• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

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Break A Leg, Physically and Sarcastically

On the way to school, Stella was having a nervous tick.
"Is something wrong?", Penny asked with concern.
"I have a crush on Ratchet!", she exclaimed, before blushing really red.
"It's okay, just tell him how you feel! He'll understand!", Penny smiled.
"I don't know if I can...", Stella stuttered.
"Of course you can! You're Nick Braveheart's daughter! You're strong! Believe in yourself.", Penny grinned encouragingly.

So during Math, English and History classes, Stella sat next to Ratchet but said nothing. During Lunch she said nothing. But during recess, on the top of the wall, she was about to confess her feelings, when someone thought it was funny to push her off, resulting in her falling 10 ft to the ground. She tried to get up, but the pain was too great and started crying.
Ratchet and Pipsqueak (Who had become a teacher) saw this and ran over to help her.
They took her to Nurse Sweetie Belle's office, where she examined it, "I'm afraid you have a broken leg, Pipsqueak would you please call her parents?"

"Sure thing, Sweetie! I'll put that brat in detention while I'm at it.", he replied.
"Thank you, Nurse Sweetie Belle.", Stella sniffed as she bandaged up her leg.
"No problem, dear. It's my job. And please, call me Sweetie.", the nurse smiled, "How's your dad?"
"He's doing a lot better now that he's quit his old job! He even told us he got a new job here! Do you know what it is?", Stella asked.

"I do, but I can't tell you, it's a surprise.", Sweetie Belle smiled.
Stella turned to see Ratchet was still there with a worried look.
"Thank you, Ratchet.", she grinned before planting a kiss on his muzzle, "Would Saturday be alright for a date?"
"Y-Y-Yes!", he smiled, mouth hanging open.

Nick and Luna dashed in.
"Are you alright?", Luna asked, examining her bandaged leg.
"I broke my leg, Mom.", Stella said, hugging her mother.
"Thanks, Sweetie.", Nick smiled, carrying Stella on his back. She winked at Ratchet before he vanished from her sight.

The next day, Stella went to school in a wheelchair, with Ratchet being her personal nurse, not because he was asked to, but because he wanted to. Nicky and Penny met them outside the school.
"Are you two finally dating?", smiled Penny.
"Sort of, considering I can't go anywhere by myself. At least I always have Ratchet beside me.", she replied.
"Anything for My Little Star.", he said, kissing her forehead. Stella giggled. It was time for class! Today in history, the teacher, (Yes, her and Big Mac got married) made an announcement.

"As you all know, I'll be retiring today..."
"Awwww...", groaned the class.
"But you'll have a new teacher! Boys and girls, may I introduce In-The-Nick-Of-Time Braveheart!"
Nick came out from behind a shelf and walked up to the teacher's desk as the class applauded Nick gave Cheerilee a hug as she smiled, "Missed ya, Nick! It's good to see you again."
"I missed you too.", he looked to the class before starting his speech.
"I'm very excited to be here today! Now I want you to know that I might be more serious than your old teacher, but if no one does anything stupid...", he said this last part looking at the jocks and bullies present in the class.
"Now to begin today's lesson, we'll start with when I was younger than you, about 6000 years ago..."

After school, Penny kissed Nicky before going home with her aunt. And Ratchet kissed Stella before walking home with his parents. "That was a great lesson, Dad! Was it all true?", Bella smiled, jumping on to his back.
"I was there, of course it's true.", Nick scoffed.
"Dad, I like your being a teacher, but why?", Stella asked.
"It's just a hobby. And besides, I retired from my old job, remember?", he smiled, pushing his daughter's wheelchair home and Nicky and Bella following.

Tonight was the Ponyville High Talent Show, and everyone, teachers and students, had their acts ready. Luna, Octavia, Nick, and Nurse Sweetie Belle were the judges. There were many acts, to name a few. First up was Ratchet and Stella (She was out of her wheelchair and using crutches). juggled oranges with their noses, which made Luna laugh and give them a 10, Octavia handed out a 8, Sweetie Belle gladly gave a 10, and Nick raised a 9.

Next was Nicky and Penny, who did a rendition of "Who's on First". 9s all around. Pipsqueak did a special hat dance, Nick gave him a 9.5, while everyone else gave 8. The principal preformed a daring tightrope routine. Perfect 10!
Bella did a solo fire eating stunt. Another perfect 10! And a scolding from Luna to not play with fire. And a few others preformed their acts before it ended.

The judges all whispered to each other before announcing the winner:
The P.E teacher, Rainbow Dash, who preformed a miniature Sonic Rainboom. Finally the show ended, and everypony went home. On the way home, Luna told the kids how impressed she was of their acts while Nick nodded and smiled in agreement. After they put the kids to bed, and got in bed, Luna looked at Nick and smiled, "Our children are so talented! They get that from their father."
"Oh honey, you're talented too.", Nick retorted, but to no avail. Luna was fast asleep.

Author's Note:

I don't own Abbot and Costello!