• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 542 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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Aftermath Part II

…Sigh… even though it’s been two days… I feels like it’s been four years now. When everybody found me in the rubble of what remains of the tower, they say I was gone for several months… and would make sense I be gone for that long. Explaining where I was only made everyone more shocked, worried, confused… and intrigued. Out of everyone… “she” was the one who wanted to know the most.

Jun 2, 0900hours, somewhere in another universe in another time

“So your telling us… that you came here months ago… to look for evidence to what happened to Anim… only to end up to another world?” said Mikel.

“And in this other world was full of equine creatures ranging from, ponies that have occupations like farming, making clothes, baking, and so forth,” said Arion.

“And the most prominent races are called, earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns?” said Mikel.

“Where they are under the rule of two princess sisters, and another princess that rules another part of this massive continent known as Equestria,” said Arion.

“And not only that, but you… yourself turned into a pony… and lived with ponies for these last couple of months,” said Mikel.

After the many questions asked, I answered in the shortest simplest way I could. “To be honest, I mostly stayed alone like a hermit in this makeshift home I made far off in the countryside, in the mountains. That's when I found Anim and stayed in this village called Ponyville,” I said.

“WAIT YOU FOUND ANIM!” shouted Kimila, pushing Mikel and Arion out of the way. “IS HE OKAY WHAT DID HE SAY WHY ISN'T HE HERE WHAT HAPPENED TO—”

I paused Kimila before she asked way to many questions for me to answer. Making sure she would let me speak… I took a deep breath, and spoke. “Anim is fine...” I said. “He's been fine for the last several months in this other realm. However some… things have changed when I first met him.”

I looked up and noticed that everyone was worried what I would say next. Taking another deep breath I let out what has become… of Anim. “The Anim in that world was a clone, made by… this thing,” I said, picking up The Book. “It seems some of Anim's realm guardian powers rubbed off to his book, which gave it the power to talk and float… well only in this other world. Here, it's only an average looking book, but yeah this book is basically the new regeneration of Anim… say hello.”

Everyone started to look at the book then back at me. I knew everyone was confused what I was talking about, but Kimila attitude hasn't changing, continuing to focus on me. After everyone was done looking, they asked me what I was talking about. “The Anim in this Equestria, was a clone made by this book. However this clone had it's own mind, it's own personality… you could say it was, or what was left of Anim… a final wish I suppose of Anim before he… died,” I said. “Even though it wasn't Anim… in the end… he had that bright smile he show, when things seem to be the worse in all situations.”

“...Was he happy there… in this Equestria?” asked Kimila.

“He was… well that's what he said of course, but yeah… he was,” I said.

Kimila moved up to me, and asked for Anim's book. I of course hand it to her, and look at her expression. I would imagine she destroy that bloody book but… she carefully opens it, to see the written journal entries that Anim wrote while he was in Equestria. From reading them, she had a few tears drop to the pages of the book, and once she finished reading it she hands it back to me, but I refuse and say she can keep it. “I think Anim would want you to keep it,” I said.

Everyone went silent, to mourn a lost friend. The day after, we told Anim's departure to everyone on Hilvatu. Many took it as a surprise, those who knew Anim close were really upset, others simply kept to themselves. Anim was more than some fresh new adventurer, he was a friend, someone who cared deeply for everyone… even though he didn't looked or seem to. A memorial was being built on Alkhan Asylum where the destroyed tower was in memory for Anim, and new and more secure laboratory for Mikel and Arion. I went there to see the construction in progress… when I met a familiar face. “I see your here.”

Jun 3, 1500hours, Alkhan Asylum

Turning to face who's speaking, it was my brother, Dakal Xis. We never did know much about each other… we were barely even considered real siblings, even though we share the same father. He kept to himself, while I easily became friends with everyone… but still, we're family. “Hi Dakal… so, are you here to see the memorial being built?” I asked.

“Not exactly,” said Dakal. “I was sent here to make sure… that Mikel and Arion don't blow each other up… after what happened here last time. Nevertheless… it's good to see you. How was your visit to this… other realm?”

