• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 542 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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My Little Star

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library, 7:30am

I wake up, do my usual routine and head downstairs. I prepare some meals for myself and the others, I don’t know why but today feels... different for some reason. “I wonder what I can do today?” I thought.

“I see you’re awake.”

Turning my head, I see Twilight trotting up to the table. She seems tired, but the kind of tired from a hard day’s work. “Good morning Twilight, anything interesting today?” I asked.

“Well… no not really, what about you Anim?” Twilight asked.

“I’m also not busy; I’m kind of done with my experiments,” I said, looking through my journal.

Flipping through the pages, I find one certain entry from two months ago. The entry says “1/20/13: My friends decided to send me off somewhere for vacation, what they didn’t tell me was that I was going to some desert terrain area. The good part though was that I met somepony… interesting, we became quick friends afterwards, I hope to someday meet her one day; I felt… a connection with her when we met.” I remember now, the pony at Appleloosa, we parted ways and she said that she would travel all across Equestria and beyond to improve her skills… I wonder if she’ll ever come to Ponyville.

“Hey Anim, your in some real deep thinking, what’s on your mind?” said Twilight.

“Huh, oh well I just remembered somepony I met at Appleloosa, that's all,” I said.

“Really, who was it?” asked Twilight.

“Well to start—”

Before I could speak any further, a knock from the door can be heard. “Spike, could you get that!” shouted Twilight.

“Sure!” responded Spike, rushing downstairs to the door.

Answering the door, it was Applejack. “Good morning Spike,” said Applejack.

“Good morning to you too Applejack,” said Spike. “Come inside.”

“Hello AJ, what’re you doing here?” asked Twilight.

“Could I speak to you in private,” said Applejack. “If you don’t mind Anim but… would you…”

I nod to Applejack, and leave the room. I decide to take a morning walk outside. “If you need me, I’ll be near Sugarcube Corner,” I said, trotting out the door.

I’m not clear what Applejack needs to tell Twilight, but whatever it may be it wasn’t my business in the slightest. To start off the day, I headed off to Sugarcube Corner to grab a bite. “I wonder what’s new there to eat,” I thought.

Ponyville, Sugarcube Corner, 0800hours

“Ah Sugarcube Corner, time to eat some grub,” I said.

Inside, I smelled the sweet aroma of pastries and treats, fresh from the oven. “Nothing like the smell of fresh muffins,” I said.

“Good morning Anim!” said Pinkie. “What would like for this fine morning?”

“Well I guess, a chocolate cookie and blueberry muffin, for a start,” I said.

I placed down ten bits, and went to sit somewhere. Once I found a spot, another surprise popped up. “Hey Anim, can we have a quick talk,” said Rainbow, with Rarity.

“Sure, why not,” I said. “So, what you want to talk about?”

“Well Anim, we heard from Applejack what really happened at Appleloosa,” said Rarity.

“Is it true, did you actually fought a group of stallions and tied them down!?” said Rainbow, slamming her hooves onto the table.

“I’m surprised you guys just heard the news now,” I said. “But yeah, it’s true.”

“Awesome, I can’t believe you did something like that Anim!” said Rainbow.

“What I can’t believe is that Applejack never told this to us until now. I wonder why though she kept it a secret,” said Rarity, wondering why.

“I don’t think she kept it a secret from us. I think she didn’t tell us because she didn’t understand either,” I said, explaining. “I believe I didn’t mention why I fought these stallions.”

Rarity and Rainbow were confused from what Anim meant. “You see, back at Appleloosa I met somepony who was, how you say troubled and helped her in any way I can. When I invited her for some tea, I learned a few things about her and after she left a group of stallions began to ambush her. Me being me, I stopped those stallions and the rest is history,” I said.

“Of course something like this is normal for you,” said Rainbow.

“What’s really confusing is, who was this pony you helped?” asked Rarity.

“Oh well her name was—”

“What you guys talking about!” said Pinkie, appearing in front of everypony.

Pinkie surprised me with that sudden appearance; I nearly fell off my seat. Of course Rainbow began arguing with Pinkie, while Rarity nearly fainted. “You okay Rare, I know Pinkie can do some crazy stuff but I never thought for you to faint,” I said.

