• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

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Lunch with Sport

By lunch time, Nick was very well rested, despite Nicky having tugged on his ear with his teeth the whole time. At first Luna let it go, but after Celestia mentioned the fact that Nicky could develop his taste for the wrong kind of meat like this, so Luna had some fish brought in for him. After Nicky had devoured 3 whole fish, Nick woke up.

"Do I smell fish?", he asked excitedly.
"Yes, your son got hungry.", Luna smiled, handing him a plate of fish with her magic. Nick kissed her cheek before eating his fish.
Then all three kids came over to him (they were hyperactive, just like when he was a Luck Dragon cub) , climbed on their father's back, and fell asleep.
Celestia smiled while Luna nuzzled Nick, "And you said your fathering skills were rusty..."

"Well,..." Nick blushed as Stella curled into a furry little ball on his back.
"Nick, don't be so humble! You know that I think you're the best husband a mare could have! And you'll make a great father! Just ask Cadance.", Celestia smiled.
Suddenly, the kids woke up and started jumping up and down, for they saw Cadance, her husband Shining Armor and their 10-year old unicorn son, Sport. The kids all ran and hugged Cadance's legs, while Sport greeted his grandparents.

"Grandpa! Grandma! I won the tennis semi final!", smiled Sport, hugging Nick and Luna.
"That's great, Sport!", smiled Luna, nuzzling him, while Cadance and Celestia played with the kids, and Nick and Shining brohoofed.
"So, Pop, we were wondering if you and Mom can watch Sport for the weekend, while we attend to some business...can you please?", Shining asked.
"Of course! At least stay for dinner!", Nick grinned.
"Don't worry, Papa! We planned on it!", smiled

Author's Note:

The reason the kids are so hyperactive after they were born, is the fact that they have all that Luck Dragon adrenaline rush from their father, In-The-Nick-Of-Time Braveheart. Thus, resulting in them walking and jumping at a earlier age than normal fillies and colts would.