• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 542 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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Chaotic Creativity (Edited)

Author's Note:

This chapter occurs after the events that happened on Nightmare NIght.

After a few days from Nightmare Night – Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 9:00am

Anim wakes up from sleeping, its been days since that odd dream he had when everyone celebrated his welcome party to Ponyville. As Anim steps off his bed and heads to the kitchen, he notices nopony is inside and sees a note and a plate with a sandwich on it, Anim reads the note.

Anim, me and Spike went to Sugarcube Corner, after your done eating and cleaning up I want you to meet us with the others.

“Well better eat what they left for me,” said Anim as he proceeded eating the sandwich with his magic.

Anim has learned more about magic using this world’s knowledge of magic and his knowledge of aura from where he comes from, as he finished cleaning his room and the dish he used for the sandwich he ate, he proceeds to Sugarcube Corner locking the library door behind him before leaving.

Even though Anim is friends with Twilight and her friends, sometimes he stays behind in the library while Twilight is sent somewhere with her friends by Celestia. One time Twilight was told to come to Canterlot for some “test”, when they came back they said they helped save an empire called the Crystal Empire up north, where Twilight’s brother Shining Armor and step-sister Princess Cadence rule now.

Anim recalled the many adventures Twilight and her friends encountered before Anim came to Ponyville, like when Twilight first came to Ponyville and Nightmare Moon attacked and they were the Elements of Harmony and it was revealed that Nightmare Moon was Celestia’s sister Princess Luna. Another time was when a being of chaos named Discord attacked Ponyville but, was reformed by Fluttershy and became friends with her, and another time on Twilight’s brother’s wedding; Shining Armor’s fiancee and future wife Cadence was actually a creature called a changeling by the name of Queen Chrysalis, then that’s when they met Anim in that meteorite crash near Ponyville.

Anim arrives at Sugarcube Corner opening the door, inside he finds everyone sitting on one of the tables, but he notices that Fluttershy isn’t with them.

“Hey everyone,” said Anim, greeting them.

“Hey Anim, that was some Nightmare Night right,” said Rainbow, eating a cupcake.

“Yeah, I wonder what other amazing events you’ll join with us!” said Pinkie.

“Well I hope we don’t deal with more shenanigans like what the CMC did,” said Rarity, remembering what happened.

Everyone enjoyed their time together, it wasn’t that busy at Sugarcube Corner so Pinkie was allowed to take a break while the Cakes took over the counter.

“Say, where’s Fluttershy by any chance?” asked Anim, wondering of Fluttershy’s whereabouts.

Everyone gave a shrug of where she is, decidedly Twilight suggests they visit Fluttershy today and see if she’s okay. Everyone follows Twilight to Fluttershy’s home, realizing that this is the first time Anim has seen or been to Fluttershy’s home, as they walk their way there Anim sees the place where he crashed with those barrage of meteors a month ago, it took everyone to rebuild the area for two days but still you can see shards of large stones scattered everywhere which were pieces of the meteor that couldn’t be removed by earth, Pegasus or even unicorn ponies. As Twilight and friends arrived at the front of Fluttershy’s cottage which had bird nests, small boxes for squirrels and more animals around the surrounding trees near her home, Twilight approached the door and knocked on it twice, the door opened revealing a long big figure coming out its entrance.

“It has been a long time since we saw each other, Twilight.”

Coming from the door is no other than a long gray figure with different assortments of animal body parts from a bat to a bird, to a lion then a dragon; the creature gave a wry smile back at Twilight and company, then that’s when it looked at Anim it stopped smiling.

“And who may this be?”

“This is Anim, he’s been here for a month now,” said Twilight keeping an eye on the creature. “Anim this is Discord, the being that Fluttershy reformed before you came to Ponyville.”

“At your service,” said Discord, as a butler suit appears on him.

“So your Discord, it’s nice to meet you,” said Anim, as he extended a hoof.

