• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 542 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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A Party to Remember (Edited)

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 9:30am

"And there, see I knew you would get a hang of it," said Twilight.

As Anim continued to learn basic spells from Twilight, Spike enters the room.

"Hey Twilight, I got what you asked for," said Spike.

"Oh, thank you Spike," said Twilight, as she took the items from Spike.

"Um, why exactly do I need these books on my head again?" asked Anim.

"Well for you to use magic, you need to have a sense of balance when releasing the magic within yourself, you don't want to be sent flying or anything," said Twilight.

"I guess that makes sense but still, when I asked to learn a levitation spell, you said you teach me," said Anim.

"Now don't be impatient," said Twilight, "this may be a basic spell but that doesn't mean you need to hurry yourself to learn about it."

"Yeah, I guess you’re right," said Anim.

As Anim continues his "training", elsewhere preparations are being ready.

"Okay everypony, the cake is almost ready!" said Pinkie, as she hopped outside the kitchen.

"Great darling, how are the decorations doing Rainbow and Fluttershy?" asked Rarity.

"We're almost done here, but where's Applejack?" asked Rainbow.

As Sugarcube Corner's door swings open, at the entrance is Applejack with her are the CMC.

"I'm here girls, I also brought some food with me for the party," said Applejack, as she placed the food down on the table.

"Great, now all we need to do is to wait for Anim to come here," said Pinkie, "let's just hope Twilight can distract him long enough."

As Twilight's friends continue preparing Anim's welcome party, Twilight continues to teach Anim magic and more.

"Okay I'm done with what you told me, now what?" asked Anim.

"Now, what I want you to focus and imagine a floating object, start with something small okay," said Twilight, explaining to Anim carefully.

As Anim took Twilight's advice he focuses on levitating the book in front of him, as he grunts trying to lift the book up with his magic or whatever magic he does have. Suddenly he feels this strange feeling inside him like a door has open and everything has been revealed to him. As he opens his eyes before him is the book, levitating with a strange magic glow surrounding the object.

"I... I did it, I DID IT TWILIGHT LOOK!" said Anim, as he hopped around in joy of his success.

"Well done Anim," said Twilight, "but there's something wrong here."

"Oh no, don't tell me I made a mistake," said Anim.

"No, that's not the problem, it's just..." said Twilight, as she took a better observation at the floating object. "Why is your magic... white?"

Anim too takes a better observation of this and realizes his magic aura is white, remembering something familiar from his old world he knows what it means but decides to keep this information with himself.

"It's probably nothing, but anyway," said Anim, "can you teach me more spells to learn?"

Twilight looks at Anim then at the time, the clock arms read its 9:50am and decides what her next move should be.

"I guess I can and you seem to be learning more quickly, you sure no one taught you how to use your horn?" asked Twilight.

"No not really, but I know my way with magic, you could say I was born for that purpose," said Anim, "but never mind about my past, so what's this spell you want to teach me?"

"I'm glad you asked, well this spell might be a bit complicating but I think you might be able to learn it," said Twilight.

As Twilight shows Anim more about magic, unicorns and spells, she teaches Anim a spell to defend himself from danger called the bubble shield.

"Wait a spell for defending yourself, if a spell like that exist is there a spell for offensive uses?" asked Anim.

"I'm not sure, but there is another spell I used when changelings invaded Canterlot when I went there for my brother's wedding," said Twilight.

"Wait, what are changelings?" asked Anim, wanting to know more.

"I guess I should explain a little about myself then, well it all started when I found this old book in my old home at Canterlot," said Twilight.

As Twilight continued to speak about how she met her friends, the Mane 6, her being Princess Celestia's apprentice and more, Anim listens intently wanting to know about Twilight and the world of Equestria. Twilight explains to Anim about the many different species and creatures, like dragons, hydra, cockatrices and more; Anim follows closely to Twilight's lessons in magic and the history of Equestria more and more interested as time goes by.

"So to put it in simpler terms, changelings are shape-shifting bug-like creatures that feed on love and tried to invade Canterlot and the bride who is now your stepsister was the changeling queen," said Anim, explaining Twilight's story.

Twilight nodded in response with Anim questioning one other question.

"So if this all happened, where was Luna?" asked Anim.

"Hmm, I don't know really I may need to ask Celestia where her sister was that time," said Twilight, "but anyway let's continue with our lesson, as I was saying the spells for offensive reasons don't harm somepony but are more useful to knock them out instead."