“I met some nice… folks. Some of them reminded me of our friends here… there was this one pony who reminded me of Rin, her name was Rainbow Dash. I also met some other… ponies, there was Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle. They were the ponies that found Anim under that meteorite I mentioned. When I came through the portal, it seemed I arrived at the same time Anim was arriving to Equestria… funny how we've made a flashy entrance at the same time… only in different places.” I said, laughing about my sudden visit to Appleloosa.

Dakal gave an inquisitive look, my brother and I may have separate personalities, him being the silent cool looking kind-of-guy, while I had the bouncy-happy personality… we both had an equal intelligence… not as smart as Mikel and Arion, but enough to be close to being a leader or general of an army. The only difference was that Dakal has the experience being in an actual military position, while I had a normal life in another world… that was… until I learned “the truth”. Afterwords I came to be in this realm, and that's when I met Anim for the first time. For some reason I instinctively began to trust him… almost like I knew him, that's when he introduced me to my actual brother… just like me, Dakal took it as a surprise, and ever since then me and him been… far apart… whether it was on purpose or not. I took a deep breath to speak, but Dakal put up his finger only to speak first. “I want to say something first...” said Dakal. “I know you and I haven't been… on the best terms, and that we haven't been acting like true family ever once… but I want to say that… I'm sorry that something like this had happened to you… and I wished I was there to comfort you.”

For the first time ever… I saw Dakal looked worried… I never saw him or anyone in the matter of face seen him look this way. Most days he look either serious or pissed, other times he smile but that's only when in battle or his speaking sarcastically. But this… this was nothing like before, for the first time ever… Dakal was genuinely worried… that he actually cared for something. What his been through, with his mother dying, and his father disappearing and abandoning… I felt sorry for him… but I never seen him feel sorry for anyone else. I who being me… hugged Dakal, not along one but long enough to satisfy me. After that, I patted him on the back. “I need that… thanks,” I said.

Dakal, went back to his cool personality, giving me a straight line on his lips, he walks away… but looks over his shoulder. I could see a small smile form on his lips, only to go back to a straight line. This was probably the only time… he and I ever became close to family.

Jun 4, 1130hours, Alkhan Asylum, Memorial of Legends

Now were in the present time… when the memorial of Anim was finished. Of course it wasn't just of Anim but other things too. The memorial was actually meant to a memorial for heroes, legends, and such known figures that originate from Averia, a few examples would be it's founder, Averalis Xis… my father, as well as Dakal's. Those who were present at the memorial was myself, Kimila, some of Anim's close friends, and a couple villagers from Hilvatu, and a few others. Anim has done many feats, to give him the title of Realm Guardian. He was known to gather all ten element users, which were now Anim's closest friends, he also fought against known organizations such as, the Dark Armada, the Doors of Infinity… and to also fight a demon by the name of Vikar, and to go face to face with the deity of nothing, Notharus. Anim has done many great things… and would do more… however, Anim was destined for something else. And because of that… this is what remains of his legacy, the very source of his powers, a book that contains the pages of every piece of knowledge he gained through the countless months from traveling every corner of Averia. After a few words that been said by some people who knew Anim, everyone went to step outside… but however Kimila wanted to show me something. “Mina… there's something I want you to see,” said Kimila.

I followed her into a corridor, inside the corridor were items that Anim has encountered in his travels… and some recordings of Anim's exploits across Averia… but in the end of the corridor was a stand… which was still empty. Kimila pulled out Anim's book… placing it into the stand, placing a glass cover over it… to forever be in these halls for as long it can be. Thinking this is what Kimila wanted to show me, she pulls something else out of her pocket. “Hold on… there was something I found when I rummaged through Anim's journal. In the very back of the book was this letter… it has this strange insignia over it… but I that's when I recognized the signature written here,” said Kimila, handing me the envelope. “The signature is the same one Anim writes down when his writing a letter or entry on his journal… and beside it was your name.”

Before I could have anytime react… Kimila is already out my site. Turning around I can see her leaving, she waves a hand toward me stating “Go ahead… open it. It's not business”. Immediately looking at the letter, I was alone in the room… with a message… from the last person I expected to be from. Staring at the letter, I realize the insignia is the same wax insignia on the letters from Equestria… which meant this was written back there. Opening the letter, I carefully make sure not to rip it… I slowly slip out the contents… inside are three things, one being of course a letter, the second being a pen… which must have been Anim's personal pen… with the final thing being an interesting souvenir… a piece of currency from Equestria… a bit. Anim must of placed that there as a remainder of our time in Equestria. I began to read the letter, it was written with Anim's levitation spell when he was still a unicorn… when he was a unicorn. Closely reading the letter… it starts off with Anim, on how he usually writes down a journal entry.

