• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

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Questions and a Special Birthday

It was another beautiful day in Equestria, about 6 years since the Luck Dragon adopted the little Princess. Since then, Nick moved out and started a plumbing business, taking Cadance with him, eventually becoming a famous plumber. Celestia had finally gotten her cutie mark: The Sun, she was destined to be Princess of the Sun! But Luna still did not have hers yet.

Today was a week from the Gala, and everypony had a date except Luna.
"Luna! You can't be shy! The Gala is only a week away! Go ask Nick!", Celestia exclaimed when she told her about Luna's predicament. "What if he doesn't want to? I can't take that kind of rejection!", her sister screamed.
"Well you're not going to find out standing here!", Celestia replied, dragging her by the tail.

They went to Nick's Plumberia to ask him, but instead found Cadance playing Super Braveheart World on her SPES (Super Pony Entertainment System). She had just beat the game when they walked in.
"Hi Cadie, is your Papa here?", Celestia asked.
"He's tinkering with the plumbing in the basement.", she replied looking up from the screen as the credits rolled before shouting, "Papa! The princesses are here!"
Luna looked at the screen to see a 16-bit Nick getting a kiss from a 16-bit sprite of herself, she blushed. Celestia saw this and giggled. Nick came up and hissed in pain as he hit his head on the doorway before he smiled at Cadance,
"Is this really the 6th time you've beaten it? I guess we can get Braveheart Paint tomorrow."
He then turned to Celestia and Luna, "What do you require of my services?"
"Luna just wanted to ask you something.", Celestia smiled.

Luna blushed a lot before saying, "Would you like to go to the Gala as my date?"
Nick thought a bit before replying, "Depends on whether you want to be my special somepony. Either way, I'd go."
Tears started to fill Luna's eyes, "I thought you'd never asked.", she then kissed Nick, but he obviously knew what he was doing, so he kissed her till she couldn't see straight.
Celestia giggled. Cadance giggled along before asking,
"Auntie, can I go too?"
Celestia laughed, "Of course!" She used her magic to hand Cadance two tickets. One for her, and one for her Papa.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?", Nick asked. But Luna had gone running home, dancing, singing and jumping for the rest of the night. She had found her true love.

Today was Cadance's 7th birthday! And Nick was going to make it perfect! He had a party planned and invited all her friends, made her a pink, gem covered dress to wear, and even made her a big chocolate cake with pink icing and candles. Most importantly were her presents! He had gotten her a P64 (Pony 64), along with Super Braveheart 64 and Braveheart Kart 64!
Then Luna came rushing in.
"Nick! I got my cutie mark! See?", she shouted excitedly shaking her flank, which now had a crescent moon on it, "I got it from raising the moon last night."
"Wow! That's great! I hope my little Cadie gets hers someday.", he said after a brief kiss from Luna. "Don't worry, she will.", Luna smiled.
Cadance came down the stairs. "Morning, Papa!", she smiled.
"There's my birthday girl!", Nick exclaimed, pulling her into a hug.
"What are we gonna do today?", the birthday girl asked.
"You're going to go with Luna, and have fun, while I get everything ready!"
"Hey Luna! Want to come in the living room and play Super Braveheart World? I've got two controllers!", she smiled.
"Sure, I've been meaning to try these new so called, 'video games'.", Luna replied. So they sat down and Cadance turned on the SPES.

On the screen sat a luck dragon under a box of words saying:
"Welcome to Super Braveheart World! The Princess is missing! Tirek is at it again!"
Luna shivered. Tirek had almost killed her parents when she was Cadance's age.
Despite being new to video games, Luna did fairly well, even if she found that secret zone on accident. Finally, everything was ready and everypony was here. Cadance sat at the head of the table while Nick sat the cake in front of her.

After they sang to her, Nick said, "Make a wish and blow out the candles!"
Cadance shut her eyes and whispered, "I wish I had a Mama.", before blowing out the candles.
This made Nick realize that after all these years, he had never thought of that one detail, but it went away as soon as she jumped on him and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you, Papa, this is the best party ever!"
"But you haven't opened presents yet!", Nick smiled.
From Father and Mother, she got a music box that played her favorite song, from Celestia, she got a pink sun hat, her friends gave her lots of candy. She went nuts over what her papa had gotten her. Finally, Luna, after she gave her a pet armadillo, said, "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything much, but if you like, I can be your mama. I'll visit everyday and we can do things together. Maybe give Papa a break."
"Really?! You'll be my mama? Mama, you're the best!", exclaimed Cadance, who had her hooves wrapped around her new mama.
Nick and Celestia shot Luna a confused look, but she waved it away as she hugged her newly found daughter.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I may have forgotten about how Luna told the story in a earlier chapter, but it's close enough.