• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 542 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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Hello, My Name Is Mina

Author's Note:

This is a collection of journals of Mina's stay in Equestria for these last 207 days (yes I counted) ever since the supposed disappearance of Anim. So it'll show what's her POV from the day Anim first came to Ponyville to the day Mina and Anim reunite.

(P.S. This is my longest chapter I've made ever, I'm so proud of myself.)

It was seven months ago when Anim has disappeared, that the incident that would change so many lives. After his disappearance, Mina went to the last place where Anim has vanished, Arion’s research tower… or pre-research tower. Here she would find the truth, but might uncover more than she bargained for.

Mina’s Log Day 0 – I have arrived at the last spot where Anim was. Everybody keeps saying he vanished in that tower, but won’t say what happened or better yet why aren’t they even looking for him. I will find him no matter what the cost may be, I searched everywhere in the destroyed tower, to avail all I could find where broken vials, and destroyed machines. There was however one machine in particular that was mentioned by the others, the same machine that was the source of Anim’s disappearance. I approached the machine to find any clues… but I found something on the ground near the machine was some goggles, but no ordinary goggles it was the same goggles that Anim wore… I picked them up and looked at them. I swore I was crying but wiped my tears, and placed the goggles inside my pouch, as I walked up to the machine I noticed a strange black rock, but I realized something familiar about the stone, when suddenly the machine activated and sucked me and the stone and any rubble into an unknown world. Will I find Anim, or will I only find more questions?

After Mina entered the portal, the rest of the already decimated tower was vaporized by the exploding portal, which only left behind nothing but ash and dust. Now waking from entering the portal, Mina finds herself currently in what seems to be a small crater of some sort. Looking around her surroundings she realized something was off about how she stood… especially her body, she then went to look at her hand, but instead found a hoof.

“WHERE’S MY HAND!?” shouted Mina, staring at her new form.

Mina found herself in a situation she never experienced before, a new body… but the odd part was that she still had her memories intact… except. “Why can’t I remember the others? I know I have friends but, all I can think of is a complete blank,” said Mina, confused. “Better yet, I need to find out where I am and if I can find a way out of here.”

Mina climbed out the crater, and when she reached to the top, she noticed she was in some sort of wasteland. Reaching the edge of a cliff, she stared far at the distance and noticed the night sky was bright with stars and the gleam of the moon. Amazed by the sheer beauty of what’s she’s seeing in a complete unknown world, the scenery completely changed when the sky lit up with a wave of comets, as they shot throughout the sky. Distracted by everything, she noticed that one of the comets got awfully close to her… but to realize it was a meteor crashing right towards her. “You have got to be kidding me!” shouted Mina, running the opposite direction of the meteor.

Running back down the crater, Mina took cover as a barrage of meteors whizzed above her, crashing down with a thunderous boom. Slowly moving up to see if the event had ended, some meteors continued to crash down but were too far to do any damage near her. Getting back up, she sees the once peaceful land turning into a hellish nightmare, as the land was hit by barrage of meteors. Unsure what to do, the meteor shower slows down and stops, deciding to head down below Mina spots a town ahead. After a few hours of traversing through the destroyed terrain, she arrived at the town which was currently under its own crisis. The town was too hit by the meteors, as equine creatures ran left and right, some of the creatures had wings and horns on them which began to peak Mina’s curiosity… and hunger for learning and knowledge. “I wonder if I have wings or a horn,” Mina though, examining her body.

Checking her equine body, Mina found nothing of interest on her, gloomy from not being able to fly or such. But, Mina noticed a few interesting traits about the creatures, they wore clothing in this world like in hers, they also were in an a assortment of colors ranging from orange to green, to purple, and many more which was odd for a horse to have an odd fur color. Other than this, something else caught her attention… a strange symbol of some sort on the backside of every equine, on each flank. Staring at her back, she didn’t had any symbol either, feeling left out, she sat down depressed. “Why am I the only one without anything interesting on me?” asked Mina.