"I see, this might be useful when I may encounter nearby dangers, speaking of which," said Anim, "when you and your friends found me, I was found near some kind of forest, I hear ponies call it the Everfree Forest, what is that place anyway?"

"Oh the Everfree, well to put it simply the Everfree is probably the most dangerous place in all of Equestria, its this massive ancient forest that existed before the founding of Ponyville, dangerous creatures like hydras, cockatrices, dragons, manticores, parasprites, timberwolves, and even ursa minor and majors," said Twilight, as she continued talking more and more.

"Okay Twilight you can calm down now," said Anim.

As Anim continues stopping Twilight from continuing her rant of history and more, this reminds Anim old memories when he had talks like this with his friend, he decides to trust Twilight a little more from now on.

"Hey Twilight can I tell you something," said Anim, his tone becoming more serious.

Twilight notices the change in tone and listens carefully to Anim.

"Of course, what you want to tell me?" asked Twilight.

"Do you remember anything from last night and how I told you something important about me," said Anim.

Twilight tries remembering the events from yesterday and does remember Anim telling Twilight he was from another world and a being known as a "realm guardian" whatever that may be.

"You mean... you were telling the truth," said Twilight, as her fears of what is reality and fake are unraveled.

Feeling light headed, she sat down from not fainting like last night's incident, except the same incident is happening again.

"Look before you begin to panic, you need to hear me out first," said Anim, "I'll let you take a short breather for you to think this over."

Twilight breaths in and out slowly and stands up and listens to the rest of Anim's story.

"Okay I think I can handle whatever you need to say, go on," said Twilight, motioning Anim to speak.

"Well as I told you, I'm from another world and all but ever since I came to this world, I don't know why but it reminds me of home," said Anim.

"My point is that, being an entity of pure energy and power I'm practically close to your leaders or even more powerful than Princesses Celestia and Luna combined, but sometimes I feel... alone," said Anim.

"Alone?" asked Twilight, as she listened.

"Okay how can I explain this," said Anim, trying to explain in a more understandable way. "How about this, imagine a being who's lived for over centuries or even eras who has the longest life span than any creature and lives this long because he, she or it is an entity of pure magic or in this case aura."

Twilight was interested at the part when Anim mentioned something called, aura.

"What's aura?" asked Twilight, as she listened to Anim who continued talking.

"Well aura is basically my life-force, or in other words it's like magic but it's a creature's life-force which is why I or more specifically we have lived for this long," said Anim.

Twilight was confused by the part when Anim mentioned "we" but thought he meant the royal we, as Anim continued to talk he explained more about his "origins".

"I'm the third regeneration of this powerful entity... which is why I'm so alone," said Anim, as he continues to speak, "so alone in fact that, no matter how hard I try to make friends, family or even loved ones, either I or them... will wither away, the lonely guardian."

"I haven't felt this upset, for so long," said Anim, as he looked blankly at the ceiling. "Just why now is what I question."

Twilight realizes he stopped talking to her and is now talking to himself, moving forward she pokes Anim with no response back, she decides to get him to notice her but he snaps from whatever mental moment he was having.

"Are you okay?" asked Twilight, worrying for Anim’s mental state.

"I'm fine, but what was I trying to say again..." said Anim as he tried remembering what he was trying to tell Twilight. "Oh yes, you see ever since I came here to Equestria, I've been having trouble remembering, its as if all my memories from the day before I came to Equestria, disappeared."

"So you’re saying you lost your memories," said Twilight in a confused tone.

"Only the memories from yesterday, things like the day I was born, my favorite hobby and even today and the day before, but for some reason I can't remember what happened yesterday yet I still have my older and newer memories intact, as if someone wanted these specific memories from that day... gone," said Anim, thinking somepony or someone had tampered with his memories.

"Is there a spell for making somepony or any creature to forget something?" asked Anim, wanting to know if there is such a spell.

Twilight thought of this, but a spell like that would be banned except a spell like that doesn't exist or does it.

"None that I know, but if you are from another world, do you have spells like that where you come from?" asked Twilight, if such magic exists in his world.

"Unless you count knocking someone in the back of the head with a shovel-forget spell, then yes," said Anim, as he laughed for a short time.

Twilight responded with a weak smile which was either means she's laughing with Anim or thinks that's the dumbest answer she has ever heard of, either way Anim stopped laughing and continued to think.

