• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

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After the Honeymoon

Nick paced the floor outside of his and Luna's room in Canterlot she'd been in there for an hour, was she alright? He was very tired and worried about Luna.
"I'm going in!", he finally declared, making his decision about whether to disturb her and the doctor. "Nick, I'm sure she's fine.", Twilight said firmly, still a little cross at him for getting her yelled at by Princess Luna.

Celestia then gave Twilight a cross look before saying, "Nick, I know you're worried, most husbands are like that about their wives. But soon, it'll be worth it, because you'll be..."
All of the sudden, they heard the cry of three babies as the doctor stuck his head out the door and smiled,
"You're a father! Your children are all in perfect condition and so is the Princess. Congratulations!" Nick shook his hoof and thanked him before rushing through the door, Twilight, Celestia, and Cadance following.

Luna laid on the bed with a Luck Dragon cub, no bigger than a watermelon, on her right, and on her left a baby Alicorn, and a cross between a Luck Dragon and Alicorn sat to her left, they weren't as big as the cub, but a bit bigger than a potato. Luna looked as tired as Nick.
Nick stood there looking very proud indeed, before going over to Luna and kissing her forehead,
"Is my Moonbeam happy?"
"Yes, very happy.", she smiled, handing him the Alicorn filly who was already cooing at the sight of her father.

The next morning, when Celestia walked into Nick and Luna's room, she smiled. There at the foot of the bed lay Nick, sleeping soundly while the Alicorn filly tugged at his ear with her mouth. Luna was awake grinning at Nick and their daughter, and the other two newborns were fast asleep on her. "Did you have a good night's sleep, sister?", Celestia asked kindly.
"Yes, but I'm sure worried about Nick, he's gone a month without any sleep fussing over me, not to mention he was up all night taking care of the foals while I slept. I'm a bad wife..."
"No you're not! You were just tired. And Nick would tell you that it's part of being a good husband", Celestia retorted.
It was during this conversation that Stella (Alicorn) yawned and went and curled up with her brother Nicky (Luck Dragon) and sister Bella (Luck Dragon/Alicorn hybrid). Luna smiled and stretched out her legs, accidentally kicking Nick, awaking him with a start.
"Huh? What?! Luna?! Do you need something?! A drink?! Some food?! Bottles?! A Lamborghini?!
Don't worry I'm right here!", Nick blurted, hitting his head on the bed frame 3 times before realizing he had it stuck under the foot of the bed, showing he wasn't fully awake.

"Awww, Honey, I'm sorry, go back to sleep.", Luna replied with a very worried expression.
Nick looked at Luna with a concerned look before shutting his eyes and dropping his head on the pillow, like a rock in the ocean.
"I'll just leave you two alone...", smiled Celestia, walking out of the room.. Stella started to cry.
"Sister! Could you warm this up, please?", Luna asked, tossing Celestia a bottle so as to not disturb Nick.
Celestia held the bottle with her glowing magic a second before tossing it back to Luna, who gave it to Stella, which made her happy as she sucked on the bottle.