Sitting down, something stood in front of. Looking up was a golden yellow pony, who wore a hat as he stared down at Mina oddly. “Uh nice to meet you stranger, but we’re currently in a middle of a situation. If I were you, I’d sit somewhere safer than here, you should go with everypony else and wait outside the town until things had calmed down here,” said the male pony.

“Are you… calling me weak?” asked Mina, you felt threatened.

“What… no…no…no, I’m not…not…not miss. I’m sorry if…if I offended you but, it’s just that I thought you were scared and confused when you were sitting all alone here,” said the male pony, stuttering.

“Confused yes, but scared... the only thing I’m scared of is two things. One, finding out that somebody finding my secret stash of candy, and two, seeing my brother angry,” said Mina, standing back up.

“Well good to know to that, but you really should—”

Before the pony could finish his sentence, a piece of rubble was going to fall on top of him. Reacting quickly enough, Mina pushed the pony of the way; afraid that Mina would get crushed she shatters the rubble into pieces with her hoof. “How… how did you do that?” said the male pony, shocked.

“That… that’s a secret,” said Mina. Even though Mina had no wings, or horn she still had her realm guardian powers. Mina was the strongest member the realm guardians in brute force, being able to shatter anything to dust as if she were a raging beast. With her brains and brawn into one, she was the ultimate package in dealing with any situation, but yet she felt slightly weaker than usual… as if a piece of her was ripped off her or something. “Now, I need to ask you something.”

“Why… why yes, what is it you need to know?” said the male pony, getting on his hooves.

“Where am I, and how can I help?” asked Mina.

“Well you’re currently at the town of Appleloosa, and you can help by coming with me. By the way, the name’s Braeburn,” said Braeburn, tipping his hat.

Following Braeburn, Mina was facing a massive inferno, which was currently burning the clock tower. “Okay, what is it I need to do,” said Mina.

“We’re trying to put the fire out, and with your strength, maybe you can help by—”

A loud scream was heard at the top of the clock tower, looking up there were two ponies stuck in the burning clock tower. The ponies below tried their best to stop the fire but to no avail. Worried, everypony watched in horror of the two ponies at the top of the clock tower. “I got a plan, gather all the blankets and curtains you can find, make a big net right below the clock tower,” said Mina. “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” asked Braeburn.

“I’m going save me some ponies,” said Mina, who rammed right through the clock tower’s door,” said Mina.

Inside the burning building, Mina made her way up to the top. Once there, she spotted the two ponies, one was a normal looking female pony like her, while the other was a female pegasus. “Please help her, my friend’s wing is stuck under the debris! We can’t live her here, so please help her!” said the pony.

“Don’t worry, nobody is going to be left behind,” said Mina.

Mina took a good grip on the debris, feeling the heat it gave off but Mina simply shrugged off. Slowly carrying the debris, she lifted it off with ease and tossed it away. The two ponies hugged, but knew their way out was blocked; with no way to escape the tower slowly began to give way. Then they heard a shout from outside, looking down was a hoof-made net from the blankets and curtains that could be found, it was big enough for two ponies, and since the pegasus wing was crippled, Mina knew there was only one thing to do. “Hey you two, hold real tight against each other,” said Mina.

The two ponies gave a questioned look but did what Mina said; suddenly they were pushed off the tower in the net, leaving Mina on the top of the tower. The ponies ran from the falling tower, as it crumbled into a pile of debris, after the fire died down, everypony surrounded the tower, saddened that the pony that risked her life to save two others. “And you didn’t tell me your name yet,” said Braeburn, who was sad.

But before everypony could dig out what was left, some loud shuffling was heard, it came from underneath the destroyed tower. Then from the rubble was a hoof, and climbed out was Mina who was slightly covered dust but was completely fine. “I am not, doing that again,” said Mina, coughing out some dust.

“You’d survived, but how!?” said Braeburn, wondering.

“Let’s just say, my family is more durable than they look,” said Mina, smiling.

“Well whatever was the reason you survived, I’m glad you’re fine. Let’s celebrate your courageous actions today!” said Braeburn, joined by everypony else’s hoorays.

