which was a giant cushion with small pillows surrounding it, Anim realized he was literally millimeters beside her bed, trying his best not to move an inch Luna falls on the bed and falls instantly to sleep as the lights turn off with the only source of light is the moon. Anim stares a little at the alicorn which was the same pony he inspired from the books he read, he saw the door and tried to head over to the door as quietly he can and suddenly he trips on something, he tries to keep his balance but fails and lands right on top of Luna.

“AH, WHO’S THERE!?” shouted Luna, trying to turn on the lights with her magic.

This is not good.

As the lights turn on, Anim and Luna meet face to face, it takes a few seconds for Luna to realize somepony is inside her bed chambers without her permission.

“HOW DARE YOU ENTER OUR ROOM, VILLAIN!” shouted Luna, using the traditional royal Canterlot voice.

“Uh… hi?” said Anim, afraid to move.

“NOW YOU WILL… wait a minute, you’re Anim!” said Luna switching to her normal voice.

“Oh you recognize me, that’s good,” said Anim, relieved that he won’t be punished or worse.

“Why are you in my room?” asked Luna, questioning the pony before her.

“Well, I heard you talk from below, I was curious so I teleported up your balcony and hid myself by hanging by the balcony when you raised the moon, hid behind your bed cushions... and the rest is history,” said Anim, smiling.

Luna looked at Anim carefully in the eyes to see if he was lying and responded back.

“So you heard me complain about me taking my sister’s responsibilities did you,” said Luna backing away from Anim a little.

“Yes, your majesty,” said Anim, bowing. “And it’s an honor meeting you in… well here.”

“Please refrain to only to princess,” said Luna, slightly blushing from Anim’s chivalrous attitude.

“Sorry, I’ll leave your room, sorry for listening into your ramblings,” said Anim, reaching for the door.

“Wait, I never said you could leave,” said Luna, stopping Anim in his tracks.

Oh poop.

“I have something to ask you before you leave,” said Luna, “it’s personal so I need your full attention.”

Anim turned around and listened to Luna as he sat beside her as she began to speak.

“How does it feel?” asked Luna.

“How does what feel?” asked Anim in response to Luna’s question.

“To be mortal, to be in love with somepony, to not have responsibilities forever, to pass away with those you care for dearly; I’ve been immortal for eras alone and yes I have my sister, but she too is immortal but she’s adored by everypony while… I’m not,” said Luna, almost tearing up from talking.

“I think you’re asking the wrong pony, princess,” said Anim.

“What do you mean, you’re mortal like every other creature,” said Luna confused.

“I never said I was mortal,” said Anim giving off a childish grin.

“You mean…” said Luna realizing what Anim means. “You’re immortal too!”

“Yes and I too know how you feel, I’m probably older than you are, but as to your question,” said Anim, “being immortal you’re given responsibility to care for another’s life even though you don’t wish too or to care for a whole nation or planet, as for me… I have to defend a dimension.”

“You’re joking right,” said Luna surprised.

“Nope, I have countless number of regenerations of me, defending a separate realm for themselves, to defend those they love, family, friends and even enemies, I carry this weight with me until the end of my days, but the cycle continues again and again and again,” said Anim looking far toward the distance.

“I feel so sorry for you,” said Luna.

“No you shouldn’t be sorry for me, who you should really feel sorry for is yourself,” said Anim, “being alone, with no one to watch your back, even your sister is too busy to be there for you, just you and the moon.”

Luna wanted to say this was not true but it was and she was alone, just she and the moon for all eternity; as she stared at the night sky a river of tears began, unable to hold the tears of eras of loneliness, but then she feels a hoof and looks to see Anim holding hers with his.

“You may be alone, but why not two beings of a path of loneliness be together, the Moon,” said Anim.

“And the Immortal,” said Luna following Anim’s phrase. “Thank you, I needed somepony to talk to and your that pony.”

Anim helped Luna up and suggested something for them to do.

“Say, let’s see what your sister and my friends are doing, how about it,” said Anim.