"If a spell like that doesn't exists means only two things, one is when I crashed near Ponyville I must have hit my head so hard I lost my memory which is kind of impossible considering that it takes more than a meteor to get me amnesia with me being rock-headed," said Anim as he involved a pun near the end of that statement.

Anim waits for Twilight's reaction, but she gives a small angry frown instead.

"Anyway, the second reason for me losing my memory is that I regenerated, which doesn't explain why I still have memories from my past, where I shouldn't have because... well it's complicating," said Anim.

Twilight was given more questions than answers, confused whether Anim is speaking more nonsense or every word Anim has spoken was the truth, but she can sense something is missing in his story.

"What do you mean by regeneration exactly?" asked Twilight.

Anim has just realized he said regeneration, and turns to Twilight giving off a short wave of his hoof saying it's nothing, however Twilight heard clearly through Anim's talking and heard what he said, so Anim explains the other more complicating half of his origins.

"You see every... well actually I'm not sure how long but on a specific age and time, my old self passes away or something like that and regenerates into a different body and personality. I only know there are at least four regenerations of me out there in different realms, but considering that I have my old memories still from my past regeneration, yet I have a separate body and personality than my previous one had, which means two things either I really regenerated or I'm a glitch," said Anim.

Twilight wanted to know what a glitch was, but when Spike entered the room, he came in sweating and with his blanket wrapped around his leg.

"Twi... light, the time... look," said Spike, as he collapsed of exhaustion.

As Twilight looked at the time, it reads 12:25am five minutes until Pinkie's surprise party, well kind of a surprise, Twilight began sweating at the time, she looked at Anim about to say to come with her but remembered she can't tell Anim or remind him of what's happening today, so now she needs to convince Anim to leave the library and lead him to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hey Anim, let's take a break from learning magic and grab a bite at Sugarcube Corner," said Twilight, trying not to look suspicious.

Anim looks carefully at Twilight figuring out why she would suddenly suggest they should take a break, but then Anim's stomach begins to rumble remembering he didn't eat lunch yet.

"I guess we can take a break, I'm famished well let's go," said Anim, as he reached for the door.

Twilight calmed down and got ready to leave with Spike as they headed to Sugarcube Corner, meanwhile back at the party.

"Pinkie it's almost five minutes until the party starts, when are they going to come?" asked Rainbow, as she moved from her hiding spot.

"Don't worry Dash, they'll come we just need to wait," said Pinkie as she looked from her hiding spot.

As everypony hides in the darkness, they hear talking outside the door.

"It's them, quick hide!" said Pinkie, as she ducked under some tables.

As the door opened entering into the darkness were three figures, two were ponies while the other looked like a small dragon, as they entered the darkness even further a bright light appears and before them they can sees tables, treats and other snacks.

"WELCOME TO PONYVILLE, ANIM!" shouted everypony as they popped out of their hiding spots.

As Twilight was kind of surprised from the bright light and blasts of confetti, Anim stood there.

"Um Anim, are you okay?" asked Applejack, as she waved her hoof in front of his eyes.

"Oh no, I broke Anim," said Pinkie, as her hair deflated.

But as everypony was worried and Twilight stood up, Anim starts laughing happily as he removed some confetti in his mane.

"Now this is a party!" said Anim, joyfully.

"Wait, you’re okay?" said Pinkie, as she raised her head up, "I thought you were upset."

"No not really, been a while since I had a party as awesome as this," said Anim, as he smiled back at Pinkie. "Well come on, turn that frown upside-down and get this party started!"

Pinkie's hair inflated back to her normal bouncy bright hair, as she hopped in one spot, preparing the preparations of Anim's welcome party, as everypony even the townspony celebrated their new neighbor and friend, Animatorsnake.

"Hey Pinkie, what flavor is the cake?" asked Anim in curiosity.

"Oh, well the flavors I used were raspberry and blueberry, because of your red and blue mane so I thought it is a nice touch you know," said Pinkie.

"Good thinking, anyway how many ponies did you invite?" asked Anim, as he looked around to see the whole room filled with ponies.

"The whole town!" said Pinkie as she hopped in response.

"Really, wow that's a lot of ponies," said Anim.

"Oh you should have seen Twilight's welcome party, there was music, cake, and drinks," said Pinkie.

"Except you brought hot sauce for mistaking for soda to the party!" said Twilight, reminding Pinkie that day.

"It was also the day we became the friends we are and defeated Nightmare Moon and freed Celestia's sister Luna," said Applejack.