The ponies of Appleloosa joined with Mina, celebrated her actions for saving two mares. They ate and drank that night, and the next day they continued to repair the town… but it seems they weren’t the only place that was struck by the sudden meteor shower. News of other parts of Equestria were showered too by the sudden wave meteorites, luckily smaller towns or cities only took minimal damage, while major cities like Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and Manehatten, took a bigger beating, as destroyed buildings and businesses were lost by shards of a meteor or by the fires that were caused by flaming meteors. But the most interesting news was the sudden appearance of a gigantic meteorite that nearly crushed Ponyville, but just missed nearly by a thread. “It seems we’re not the only ponies who had to deal with that ordeal. I hope the princesses can handle all the complaints coming their way,” said Braeburn, passing the newspaper to Mina.

“Princesses you say?” said Mina.

“What, you don’t know of princesses Celestia or Luna?” said Braeburn, shocked. “They’re the royal sisters the rule over Equestria together and, control the sun and moon.”

“I’m sort of out of town you could say, I kind of just arrived yesterday,” said Mina, not explaining her way of transportation.

“Oh… well that makes sense I guess… still, you’ve done everything you can to help us, but why aren’t you staying?” asked Braeburn, curious.

“I’m… looking for someone,” said Mina.

“You again with your words, instead of saying someone, say somepony instead,” said Braeburn.

“Oh… sorry, where I come from we say it differently,” said Mina, rubbing her head in embarrassment.

“No harm done, but who’s the pony you’re searching for?” said Braeburn.

“A family member of mine… he went missing and I’m trying to find him,” said Mina.

“Why somepony like you, all alone looking for a lost relative… that’s got to be the most selfless thing I’ve seen, ever,” said Braeburn. “I hope you find this relative of yours.”

Mina gave Braeburn a nod, and waved goodbye to him and all the ponies of Appleloosa. Since Mina had no idea where to go, she thought she go to the places that were hit by the meteors. Riding the train, it led her to her next destination.

Mina’s Log Day 1 – I’m arrived in some world where the sentient beings are all ponies and other possible mythical creatures. It seems the ponies of Equestria, the land I’m currently at, have three distinctive races. The unicorns, ponies with the ability to use magic, pegasi, winged ponies that have the ability to fly and control the weather, then finally there’s the earth ponies… which is currently the form I’m taking, there’s nothing unique to note about the earth ponies but, all there’s to know is that they are either farmers or bakers. This train seems to go all across Equestria but, I have zero knowledge where it’ll take me, maybe I’ll go to the capital and see these “princesses” that Braeburn mention. Looks like I’m going to visit, Canterlot.

A few hours of riding the train to Canterlot, 0900 hours, Canterlot Station

“So this is Canterlot, kind of shiny. I wonder how this place was even founded on a mountain?” said Mina, letting her more factual side take over.

The city of Canterlot was located on the side of a mountain, and in history was where the unicorns made their first settlement for its location of gems and ores. Mina was curious of the buildings and ponies who lived here, other than the ponies back at Appleloosa, these ponies seem to act snooty and way to uptight toward Mina which confirmed, that the city of Canterlot is where all the more highly known and famous lived. However Mina didn’t care about how other ponies thought of her, she needed to make her was to Canterlot Castle, where Celestia and Luna reside. Arriving there, it seems Canterlot Castle took a big beating; the front lawn was covered in pieces of the meteor, but not to mention that a piece of a meteor was lodged in the side of the castle. Mina attempted to enter through the gates, when a guard stopped her with his spear. “Halt! Where do you think you’re going?” said the royal guard.

“To see the princesses, there’s something I need to tell them,” said Mina.

“Well you can’t go; the castle is currently under renovations since the meteor shower yesterday. It may take a few days until it’s fixed,” said the royal guard.

“But it’s an emergency!” shouted Mina, trying to convince the guard.

“Emergency or not, and besides… you don’t look like anypony important to me,” said the royal guard, eyeing Mina.