“Well I…” said Luna thinking before acting. “I guess we can see what their talking about.”

As Luna leads Anim to the meeting room, elsewhere Twilight is still thinking to open or leave the book close, when Rainbow breaks the silence.

“TWILIGHT, this is a onetime chance, if we don’t find out who Anim really is then there won’t be another chance like this,” said Rainbow.

Twilight looks at the book one last time, until she decides to open it and inside she finds the same pages she read before when she and her friends found Anim, she flips through the pages finding nothing.

“Princess, there’s nothing here it’s just the same pages I read when we first met Anim,” said Twilight flipping through some more pages.

“Keep looking,” said Celestia.

As Twilight flips through more pages, she finds a new page she hasn’t read as to what it says, its too familiar… it’s a separate section of a series of journal pages of Anim’s days in Ponyville, Twilight reads them saying them out loud for everyone to hear.

Day 1 – I’m in a town called Ponyville, the residents seem to be nice and I’m living in a unicorn’s home or treehouse by the name of Twilight Sparkle with her assistant who’s a dragon called Spike.

Twilight continues to read them as everyone reads with her too, as Discord is interested not realizing there was a section of the book that was here.

Day 2 – I met all of Twilight’s friends, they gave me a surprise welcome party, the cake was great the pony who baked it was Pinkie Pie – best party planner ever – everyone gave me gifts, I loved the one the CMC gave me its a bigger version of the capes they wear when they crusade sometimes.

Tears drop from Pinkie’s eyes continuing to hear the journal pages read by Twilight.

Day 15 – Me and the CMC tried to do a trick out, it ended badly but we all did our best especially Scootaloo, one day she’s going to be the best Wonderbolt and Sweetie Belle has a wonderful singing voice she’s going to inspire so many ponies and then there’s Applebloom, AJ raised a wonderful filly if she saw the leadership Applebloom is doing she’d be proud of her.

Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack slowly have tears falling off their faces trying to listen to Twilight.

Day 38 – Everyone showed me my first Nightmare Night, even though I only got lollipops it was a great night, the CMC tried their best to scare me but it failed still though, that was some nice tinkering they did, I wished Fluttershy was there even though she was scared I would of showed her the fun side to Nightmare Night then we would all be together having a great time.

Fluttershy too had a hard time keeping up with the journal as Twilight flipped through page after page.

Day 41 – Today this morning me and Twilight and her friends visited Fluttershy’s cottage, inside we met Discord a draconequus, he was Fluttershy’s friend even though he teleported me to dangerous locations I had a great time with him, it’s good to know there’s somebody out there who I can hang out with who has similar interests.

Discord too was about to cry but sucked in the tears so nobody could see him bawling with tears. As Twilight continued to read the journal it reached the part when they arrived to Canterlot, shortly ending when they arrived at the castle.

“There’s nothing left, that was the latest entry that Anim wrote,” said Twilight with tears forming in her eyes. “And you made me read a pony’s diary with no indication that he did what you said he did.”

Everyone felt guilty for doubting Anim, but Celestia moved to the book and flipped to the last page of the book.

“Celestia what are you doing, Anim’s innocent,” said Discord, pointing out the facts that Anim had nothing to do with the meteors.

Celestia ignores Discord, her horn glows as she uses spell at Anim’s tome, everyone tries to stop her but as Celestia completes the spell suddenly the tome starts moving as a 3-D version of the book appeared.

“What is this,” said Twilight, confused.

“This is the tome’s true inner pages,” said Celestia, looking through the pages.

As Celestia looked through the pages, it was more of those ancient wall drawings you find on ancient structures on the pages of the book, showing pictures of a two-legged creature which was possibly Anim before he was a pony, then that’s when they reached near the end.

“Is that Anim,” said Rainbow, horrified by the picture.

Before everyone they saw two pictures, one was Anim as a pony the form they saw him as, the other was Anim but he had eyes located all over his body, as his teeth were as sharp as a dragon’s, depicting him or it devastating everything around him surrounded by what looks like the Mane 6 defeated.

