• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

  • ...

Ready for Freddy?

"Mom!", exclaimed a teenage Stella, rushing at Luna and Nick, "There's 7 or 8 dragons coming this way...aahhhh!"
She was interrupted when particularly large dragon grabbed her and flew off.
Nick swooped up after it. "Hey! Let her go!", he shouted as he tackled the dragon carrying his daughter.
Then the rogue dragon turned to look at him, before it shouted to its comrades, " Stop! Land here!"
They landed not to far from Nick's house.

Nick snacthed Stella back and checked her for scratches before roaring, "How dare you try to eat my daughter! Who do you think you are?!"
"This is your daughter? Nick, I'm ashamed of you! Mixing with ponies! As for who I am, Freddy Braveheart! Your Father!"
Nick looked hard at Freddy before growling, "What do you want?"
"Come my son, join us and our domination of Equestria! For too long, our kind had been hunted! Now we shall take our revenge!", replied the old Luck Dragon, glaring at Stella, "I see you mated with an Alicorn, but come now, my boy, wouldn't you be happier with a dragoness"
" I have no father, you abandoned me!", Nick snarled, causing Stella to hide behind him.
"Only because you wouldn't do what a dragon is supposed to do! You wouldn't eat ponies, you wouldn't kill, you wouldn't even fight to defend yourself, all you cared about is other's safety!", roared Freddy.

"Because I'm not a dragon, I'm a Luck Dragon! So you take you and your pals, and leave Equestria, before I tear you to shreds!", Nick roared so loud, the earth shook.
Freddy laughed, pointing to his siblings, who were all black dragons, "Face it, Nick! We're the only real family you have left! Are you really going to fight us all off?", Freddy grinned.
"If that's what it takes.", Nick growled.
"Well, as much as I love killing things, I'm going to give you a fighting chance. You have 3 days to prepare. We won't touch any of your precious ponies, until you're dead, deal?", Freddy smiled, extending a wing.
Nick extended his and shook it. "Deal. Stella, lets go home, before your mother sends the entire army."
"Send my regards to the lucky mare! Heeheeheehee!", screamed one of Nick's siblings, laughing madly.
As soon as they were in their yard, Stella turned to Nick,
"Not to sound ungrateful, Dad, but you're so dead!"
"I know, sweetie, I know.", he sighed.

When they walked in, Luna had her face buried in the couch crying.
When she looked up and saw both of them in one piece, she charged at them crying, "Oh, Stella! I was so worried! I thought they were going to eat you. Oh, Nick! You're okay too!" Nick could feel her taking deep breaths from where she was crying when she hugged him.
"Honey, we need to talk.", he sighed.
After he explained what happened, she wrote a letter to the rest of the princesses before shouting,
"How dare he say those things! I'm rather proud of how we've done in bringing up a family! And I think you're perfect the way you are!" She nuzzled him after this, then a cold laugh came from the doorway.

"How you won the heart of the Princess of the Night, I'll never know.", grinned Freddy.
"What are you doing here?", Luna glared.
"I figured I might as well come and see what my despicable son has made of himself.", Freddy smiled in his cold accent.
Nicky, Stella, and Bella were hiding behind their parents, but Freddy only glared at Nicky.
"At least you did one thing right, too bad he looks like his stupid father."

Flames started to come out of Nicky's mouth, but Nick frowned, "You know that we don't cook our guests...in the living room..."
Freddy then looked at Bella. "As I expected, the ugly hybrid of the bunch.", he growled.
Bella broke down in tears before Nick roared, " Out!"
"See you in 3 days.", the old Luck Dragon smiled.
Soon, the princesses arrived, Cadance being the first inside.
"Oh, Stella! Are you okay? I came as soon as I heard!", she exclaimed, grabbing Stella and hugging her.
"Yeah, I'm fine...", Stella replied, still shaking at the fact that she almost got eaten by her grandfather.
Nick wrapped his wings around the children before saying, "Don't worry, kids, I won't let him get you."
"Really?", Bella asked.
"Over my dead body."

"Yeah, let's just hope we won't be cleaning any up!", Dashie frowned.
"So what exactly happened? Because when I got your message, I only read the word 'trouble' before rushing over here.", Twilight asked. "As did we. Explain.", Celestia said with a concerned look. So Nick told his story once more