Unable to enter thorough, Mina has to wait for a few days, but Mina can’t wait that long. Storming off in anger she heads down when the roads of Canterlot. “Stupid guard, stupid meteors, stupid city… stupid… EVERYTHING!” said Mina, grumbling.

Not focusing where she’s trotting, Mina bumps into somepony, hitting each other’s head. “Ow~!” said Mina, grabbing her head.

“Now that was one hard tumble… hey you okay,” said the male pony.

“Yeah… sorry, I wasn’t focusing,” said Mina.

“No problem happens to the best of us… you don’t seem to be from around these part,” said the male pony, helping Mina up.

“Thanks, and yeah I’m kind of new here. I needed to speak with the princesses, but those stupid guards didn’t let me through,” said Mina.

“Well ever since that meteor shower, things have been a little shaky, by the way the name’s Neon Lights,” said Neon.

The pony, Neon Lights, wore a black vest with a white tie, he wore black shades. He was a very light-blue unicorn with a black mane and tail, his cutie mark was three white stars. Neon started looking at me weirdly… specifically at my flank. “What… what are you looking at!?” shouted Mina, covering her flank.

“Nothing it’s just… you have no cutie mark?” said Neon.

“Oh… well… is that a problem?” asked Mina.

“Problem… wait, do you know what a cutie mark even is?” asked Neon.

Mina felt as if that these “cutie marks” were a common thing for ponies. She felt embarrassed for not knowing this simple information. “Well… I… no, I don’t,” said Mina, staring at the ground.

“Hey, it’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with that… but I’m more surprised that you don’t have a cutie mark,” said Neon.

“It’s… complicated,” said Mina.

“Hey let’s find somewhere to eat, I know a good place to find some donuts,” said Neon.

“Yeah that’s cool, I’m famished… the name’s Mina,” said Mina, introducing herself.

Neon and Mina headed their way to a donut shop owned by a pony named, Donut Joe. When Neon went to buy some donuts for the two, Mina noticed the type of currency they used, golden coins, almost similar to the ones from her home. “Say… what kind of currency is that?” asked Mina.

“Wow, you really don’t know anything, well these are called bits,” said Neon.

“Bits huh, you know this currency reminds me of home. So I have a question, what do you do here?” asked Mina, taking a bite of her donut.

“Oh, well I make light shows and effects on stage, ponies call me MC W1SH when I’m on stage. I sometimes team up with a pony from Ponyville called DJ PON3,” said Neon.

“Wow, that’s an awesome career, you must have been everywhere,” said Mina.

“Yeah sure have… so what do you do for a living?” asked Neon.

“That’s kind of personal, but I’m sometimes an adventurer, explorer and researcher in my daily life,” said Mina, describing her life.

“Never mind my career, yours sounds… amazing!” said Neon, amazed.

Mina blushed a little from Neon’s compliment, after finishing to eat they headed out to realized it was night already. “How long were we in there?” asked Neon.

“A while I suppose, hey do you have somewhere we can stay… I’m kind of homeless,” said Mina chuckling.

“Don’t worry, I’m renting a room at this place I’m staying at, you can stay with me for now,” said Neon.

Heading back to the hotel that Neon is staying, they prepare to go to bed. Setting up her bed, Mina notices some bright lights coming from outside. Opening the windows, it’s coming from the town below Canterlot. “Hey what’s with the light show?” said Mina, trying to take a better look.

“That’s Ponyville for you, crazy and energetic as always,” said Neon, heading to bed.

“Ponyville…” thought Mina, hearing the name before. This was the second time Ponyville was mentioned, the first on the newspaper at Appleloosa. When Mina went to sleep she had dreams of that name, Ponyville. When she was really in deep sleep, she had a dream… or more like a vision, in her dream was Anim. Anim was relaxing on a cliff overlooking a wonderful view of a valley, beside him was multitude of figures, even though it seemed Anim was happy… Mina could tell there was sadness in his eyes, and then the dream faded into black. Woken up by Neon, she looked left and right but only to hit heads with him again. “That’s the second time we hit heads,” said Neon, standing back up.