“This is the Anim, that you all trust,” said Celestia confirming her suspicions.

Everyone was too horrified to speak, when Celestia was about to turn to the final page, Twilight stopped her.

“Is something wrong, my student?” asked Celestia.

“Please… I don’t want this to be true, that Anim is…” said Twilight, afraid to see what lies beyond these pages.

“If we don’t know, then we can’t be prepared for the worse,” said Celestia.

As Twilight let’s go of Celestia, she continues to turn to the next page revealing something else completely, on the picture was Anim but his coat was black, his eyes were a bright white as a dark hue of light surrounded him, as giant stones which represent the meteors fall down from the sky with him in the center of it all. Everypony saw who their friend really is, he’s not the defender of realms but the destroyer of them all, suddenly the door opens with Anim and Luna stepping inside not noticing the big glowing book.

“I was the one who placed those pile of lollipops for you,” said Luna, confirming Anim’s thought.

“I knew it, well thank you for giving those lollipops, anyway,” said Anim turning his head to Twilight. “Say what is everyone do-”

Anim saw the giant holographic version of his tome before him, then saw his tome as everyone face him; everyone wanted to yell at Anim for what he’s hidden from them but it was Anim who was the one who got mad, as they saw his face distort and change looking less of the calm and happy Anim they knew, this Anim was the complete opposite.


“Anim it… it’s not what it looks like,” said Twilight trying to defend herself.

Everyone is too afraid to move, even Discord, Celestia and Luna too afraid of this Anim who wasn’t the peaceful and compassionate Anim they know and love, this Anim only new hatred, rage and anger, he stormed closer to Twilight as she whimpered in fear afraid of what this Anim would do to her.


“Please Anim… I… I’m sorry, we never meant to take your book from you it’s just that… please… don’t hurt me,” said Twilight crying in fear of Anim.

As Anim towered above Twilight he felt something, he looked up at the picture and saw it clear as day as all his rage, anger and wrath disappeared; Anim walked pass Twilight and Celestia and took a better view of the picture.

“I… remember now,” said Anim looking at the drawing.

Twilight stopped cowering as her friends moved from their spots to comfort her, none them approached Anim as Luna moved to her sister wanting to know what’s going on.

“Sister, what have you been doing behind my back?” asked Luna, questioning Celestia. “It’s just like the Nightmare Moon incident, first you didn’t trust me and now Anim.”

“It’s not like that Luna,” said Celestia defending herself.

“It’s true Moony, your sister here didn’t want Anim banished,” said Discord supporting Celestia.

“Shut it you, I had enough with you speaking!” shouted Luna.

As everyone was in a disarray of panic, Anim turned around and shushed everyone but in a calm quiet voice that somehow everybody heard.

“Please everyone I need silence,” said Anim.

Everyone stood still quiet, as Anim sat there eyes blank of thought, suddenly Anim began to speak again.

“It’s coming back to me, my memories... I can remember,” said Anim, as a smile crept up his face.

Tears flowed from Anim’s eyes, for the first time everyone saw Anim cry, he raised his eyes about to tell everypony what happened that day, but a dark deep voice was heard.


Anim recognized the voice it was the voice from his dream a month ago, before he could react a blast of energy from nowhere appeared striking Anim, Anim didn’t falter and he didn’t feel any pain but Anim began to gag as something red came from his mouth… blood.

“A-Anim,” said Luna as she watched in horror.

Anim moved his head up looking at everyone as everyone was horrified what was happening, he moved his lips trying to speak.

“I’m… sorry,” said Anim, in a final breath.

Anim collapses as he slowly loses conscious, he hears some voices before going to a coma.

“Call for help!”

“We shouldn’t have doubted Anim!”

“What have we done?!”


As the voices slowly faded, a final thought came to Anim’s mind clear as the sky as he falls into darkness.

Don’t trust… the book. Anim slowly closed his eyes, beginning to fall to infinite darkness.