• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

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The Gala and The Most Tragic Departure

Tonight was when the Gala started, and Nick, Luna, and Cadance went to get some dress clothes. "Where are we going first, Mama?", Cadance asked looking up at Luna.
"We're going to get your papa a suit and tie, then we'll make him the most handsome Luck Dragon at the Gala!", she smiled.
"Mama, he's the only Luck Dragon that's going to be at the Gala!", Cadance giggled.
"I know, I was just playing with you.", Luna grinned, kissing her forehead.

They then walked into a store for stallions, but Nick was close enough. They ended up getting him a night blue suit and bow tie covered in stars. They then went to the mares store and got Luna a dress to match Nick's outfit, and Cadance got a pink dress with a purple bow, covered in gems. Then they all went home and put them on and went to the Gala.

They were greeted by Father and Mother.
"Father! Mother! You remember Nick and his daughter, Cadance, don't you?", Luna smiled.
"Of course we do. Thank you, Nick, for coming as our daughter's date. You're just right for her.", Mother replied, smiling at Nick.
"Anything for my Loonie Woonie.", he grinned back, nuzzling Luna.
"Nick, not in front of my parents!", she moaned, embarrassed, nuzzling him back.

"Oh Luna, if I remember correctly, you used to call him Bravey-Wavey all the time.", Father laughed.
"Aunt Celestia!", Cadance exclaimed when she saw Celestia.
Celestia smiled, "You made it! Let's go have some fun! If that's alright with your parents."
Nick had Luna give him a begging look before saying, "Go on, Cadie, have fun."
So Cadance went off with Celestia.
"Looks like its you and me.", Luna smiled.
"I guess it is. Wanna dance?", asked Nick. And they danced the rest of the night.

7 Years Later.....

It had been 7 years since Luna christened herself Cadance's adoptive mother. A very happy day for Cadance. But today was the saddest day in Nick or Luna's life: Cadance had to go back. She had reached the age of 14, which in the Crystal Empire is the age a new ruler is crowned.
Nick sat up all night crying, knowing that Cadance was no longer his little Cadie. Nick, Luna, and Cadance were waiting at the station for the Crystal Train to pick up Cadance. "My Little Cadie......she's leaving.......", Nick sobbed, whose eyes were bloodshot.

"No one to greet me in the morning.......no one to hug good night....Oh Cadie!", he sobbed in reply. Cadance got a sad look on her face, before raising Nick's head so his eyes would meet hers with her hoof. "It doesn't matter what happens, you're my Papa! I know I won't be around anymore, but that doesn't mean I won't love you. Do you know what the Amore in my name means? It's Italian for Love! It means I'll always love you.", she said before giving him a great big hug. "I love you Papa." The Crystal Train pulled in. A porter quickly grabbed Cadance's stuff as she quickly hugged Luna.

"I love you, Mama! Bye!", she exclaimed, giving Nick one last hug.
As soon as she got on the train, he burst into tears. After that, things started going downhill. Luck Dragons were being hunted, Nick had to go into hiding, and Luna became Nightmare Moon and got banished. But all is well in the end.

Author's Note:

You might notice in the next section, which moves from the past, back into the present, a short while after section 2, I try and make Nick's father a little bit too much like Bowser, and his siblings like the Koopalings. Just saying!