“Sorry,” said Mina. “Bad dream.”

“It’s okay,” said Neon.

The two headed to the train station, it seemed Neon had a show to go to. The two said farewell to each other, as they left on their separate trains. Mina stared at the train that her new friend was in as it left the station; while she thought again… what was that dream all about? Staring afar at beyond the vast new places to see and meet, would she find Anim, and what new ponies would she encounter.

Mina’s Log Day 2 – I was heading toward the city of Manehatten, when I arrived there it was like any urban city, tall bricked buildings, public parks, and tall skyscrapers. There was a lot to see, but I had to find clues about Anim’s location, so that’s when the meteors could help me with this. When I found an untouched source of meteor shards, they seem to have some sort of effect on me, when I made contact they gave me a temporary period of powers, the kind of powers that don’t belong in this world but, luckily I was the only known pony who could use these powers. I collected as many stones I can, but when I was collecting somepony caught me and thought I was some suspicious figure, so they called the police on me and I had to book it out of the city. Sadly I didn’t get to see much of the sights but, got some souvenirs to take with me. I wonder where my journey will take me next.

Mina’s Log Day 38 – It’s been a month or so, and I done some tests on the meteor shards… and these aren’t meteors shards, but whatever they are their giving off a weird aura reading I’ve never seen before except once… but, that was a long time ago. If I can access these shards power… maybe I could make a spell to find Anim’s location.

Mina’s Log Day 42 – I’m getting some strange aura energy coming from Canterlot… the readings are so familiar… it can’t be, Anim?

Mina’s Log Day 43 – I went to check what that weird disturbance at Canterlot, and my theories were correct, there’s somepony else in this realm who can use aura just like me. Whoever this pony is… it seems they have enough power to overwhelm the whole city’s defenses. I’m also getting some energy readings at Ponyville too, but I need to continue my research, whoever this pony is they might be friend… or foe.

Mina’s Log Day 65 – Today is Anim’s and my birthday today, funny that we’d be born on the same day… I made a cake, and cut two pieces for two… I miss you Anim; please… bring him back to me… happy 16th birthday, Animatorsnake, and happy 14th birthday to me too.

Mina’s Log Day 108 – The new year is coming soon, wasn’t able to find Anim or complete my research yet. Maybe next year I might find more information on these strange meteor shards.

Mina’s Log Day 128 – I’ve received a letter from Braeburn, I’m surprised he was able to find out where I was staying. I haven’t seen him for such a long time, anyway I opened the letter and when I read it, Braeburn seemed to mention somepony that his cousin had made friends with a while ago. He said this friend of hers caused some trouble and teamed up with some stage magician… the letter was too hard to read because it seemed Braeburn rushed writing this and spilled some ink on the letter, but it’s nice to know it’s not boring where he is… but something caught my eye on Braeburn’s letter… he wrote that, the pony who was friends with his cousin… had a red and blue mane and tail… red… and blue.

Mina’s Log Day 150 – I heard it’s supposed to be a holiday called Hearts & Hooves Day today, I’m not sure what it’s about but, you’re supposed to be with your special somepony, whatever that means. If Anim were here, he’d probably go out with… with… I can’t seem to remember who Anim used to be. I wonder, ever since I came to this world, it feels like something… or somepony took a piece of me.

Mina’s Log Day 187 – It’s the end of winter, and the beginning of spring. Not only that, but some good news finally came, the black stones (I’ve renamed them to black stones because of the black dust and aura they give off) research is finally done, with this I can finally be able to find Anim… only one problem, I need to find a powerful relay system of some sort to spread the spell in one simultaneously blast that can cover all of Equestria… where can I found such a device?

Mina’s Log Day 200 – I’ve found the perfect location where to use my spell, I checked some history book and there’s a relic called the “Crystal Heart” that can spread its energy all over Equestria. If I can fuse my spell onto the relic once, it’ll spread the spell across Equestria, and will give me the information to find Anim’s exact location… except there’s one itsy tiny bitsy problem… it’s heavily guarded… this is going to be a problem.