“I’m not the type to handle simple surprises like that, I’ve had enough to handle with what’s happening today,” said Rarity, standing back up.

“Well at least you’re okay. Pinkie, don’t ever do something like that again, okay,” I said.

“Sorry everypony, but I was so curious about what you’ve been talking about!” said Pinkie, hopping up and down in excitement. “So please continue with your story.”

When I had the chance to continue speaking, another unexpected surprise happened. “Anim are you here?” said a quiet voice.

“Who’s asking?” I said, turning to face whose speaking.

Fluttershy stood behind me, and she seemed to be in turmoil because the second she spotted me, she dragged me with her. “I need your help with something, quick this way,” said Fluttershy, grabbing hold of one of my hooves.

“Whoa wait what?!” I said, being dragged away.

Before I could say anything, I found myself in front of Fluttershy’s cottage. “How did we get here so quickly?” I thought to myself, questioning Fluttershy’s ridiculous speed.

“I’m sorry I dragged you with me, but something has come up and I need your help with it,” said Fluttershy. “Could you please help me with this… if you’re not busy?”

“Nah I’m free, so what’s the issue?” I asked.

“Well, you see some animals from the forest came here looking really sick. I tried letting Mane Goodall check on them but she has no idea what’s wrong with them. And Twilight is busy speaking with Applejack about something, so you were the only pony I thought would know what’s wrong with them,” said Fluttershy explaining everything.

“I see, I’ll see what I can do,” I said.

“Thank you Anim, please this way,” said Fluttershy entering her cottage.

“What are friends for,” I said, following behind.

Once inside I realized how big of an issue this was. The animals weren’t just sick; it looked as if their very life-force was being sucked out of them. But what was really odd was the black dust covering them which gave them an odd yet familiar feeling to them. “This is more serious than I thought, let me take a better look,” I said, gently carrying one of the animals onto my hooves.

I sat down on the floor, carefully examining the small creature. “Whatever happened to them, it has to do with the dust. Did any got onto any of your animals… or you?” I asked.

“No, I told some of my animal friends to go outside for now and wait. And I don’t think any is on me… is there?” asked Fluttershy, looking at herself.

“No you seem fine… but as for these animals…” I said, taking another careful look.

Once I checked every inch of the creature it came to me. “I’ve seen this kind of incident before once… and it wasn’t a pretty sight,” I said.

I carefully went through what memories I had… and I realized where I’ve seen this sort of sickness before. “It couldn’t be,” I said, putting down the creature gently. “Fluttershy, I need you to clean these animals in warm water, but don’t dump the water or let any of the animals to go near or even drink it. I need to go back to the library and get something.”

“But Anim, what’s wrong with them?” asked Fluttershy.

I ran straight outside, while Fluttershy followed me. The second I stepped outside I stopped and turned to face Fluttershy. “The same thing that happened to me once, so no matter what…” I said running to the library, “DON’T MAKE THEM TOUCH THE DUST!”

“…Okay, I promise…” said Fluttershy returning to the cottage.

I kept on running; I bumped into a few ponies, apologizing on the way. I saw Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow ahead of my pathway. “I wonder what was with Fluttershy,” said Rainbow.

“Hey isn’t that Anim!” said Pinkie, pointing her hoof.

“It is… Anim, what did Fluttershy—”

I ran pass them in lightning speed, not stopping to explain myself. “…need you for?” said Rarity, slightly spooked.

“What was that all about?” asked Rainbow.

“Come on let’s follow him!” shouted Pinkie, following behind.

I ran like never before in my life… well actually I ran faster speeds than this… okay well to be honest I’ve been running for almost half my life. When I was nearing my destination, I saw Twilight and Applejack, and it looked like they needed to speak to me. “Anim slow down we need to tell you something!” said Twilight, waving her hoof to stop.

“NO TIME THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!” I said, running pass the two.

“Why’s he running like no tomorrow?” asked Applejack.

“I would like to know too,” said Twilight.

“Twilight, what’s wrong with Anim?” asked Rainbow, catching up with me.