Discord stared at the hoof for a long time, for it was the first time he’s met somepony who doesn’t show any signs of mistrust, Discord shakes Anim’s hoof and lets them inside.

“Discord, who’s there at the door?” asked Fluttershy from another room.

“It’s your friends, Fluttershy,” said Discord in response.

Fluttershy trots from the other room entering the living room, she smiles warmly at everyone and asks why they’re here.

“What are you all doing here?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well, we thought we could visit you,” said Twilight.

“Well okay; Discord came over to help test some cookies we made, how about you come and taste test them,” said Fluttershy suggesting the idea.

Everyone heads to the kitchen, but before Anim could reach the kitchen he’s shortly stopped by Discord.

“Can I help you?” asked Anim, confused by the sudden stop by Discord.

“Fluttershy has told me a lot about you,” said Discord, circling Anim carefully. “She says you fell from the sky in a meteorite crash, is that true?”

“Every single word, but why exactly are you asking me?” asked Anim.

“Well I find it odd for a pony to survive such an ordeal, don’t you agree,” said Discord, “if you were a pony.”

Anim carefully watches Discord, while Discord in turn watches Anim back; Fluttershy pops her head from the kitchen doorway into the living room.

“Are you two okay?” asked Fluttershy, worryingly.

“Yes Fluttershy we’re fine,” said Anim, “actually I’m not that hungry today, say can I talk to your friend Discord in private?”

Discord gives off a confused face from Anim’s response, Fluttershy nods happily and returns to the kitchen as Anim and Discord head outside to Fluttershy’s backyard.

“Now what exactly do you want to talk about?” asked Discord still confused.

“You said it yourself, ‘if I was a pony’, well I’m here to answer your questions,” said Anim, his voice changing of tone and personality.

Discord rubs his goatee in a perplexing fashion listening intently to Anim.

“I come from another world, in that world I guess you could call me a demi-god but, here… I don’t know what I am,” said Anim.

“I knew it, so you aren’t a pony!” said Discord, confirming his suspicions.

“If you’re a demi-god in your world, maybe you and I can become good friends,” said Discord, as he smiled.

Anim gave a straight blank face lacking any emotion, he thought carefully about what Discord said, he knows he’s a being of chaos and can be tricky sometimes by Twilight’s description and Anim looks back at Discord and speaks.

“Friends you say,” said Anim.

“It seems you don’t trust me,” said Discord, “I understand if you don’t trust me since I am a being of immense power that can cause the world to flip upside down… literally.”

“Oh it’s not that,” said Anim.

Discord becomes more confused than ever about who Anim is.

“And what do you mean then?” asked Discord.

“Well, ever since I came to Equestria, my power has been… immensely changed, which means I may be stronger than you, Celestia, Luna and any other existing alicorn together,” said Anim.

“You’re joking right, because I joke… all the time,” said Discord, spreading both his arms out.

“Try me,” said Anim, as his attitude changed into a more childish persona.

Discord underestimated Anim, he thought he is a goodies-two-shoes but Anim might be the type of pony who can be “loose” sometimes, undecided of what to do, he teleports him and Anim somewhere, as a door opens with Twilight coming out.

“Okay Anim we need to go… now,” said Twilight, looking outside for Anim. “Um Fluttershy, Anim or Discord isn’t here.”

Anim was teleported on top a mountain, as to where was unknown; Anim is surrounded by miles and miles of glacial mountains probably somewhere north of Ponyville, very far north. Discord is enjoying himself as he sleighs down a mountain slope, as Anim watches carefully not noticing how cold it is, Discord throws a snowboard at Anim which he catches it with his magic.

“Well if you’re so good, why don’t we do a little snowboarding challenge!” said Discord, as he zooms past Anim.

“Don’t underestimate me,” said Anim, as he stands on the snowboard. “There’s more to me than you think.”

Anim rides the snowboard like a pro as he flies past Discord like lighting, Discord gawks at Anim’s speed and tries to catch up too.