The next day after Mina’s journal entry, the Crystal Empire, 1200 hours, near the Crystal Heart

“There it is… now all I got to do is get close enough to place down the spell without getting noticed,” said Mina, who sneaked away.

Mina stealthily made her way near the Crystal Heart, passing a few guards who trotted by. Once near the artifact, she prepared the spell. “I only need a few minutes, and then once that’s done I can—”

But before Mina could start the spell, somepony can be heard behind her. Afraid she’s been caught, the voice sounds… familiar. “Mina, is that you?”

Turning around, it’s nopony but Neon Lights, the pony Mina met at Canterlot. Mina greeted her friend Neon, as they gave a long warm hug, Mina tried to explain the situation to Neon, she thought Neon would rat her but, Neon understand and has gotten into his own troubles himself whenever he was in a club. Neon distracted the guards and surrounding ponies, while Mina worked on her spell. Once done, Mina hurried to leave… but was caught by one of the ponies. “She’s done something to the Crystal Heart! STOP HER!” shouted one of the crystal guard ponies.

Running from the guards, Neon tries to help Mina but she tells Neon to not worry. Mina leaps onto the top of a building with ease, the guards were amazed and slightly distracted by Mina’s jump to the roof, coming back to their senses they continue the chase. Mina’s reaches for the nearest train station, but too be blocked by a barrage of guards. “This was not part of the plan,” said Mina, looking for a way to escape.

Blocked to the train station, and chased by the other guard ponies, Mina did her one only risky move. “You only live once,” said Mina. “FOR VALHALLA!

Mina charged in a crazed ramming speed, the crystal guard ponies shook a little from Mina’s upcoming charge but didn’t waver, when suddenly before Mina could make contact, a massive shockwave knocked the ponies into the ground, letting Mina pass by. Confused of what just happen, Mina shakes it off and makes onto the train as it left the station. Before Mina could go far enough, she say Neon waving goodbye to her, Mina gave a salute back at Neon, and shouted back at him. “THANKS FOR THE ASSIST!” shouted Mina, as the train left.

Now with the information of all of Equestria, Mina returns to her makeshift home she made these last couple of months. Inside was a device used for the spell on the Crystal Heart, and it worked as the spell spread across Equestria. Now all Mina had to do was to wait for the results to come in.

Mina’s Log Day 206 – The results have finally come in and… they all pinpoint at the last place I ever thought to look, Ponyville. The signs show it to be Ponyville, the device is pinpointing massive amounts of black aura coming from Ponyville… but there’s a tiny smudge of white aura, and I know only one pony with white aura… only one. Tomorrow morning… I’m heading straight to Ponyville, I’m this close… I’ll find you Anim, and then… we can finally return home.

The next day, 0700 hours, Ponyville Station

Mina has finally arrived at the source of where Anim’s could be. Anim’s has been in town for these last eight months… alone. Mina would soon find him, but this was impossible, even though Anim’s here at Ponyville, the location isn’t exact, Anim could be near or somewhere in Ponyville, not exactly in the town itself. In order to find his exact location, Mina brought miniature versions of her spell to look for Anim, placing them on certain checkpoints.

“So this is Ponyville… well better get started,” said Mina continuing her way down the path.

Mina began placing her wards down at certain points, the first at a part. After that the second ward had to be placed near the first in case if the first one were to be dispelled or some other reason. “Okay, where should I put the second ward,” thought Mina, looking around.

Mina spotted a tall building that looked like a carousel, curious she enters inside. The building was some sort of store for clothing, Mina thought seeing a lot of clothes and pony models. “Better do this quick before somepony notices me,” said Mina, placing down the ward.

Once done Mina headed out but heard a voice. “Spike, is that you?”

“Curd,” said Mina, quickly leaving.

Mina ran a good mile away from the building, once far away Mina headed to the next location. The next ward was placed at a farm that was far from town. Immediately placing the ward, an apple fell on her head. “Ow, what the,” said Mina, looking up.