“Hi Twilight, hi Applejack,” said Pinkie.

“Is something wrong with him?” asked Rarity.

“Let’s find out, come on girls,” said Twilight, chasing me while being followed by everypony.

Once I reached the door of Golden Oak Library, I knocked on the door for Spike to open it. “Hey Anim, Twilight needs you to—”

“Sorry Spike, I’m busy right now, something has come up and it’s a large problem I need to deal with immediately!” I explained to Spike, rushing to my room.

Once I reached my room, I opened the door and scavenged through my stuff looking for the item I need. “But Anim, Twilight needs to tell you something that’s really important,” said Spike, watching what I was doing. “…What are you doing?”

“A good question for a very good answer, something has happened at Fluttershy’s cottage that requires my skills. Could I ask you to get me a bowl and some of research into some saddlebags for me, please?” I said, continuing to look through the piles of books and devices.

“Uhm… sure, I’ll be right back with you,” said Spike, leaving the doorway.

“Now where was I… ah yes?!” I said to myself.

Continuing through my organized chaos, Twilight and company arrive in the doorway. “Anim there’s something we need… What are you doing?” asked Twilight, forgetting what she needed to do.

“I’m looking for something that I made a few weeks ago for a little experiment of mine. You see, the animals from the forest near Fluttershy’s cottage have been influenced by a familiar sickness that I’ve seen before, and I’m the only pony who has that cure,” I said, continuing my search.

“Are you serious, why didn’t you tell us sooner!?” said Twilight.

“You looked busy, and Fluttershy just told this to me just a few minutes ago,” I said. “AH HA FOUND YOU!”

Using my magic, I lift out a vial with a whitest tint color to it. I carefully place it in a container, sealing the container tightly. “Now that’s done… Spike you got what I asked for?!” I said, shouting downstairs toward Spike.

“Yeah, but Anim what’s all this for?” Spike asked.

I tightly strap the saddlebags onto my back while placing the container inside one of the bags. “An incident has happened at Fluttershy’s cottage, and I need to bring this there before I’m too late,” I said, rushing outside.

Looking at one another, everypony followed behind me without thought. We ran straight for Fluttershy’s cottage, but I accidentally bump face to face with somepony. “Anim you okay?” asked Twilight.

“I’m okay, go ahead I’ll catch up,” I said.

Running ahead of me, I help the pony I accidentally bumped into, grabbing hold of one of their hooves. “I’m so sorry, but I need to go help a friend of mine with an issue,” I said.

“How dare you, do you know who I am, I’m the great and powerful—”

“Sorry I’m in a hurry, I’ll make it up to you!” I said, not listening to what the pony had said.

I ran to Fluttershy’s cottage, making sure I’m not too late. Once I reached her cottage, I knock on the door. “Fluttershy, it’s me Anim!” I shouted, continuing to knock.

“Anim, where back here!” shouted Rainbow.

I followed Rainbow’s voice, and see that everypony is helping Fluttershy clean the animals of the strange black dust. Buckets of black water pile up into two stacks that it could tip off and fall with a simple touch. “Thank the deities, I thought I was too late,” I said, breathing deeply.

“Okay Anim, just what’s going on here?” asked Applejack, moving toward me. “Fluttershy told us what’s wrong, but what sort of illness are the animals in?”

“It’s not an illness… more like a virus,” I said, placing my saddlebags down.

“A virus?” said everypony.

I began explaining what the strange black dust could be. “The dusts on these animals are the powdered forms of a dangerous gem from my world known as, void crystals. Somehow it came with me when I crashed into this realm, in other news, the void crystals or in this case void dust sucks the life out of its host, leaving nothing but an empty husk,” I said.

Everypony was surprised by this; Fluttershy covered one of the animals’ ears from not hearing. Twilight placed her hoof on her mouth in a surprised motion, Applejack simply stared wide-eyed. Rainbow looked either angry or worried, Pinkie’s hair deflated as she sat down with a sad look, as for Rarity… well she fainted while Spike helped her on her hooves.

“Anim, if this is true… then these animals are—”

“Are going to be okay,” I said interrupting Twilight.

