• Published 16th Sep 2015
  • 542 Views, 5 Comments

Anim's Adventures in Equestria - Animatorsnake

What would happen if a being with limitless power regenerates into a pony. Well this happened to Anim, with fragmented memories of the past, he lives in the town of Ponyville and sees what it's like being a pony, or could it all be a lie.

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Cutie Mark 101 (Edited)

After hours of listening to the CMC, they finished explaining to Anim what a cutie mark is, CMC style.

"So let me get this straight," said Anim, "a cutie mark is basically your special talent in life and this is what makes you... you."

"Yeah, the confusing part though about a cutie mark is, how to get one," said Applebloom.

"So shouldn't you three do something, that you enjoy instead of doing it all together," said Anim, questioning the CMC's methods.

The CMC look at each other, thinking of Anim's suggestion carefully.

"Well, I guess it's just more fun to do it together," said Sweetie, cheerfully.

Anim looks at the three fillies, realizing the problem why they haven't got their cutie marks yet.

"I'll let you three figure out what the problem is with you three not getting your cutie marks yet on your own time," said Anim, as he sat and watch.

As Anim watches the CMC think of ways to get their cutie marks; meanwhile at Ponyville Town Square.

"HOW COULD THIS HAD HAPPEN!?" shouted Rarity, as she rushed to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Let's just hope the CMC don't make Anim do any of their crazy shenanigans," said Twilight, as she tried to catch up with Rarity.

"Quick we must save that unique mane!" said Rarity.

"Ah hem," said Twilight.

"Oh, and Anim too!" said Rarity, adding that detail too.

As the two mares rushed to Sweet Apple Acres, meanwhile…

Sweet Apple Acres; 8:30am

"Whew, another day another apple bucking," said Applejack, as she wiped the sweat off her brow from bucking apples. "I need a break, but first where did Applebloom go?"

As Applejack looks around the farm for Applebloom, from the distance she notices a massive cloud of dust.

"What in Equestria is that," said Applejack, as she looked carefully.

As the cloud of dust got closer as it dissipated, from the dust is Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, as the two mares began crawling toward Applejack.

"Girls, what's wrong did something happen!?" asked Applejack, as she knelt down.

"Anim... CMC... in danger," said Twilight, as she tried to stand up.

"Magnificent... mane... no cutie... mark," said Rarity, as she fainted of over-exhaustion.

"Come on, let's get you two inside and we can talk some more," said Applejack, as she carried the two.

As Applejack carried her friends to the barn, they ate a little and told Applejack why they’re in a hurry.

"Thank you Applejack, we thought we were going to die there," said Twilight, as she drank her apple juice.

"Now could you explain why you two were running like a bunch of mad diamond dogs now?" asked Applejack.

"Oh of course, darling," said Rarity, "you see my sister, Sweetie Belle borrowed Anim from us and we’re here to pick him up."

"Twilight?" asked Applejack, looking for a more specific answer.

"Anim was supposedly kidnapped by the CMC, is what Rarity is saying," said Twilight.

"Well I can see why you two came here in the first place," said Applejack, as she got off her seat. "Well come on let's check on Anim."

"Let's also be sure he didn't lose any of his sanity from the girls," said Twilight.

As Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack head to the CMC's tree-house, meanwhile back at the tree-house itself.

"No let's do this to get that cutie mark!" said Scootaloo.

"But we already done that Scootaloo," said Applebloom.

"How about we do it, backwards?" asked Sweetie.

As the three fillies continue to argue what they should do next to get their cutie marks, Anim watches in curiosity of still understanding what a cutie mark truly is.

A cutie mark is what you're good at, or in this case your destiny, but I already know who I am, then why don't I have a cutie mark, is it because I wasn't originally a pony.

As Anim explored his inner thoughts, he realized an important detail about him.

...I can't remember, the day before I came to Equestria, the day I was still... me.

Suddenly Anim snapped from his thoughts and realized the tree-house was empty, as he stood up and left the tree-house, he saw the crusaders on some strange contraption.

"What are you three doing?" asked Anim.

"Oh, we’re crusading," said Applebloom.

"We thought of different ideas of getting our cutie marks, so now we're going to try inventors," said Sweeti Belle.

