• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

The Luck Dragon and the Moon - DaiAtlas2016

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

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The next two days, Nick trained. Apparently, his idea of training included Street Pony Fighter, Super Smash Ponies, and Big Mac's Punch Out.
"Nick, darling, don't you think you should be training?", Rarity pondered, having brought him a head band with the initials I.T.N.O.T.B (For In-The-Nick-Of-Time Braveheart, his full name) laced with gold thread.
"I am.", he smiled before checking his clock, which read noon, "It's time."

Freddy and his kids were waiting for him with a TV and P64.
"I see you are not going to surrender. Very well. Braveheart Kart 64 or Super Smash Ponies?", Freddy laughed.
"Your pick.", Nick replied.
"Alright then, Super Smash Ponies! You can pick one of your pony friends to control you while we fight!", Freddy grinned, somehow ending up in the TV. One of his kids came over and picked up Player 2's controller. Nick nodded to Cadance before teleporting into the TV.
Cadance picked up Player 1's controller and chose the "Braveheart's House" stage.

Freddy started the battle by punching Nick 3 times, before Cadance reacted by making Nick grabbing Freddy and throwing him in the air! When he came back down, Nick hit him back up with a charged kick! The next time, Freddy kicked Nick before he could react when he landed, then threw him to the side! By this time, Nick only had 20% damage, while Freddy had 87%! Cadance knew exactly what to do. She did a triple combo punch, sending Freddy off screen, never to return!

As soon as the Braveheart Kids saw their father defeated, they immediately flew away from Equestria, also to never return!
Nick jumped out of the screen to be greeted by his happy family.
"Oh, Nick! I was so worried!", Luna said, pulling him into a heartfelt kiss.
"Cadance wasn't worried, were you?", Nick smiled.
"I was a little, but how did you know I would win? I've never played Super Smash Ponies!", Cadance admitted.
"Because you're my little gamer!", Nick replied, kissing Cadance's forehead.
And there was peace once again.

Author's Note:

This next and final section of the story will show Nicky, Stella, and Bella in their high school years, after that there will a separate story for when Nick and Luna are in their elder years, and the kids all grown up. Note that it won't be released immediately.