“Now where did you learn those tricks?!” shouted Discord, catching up with Anim.

“Let’s just say I encountered this type of terrain in my adventures before and was taught how to snowboard,” said Anim, doing some tricks.

“Well then, how about this!” shouted Discord as he snaps his fingers.

Suddenly Anim and Discord are teleported on a ship in a storm, as large wave’s crash against the ship.

“Let’s see those sea-legs, ARRRR!” shouted Discord, imitating a pirate voice.

Anim grabs hold of the ship’s wheel with his magic, sailing the ship smoothly into safer waters. Again Discord is irritated of this pony as he crumbles his pirate hat and starts chewing on it.

“Did I forget to mention that I sailed both a ship and sky-ship before,” said Anim, as he grins back at Discord.

As Discord becomes angrier, he thinks of another and probably final idea; he takes Anim’s mention of a sky-ship to heart and snaps his fingers one last time.

“Then try this then, if you think your so brave,” said Discord, as he snaps his fingers.

Abruptly the two appear in the middle of the sky, falling straight down above Fluttershy’s cottage miles in the sky. Discord laughs as he lazily falls down with Anim waiting for Anim’s reaction for being in such high altitudes.

“How do you like these apples now!” shouted Discord, as he snaps in some apples.

Anim froze without moving or speaking but not in fear, suddenly Anim begins to laugh hysterically falling closer to the ground, this surprises Discord immensely.

“What’s so funny, there’s nothing funny about your own demise!” shouted Discord, as his anger becomes worse.

“True but that’s not why I’m laughing!” shouted Anim, as he spreads out his legs.

Discord is more confused about this pony or thing and begins to slowly give up, until Anim responds again and this time it intrigues Discord.

“I’m laughing because this reminds me a lot of some situations I encountered back where I used to come from and sometimes...” said Anim opening his eyes wide with joy. “Risks must happen in order to proceed forward towards a better future for all!”

Discord takes Anim’s message to heart as they near closer and closer to the ground, below he can see the Mane 6 with Spike panicking below thinking of a plan, instead Discord snaps his fingers as Rainbow was about to catch Anim.

“Heh, you win,” said Discord, as he snaps his fingers.

Anim and Discord appear in front of everyone, as everyone runs up to Anim making sure he’s fine then turn their heads at Discord with stares like knives being poked at Discord, but Anim intervenes before things become worse.

“Wait, its my fault, I asked Discord if I could speak to him in private and things escalated so its my fault,” said Anim, covering for Discord.

“Why are you defending me?” asked Discord, whispering.

“Hey, we tricksters have to watch each other’s backs you know,” said Anim as he gives off a smile in return.

Discord and Anim laugh together at their short conversation, as the Mane 6 are confused about what they were talking about. That day, Anim has not just made a friend but a comrade that he can trust.

“What did we miss?” asked Twilight confused of the recent events that had happened.

“Oh, oh I know,” said Pinkie hopping.

“Pinkie we have no time for your weird antics,” said Rainbow.

“But I was going to say that Anim wanted to tell Discord about his backstory, then Discord teleported him to different places like snowboarding, sailing on a ship and skydiving and now they became friends now!” said Pinkie.

Anim and Discord gawk at Pinkie figuring out what they were doing when they were alone, Anim starts pointing at Pinkie of how she knew.

“But… how did she…” said Anim, trying to comprehend how Pinkie knew.

“Trust me, I tried figuring out how she does it,” said Discord, “its just, Pinkie.”

That day Anim made a new friend, as he continues enjoy his day with friends, in the distance a strange whooshing noise is heard with a blue box appearing, with two ponies coming out, one a male earth pony the other a female Pegasus.

“Doctor, why are we at Ponyville?”

“The TARDIS sensed some strange activity since the last time we came back to Ponyville, but whatever it is, it’s big. Looks like today might be more interesting than I thought.”