They all gave me with a curious look from what I said. “The dust is deadly, but not fatal. It would take a larger amount to… end a life. The animals will feel dizzy and sick but will be fine in a few days, and to take extra precaution, I brought this formula to enhance their resistance from the dusts’ effects,” I said, levitating the container from the saddlebags.

I open the container and levitate out the bowl, filling it with water. I then levitate some of my research notes and carefully make the formula, step by step. “And… voila, this formula should help the animals with any sudden side effects from the dust,” I said. “Could you give this to the animals Flutters?”

Fluttershy nods to me, and gives the animals sips of the water. After that I face my attention toward the others. “Now time for these buckets of water…” I said.

“What do we do with them Anim?” asked Rainbow.

“We need to carefully dispose of them. First I need Twilight and Rarity to use some ice magic and freeze each the buckets into ice. After that I need Pinkie and Applejack, to pile the ice into a filtration machine so that water will be separated from any impurities. Once that’s done Rainbow I need you to, lift bags of the impurities into a pile, I’ll think of a way to dispose of them safely,” I said, explaining my plan.

“That sounds good but… where’s this filtration machine?” asked Applejack.

“Why it’s right there,” I said, using a teleportation spell.

I teleport the filtration machine to our location, and set it up carefully. “Now we have everything, let’s—”

“Um excuse me, is anypony home!?” shouts a voice from the front of Fluttershy’s cottage.

“I wonder who could that be,” said Rarity.

“Oh I’ll get it!” said Pinkie.

“Don’t worry Pinkie I got this, I need you to help Applejack lift that ice into the filtration machine,” I said. “I’ll go see who’s at the door.”

Once everypony is busy doing their part, I trot around the cottage to the front door to see who’s there. “Sorry, Fluttershy is kind of busy, could you come another t…” I said, staring at the pony in front of me.

“It’s… it’s you…” said the pony.

“I can’t believe is that you… Little Star?” I said, smiling.


“Oh come on, that nickname is so cute,” I said, laughing.

“Trixie came here to say hello to you, and this is how you treat Trixie!?” said Trixie, glaring at me.

“I’m sorry… but… I’m happy to see you again Trixie,” I said.

“You’re just saying that to make Trixie forgive you, but that won’t work on Tri—”

I give Trixie a surprise hug; I believe she was blushing because I noticed her breathing had changed. “I mean it, I’m really happy to see you again,” I said.

Trixie stands there oblivious of what to do next, but shakes her head and gives a hug back to me. “Tri… I’m happy to see you too Anim,” said Trixie.

“Hey you’re doing it again,” I said.

“Doing what again?” asked Trixie, confused.

“You’re not using your name to refer to yourself,” I said, chuckling a bit.

“Well, Trixie felt like doing it okay, don’t judge Trixie,” said Trixie pouting.

“Okay I’m sorry. Hey, you want to meet my friends?” I asked.

“Are you sure, what if Trixie makes a bad impression,” said Trixie.

I pat Trixie on the head gently. “Don’t worry, their good ponies, they accepted somepony like me, they’ll accept you too Trixie. Come on, let’s go and see them,” I said, leading Trixie.

“If you say so,” said Trixie, following me.

Once we headed to Fluttershy’s backyard, everypony seemed to be done with the objectives I gave them. “Hey Anim, I finished piling those bags minutes ago, what took you so long?” asked Rainbow.

“Sorry about that, but I met somepony from that vacation at Appleloosa, you know the pony I’ve been mentioning. I like to introduce you girls to that pony, meet Tri…” I said.

I noticed that everypony stopped what they were doing and began staring at me and Trixie… no they weren’t staring at me… they were staring at Trixie. “It’s you… Trixie,” said Twilight.

“Hello Twilight…” said Trixie, shyly.

Just what in the world is going on here, and how come my friends know Trixie. It wouldn’t have to do with Trixie’s past… would it?

Author's Note:

This is part 1 of 2 of, chapter 13.

Ah yeah, Trixie's back! To put a few notes about this chapter and the next, Trixie does speak with her name instead of I, me or so on, but sometimes will use them when only speaking to Anim. And this is from Anim's POV.