"And what exactly did you three invent when I was busy thinking?" asked Anim, curious of what they had made.

"We created a ball launcher, so if you want an accurate location of where you want to launch your ball," said Scootaloo, as she looked at Sweetie Belle. “Okay Sweetie Belle, place the ball!"

As Sweetie Belle places the ball on the launcher, Applebloom nears the lever to pull it.

"Okay Applebloom, in three," said Scootaloo.

"Two!" said Sweetie, excited.

"One!" shouted Applebloom, as she pulled the lever.

As the lever was pulled down, the three watched for the ball to be launched, but nothing happened.

"Don't tell me it's broken," said Sweetie, huffing sadly.

"Let me check what's wrong with it," said Scootaloo.

As Scootaloo removed the ball, she took a better look at the machine's mechanism and found the problem.

"Found the problem, I forgot to remove this wooden wedge I put here if the machine went off on its own, I'll just remove this and–”

As Scootaloo proceeded to remove the wedge, Anim had realized she was on the launcher and tried to warn her, but as Scootaloo removed the wedge the mechanism activated sending Scootaloo to the sky.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Scootaloo, as she was sent flying to the sky – or flailing in this case.

"SCOOTALOO NOOOO!" shouted Applebloom, as she tried to look up for Scootaloo.

As Sweetie Belle and Applebloom started running in circles trying to find and catch Scootaloo, Anim starts running out to help.

"Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, find the biggest blanket you can find, quick!" said Anim.

As Sweetie Belle and Applebloom went to the tree-house following Anim's request, Anim looks up to see if he can catch Scootaloo.

If only I could fly or have magic then maybe I–

Anim however realized something else he forgot and as he remembered that he turned into a pony and there are at least three different races, so Anim looks at himself to see which race was he.

I don't see any wings on me, but I don't feel strong or have a good endurance to boot, so which means.

As Anim looked up he saw the mahogany horn on him making him a unicorn, but however there is but one small dilemma.

I don't know how to use magic in this world and if it's any similar like my world then maybe I could use my magic or my tome but for now, I need to find another way to save Scootaloo.

As Anim is thinking he hears a slight low scream, slowly growing loudly over time.

Wait that's–

As Anim looks up, he sees an orange spot in the sky, which is Scootaloo falling from the machine's launcher.

"Sweetie Belle, Applebloom did you get what I asked for!?" shouted Anim, toward the tree-house.

As Sweetie and Applebloom come out the tree-house, they bring a large curtain or cloth to use to catch Scootaloo, as the three spread out the cloth, elsewhere on the pathway to the CMC's tree-house.

"Are we there yet, Applejack?" asked Rarity.

"We’re almost there Rarity, the CMC's tree-house should be up ahead soon," said Applejack, leading Twilight and Rarity.

As three mares pass through some bushes and shrubs, they see the tree-house up ahead and Anim standing with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle holding a piece of cloth out.

"SWEETIE BELLE!" shouted Rarity, as she trotted straight to Sweetie Belle.

"R-Rarity, can we talk later, we're kind of busy right now," said Sweetie, gulping nervously.

"Oh no you don't, we have a lot to talk about, so stop what you’re doing and come here now," said Rarity.

"Rarity, I think you should listen to your sister, and as to what we're doing is trying to catch Scootaloo," said Anim, motioning his eyes upwards.

As Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack look up they see an orange dot in the sky, then they hear screaming.

"Wait, don't tell me that's..." said Twilight, slowly realizing what's happening now.


"Well we were trying to be inventors and invented that machine there, but something happened," said Applebloom, sheepishly.

"Well let's help out girls, Applejack hold that end of the cloth, Rarity that end and I got this part of the cloth, okay and stretch," said Twilight, as she held onto the piece of cloth.

As everypony stretched out the cloth, it wasn’t enough to cover a wide range of the area, as Scootaloo continued falling closer and closer to the ground, Scootaloo began to try flapping her wings to see if she could glide down causing her to slightly shift from the piece of cloth below her.

"Wait what's happening, she's falling farther from us, if this continues then," said Twilight, worry clear in her voice.

As everypony feared for the worse, Anim starts running to where Scootaloo will probably land.

"Anim what are you doing?!" shouted Twilight Sparkle.

"What I do best, helping others!" said Anim, as he continues running.