To the person reading this letter,

My name is Animatorsnake… and this is probably be my last entry. Where I am is not of concern but, the end of the world if that's what you can call it now, is coming to an end soon… and knowing anything might happen to me… I write this as a final will. If you find this letter, please give to either Twilight Sparkle, or Minalia Xis. If this world ends up in another realm, simply say, return to home, then this envelope and it's contents will return to my home realm.

Now to main business, right now… I am planning to do something risky, both to my life and many others… but it's a choice I rather do than any other. I care deeply for my friends… they are the only I have to a family, and I would do anything to protect them… so I decided to go and sacrifice my life in order to protect this world, and the future for many more lives. I know this kind of thinking is reckless… and many another way could have been found… but I never really like receiving help from others. So before I go with this… I write this to give everything that I own… to another. These contents inside the envelope and more will be give to this person, which include any clothing I own, to my money, property, and more. I don't give these items simply because I am about to never return… but because these items are important to my because… they will be the only things that will give any memories of my life… of my legacy. I wish that others to know me… and understand that I was more than from how I really acted in life.

This person who will receive my will… is someone important in my life… someone who I can trust, who I know can continue my legacy… who will continue what I have left behind…

I stood there… reading this letter… at first I knew that there were many people important to Anim… but I had doubts, that it could be me… maybe it would speak about Kimila or someone who was close to Anim's heart… but when I was nearing the end of the letter… it gave more of a shock that I expected it too.

This person… who I would never doubt… this person's name, is Minalia Xis.

My heart stopped… why… why me… why not Kimila… why not someone else… but me… ME! I-I-I, don't know why Anim would chose me to continue his legacy, yes we were close… but… I never thought he had that much trust toward me… that's when I read the rest of the letter I realized why.

Even though Kimila isn't my real sibling… or my real daughter. How we met is to even support these facts, at first we were two complete strangers from two different realms… she nearly tried to beat the heck out of for deity's sake!

Wow… thanks for the self confidence Anim. Best bro ever.

But… she was more than I thought. Yes… her real father is Averalis Xis, and her real brother was Dakal Xis… and at first we both started to hate each others guts… yes we began to became good friends… and yes… she followed me to another world to find out if I was still alive… she was someone… that I knew, I could count on… not because she did all of this for my sake, and for many others… but because of another reason.

She was just family… she was MY family. She and I shared something both in common… we both wanted the truth, we both were troublemakers in our past lives, we both wanted to explore the worlds… and we both became close with complete strangers. She and I are both regenerations of The Guide, but whether we are regenerations or not, we became as close as family… and I thank her for being the family I wanted… the family I dreamed to have since I was a child… I became so alone on that island… I would always stare into the sky… into the endless darkness that thinking… maybe there was someone like me… but that dream would never come… but when I met her… when I met you Mina, you made that dream real. I am so proud of who you became and who you will become… so, I ask you… live not for me… live for yourself… I want you to have your own family… and to live the life you want… because… you gave me a reason… you gave me purpose… so thank you for being the family, that I never had.

In Loving Memory, Animatorsnake

For the first few seconds, I was frozen… then in the fifth second I dropped the letter… in the seventh second, I fell to my knees… in the tenth second I began to weep… and in the first minute, my crying could be heard by everyone… in the first minute and a half, everyone found me crying on the ground… in the second minute… I was in the arms of Kimila… and I whispered toward her. “I wished that-that… he was still alive… that he was here so I could hug him one last t-t-t-time,” I said, pushing my face toward her torso.

“I know… I know,” said Kimila, comforting.

I wept… that I would never get to see that idiot's face one last time… I just wished… he wasn't so selfless all the time.

Author's Note:

The second half of the ending's aftermath... this time focused in another realm through a familiar pony... or in this case, person.

(The words with italics and is underlined, is the words that are written in the letter give to Mina from Kimila.)