"Wait Luna was Celestia's sister, no what, let's tell stories later and party!" said Anim.

Everypony partied at Sugarcube Corner for hours end, nearing 7:00pm everypony was heading home, while Anim and the Mane 6 helped clean up.

"That was some party, thanks Pinkie," said Anim.

"Pinkie your parties are the best," said Rainbow, picking up trash.

"Well after today, I need a good night's rest," said Rarity as she proceeded to yawn.

"Say before we all head back home, can I say something," said Anim.

The Mane 6, Spike and the CMC stopped cleaning up and listened to Anim; Anim proceeded to stop as well and continued to speak.

"After my whole life of adventures, traveling and battles, this is the first time where no disaster or incident happens where I have to be far away from my friends and family... I thank all of you for being that family," said Anim, with a warm smile in return.

Everypony was happy to hear Anim's speech, Pinkie was crying rivers of tears while Rarity kept herself from tearing up, Rainbow which looked like she also was going to cry didn't and floated in one spot while Fluttershy gave a smile as Twilight and everypony else gave Anim a hug.

"We're also happy to be your friends and family too," said Twilight, "but we need to continue cleaning this mess now."

As everypony continued to clean up everypony returned home afterwards, as Twilight, Anim and Spike were heading to the library, Anim shortly stopped.

"Twilight, could we talk about something, privately?" asked Anim.

"Sure Anim," said Twilight, turning her head to Spike, "Spike you can go ahead to the library and make sure things are alright, okay."

Spike nodded and headed to the library, while Anim led Twilight to a clearing overlooking a valley near Ponyville.

"What do you want to tell me Anim, you know you could have told me at the library?" asked Twilight.

"I just like the view here," said Anim, as he looked up at the night sky. "But anyway, the reason I called you here is very important, you see... it has to do with my memories."

Twilight took an interest and remember about what Anim told her back at the library when she was teaching Anim magic... about his memories of the past.

"You see, I’m starting to have visions or memories of that very day... when I first came to Equestria, it's foggy but I do remember one memory," said Anim, "her face... so vivid yet for some reason so unfamiliar, as if I never met her in my entire life."

"Who are you referring to Anim?" asked Twilight.

"I mentioned her to you and your friends remember, her name was Kimila and she was my first true friend... but," said Anim, "something happened, I must find out what has happened to her, so I have to ask you a favor, Twilight."

Twilight sensed some strange feeling from Anim, a feeling not too familiar to her, something of both worry and anger... rage. Twilight focused her gaze and prepared for anything... what she heard next she was not what she was prepared for.

"In your library I found a book, about the legend of Nightmare Moon and how she was Luna, but there was one thing that interested me the most," Anim continued slowly inching his head to Twilight. "Six ancient gems called the Elements of Harmony... but what really got my attention was how they resembled greatly on you and your friends."

Twilight felt her heart beginning to beat faster as Anim continued to speak, every word carefully examined by Twilight, time froze with only her and Anim moving.

"Twilight... if its possible and I know it might be," Anim said as he looked at Twilight for a response, "is it possible that I might be able to use... the Elements of Harmony?"

Twilight looked at Anim knowing the power of the elements had but for Anim, a being who was already powerful enough to face against Celestia and Luna, asking her for this very same power to see his friend one last time. Twilight looked at Anim, she had an expression of both worry and concern and she gave out a long sigh and looked straight at Anim.

"Anim, I know you miss her dearly but, I can't simply give you the elements without a good reason," said Twilight trying her best not to upset Anim.

Anim looked once more at the sky not looking again at Twilight, Anim responded back with his tone of voice changing.

"I see, well I'll find another way and besides," said Anim, giving off a small smile, "the story has just begun."

Anim and Twilight returned to the library, eating dinner, cleaning up and heading to bed, that night Anim has a dream of him and Twilight with her friends enjoying themselves, but in the distance is a figure representing Kimila. Anim runs forward to reach her as he turns around to see his friends of Equestria, suddenly all of them walk away from him, while Anim looks back to Kimila she too walks away from him... alone in darkness. Then in the darkness with him is his book, as he opens the book inside he finds words of regret, rage and nightmarish figures all over the pages of the book, but near the end of the book, he finds a phrase clear as the moon bold with black writing written with large letters.


Who can’t know?

Suddenly Anim wakes up from his dream, looking out the window its still night, as he stares off into the darkness he returns to sleep, like nothing has happen.