As Anim nears underneath Scootaloo’s shadow, as Scootaloo is about to hit a tree Anim jumps forward catching Scootaloo as the two skid off the ground.

"Are you two alright?!" asked Sweetie, as she's followed by the others.

As Scootaloo tries to stand up, she places her hoof on her forehead from being in air and screaming for a long time feeling dizzy as she tries to get a hold of herself.

"I'm... f-fine, but what about Anim?" asked Scootaloo, dizzily.

As everypony surrounded Anim, he isn't moving at all, worried the CMC start panicking of what happened to Anim.


"Sweetie Belle, I'm sure he’s fine," said Rarity, calming down Sweetie Belle. "Twilight, will he be okay?"

As Twilight approached Anim, she checked his pulse if he was awake; as Twilight checked Anim slightly shifted.

"Don't worry girls he'll be fine," said Twilight, "but first, what were you three thinking, you could have gotten hurt."

As the CMC got a lecture from Twilight and their sisters, they said sorry to everypony for worrying them especially Sweetie for taking Anim without telling Rarity and Twilight.

"Now that everypony is okay, what about Anim?" asked Applejack.

"I guess he’s been through a lot today, I guess I need to carry him back to the library," said Twilight.

As Twilight carried Anim getting some help from Applejack and Rarity, Anim slightly woke up and looked at the CMC, seeing them upset up what they done.

"I'm okay you guys you can let me down," said Anim.

As Anim stood up he approached the three fillies, thinking they were going to be lectured by Anim now they looked down.

"We’re sorry Anim," said the CMC.

"There's no reason for you to be sorry, yes what you did was dangerous but you can't discover new things without risk," said Anim, as he patted them on their heads.

As the CMC raised their heads up and looked at Anim listening to him.

"When I was your age I climbed this tree, even though it was dangerous I would probably fall off and hurt myself, but when I reached the top I realized sometimes the most risky situations can have the most beautiful moments in life," said Anim.

"I guess you're right," said Scootaloo, "when I was in the air, I was scared first but for the first time I felt like I was flying for the first time."

"But remember, safety comes first so be more careful of your surroundings okay," said Anim.

The CMC nodded and smiled back at Anim as the three laughed together.

"Well, I got to go," said Anim, waving goodbye.

"Will you still be a member of the CMC?" asked Applebloom.

"Sure, I may not be the same age you three are but that don’t mean we can't find our destinies together," said Anim.

As Anim left with Twilight and Rarity, the CMC continued with their adventurous habits in search of their cutie marks.

"Well Twilight I need to return to the boutique, I've been gone for too long, so I hope you and Anim's rest of the day goes well," said Rarity, as she left to return to the boutique.

As Twilight and Anim returned to the library, Anim rests in the guest room while Twilight speaks to Spike.

"Spike, has anything interesting happened when I was gone?" asked Twilight.

"No not really," said Spike, "...well actually Pinkie came by and left you a letter or message I think."

As Spike gave Twilight the letter, she read its contents.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Since you weren't in the library I left a letter for you to read, since Anim is new in Ponyville I want you to bring him to Sugarcube Corner for his welcome party, I know he probably knows of it but he'll be surprised when he enters the room, just try not to remind him that his welcome party is today, if he doesn't remember then it'll make the experience even better.

From, Pinkie Pie

PS: The party starts at 12:30pm, don't be late!

As Twilight finished reading the letter she looks at the time to see what time it is, the clock arms are pointing at the number nine symbolizing it's nine o'clock.

How am I supposed to distract him for three hours and thirty minutes?

As Twilight was busy in her thoughts, Anim was behind her as he was trying to get her to notice him.

"Uh Twilight, hello," said Anim, as he waved his hoof in front of Twilight's eyes.

"Huh oh, yes Anim do you need something?" asked Twilight.

"Well there's something I want to ask you," said Anim.

"What do you want to know, Anim?" asked Twilight.

"Well when we were saving Scootaloo, I couldn't use my horn," said Anim, "so that's why I want you to teach me how to use magic."

"Wait you can't use magic," said Twilight, as she examined Anim's horn. "Well okay, I guess I can teach you."

"The first spell to learn is the most basic spell of all, levitating," said Twilight, as she showed Anim a levitating spell.