• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

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Tempers and Bonding

After Nick had explained the current situation once more, Cadance flared up.
"No one threatens my Papa or my little sister and gets away with it!"
"Maybe we can just ask them to leave?", Fluttershy said meekly.
"Freddy isn't one for manners.", Luna sighed.
"Then we'll have to force them out!", Rarity exclaimed.
"That's exactly what I intend to do.", Nick said.
"Now don't you go off and think that you're doing this alone! We're going to help!", Applejack said sternly, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"No one is going to get hurt trying to help me with my family issues, so no!", Nick growled, knowing she would say that.
"But, Darling, you can't expect us to sit and watch you get brutally beaten up by those hooligins! That's too painful for me to even think about!", Rarity retorted.
Nick sighed, "This is my fight! And I won't let anyone get hurt, not while I breathe."

Luna started to worry. "Nick, calm yourself. I don't like it when you get stressed out, your fur starts falling out.", she said, putting out her bottom lip, so as to pout.
Nick took a deep breath before putting his wing around her and kissed her saying, " I guess you're right. Anything for my Loonie Woonie."
"Oh, Nick, not in front of everyone!", Luna smiled, kissing him back.

Celestia smiled at this before saying, "Give me some time and I might be able to think of something by tomorrow. Good night."
After everyone left, the moon was raised, and the kids put in bed, Nick and Luna found themselves plopping into bed.
"Nick, he didn't hurt Stella, did he?"
"No, but if he did, I swear..."

Luna decided to change the subject, kissing his snout and scooted up to him. "Niiiccckk..."
"Yes, my moonbeam?"
"Why do you love me?"
Nick smiled, "Because without you, I'd be lost. Nameless. Nothing. But you taught me that anyone can love and be loved. Even a dragon."
"Not just any old dragon, a Luck Dragon.", Luna cooed, kissing him before she shut her eyes and sighed, "I love you too."

Twilight came by in the morning with a big book that was titled, Spells for Dragons.
"Here, this might help you.", she said.
" Thanks, maybe tomorrow, right now, I'm practicing something very important right now.", panted Nick as Luna got him a glass of lemonade. He then crouched down and jumped 450 ft into the air and landed on his feet without breaking a sweat!
"This is what made so famous I got my own video games! Don't believe me? They used to call me Jumpdragon! Ask Cadance!", Nick smiled seeing Twilight's amazement.

Celestia and Cadance were also sitting next to Luna and the kids.
"That's 50 ft higher than the last jump, Nick! Great work!", Celestia smiled.
"Papa! I think you need to take a break, that was really high! Almost as high as the 'Jump of 96'!", Cadance worried.
"Jump of 96?", Twilight puzzled.
"That's where I jumped so high, I hit my head on the moon!", Nick grinned.
"You hit your head on the moon?", Bella asked, it was the first time she had talked since Freddy had insulted her.

"He sure did, honey. In fact, he left a dent where he hit so hard!", Luna replied, kissing Bella's forehead.
"You know, I was hoping to help you with the spells in this book, so we can bond as father and daughter in law. If...that's...okay with you?", Twilight said, hoofing the ground.
"I don't see why not! Maybe I can bond with my sister in law as well!", Nick smiled, putting his wing around Twilight.
Celestia took this as a cue and went over to help the two. By the end of the day, Nick had learned to change the temperature of his flame, how to breathe ice, and put up a force field. But then Freddy came by again.

"Good evening, Nick, princesses. I see you're buffing up on your magic, not that it'll help." He then saw Bella. "Despicable.", he growled. Bella broke down into tears once again.
Luna tried to comfort her while Celestia demanded, "Who do you think you are, insulting my sister's children!"
"Freddy Braveheart, I was Nick's father before I disowned him.", he smiled, "You must be Princess Celestia. You're a lot nicer than I imagined. Disgusting!"
"I'm warning you! Get away, or I will have to hurt you, very badly!", Nick growled.
Freddy laughed before taking off and heading to the forest.
"You alright, Sis?", he asked Celestia.
"I'm fine, thank you, Nick. I have to go arrange some business at Canterlot. Good night, Sister.", she replied hugging Nick and Luna and teleporting.