Above Mina was another pony, a blue female pegasus who was asleep. Mina carefully moved away, making sure not to wake up to pony, but another pony began shouting at the sleeping pegasus. “RAINBOW, WHAT HAVE TOLD YOU, YOU CAN’T SLEEP HERE!” shouted an angry orange pony wearing a stetson.

Mina thought she’s been caught but the orange pony was too busy shouting at the other pony. Mina quickly ran there, hopefully not being caught. Once she left the farm and returned to Ponyville, she headed to her next location, which was outside Ponyville at the other side of town. “Sure is a lot of running today,” said Mina, stretching.

Mina arrived at a cottage near the forest, heading to the back, she begins using her spell. Once done, Mina notices somepony at the window, realizing she’s been caught Mina runs from the cottage to her next location. “Crud, I hope they didn’t see my face,” said Mina.

Next was a bakery of sort that was near the town hall, it was very famous so placing this spell was going to be difficult. Once inside, Mina had to look her best to not stand out, but considering her lack of a cutie mark that might be hard. “Okay, I need to this quick and clean,” thought Mina.

Mina sat somewhere in the bakery, and started making her ward, but when she was done and about to leave… an unexpected obstacle appeared. “Hello there!” said the pink mare, surprising Mina.

“AH!” screamed Mina, falling to the ground.

“What you doing~?” asked the pink mare.

Mina quickly got to her hooves made for the exit. “Wait, are you new, maybe we can have a party together!” said the pink mare.

Before the pink mare could catch up with Mina, she hid herself inside a barrel. The pink mare was unsure where Mina was and went back inside. Once the close was clear Mina, headed to the next location, which was the town square. She placed the ward immediately and her job was done, Mina waited for any sign but it came quicker than she expected, one of her wards activated and sensed the same aura energy from before. It was located at the cottage, Mina headed there immediately. Arriving near there she passes by a male unicorn, but didn’t give any attention that to whom it was. Once arriving at the cottage she carefully looked around but couldn’t find Anim. “I was this close,” said Mina, frustrated.

Upset that she was unable to find Anim, Mina returned to the town square. Mina sat down on patch of grass, resting when one of her wards activated again. Thinking the location is far from her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to make there, but realized the ward was activated at the town square… which was where she was. Mina immediately stood up, and realized the whole town square was empty, looking around to find anypony… she saw one lonely figure. Wanting to just run toward the figure, Mina calmly moved slowly toward the figure. Her heartbeat began increasing as she began to move closer and closer, sweat dropped down toward the ground afraid this isn’t the pony she’s finding. Mina spoke words she was afraid to speak. “So… I finally found you,” said Mina.

The pony turned to face Mina, the pony was a mahogany unicorn, which had red and blue mane and tail, as well as red and blue eyes, the red on the left and the blue on the right. What really caught her attention was that this pony had no cutie mark. Mina moved closer to the pony and gave him a warm smile, the pony responded. “Okay… who are you, and do I know you?” asked the unicorn.

Mina felt the familiarity from the unicorn’s voice, and continued to focus her eyes at the unicorn. Then taking one final look… Mina hugged the stranger, unsure who this was or not, Mina said the one think to make sure her theory was correct. “I can’t believe your alive… dad,” said Mina, starting to cry.

The unicorn began to look at Mina in her eyes, and a look of familiarity was on the unicorn’s face… then he spoke, and gave the one answer Mina waited for. “Is that you, Mina?” asked the unicorn.

Mina was so happy she began crying out sheer joy and relief. “Yes it’s me… Mina,” said Mina.

The unicorn… who was Anim, gave Mina a big smile and lifted her up as they both stared spinning together, as Anim shouted out. “I can’t believe you’re here!” shouted Anim.

For some reason Mina felt the urge and wanted to scream it out for being this far from Anim. “DADDY!” shouted Mina, hugging Anim.

But nothing stays the same, as some events occurred after their reunion. That Anim won’t be able to return back with Mina; even though she used all her power to find him… he has to leave him behind… forever. Mina has a chose… stay here in this world, to leave behind everyone she knew… or leave Anim behind… never to come back.